Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1409: tip of the iceberg

"Ten, nine one! The system automatically shuts down!"

The squealing alarm sound disappeared instantly, and her brain suddenly became blank.

She can't feel everything outside, it seems that the whole world has disappeared from her brain.

I don't know how long it took, maybe a few seconds, maybe a few minutes.

She sounded like a sound coming from outside, and gradually entered her ear.

"Master, master? Are you okay?"

The anxious voice of Wu Baisu came, and all the consciousness returned to her control in an instant.

She breathed in the air with a big mouth, alleviating the vertigo caused by the surprise.

At this time, she saw that Bai Su was helping her.

Unconsciously, she was sweating all over.

The clothes are tightly attached to the body, some are not comfortable.

"What happened to you just now? You scared me!"

Bai Su had a lingering fear, only then did she see that her master didn't know what to do, and suddenly she was standing in the same place as if she were in evil.

She knows that the master has always had a different habit from ordinary people, so he didn't bother.

Who knows, but for a short time, the master turned pale and his eyes were awful.

After a while, I couldn't even breathe.

She couldn't help but call the master a few times, but found nothing at all.

I was thinking about going out to call someone, and the master fell into her arms.

I'm okay, okay, otherwise she really doesn't know how to try it.

"I'm fine, just don't mention it to anyone."

Zhe Lin Mengya instructed weakly, Bai Su nodded, and her expression was full of concern.

She inadvertently saw herself reflected in Bai Su's eyes, and could not help thinking of her face when she received the so-called "god" of the holy **** a few days ago.

But at that time, she can be sure that she did not use the Shennong system.

Moreover, she does not have the feeling of powerlessness today.

Hey, what's going on?

I didn't have time to look into it. She stood up and patted her face a little harder, trying to get some blood.

After a while, she has felt much better.

I just have the sequelae of system overload. She always felt like she was stepping on cotton.

After walking crookedly for a few steps, people finally managed to go straight.

It seems that when the Shennong system is used in the future, it should not be raised as high as possible.

Otherwise, if something goes wrong with the system, she has to be a fool.

"Let's go out first."

Xi Baisu nodded and followed her behind.

Two people left the temple one after the other, but before she went out, she looked at the door with a complicated look.

The coverage of the system is limited, and she knows that she has only seen the tip of the iceberg.

即便 But even so, she felt that if the people on the ground were no longer united, she would be afraid to hinder the attack of the people on the spot.

I went back from the twelfth floor to the tenth floor. Fortunately, Long Tianyu went out to work and the baby was taken away by the teacher.

She took off her coat and lay on the bed.

"Small medicine, check the system."

Fortunately, the Shennong system has an overload device, and the energy to maintain the system is her own bioelectricity.

That is, as long as she is not cold, the system will not be cold.

同时 But at the same time, the system is overloaded, which also means that her body will be overloaded.

"Everything in the system is normal, but the small medicines have detected that your vital signs are out of the normal range. Small medicines recommend that you take more rest."

The sound of the small medicine turned into a baby again.

Zhe Lin Mengya was a little speechless about this morphological change, and she didn't know which genius had studied it, but she also considered the appearance.

"Can you draw a 3D solid model of the underground city you scanned before?"

"Yes, start drawing right away."

Instantly, the system vacated a virtual space.

A line appears quickly in the space, bending, linking, and forming a realistic model.

Gao Lin Mengya looked at the rapid prototyping map and remained silent.

Although it is only the corner of the city, the urban planning in front of it is proper and the facilities of each part are very complete.

Even more regular than some ground cities.

There is one thing, but it is different from the above.

There are many plants that are completely different from the ground.

But within seconds, she saw a patrol of people

But the physical characteristics of these people are very different from those on the ground. Their bodies are strong, but they are short.

的 The people behind them are of normal size and height.

But when she wanted to get more information, the system shut down automatically.

Alas, what worries her most is the variety of poisonous insects and beasts traveling through the city.

In a corner of the city, the number made her feel scalp.

I really ca n’t imagine, if in the future, if the people of Xiancheng really attacked, the people on the ground would definitely suffer.

光 Just the earth dragon that day encountered. In addition to its own toxin, this thing is also very aggressive.

For thousands of years in Wuxiancheng, who knows how many shocking things will come out in the underground.

She couldn't help but be a little worried, no wonder Long Tianyu, they all said that the fairy city is all devil.

Hey, if you can't see the sun in your whole life, what kind of mind must this person twist?

As soon as I wasn't paying attention, it was time for dinner.

Su Ninger's soft and glutinous voice came in from the outside.

"Mother, mother! Ninger is back!"

She opened her eyes immediately, and as soon as she went out, a small figure embraced her legs.

I looked up and smiled at her sweetly.

"What did you do with your grandfather today?"

She bent down and hugged the child.

The little boy pressed tightly against her shoulder, and said with a twirled little finger.

"My grandfather took me to see His Holiness, and other grandpas. My grandfather also said that Ninger would follow him to learn poison treatment, and that Ninger would be the most powerful poison doctor in the world. . Then the Supreme Master asked Ninger if he wanted to learn martial arts with him. The grandfather said that there was no future in martial arts, and it was not elegant to fight and kill all day, and then the two of them fought.

Xu suddenly flashed a pair of big innocent eyes, he looked like a good baby.

Lin Lin Mengya nodded his son's little nose and asked with interest.

"What happened then? Did your grandfather win, or did your sage win?"

He followed Xiaobu's voice, and almost did not fall after hearing it.

Fortunately, Ning'er was very interested, and immediately fluttered the story.

"In the beginning, the Supreme Master was chasing after the Grand Master. Later, the Grand Master didn't know what to spill, and then the Grand Master lay on the ground. The Grand Master also took me with him to give the Grand Master's face A picture was drawn! "

Hehe, I didn't see that my teacher even painted the body!

那 "What did you paint for your grandfather?"

"It took a puppy dog, a special image. But the Supreme Master seems not very happy. When we leave, he seems to be fainted with joy!"

Where does Xiao Xiaoding know that his Supreme Master Gong apparently fainted.

Lin Lin Mengya heard the words and smiled like a cat who stole a fish.

Teacher Teacher, teacher, why did n’t he know to see her with such exciting scenes?

"Cough, all right, do you want to have dinner?"

Xiaolong Tianyu stood at the door, neither walking nor staying.

After all, it is his teacher who suffers.

Bian Ke "acted" but his son and the equivalent of his father-in-law.

His Royal Highness Xi, who was fair and rigorous, for the first time, tasted the chaos of the incomprehensible housework of the official.

He didn't know that their family of three rolled up overnight, and it was too late.

Fortunately, the Lord did not matter too much. Lin Mengya heard that the Lord vomited a lot of blood after hearing.

In my opinion, the teacher should have deliberately provoked him.

Alas, the blood was stagnating in the chest, I was afraid it was bad.

At the dinner table, the couple discussed again.

They kept their identities after going down the mountain.

I just, they now have a common goal.

That is to be fully prepared before the real danger comes.

After dinner, the two just wanted to go out for a walk, but at this time, they ushered in an unexpected guest.

"Folkwoman, have seen His Royal Highness."

I can see the prince here, but after the initial accident, she was quite calm.

Hugging her baby and saluting, she sat aside, well-behaved and quiet.

The candlelight was bright, and she hugged the little man, her face full of tranquility and beauty.

The appearance of that glamorous country has also added a bit of tenderness and softened the sharp beauty.

It looks like a picture posted in the house.

In the exquisite, but with the gentleness that makes people feel at ease.

There was a slight change in the look of Prince Li.

"I don't know His Royal Highness is here, but what's the matter?"

Suddenly, Murongxi's low inquiry came.

Xi Mu Rongyan immediately looked away and turned to look at his cousin.

"Before I left, my mother and my mother once told me that I should listen to you here. Now there is such a big thing in the temple, people outside are worried, I do n’t know what I should do now. Is it going to stay, or- — "

离开 "Leave, leave as soon as possible. Your Royal Highness, what happened to the Temple, I can't explain it to you so clearly for the time being. But please believe me, after that, the Temple can no longer point at the royal family."

With that said, he was quite sure.

It was Murong Yan who stunned God, as if he hadn't heard it clearly.

"Xi, what do you say?"

"His Royal Highness heard it right. From now on, the sanctuary can no longer sue the royal family."

Chen Long Tianyu knew that the royal family had been secretly oppressed by the temple.

Otherwise, why should the Queen and His Royal Highness suffer such pain?

But I didn't expect that the prince just breathed a long sigh of relief.

也 "Okay, in the future, no one will be like me."

In his words, there is sadness and helplessness.

But more, it is liberation.

Lin Lin Mengya is not curious about the private affairs of others, but looking at the atmosphere of the two people there seems to be too low.

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