Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1404: Kill the messenger

The flint stone door just opened, and several cold rays came straight to them.

Xun Long Tianyu subconsciously protected her behind her. The cold light came too fast and instantly fell into the chests of the people in front of them.

There were several muffled sounds of 噗 "噗通", and the person fell to the ground.

"Hahahaha, I know, you will bring her here! Well, give me someone obediently, maybe, I can still save your life!"

Master Yuan Yuan walked in madly from the door, and behind him, many people in black tights poured out.

There was a seemingly medicinal smell, which filled the entire underground space.

Lin Lin Mengya frowned, and hid behind Long Tianyu.

"These are-holy slaves? Sure enough, you did it!"

It seems that he knows a little about these people.

Wu Wenyan said, she poked out half of her head and looked curiously at the people outside.

However, she was not warned by the small medicine.

This shows that there is no mysterious substance in the bodies of the holy slaves of those people.


"What I did? This is a big mistake for you! I tell you, they are not those lowly imitations on the ground. They are the most faithful slaves of our fairyland. They have found survival since birth significance!"

Master Yuan seemed to feel that he had a winning ticket, and the words he spoke were extremely arrogant.

Only then did Lin Mengya understand that it turned out that these people were actually descendants of the transformed!

No wonder, there is no mysterious substance that can change people!

At the same time, her disgust towards the so-called fairyland has increased even more.

What kind of **** is fairyland, it is clear that people who take the ground are not seen properly!

"No more nonsense, today, no matter how many of you, you will die here."

Xiaolong Tianyu frowned and waved under his hands, and the people around him immediately attacked.

"Wait here."

He pushed Lin Mengya behind him and whispered something.

The latter nodded, with a little perseverance in his eyes.

Chen Long Tianyu nodded at her gently, turned, pulled out his long sword, and fought with those people.

"Hum! You can't help it! Gong Ya, I advise you to be aware of current affairs. Your palace family has done one thing wrong now, but now, do you want to do the second thing wrong?"

The crowd that met the soldiers was separated between her and Master Yuan. The man couldn't get over, so he could only yell in the opposite direction.

Qi Lin Meng Yali ignored him and locked her eyes tightly on Long Tianyu.

"Some of you, catch me secretly!"

A touch of cold light passed over Master Yuan's eyes.

He is bound to win Gong Ya.

He bowed his head, and his opponent ordered.

之中 In the black that the light can't find, a few shadows quickly rushed from their side and went straight to her direction.

The battle situation is very tight. Although Long Tianyu and their side are elite troops, the body of He Shengnu is really weird.

They seem to exist for the purpose of killing people. As long as their heads have not been beheaded, even if the blood is flowing, they can still fight with others.

全部 All her attention was on Long Tianyu.

I did not expect to be behind, I do not know when, around a few people.

"What are you going to do?"

She seemed to sense the danger, and immediately turned around, shouting in horror.

The black men ignored her and reached out to grab her shoulder.

It seemed to her that even before her horns of clothing were touched, her chest was pierced by a silver sharp blade.

"Do you think I will leave the danger to her?"

Long Tianyu, who had been entangled by several holy slaves, provoked her thin lips, smiling dangerously and scornfully.

"You think you can catch me with just a few of you?"

Almost at the same time, Lin Mengya put away her panic expression, raised her brow and said calmly.

"Oh no good!"

大 Master Yuan's face sank, and he did not expect that the two were so cunning.

"Go! Withdraw!"

The man was so happy that when he saw that he could not take advantage, he immediately ran.

What a pity, the two of them ducked where they could handle it.

"Leave them!"

Xiaolong Tianyu shouted, and suddenly, countless dark shadows poured from the corner.

There are more people than people, they really don't lose!

Gao Linmengya retreated gracefully aside, but the dark crossbow that had been hidden in her sleeve was ready to go.

She didn't use it before, it was all about fearing to affect other people.

Now, I'm afraid of a bird!

"Murong Xi, how dare you!"

Master Yuan was a little panicked, even if he knew that the meaning of going back was to bring the woman back to the palace.

But now, he has even lost his life here.


I didn't bother much, and under the order of Long Tianyu Sen Leng, the two sides were fighting again.

However, this time, the evenly matched scene just turned into the unilateral slaughter of Long Tianyu.

Lin Lin Mengya knows better than anyone when this happened.

Smashing her blood has become a weapon for harvesting enemy lives.

Suddenly she felt a shock, and she remembered the Lord's advice.

I ca n’t, let them find themselves.

Now it seems that they are not the group of Master Yuan.

The slaughter came to an end.

She saw Long Tianyu and they were directly fatal when they met the holy slaves, and then they cut off their skulls.

But there are many living people who follow Master Yuan, just stunned.

Such discriminatory treatment gave her some kind of speculation.

"Murong Xi! You are looking for death!"

Master Yuan Yuan fought and retreated, watching that he had reached the edge of the seventh floor.

But Long Tianyu has been pressing hard step by step, not giving him a chance to survive.

Strangely, Lord Yuan, they are obviously at a disadvantage, but instead of desperately trying to back away.

Nine Dragons Tianyu's offensive was even more severe, and seemed to be anxious.

"Let me, stay with me!"

He growled and tried his best.

Wherever He went, he reaped the lives of those people like a **** of death.

Mindful of heart, a strong sense of crisis rose.

Lin Mengya, who is driving the Shennong system, is like a most sensitive induction radar.

She immediately turned around and released the three dark crossbows she had been holding.

The sound of the breaking air sounded, Lin Mengya stepped back immediately without any hesitation.

I was in the position where she was standing just now. At this moment, there was a person who was all wrapped in black.

"Miss Protection!"

In the crowd, Baili Dustless and Ling Ye rushed to her almost instantly.

Even so, Lin Mengya's heart was still jumping.

I ’m just close, just close, she will be killed by that person, right?

The sense of crisis that made her legs soft, finally found the cause at this moment.

She's sure, from the moment she came here to now, this person is the one she feels most sincerely afraid of!

Who is he? What is he going to do?

"No matter who you are, as long as you bring me Gongya, I will take you into Xiancheng, how?"

Mr. Yuan Yuan's eyes showed his light, and he also stopped and threw his own condition to seduce the mysterious man.

But Lin Mengya knew that that person would ignore Master Yuan.

Sure enough, he just took a step towards Lin Mengya.

"Why did you kill me?"

She raised her voice and questioned, fearless in her eyes, even if the other party's martial arts were strong, she was not afraid of him!

"Because you **** it."

Mysterious people have hoarse voices, but the coldness in the words is beyond doubt.

At this moment, Long Tianyu also leapt in front of her, blocking her behind, and facing the person.

The mysterious man stopped his footsteps. Obviously, he was wary of Long Tianyu's blood-stained sword.

"She is my wife, anyone, never mind hurting her!"

At this moment, Lin Mengya felt that there seemed to be something changing in Long Tianyu's body.

I was like just now. Although he was fighting with those people, after all, it was like a sharp blade that had never been sheathed.

Now, when he confronts the mysterious man, the whole coldness converges deeply.

On the contrary, she made her feel that he seemed to be moving at this moment.

"She died, and the devil underground would die with it. Shouldn't she be dead?"

The mysterious man seemed angry, pointing at her.

Suddenly, Long Tianyu pointed at him with a sword and said coldly, "She is my wife. If you want to move her, kill me first!"

The atmosphere was tense, and it started immediately.

Master Yuan Yuan, but wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to escape.

But did not expect that Long Tianyu's men have long been prepared.

All the remaining people were beheaded and killed by Long Tianyu's men, leaving only Master Yuan.

"You, you will all die! I am the messenger of the fairy city, I am the messenger!"

With a beep, Long Tianyu threw the sword in his hand.

He also called Master Yuan Yuan, who was very good, but he was nailed to the stone wall at this moment.

"Do you think you can protect her?"

The mysterious man also seemed to have converged his emotions, his voice, and became calm again.

"I can!"

Chen Long Tianyu resolutely answered. In his eyes, there was never a certainty.

As soon as Lin Mengya wanted to say something, she heard a loud noise, and it seemed to come from far away.

Also, it didn't ring from their side.

Instead, from the other side!

"Come on!"

The mysterious man conquered and murmured.

Xiaolong Tianyu frowned, and ordered his men to retreat.

And Lin Mengya was caught by him, wrapped in his cloak.

Everyone ran in the direction of the previous door, and there was a second voice behind him.

Finally, the moment before the third loud sound was to be remembered, they reached the seventh door.

The booming rumbling sounded almost at the same time. Lin Mengya saw Long Tianyu's face serious and did not dare to ask more.

They kept running, and after the third door, Long Tianyu relaxed a little.

大家 And everyone, almost all overstretched.

Even the mysterious man kept breathing.

"You killed the angel of the fairy city, this time, you will definitely be found."

As soon as the mysterious man gasped, he whispered at Long Tianyu.

"I don't need you!"

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