Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1402: Secret Fairy City

When the last person disappeared into the darkness, Long Tianyu immediately said, "Well, we still have to make a final prayer, please leave immediately."

The puppet retreated immediately, and she was taken to the depths of the temple by Long Tianyu.

Then she saw clearly that this temple did not have any idols.

What I have is just a deep corridor, I don't know where it extends.

刚才 And just now, Lord Yuan, they disappeared from here.

Until now, she was still in fog.

Until Long Tianyu, took her to a darkened hut.

梦 "Mengya, are you okay?"

He looked at her nervously. After he was sure she was safe, the anxiety in his eyes was a little less.

"What the **** is going on with all this? What fairyland, and who is that Yuan Yuan?"

Instinctively told her that the secret inside was something she had never imagined.

He is just, but he is unknowingly in deep.

Chen Long Tianyu looked at her with some hesitation.

"Let me tell her, you better prepare to go."

Wenrun's voice was exhausted.

Lin Lin Mengya looked behind Long Tianyu and saw a man about forty years old who walked in from the doorway, but pale and slender.

"Teacher, please."

Nine Dragons Tianyu respected him very much, and he also trusted him.

And this title, Lin Mengya is not strange at all.

"You, the Lord of the Temple, aren't you?"

Even though she had been seen before, she did not expect that the man was a fake.

The temple owner standing in front of her eyes was kind, peaceful, and handsome, with a little sadness on his face.

He is not so high as the Lord of the Palace, but rather he is a savior with a cherished life.

"Yes, you go first. She has the right to know all this, I said long ago that you can't hide it from her."

The main hall master sighed softly.

However, Long Tianyu's eyes flashed, and after looking at her with a complex look, he turned out of the room.

"Sit down, girl, it's too late."

Lin Lin Mengya found that it was difficult for her to violate this person's words.

His tone is very light and light.

But it makes people want unconscious obedience, not that kind of command, but a wonderful feeling of being persuaded.

Zhe Lin Mengya obediently did the chair next to her, and the owner of the temple also sat next to her.

After sighing again and again, he said lightly, "Are you wondering, what is the source of all this?"

Zhe Lin Mengya's mind was guessed by him. She really wanted to know what the big hand that had pushed her here was in fact.

The master of the palace hall looked at her softly, but at this time Lin Mengya discovered that the palace master's eyes were actually a rare light gray.

事情 "Things, roughly 50 years ago, after your great-grandmother heard the oracle, came to me and started talking."

She was a little excited, she always felt that she wanted to know some incredible secrets.

"Your great-grandmother was a rare and wise man. The palace family really developed very well in her hands. At that time, your palace family was the deserved top ten family family. But the palace family kept a secret. That is, the owners of each generation of the palace are actually twins. "

Lin Lin Mengya was shocked. She had never heard of these things.

Then, the main thing that Dian told her was to make Lin Mengya completely stupid.

"In fact, the twins born to each of the housekeepers are not their husband's children. This is the price that the housekeepers have to pay when they gain wealth. Your great-grandmother is a husband who loves her very much. ... so she discovered the secret. "

Lin Lin Mengya only felt that her third view burst.

"That, then my grandmother"

"Your grandmother is an exception, because your great-grandmother gave birth to a pair of dead babies."

Pinching her fingers, curled tightly together.

How did you say, she probably didn't think about it, this is what happened.

After the temple master answered her question, she continued: "But the palace family will exist because one of the twins is left as a sacrifice. The one who gave birth After the stillbirth, your maternal grandmother discussed with me how to deal with it. At the time, I didn't know that this temple was actually a gatehouse guarding the gate of the fairy city. "

When he said this, he had a slight taunt in his tone.

Lin Lin Mengya dare not interrupt, but could only hear this person continue to speak.

"You must be curious. If you want to know about Xiancheng, then I will tell you. Xiancheng is a huge cage, where the worst evil devil in the world is trapped. And also. But why does the kingdom of defense exist and why Will it be what it is now? "

Lin Lin Mengya shook her head. She only felt that Wei Wei was weird, but didn't know the reason.

"Because, the Great Patriotic Kingdom is just the **** that Xiancheng used to captive slaves!"

The spirit of the main hall master was a little excited, and he began to cough from a distance.

Lin Lin Mengya stepped forward immediately, helping him caress his back, and followed his rapid breathing.

"How come you were seriously injured?"

She was a little surprised. Just now, after subconsciously touching his pulse, she found that the temple owner had suffered severe internal injuries.

At this moment, the rumbling outside sounded again. But it seems to be a lot smaller.

Hearing this voice, the archmaster's brows frowned tightly.

"It doesn't matter, we can't die. We don't have much time, so listen to me first."

The master of the palace speeded up his speech, and Lin Mengya also felt the urgency in his tone.

"The temple is built according to the mountain, because the middle of the mountain has been hollowed out. To reach the fairy city, you must first go down the passage in the middle of the mountain. You remember, after a while you Follow Xier, you must not let the other party see you. But only you can kill them completely. Later, no matter what you see, don't panic. Remember, after killing them, you will Follow Xier and leave the temple together! "

"But seniors, what about the sacrifices you mentioned earlier, and the palace family?"

The master of the palace looked outside and hesitated and said, "Because the sacrifices of the palace family are the tools for the cultivation of the Holy Son in Xiancheng. Your great-grandmother used the strategy of hiding the sky and crossing the sea for a while, which made the palace family safe Fifty years have passed. But now it is time to sacrifice again. This time, their goal is you. "

Alas, before she finished speaking, she rushed out of the room along with the master of the palace.

Zhe Lin Mengya's head became a mess of porridge.

But now, she understood a few things.

First of all, the reason why the palace family will have those glory is because the previous housekeepers exchanged with the people of Xiancheng.

Second, the great-grandmother discovered the secret of the sacrifice, but did not compromise, so there was a series of things later.

Third, it was the target of those Xiancheng people who became her.

But she still doesn't understand, what exactly is fairy city?

And, where does the passage hidden in the mountainside lead?

The more confused she was, the more she felt that the matter might be related to a great conspiracy.

But now, there is no time for her to think quietly.

Outside, Long Tianyu has put on a tight black suit.

"Well, I'll send you here first. Xier, write carefully."

It seems that the situation of the Lord of the Palace Hall was really serious. After sending them outside, he was supported by two people.

"Well, rest assured, teacher, I will definitely bring everyone back safely."

Xiao Long Tianyu's expression was a little serious.

The anxiety in Gao Linmengya's heart gradually disappeared, yes, what terrible is she with him beside her?

"let's go."

He held her hand. And at the back, I don't know when, many people in black actually gathered.

She looked back, but saw a few familiar faces.

I came to Baili Wuchen and Ling Ye. They all were there. Suddenly Lin Mengya had the illusion of going to the battlefield with him.

"Are you afraid?"

He asked softly, but Lin Mengya shook his head resolutely without hesitation.

"I'm not afraid with you."

He smiled and held her hand, with a little murderous look in his face, and said loudly, "Go!"

Everyone, following him silently, rushed into the deep corridor.

Zhe Lin Mengya and Long Tianyu walked in the middle, and beside them, those in black were methodical.

The atmosphere was unexplainable tension, Lin Mengya and they finally came to the end of the promenade.

Here, it is a huge stone gate.

Xiaolong Tianyu waved his hand, and someone rushed up immediately and opened the stone door.

Inside, the huge stone steps that were not as dark and wide as she had guessed could allow dozens of people to pass through at the same time, extending to the distance.

It's empty here, but it has the light that hasn't gone out yet.

The crowd seemed no stranger to this place, and the well-trained crowd ran down like a tide.

Lin Mengya and Long Tianyu could not help speeding up the pace.

"Fear, we can catch up with them."

He whispered and comforted, but Lin Mengya snorted for a while before reflecting on what he said.

"Is it Master Yuan?"

Chen Longyu nodded his head, lowering his voice even more, and said, "I won't let anyone take the news about you back. Rest assured, no one can take you away from me."

She was a bit sad, she knew that Long Tianyu was the one who was the least likely to hurt herself, but why did she have to doubt that he had another ambition?

But Long Tianyu didn't give her much time.

"Other things, let's go back and talk about it. Not to blame you, it's okay."

现在 Until now, he was still comforting her.

Lin Lin Mengya nodded strongly, he was right, no matter what was right or wrong, they went back, and there was a lot of time to make up for it.

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