Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1417: Play essence

不过 "However, I have heard that the biological mother of that young son was once the apex of His Highness. I wonder if this has happened to Miss Gong?"

I value Hua's mysterious appearance, and she thought that this person would break out into something amazing.

Noisy for a long time, but it is some "inner information" she knows better than anyone.

But she was a little confused, what exactly does Chonghua mean.

Tentative? Still provocative? Or is it a threat?

She can't get it right, so the best way is to use static braking.

"The words of the lord, Miyako doesn't quite understand."

"It's no wonder Miss Gong didn't know about it. Speaking of it, it was a mistake made by His Highness when he was young. I believe that His Royal Highness was only impulsive at that time and would be confused by that woman. The lady loves that child very much, and he is blessed. Even if the biological mother is no longer, she is blessed by Miss Gong, and she is blessed by misfortune. "

When I heard this, she understood what Chonghua meant.

She smiled lightly, but her eyes turned out of the sky.

Wu Zhonghua said these things, just to make her suspicious, and finally she had no intentions.

This person, it ’s like eating a maggot and a wise man, and nowadays, he will even play maggot strategies.

Alas, she will play a game with Chonghua.

Suddenly, his expression suddenly became obscure, and even his smile was not as easy as before.


"Miss Gong thought, in fact, I also think that the child probably thinks of you as his own mother-in-law. You don't know, you look a bit like the hard-working woman, but she, where you are Such a good blessing. "

After Wu Gang sighed, Chonghua seemed to suddenly think of something, and immediately covered her mouth, looking at her in horror.

"I really **** it, why mention this? Please ask Miss Gong not to take my words to heart. Your Highness appreciates you, it must not be because of this relationship. If you are like a mountain and a river, is that ordinary woman comparable Yes. I made a mistake and ask Miss Gong to forgive me. "

After this remark, if Lin Mengya really lost her memory, she would immediately think that she was just a substitute for someone else.

She hid her sneer under her eyes, and she didn't live up to Zhonghua's acting skills.

做出 She made a wrong look and stunned in place.

"Well, after all, we are two hard-working people. Miss Gong, Chonghua retired."

After speaking, the man turned and left.

"Miss, Chonghua County Lord, it is clear that I am uneasy."

纭 Er has been standing by her side, and the results are clear.

"Hum, I knew it back then. But er, she came here, and said these things, you remember, you have to disclose it calmly."

She raised an eyebrow, and the smile in her eyes was three-pointed.

Auntie didn't quite understand what she was going to do, and looked at her with big eyes puzzled.

"Miss, wouldn't those people think you were a substitute?"

"Stupid girl, this is the only way to lead to the next step of Chonghua. From today on, I will not step out of the main hospital on the surface. Let Bai Su send a letter to His Royal Highness . "


Squinting his eyes, Lin Mengya looked out of the door.

If Wu Zhonghua is just soliciting alienation, then don't worry.

The feelings between them can no longer be separated by a word or two from outsiders.

But this time, Chonghua obviously had a plan.

She leads the snake out of the hole, so she can cut the grass and root it!

As soon as Xun came out of the palace, Long Tianyu met Bai Su who had been at the gate of the palace.

After receiving her letter suspiciously, the more she looked, the more ugly her face became.

"Who is going to see your master today?"

Xi Baisu didn't know what was written on the letter, nor did His Royal Highness' complexion become so ugly.

"Back to Your Highness, the Lord of Chonghua County came to see the Lord today."

"It's her, huh!"

Nine Dragons Tian Yu's face was not good, but the letter was put in a close pocket.

Bai Su only felt funny when he saw it.

His Royal Highness to his master, I am afraid that a piece of nails will be treasured.

"Okay, you go back first. By the way, bring this to her."

After I said it, she took it seriously and gave her a food container.

I also asked her to move lightly, and then urged her to go back immediately after such things as bumps.

When Lin Mengya received the food container, the contents were still hot.

She picked up a lotus crisp into her mouth, narrowed her eyes, and felt the sweetness and crispness tasted by the tip of her tongue.

"Miss, if you do this, will it hurt your highness?"

Xuan Er brought a cup of light tea to her, Lin Mengya picked it up, and ate with the cake, it was fresh and tired.

"Anyway, he should know my painstaking efforts."

"It's true to say that, but now the lady is different and her heart is connected with Her Highness. If you want to hold a Zhonghua County Lord, how much effort does it take to do this? "

Lin Lin Mengya took a sip of tea and smiled.

I was just looking, but she was a little deep.

"Originally, the master of Chonghua County was just an abandoned son, but now she has the confidence to return to Yu's side. What do you think will happen?"

Min Er also understood her meaning, her expression was a little complicated.

"I thought that from then on, the lady and her Highness would be able to sit back and relax. I did not expect that they would still have to deal with it carefully. Like my cousin, standing in a high position, I'm afraid that I have to be careful."

Seeing that she understood what she meant, Lin Mengya was relieved.

Immediately after she finished speaking, she could hear the sound of the announcement from Sakurako.

"Miss, Your Highness is back."

There was a playful smile in the corner of her mouth, and after booing at her, she dropped the tea cup on the ground.

让 "Let him go, I don't want to see him again!"

In the crying cavity, there was another stubborn, resentment and hate. In short, when people heard it, they felt that they were indifferent, and they could not help pulling people into their arms to soothe.

Qilian was shocked and could not help giving her a thumbs up.

演 This acting skill is amazing.

Xun Long Tian Yu's brow, he jumped fiercely, so he didn't rush in to catch people spanking directly.

But he always put his wife first, and adapted to it without leaving a trace.

Frowning frowns, as if a little displeased.

"What's wrong with lady?"

You guys in the courtyard, look at me, I look at you, none dare to come forward and talk.

Finally, the housekeeper who was always behind him walked up tremblingly.

"His Royal Highness, Miss, Miss may be in a bad mood."

"what happened?"

Seeing the impatience in the eyebrows of His Royal Highness, the housekeeper was like walking on thin ice.

"The slave heard that the host of Chonghua County came to visit today, and accidentally mentioned the son's biological mother, so the lady may feel unhappy."

Xiao Long Tianyu heard the words, only looked coldly at the door.

"Hum! A dead person is worth her care. It seems that I overestimate her after all."

After saying so, he went to the study and slammed the door.

The gangsters who left a yard are all very wrong.

Where is it going?

Lier lay beside the door and had a good view of everything in the yard.

The steward dispelled the crowd, and soon the courtyard returned to its former quietness.

"Miss, everyone is gone."

Lin Lin Mengya nodded with satisfaction. Now, everything is developing according to Chonghua's plan.

She wanted to see what that person planned next.

"What shall we do now?"

She glanced at the door, clapped her hands, and shook off the debris.

"go to bed!"


Mi Er looked at her own girl stupidly, and now, even her, she didn't know her plan.

She lives in the master bedroom, which was the room where Long Tianyu used to live.

At midnight, no one was there, Wan Wan was silent, but she couldn't sleep.

The window moved slightly, and she sat up immediately, not surprisingly, and saw the man opening the curtain.

"It was crawling on the bed again in the middle of the night, and I was not afraid to be seen."

She was sitting up and laughed in a low tone.

Kuang Ke Long Tianyu gave her a white look, stretched her arms, took her in her arms, and fell on the bed together.

"Why don't I go back to my own room and sleep with my own wife?"

Hey, that makes sense.

He has settled a lot with him by his side.

I gradually got a little sleepy.

"You said, what kind of abacus is this Zhonghua?"

Xiaolong Tianyu whispered her fingertips around her hair and whispered in her ear.

"I went to the palace this time and found that there were many more people in the palace."


"The nephew of the three kings, and the nephew of the Emperor and the Emperor."

She hesitated for a moment, her mind turned and she understood the key.

"In this way, is the honor spotted?"

嗯 "Well, because the temple can no longer put pressure on the royal family, it also means that those people are no longer controlled by the temple. They are ambitious, and of course they cannot give up such a good opportunity."

Regardless of whether it is the emperor or the saint, it is nothing more than a vanity to him.

If she doesn't like it, the world is not important.

"I'm still thinking today, if you don't want this position in the future, what should you do. Can those people be entrusted to others?"

"No one is available."

This is also expected by her. When the emperor chose him, it must have been well thought out.

"I do n’t know if they mentioned it to Ling Ye. When you were the emperor of the Jin Dynasty, there was a younger brother named Long Qinghan. Later, it was you who gave up the throne and Zen to Qing Han. Stirred in, I'm afraid that Jin Guo is still in the hands of Qing Han.

Xiao Long Tianyu instantly understood her meaning.

"I've heard them mention it, but hasn't Long Qinghan disappeared? It seems that more people will be sent to find this person."

The two reached an agreement in an instant. Lin Mengya hid in his arms and smiled like a little fox.

Light cold, light cold, this is no wonder her.

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