Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1416: Old mother

"I passed by just now, and when I was going to deliver things, I heard the courtyard was tumultuous, and went in. It turned out that it was Master Xun'er who was not sick, but a sign of poisoning. The Chonghua County Lord cried and cried, non Ask Her Highness to give her justice. Say yes, Master Xun'er was poisoned because of you. "

"Oh? She dare to say."

She didn't feel much surprise, but Zhong Hua was not honest, and she even came here with a plan.

And the most important thing is that Yu won't believe it.

After all, he knows better than anyone, how can a child with her poisonous technique survive to this day?

Or maybe she has thousands of ways to make this child poisoned without knowing it, but she will never let others doubt her.

It's too stupid to use this trick to frame her.

"Miss, do you have no other indication?"

Sui Er looked at her own lady in doubt. She has been with her for so long. The first thing she learned was not to suffer.

How can this lady be so calm this time?

"What does it mean? Go crying or make trouble, or have a quarrel with her? Boring, it might as well be fun to read a book."

一 She didn't care, she continued to sit in the chair and read the strange novel.

故事 This story is good, but it has the same meaning as Shan Hai Jing.

She, the master, doesn't speak, and the people below are naturally not troubled.

I left the outside to quarrel with the sky. What should the people in the main hospital do, as if they were not affected by the people outside.

After a short while, Long Tianyu returned.

"Don't sleep yet?"

一 As soon as he entered the door, he went straight to the study with a sense of conscience.

When I saw her leaning on the chair, she looked lazy and could not help but soften her voice.

"Well, I'm going to bed right away. I prepared refreshments for you. You can use some more to sleep."

She got up, took the warm teapot from the charcoal stove, and poured him a cup.

The hot tea poured into the water dispelled his coolness.

刚 He just wanted to reach out and embrace her, but he gently dropped one of his outstretched hands.

"Where did I get a rouge scent, I got a headache from this smell and stay away from me."

Her face did not change, but in her tone she had a distant distaste.

Nine Dragons Tianyu was quite helpless and retracted his hand, but his face was a little aggrieved.

"It wasn't what I wanted, she had to come over, I just pushed her"

"Well, who is your little daughter-in-law like?"

After speaking, she turned around and pulled out a Jinpa with some tea.

He then pulled over his hand and wiped his left hand a little for him.

"What are you doing?"

"You touch something with something. This thing, if it touches the skin of an ordinary woman, it will make the skin red and swollen and fester."

Nine Dragons Tianyu looked stiff and allowed her to clear it carefully.

"Isn't she afraid, stick to her?"

"What is she afraid of?" Lin Mengya raised an eyebrow and smiled like a little fox.

"This thing is fine as long as it doesn't touch the skin directly. If you touch her, you'll also touch her clothes. Moreover, there is no problem washing this thing."

弯 She bent her lips and looked at his slightly red and swollen hands. He got some tea and washed his hands.

"It's really a thought of getting home poisoned!"

Nine Dragons Tianyu didn't feel pain, but because of this, he felt that this person became more and more hateful.

"No, in fact, it won't hurt me. You must be clean when you return. It ’s okay if you wash it clean. You are better at seizing all opportunities than she is poisonous. See Come, she's really more powerful than me. "

The so-called see-through pin is so.

I saw that she was never angry, but Long Tianyu felt something wrong.

"You know her plan?"

"I can pass on such a trivial matter in the inner house alone, and you should do serious business."

Xun Long Tianyu touched her face, she had complete trust in her eyes.

"Okay, this person's mental means, where is your opponent. Don't play too crazy, but no matter what happens, I will carry it for you."

She smiled a little, this guy is obviously a pampering criminal!

"Observe, my Highness Xi."

After a good night's sleep, she was returned to the master bedroom by him, and Long Tianyu slept in the study.

Alas, this guy, when she was at home, he turned over the wall every night.

Now that he has reached his place, he is not so anxious.

How did he feel that it was his, so there was no pressure?

"How's the situation over here?"

As soon as I had breakfast, the housekeeper went back and forth.

Now everyone has a tacit understanding, who is the hostess in the house, at a glance.

"Miss Hui, Master Xun'er tossed all night, and only stopped in the early morning, now it's no big deal."

The steward didn't quite understand what she meant. She was so bad last night that she didn't see her go out.

But now that she has asked herself, she asked Master Xun'er about her.

In the end, is it concerned or indifferent?

"Well, whatever they want, they need to be delivered in time. Even if they are drawn from me, they must be delivered, understand?"

The steward nodded again and again, and after Lin Mengya ordered a few more words, people left.

Xiao Long Tianyu went to the palace again today, and she probably knew about the situation of Emperor and Emperor.

I am afraid that in the future, this burden will be given to Long Tianyu.

Sure enough, the emperor's order is the emperor's order, and he can be an emperor everywhere.

She couldn't help remembering that when she was in the Jin Dynasty, Long Qinghan mentioned that when she was an emperor, she ran faster than anyone else.

Her family Yu Zhi is not here. Otherwise, how can you find Qing Han hard and let him continue to be emperor?

The more I thought about her, the more she felt. Gu Pan was still the county lord of the Three Kings. If the two families were combined, the throne would be much more stable.

When Yu returned, she discussed with him.

Very good, it seems that to find the pace of light cold, speed up!

At this moment, I don't know which corner of the dragon Qing Han, sneezing a dozen times.

Strange things, is it possible to have typhoid fever?

When she thought about everything properly, she could only hear the sound outside the yard.

"Miss, the chief of Zhonghua County wants to see you."

She Yingzi's tone was a little angry, not only her, but those people around her had opinions about the scorn of the Chonghua County Lord.

She got up, and as soon as she stepped out of the study, she saw the master of Zhonghua County, her eyes were red and swollen, and came to her crying.

"Miss Gong!"

He shouted "Song Tong", and the man actually gave her a knee.

Zhe Lin Mengya flashed aside calmly, without receiving her kneel.

"Hurry up your county chief, I can't stand such a great gift."

She raised her eyebrows and said to the maids behind her.

These people are not from the government. They should be those brought by Chonghua himself.

Hearing the words, he immediately helped the Chonghua County Lord in all his hands.

"Ms. Gong, Chonghua knows her sins are insidious, and she is shameless to face you. But in the end, Xuner is innocent. He is close to me just because I have taken care of him for a while. After all, you are his righteousness. Mother, and I, but a trivial person. Why bother with a child? "

She didn't do it before she spoke.

"The County Lord's words are so good and unreasonable, and he doesn't say that my lady is very kind. She usually can't bear even a chicken. There is no conclusive conclusion about how the master Xun Er was poisoned. How did she come to the County Master and become my lady? Is it a deliberate murder? Even if you are the county's owner, you can't rely on others at will? "

Wu Zhonghua was stunned for a moment, and his face was immediately scared.

"Yes, it's Chonghua's fault, Chonghua, just worried about Xun'er's safety. Miss knows that if it wasn't for His Royal Highness who came to visit in person last night, I'm afraid this child would not be able to keep it."

Wu Zhonghua's sobbing made her a little upset.

She hates this crying drama the most, but unfortunately she still has to act.

"The lord of the county came to me, afraid not just to cry?"

She has no sorrow or joy, and it is hard to see the depth.

Jun Zhonghua looked at her and said immediately.

"Miss Gong said it all, blame me, crying as soon as I encountered something. Not like Ms. Gong, act decisively."

Wu Zhonghua wiped her tears and tried to pull her sleeve, but she avoided it.

Suddenly, a touch of cold light passed through Chonghua's eyes. It was just that she converged.

其实 "Actually, I just hope that Ms. Gong will be able to take the child to the main hospital to raise her."

"Oh? The Chonghua County Lord is really weird. The moment before, you were afraid I would murder the child. Now, you said let me take over the child. Why, the County Lord is not afraid, that child died in my hands?"

笑 She smiled a lot, but she could hear her personally.

Who knows, the master of Chonghua County bit his lip and said aggrieved.

"No, it won't! Ms. Gong's kindness and heart will certainly not be so. Just now Chonghua was dizzy for a while, please, Ms. Gong, don't take it to heart. It's true, I'm also for Ms. Gong. "

"For me? Well, I don't know."

"Miss Gong also knows, has your Highness received another son of justice before?"

Lin Lin Mengya nodded. When she had just come to Longdu before, Chonghua tried her several times.

He seems to know what happened to her and Long Tianyu, and also knows that they both have “amnesia”.

Although she and Long Tianyu fell in love again, they did not disclose the previous events.

Therefore, Chonghua's mind must also be full of doubts.

So when Chonghua mentioned Ning'er, Lin Mengya was also alert.

"Ms. Gong knows what happened to that Yizi?"

当然 Of course she knows, because that's where the old lady was born!

But Lin Mengya had to cooperate at this time to make a look of doubt.

"I don't know this, Your Highness never mentioned it."

Wu Zhonghua's eyes stroked a strange look.

I lifted my eyes and saw if anyone was gone, and then said the voice down.

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