Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1420: Marry Prince

I was begging for mercy and being assured, Lin Mengya was spared more flesh and blood.

Fortunately, Long Tianyu didn't want to really hit her. After slapping a few slaps, she took her in her arms.

"How are you so irritable today? You are a domestic violence, I will go to the Women's Federation to sue you!"

Her grievance nestled in her arms, but her **** didn't hurt.

But she was angry. This guy never dared to do anything with her.

"Where is Fulian? Well, okay, if you feel pain, let you bite back?"

Xun Long Tianyu stretched out his arm, but Lin Mengya caught it and bit it up.

But fortunately, she didn't give up much effort.

Chen Long Tianyu looked at her tenderly, but he did not dare to use his arms.

After looking forward to her sigh of relief, she asked in a deep voice.

"This is just great?"

I wiped my saliva, Lin Mengya nodded with satisfaction.

"You haven't said, you're in the palace, but what happened?"

She was very clear about his temper. At first, for the sake of De Fei, he could still endure the Prince for so long.

Now that he is a little heavy, why should he be angry.

"It's not a big deal, I just think that power can really prevail over everything?"

When he said this, she knew what he was angry at.

She clung to his arms, she smiled like a flower.

"Well, people who are fascinated by power will only see power when they are full of eyes. Where can you tolerate others if you are fascinated by me? The throne is not as beautiful as me, and the power is not as fun as I am, so , Naturally you will see it open. "

垂 He lowered his eyes, quickly passed her somewhere, and nodded cautiously.

Lin Lin Mengya stunned him. Why is this guy so unscrupulous?

"I'm not angry, just looking at them, I feel ridiculous. What about the supreme world, a hundred years later, not a loam of loess? A flattery, jealousy, and only they will be happy."

He is very reasonable, Lin Mengya agrees.

But she felt a little curious. Those people are strangers to Long Tianyu. Why is he so angry?

I thought about it, and she probably understood the truth.

"It's the post-mother-in-law, moved other thoughts, right?"

He froze slightly, watching her frown, nodded helplessly.

I really can't hide anything from her.

"I have no intention of respecting the position. If the post-respecting maiden has the right candidate, Jiangshan can entrust it to anyone. But her nephews. Qualification is mediocre, and I will only stand by the post-respect daily, only this time. There was an accident in the temple. The Prince and I originally advocated to suppress the matter and then make a plan. But I did not expect that Grandma Houzhuang rashly advertised the matter. The 100-footed worm died but was not stiff, was it? Does she not understand? "

I don't wonder if he is angry.

At the beginning, Hou Zun came to Long Tianyu to cooperate with him, hoping that he could help him to free the royal family from the control of the temple.

This time, no matter what, the temple is temporarily unable to take care of the royal family.

But this does not mean that the royal family can do whatever they want.

In case the temple was really offended, the royal family finally saw the freedom of the shadows, but they were in danger.

"Then, have you blocked the matter?"

Because things happened from the top, the family below didn't know much.

Because of the intentional burial of the saint, only a few people know the truth.

All these people have been sealed by the Lord.

More people are aware of the accident in the temple, and they are lack of skills.

Thus, the three kings will be eager to move, but dare not really do something big.

They all wait and see, to see who is the first shot.

I'm afraid, the post also made this plan.

让 Before everyone noticed, let the royal family completely out of the control of the temple.

But obviously, it is not the time yet.

"I have done my best with the prince and the emperor. But if the emperor wants to go alone, I can't stop him."

He sneered at the corner of his mouth, apparently out of patience.

Su Linlin Mengya suddenly remembered why Chonghua was sent to Fuzhong.

Maybe this was deliberately arranged by the post.

But the posthumous, why arrange this scene?

She's a little bit and can't figure it out.

"You don't have to worry about me. I'm going to accompany you back to the palace when things come to an end."

Stung his mood, stabilized again.

Holding her, he said lightly.

好 "Okay, don't worry. Everything is fine with the house now. You have to deal with things first."

He is very important, and the palace family is not without the power to fight back.

She was in the temple before, although the attack was targeted, but now she has gone down the mountain, but she still hasn't heard from the palace family, which shows that everything is normal.

No matter how bad the family's house is, it's okay to send a message.

I really do n’t know, what kind of scenes will she see when she returns to the palace house, and what kind of palace house is it?

Zhe Lin Mengya did not expect that the next day, Hou Zun actually announced that she was in the palace.

This is the first time she has seen the Imperial Palace so clearly, and for the first time, she has felt how heavy this imperial city, which has been passed down for thousands of years, has been replaced by countless hosts.

In the past, she didn't have that mood and went to appreciate everything here.

I waited till she saw the continuous palace wall, and all she left was marvel.

Here is the palace of the Patriotic Kingdom?

坐在 She was sitting in the car, looking at the blue-grey palace wall, disappearing into sight, and could not help but sigh gently.

No matter how big the palace is, it is a cage after all.

She never wants to let the palace wall, trap her freedom.

"Miss Gong, please."

The **** in charge of welcoming stood at the door and greeted her respectfully.

提 She raised her skirt and stepped into the palace door with the help of Bai Su and 纭 儿.

The usual palace is very quiet.

They came all the way without seeing a few figures.

Even if he met, he hurried over after saluting.

The **** took them for a long time, and even when Lin Mengya felt that her calves were a little sore, they stopped.

三个 "Ning Kun Palace" three characters, especially ancient.

I entered the door, and there was an antique courtyard in front.

The Xiuliang Lianghuadong no longer looks exaggerated here, and Qionglou Yuyu also looks extremely ordinary.

刚 As soon as she entered the door, she felt as if she had been covered with an invisible shackle.

I was all overwhelmed.

"Received the queen mother, Miss Gong Ya Gong, after you got here."

The **** stood back at the door, and after a while, a voice came.

"Houzun Niangniang has a purpose, see Xuangong Yaya."

The shrewd female officer opened the door so she could enter.

The room was spacious and bright with a calm atmosphere.

She didn't dare to look at it randomly, followed the female officer nicely, and walked inside.

"Gongya, respect your mother after you meet."

She is now the head of the palace, naturally different from before.

"You are here, come, come and sit down."

Grandma, waiting for her?

Lin Lin Mengya frowned slightly, but did not dare to guess.

She sat elegantly on the chair. Although she was nervous, she was not afraid.

Before, she also dealt with Hou Zun.

I felt the eyes of the posthumous, and after a few glances at her body, she opened her mouth.

"Homiya used to think you were good, but now it looks like I was underestimating you before."

The tone of Hou Zunzhuang was unknown, and she could not guess the meaning of Houzun, so she could not speak.

"There is nothing dare to dare, in fact, this palace invited you to come today, I hope you can promise something."

Her frowning, she heard Hou Zun said.

"Homiya hopes that you will marry the royal family."

Lin Lin Mengya's secret screaming was not good, and sure enough, asking her to come later today is not a good thing at all.

"Gongya is stupid, I'm afraid she will live up to her good intentions."

无 "Anyway, the woman in the harem must not be too smart. The prince is gentle and elegant, and will never wrong you."

I listened to the tone of Hou Zun, apparently, trying to force her to agree.

Qi Lin Mengya was energetic, but she couldn't just reject it.

But the power of the posthumous, she was not so afraid.

"The prince is noble, and Gong Ya can't reach it. Please also ask the maiden to choose another lady to show to her prince."

The atmosphere was suddenly condensed.

"Miya, do you dare to disobey the order of Honmiya?"

There was a bit of chill in Ji Houzun's voice.

But she just said calmly after paying tribute.

"Thanks to her lover's mistaken love, Gong Ya really deserves her shame. Hasn't Gong Ya's thoughts always been clear to her? Why bother to embarrass Gong Ya?"

Seeing her so calm, the posthumous expression became more gloomy and ugly.

"Homiya originally thought that you are a man of current affairs, and now it seems that Humiya is looking down on you."

"Mother-in-law, Gong Ya's thoughts have never concealed you. Why are you doing this?"

She looked up and looked directly at the back.

Because she respected her, she has been patient.

But in fact, she already knew that the royal family was nothing more than an empty shelf.

The temple can hold the royal family, how can it be left alone?

He Houzun did nothing more than be stunned by a momentary victory.

"You are bold!"

He savored coldly and patted the table heavily.

Immediately, the guard rushed in again, and Xueliang pointed her straight at her.

"Gong Ya didn't dare, Gong Ya just felt that the post-respecting mother-in-law, you seem to have made a big deal. Is it possible that you will still force your marriage?"

Jihouzun looked at her with a sneer.

I gracefully got up, paced, and walked to her.

"Gong Ya, Hon Gong knows that you have some patience, and also knows that your palace family is in power today. But you think about it, these are all given to you by the royal family, and all are given to you by Gong Gong! Entu has reported that you will marry the prince, and the palace and the prince will not treat you badly. Otherwise, everything in your house will be dangerous. "

Lin Lin Mengya raised her eyebrows. Indeed, on the surface, the situation was indeed like what the posthumous said.

But in reality?

She smiled slightly and looked intently at the post.

"What if you don't know how to lift?"

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