Chen Long Tianyu refused coldly, but always took Lin Mengya's hand and never let go.

"Don't be afraid, it's okay."

He looked at her with a smile, still comforting her.

Zhe Lin Mengya's heart has never been so confused today.

Because of that man's words, she made her care.

"Hum! You think of yourself."

The mysterious man walked away, Lin Mengya watched his figure disappear into the night, but a little doubt appeared in his heart.

This person can come and go without hindrance, it seems that the identity must be extraordinary.

Alas, she looked at Long Tianyu.

His attitude also puzzled her.

Is he a mysterious person?

The huge door opening behind her was no longer sounding, and there were many mysteries in her mind.

After the people around for a while, they were ready to leave.

She whispered, "Are we leaving like this?"

Chen Long Tianyu nodded and embraced her.

"We're lucky today, we evacuated before they came. There is something, we will go back to talk."

Behind her, someone kept spraying various powders on the ground to mask the smell.

The reason why they turned and ran just now is probably because someone from Xiancheng came over?

But what is this medicinal powder for?


Two short screams made the look of vigilance all around.

Nine Dragons Tianyu immediately wrapped her inside with a cape.

"Hush, don't talk."

He said softly in her ear, then, she could hear nothing more than the sound of breathing.

Gradually, there was a sound of soft footsteps, and she felt something seemed to be stepping on the medicine powder behind her.

He doesn't sound like a human, but an animal like a mouse.

But it seems that it should be bigger than mice.

Voices gradually, but always just wandering around them.

Lin Lin Mengya felt that Long Tianyu's body seemed a little tight. What was it that made him so nervous?

I do not know how long after that, the sound disappeared, but Long Tianyu did not let her down, but hugged her and hurried away.

She gently pulled Long Tianyu's shirt and wanted to ask him what happened.

Long Tianyu didn't let her down until she heard another door opening and closing.

I just didn't expect that as soon as she landed, she saw a few people, and her face fell blue.

"His Royal Highness, several of them were bitten by the earth dragon. Now, I'm afraid it won't work!"

Ling Ling's face was sorrow-free and unhappy, but in his tone, he carried a very subtle touch of jealousy.

From the moment she got out of Long Tianyu's cloak, Xiaoyao had detected the poison in those people.

He looked back at his cloak, and suddenly remembered that when he was in Lieyun Kingdom, he once had a piece of clothing that could be isolated from the Shennong system.

In my opinion, this one should be made of similar materials.

I didn't have time to ask, she walked quickly to the few people.

"There is still a rescue, you can bear it, it may hurt. You help to lift it up, I will detoxify you when you go out!"

She took the pulse and returned to Long Tianyu.

The latter was staring at the closed door with a dignified look.

"What are you trying to avoid just now?"

Until now, she was still in fog.

As if everyone knew what their enemies were, only she was blinded.

But if Long Tianyu doesn't say this time, she won't ask.

不 He doesn't say that he always has his own reasons, and that nine out of ten is related to himself.


This time, he didn't choose to hide.

I was just the emotion in those eyes, but it seemed a little complicated.

"They are a kind of big mouse that the Xiancheng people deliberately domesticated and used to investigate. However, that mouse grew up eating poisonous insects and weeds. It is very fierce. Some of them are because they did not dodge the area of ​​the medicinal powder timely. I was bitten. Dilong is the lowest poison in Xiancheng. "

His gaze, with a little helplessness.

Lin Mengya also seemed to understand why this person would not allow himself to touch everything in Xiancheng.

所以 "So, this is just the simplest detection method in Xiancheng?"

I watched him nod, Lin Mengya realized the seriousness of the matter.

"How long can you stop them by relying only on these gates?"

If the people of Xiancheng want to come out, I am afraid that by their means, the whole country on the ground and neighboring countries will not have a good end.

"I don't know, but the people in Xiancheng have a fatal weakness. They have become accustomed to living under the ground. If they rush to the ground, they will violently die."

"Where did Master Yuan's grandfather come from?"

Long Tianyu looked at her solemnly and said, "Master Yuan's grandfather is just a land person living in Xiancheng. After thousands of years, Xiancheng has already become purgatory. The people there are crazy, they think they are I am a god. Therefore, I want to enslave people on the ground. Mengya, your great-grandmother, used this plan to extend this time by more than fifty years. Then, we can only rely on us! "

She is a little embarrassed, but she has understood some things.

"Other things, after we go back, the teacher and I will naturally explain to you. Now, let's go."

Zhe Lin Mengya no longer asked, and the group immediately rushed to the exit.

Finally, the first door of the familiar temple appeared before their eyes.

Because of being in the mountain belly, time is not sharp.

When she rushed out of the door and saw that the sunlight outside was a bit harsh, the system showed that they were inside and had spent almost one day and one night.

Seeing the sunshine, exhaustion gradually climbed into their bodies.

But the temple was quietly scary, and they didn't leave the temple until their eyes gradually adjusted to the light outside.

Suddenly the body was lying on the outside square at this moment.

"His Royal Highness! Your Highness has come out!"

Several saint-like people were struggling to support, and after seeing Long Tianyu they shouted in a crying voice.

Xiao Long Tianyu said nothing, and immediately led someone to catch up.

Even though they are overstretched, there are no problems in hitting a few soldiers.

After the third, the fifth, and the second eliminated the enemy, the saints were also tired and slumped to the ground.

"What's the situation? Lord?"

He squatted down and asked, after a few heavy breaths, he said weakly, "Hurry up, save Lord Lord! And His Royal Highness, they are all trapped in the Lord's dormitory. "

Su Ninger is also here!

As soon as Lin Mengya's heart was tight, she drew her leg and ran down.

"Mengya! Don't worry!"

Xiao Long Tianyu stopped her in her arms.

"Don't you say that they have been hidden? No, I'm going to save Ninger!"

怎 How can she not be in a hurry?

She had no eyes and she dared not imagine what kind of danger her little Ninger would fall into.

"He is our son, rest assured, I have long planned. In the middle of the night, there is no dust, you take people. Remember, you must catch those people alive."

Ling Lingye left Baili without dust, and Lin Mengya, who was in a hurry, was not too bad, and ran to the eleventh floor.

Here, it has already become a battlefield.

The **** smell was so strong that it was disgusting.

The more I walked inside, the more dead bodies there were on the ground.

And when they quietly walked to the innermost, Lin Mengya only saw that the road leading to the Holy Dormition Hall should have been a suspension bridge.

But now, the suspension bridge has not been lowered.

Many people wearing black capes gathered on the edge of the bridge, and in front of them were cliffs.

No wonder, the tunnel that Bian took her through before only reached the eleventh floor.

It turns out that the twelfth floor and the eleventh floor in front are not connected at all!

"Master, you still obediently hand over the key to the temple door. Everyone has known each other for so long, why are you so stubborn?"

Hearing this voice, very familiar, Elder Liu, the traitor of the Law Enforcement Hall!

This man, why can't you just jump to the present?

"Elder Ding, and you. What is the smell of poisonous hair? Is it impossible to survive or die? Huh, you have been on my head for so long. If you can let the Lord hand over the keys, I will give you a Happy, how? "

Elder Li Ding was also there. Although Elder Liu could not get along with them on this side, this did not mean that the Lord was absolutely safe.

Zhe Lin Mengya and their team hid in the dark, and now they can't worry.

At least in number, the opponent is far better than the other.

"Our people will be here soon. Don't worry."

She seemed to know what she was thinking, and Long Tianyu whispered immediately.

Lin Lin Mengya also knew that this matter could not be anxious, she could only hide behind the house, staring closely at the group of people in front.

你们 "You guys, it has consumed all my patience. It seems that it is toasting and not eating and drinking! Come here, give me arrows! I won't believe it, and when you die, I can't get the keys!"

长 Elder Liu was so angry that Lin Mengya almost rushed out.

Because, the arrow that Elder Liu put on their side was actually covered with hot oil!

Once the puppet is ignited and fired, as long as one is not careful, the opposite side will become a sea of ​​fire.

But here is less than rescue, unless the suspension bridge is put down on the opposite side, it can only be burned alive.

With good sinister methods, she clenched her teeth, and she couldn't let anyone hurt her child anyway.


With an order from Elder Liu, a hundred lighted arrows suddenly aimed at the opposite bank.

At this moment, Lin Mengya could not bear any longer, broke away from Long Tianyu's hand, and shouted.


长 Elder Liu, everyone looked at her.

"How could it be you!"

长 Elder Liu was surprised when she saw her, but then laughed again.

He was just greed in those eyes, but he did not hide it.

"Okay, okay! Even the waste of Master Yuan did not take you away, let me send you to Xiancheng!"

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