Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1408: Queen Conspiracy

"In the beginning, they were embarrassed and wanted to force you to show up."

When I mentioned these things, Long Tianyu's tone gradually became cold.

所以 "So, Cai Ling has no other way to want me to come forward?"

"Not only that."

Xiao Long Tianyu looked at her, and in the eyes, he saw a little uneasy.

"In fact, the situation in Xiancheng is extremely complicated. In addition to us, there are other people who secretly want to overthrow the rule of the king of Xiancheng. They want you to become a banner. Cai Ling is also anxious and wants you to be passive. Be active. "

Alas, she didn't quite understand.

With narrow eyes, she blinked at her with a big wink. With a strong curiosity, Long Tianyu could only sigh and continued.

"The King of Fairy City is old, but he has no descendants that can inherit the throne. So, within Fairy City, some people hope that you can inherit the position of King of Fairy City."

Lin Mengya is a bit silly. What is going on here?

"Are they lacking in mind? How can I be an outsider to inherit the throne? And, even if he has no son, his nephew and nephew always have it?"

觉得 She felt that it was absurd to be home.

But Ke Tianyu flicked her forehead gently, a little helpless.

"Why is your clever little head melon now stupid? It is because you have a nephew that you have no way to decide. Because the successor of the king of fairy city must have the blood of the palace family and the blood of the royal family of the king of fairy city.

"So, they want me to be the queen, are they trying to push this tricky thing onto me? In this case, although they cannot be the king of the fairy city, they can be the queen's husband. The child born, just Can you become king of the fairy city again? "

Looking at her instantly, Long Tianyu nodded.

不过 "But no one wants to take you away, you are mine. Xiancheng, hum, wishful thinking."

He scorned his disdain, but made Lin Mengya inexplicably at ease.

This is his pride. No matter when and where he is, no matter who the enemy is, he can be at ease. Keep the person you want to keep, and keep all enemies out of her sight.

For one night, the two had not had the slightest conversation for the rest of the time.

The sound of shallow and dense breathing renders another kind of warmth.

I haven't slept so peacefully for a long time, and after waking up, my son is in her arms, she is in the arms of her lover.

This happiness is precious.

Holding the baby's little hand gently, the other hand was tangled with Long Tianyu's ten fingers.

If time stops at this moment, she will be willing.

"Miss, have you got up?"

Outside the door, a timid voice of Sakurako came.

Lin Lin Mengya stood up quietly and gently pushed the baby into his father's arms.

Looking at the big and small, almost the sleeping position carved in a mold, could not help but reveal a happy sweet smile.

I put on my clothes and opened the door, but saw Sakurako and Taozi, standing frowningly in front of her door.


She Yingzi was a little eager, while Lin Mengya put her finger on her lips, and signaled them not to wake the two people who were sleeping sweetly.

I took a few steps forward before she asked.

"What's wrong? But is there anything else?"

After the two looked at each other, the peach, which was honest and friendly, opened his mouth first.

"Miss, you, you are still a young girl who has never been married, and the slaves and slaves think that it seems a bit out of order."

Sakurako nodded desperately, but the two girls didn't have a few thick skins at home, and they stumbled a little. They clung to the corners of their clothes and looked ashamed to answer, as if they were doing something wrong.


"It ’s our family ’s business that ca n’t be done by others. You are family members, as long as you do your own job well. Others, do n’t worry about it.”

The voice sounded cold, but the maintenance in the words made Lin Mengya extremely familiar.

She crossed Sakurako and Peach, and looked at the people behind them in surprise.

"Bai Su, sir, are you two all right?"

Wasn't she just stepping into the yard, wasn't it her two close-knit jackets?

The two of them smiled at her at the same time, and the sweet and pleasant sister-in-law approached, holding the hands of Sakurako and Peach, and said with a smile.

"Two sisters, don't worry about it. Sister Bai Su means that we are all of the same family and naturally we must agree with each other. If anyone else dares to say Miss, I'm afraid you are also the first to refuse. Just There are certain things we do as human beings, we may not know why. "

The two people who had been scolded by Bai Su just now faced red ears and red ears, and after a gentle drizzle by the children, they suddenly eased a lot.

She took two more people aside and said something soft and warm to comfort.

I was so cold and hot, but I got the heart of Sakurako and Peach.

After a while, she worked intimately with her, and willingly left her to send.

Lin Lin Mengya narrowed her eyes, but she was a little surprised.

怎么 Why didn't I find out before, this girl still has this ability?

"Those people, don't you embarrass you?"

She pulled Bai Su and asked quietly.

The cold and ruthless girl in front of others smiled at her warmly.

"They have to dare too! Know that I am yours, do you still have to worship me? Rest assured, Master, I have nothing to lose with my son."

Looking at the deep hope of Bai Su's eyes, I'm afraid that during this period, it's definitely not them who are upset.

She was relieved, and she patted Bai Su's shoulder, with some emotion in her heart.

I am truly the one she brought out, and she has her style.

不过 "But do you really not consider being the queen of that fairy city?"

Bai Su's words turned sharply, almost let Lin Mengya be strangled by saliva.

"Did someone brainwash you? Or, what poison did you get?"

She immediately grasped Bai Su's wrist nervously and asked anxiously.

But the latter was a look of surprise. After cooperating with her, she looked at Bai Su with a sad look.

"The pulse is also very solid, but why is it suddenly talking nonsense?"

Only then Bai Su reacted, raised a brow and pulled back his hand.

"I have all the protections you have set, and most people can't get in my body. Master, I'm telling the truth. If you can be that queen, will not all the trouble be saved in the future?"

刚才 She just teased Bai Su just now. After hearing that, she turned around and sat on the railing of the promenade.

闲 The leisurely and casual appearance, what kind of queen is there, the owner can't stand up to him.

"My little Bai Su, don't you think that power can bring stability? A large ship, even if it is luxurious, and it is huge, when you go to sea, do you have to obey the rules of nature? I do all this, Not for boarding, but for the boat to continue to run smoothly. Or, change a boat directly. As for me, I may temporarily become a passenger on this boat. But I do n’t want to be on the boundless ocean Wandering, there will never be a chance to escape. "

Speaking of her, Bai Su didn't fully understand.

But there was something she understood.

"Master means, you don't want to be a queen, or a homeowner, are you?"

She looked at Bai Su and nodded with a smile.

"I am a selfish person. From the moment I opened my eyes and came to this world, everything I did was just to allow myself to spend the rest of my life safely. So I was not so stupid. Tie yourself to the world. "

After the child came over, and tilted her head to listen to her, she said quietly.

"If everyone can be 'selfish' like you, then there will be no disputes. The state of Miss, I am afraid that I will not reach it in my life."

She tilted her head and smiled at 纭 儿.

"I can't be so high in my realm, all right, leave the rest alone, go and take care of me first. In these days, we may be going down the mountain."

Bai Su and 纭 Er looked at each other, the same joy reflected in the eyes.

This time, they can be considered to face the storm alone.

In my heart, there is always a bulging energy.

And they are even happier, it seems that in this incident, they have not become a burden for the lady.

Maybe one day, they will replace them to help the lady.

自然 Naturally, someone will deal with the task of cleaning up the mess. Lin Mengya took a leisurely time and took Bai Su to walk around the 12th floor temple.

Here, it has been reduced to the forbidden ground by the Holy One.

No one can break through the heavy guards without his permission.

In the empty temple, there are also people patrolling and sending out whistle.

Lin Lin Mengya glanced around with her eyes. It seemed that they were all raw faces, not many of them who used to be in the Law Enforcement Hall of the former temple.

He is the same, after all, no one knows whether there are any sins similar to Elder Liu among the saints.

Be careful, there is always nothing wrong.

I stood in front of that door, and Lin Mengya had some palpitations for some reason.

一次 This time, she is ready to do something more important.

"Small medicine, open the Shennong system and detect the passage in the mountain."

She closed her eyes slightly, and her consciousness returned to the interface of the system again.

This time, the image of Xiaoyao is a young Sven man with glasses and a white coat.

好的 "Good master, the system is starting to prepare."

"The radar system has been opened and the toxic substance detection system has been opened"

With the sound of "didi", in her mind, Lin Mengya raised the system's openness to 100% for the first time.

Suddenly, she felt pain in her brain like a needle.

But at the same time, a very special picture also appeared in her mind.

She opened her eyes suddenly, her eyes blurred and empty.

Because, through the model she prepared for her through the system, she saw a new dungeons that was different from the past.

Jain, is that fairy city?

"Alarm! Alarm! The carrier is overloaded. After ten seconds, the system will automatically shut down!"

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