Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1421: Imprisoned

Afterwards, Zun Feng's eyes were slightly raised, and the coercion in his eyes brought a sense of chill.

But for Lin Mengya, it is not very threatening.

"Do you want resistance?"

"Gong Ya didn't dare, but her intentions have not yet been reached, but Gong Ya just suggested that she should think twice before acting."

Houzun sneered, both of them knew.

The puppet royal family needs the financial and power support of the family, and at the same time the family also needs to recognize with the royal family, otherwise, in many things, it is not justifiable.

But to put it plainly, once the rule of the temple collapses completely, the royal family will be the most unstable forces.

Therefore, the posthumous is so urgent, but it makes her a little bit incomprehensible.

Isn't the posthumous fear of the family standing on its own?

"You are awesome. Like the previous owners of your palace family, you always think that no one in this world dares to embarrass your palace family. Unfortunately, this palace is an unbelief. Come here and take her to this palace!"

The guards around Xun took another step closer, and Bai Su and Xuan also glared at those people, firmly guarding her behind.

"Mother-in-law wants, is it difficult for strong men?"

Her face did not change, but her heart was extremely alert.

"Prince, isn't it worthy of being the owner of your palace? Gong Ya, this palace is for your good. Some things are far less determined than you seem. In the future, you will thank this palace. Please invite Miss Gong to Lin Shuixuan, you can take care of rest there, and other things will be arranged by the palace. "

Hou Houzun sat on the chair, always smiling.

But Lin Mengya has scolded her countlessly in her heart, but now she can't figure out the details of the posthumous respect, and can't act lightly for the time being.

"Bai Su, no."

She held Bai Su and stopped in a low voice.

"Mother-in-law wants Gong-ya to go, that Gong-ya should obey. But mother-in-law, things are unpredictable. Gong-ya goes today, but it may not come out so easily in the future. Mother-in-law, you take care.

Hou Zunzhuang's face was slightly gloomy because of her words.

"You are right, so you still have no other thoughts, marry the prince properly."

Jihouzun waved his hand, and the guards cleared their way.

After looking at the guards around in a circle, Xi Baisu finally followed her and was sent outside.

Zhe Lin Shui Xuan is a small yard on the island of Huxin. Although there is a bridge, the water is not deep.

However, it is on the lake and there is nothing to cover around.

Outside is now full of guards, and it is almost impossible to sneak in without alarming anyone.

Ji Houzun locked her here, probably also to prevent the possibility of Long Tianyu coming to save people.

"Our house is Gao Lian, the **** chief of the palace. If Miss Gong has anything he needs, people can come to our house. If nothing happens, our house will be retired first."

She nodded and let the senior manager back down.

At the same time, she also declined the eunuchs and court ladies arranged by the senior manager.

I am here alone, she can only trust Bai Su and my son.

I turned back to the yard, everything here was comfortable, it seems that the posthumous premeditated.

坐在 She was sitting in a chair, unconsciously lost in thought.

After all, where is the problem?

"Miss, how do I think that the posthumous mother-in-law seems to be too anxious. Also, did she always agree with you and your Highness before?"

Bian brought a cup of tea and asked in a low voice in confusion.

"I also feel something is wrong, even if she wants to turn her head against me and her, there is no reason, unless"

"Unless what?"

She looked a little weird, squinting her eyes, pondering the details.

"The posthumous mother-in-law asks nothing more than to wish her son to be safe and smooth. The prince cannot give birth to a heir, so it is almost a consensus of the three to pass the position of honor to Long Tianyu. But if the prince has a way to cure If their own ills, then Yu, wouldn't it be their stumbling block? "

Min Er nodded, she knew that.

Looked around, the sound was lower.

"Can the Prince's illness be cured?"

She glanced at the girl, and she estimated that she didn't know what the sickness was.

She smiled and said.

"Theoretically, it can be cured. But in fact, the Prince has no regrets in terms of male functions, only"

She lay in 纭 er's ear and quietly said a word.

The little girl immediately seemed to be scalded, covering her ears, blushing, and looking at her sadly.

"Little, miss, you are necrotic!"

Suddenly the girl was red from head to toe.

Lin An's driver Lin, who drove the car, grinned, and Chen Er immediately grabbed the door, for fear she would say something "excessive".

"Master, what's the matter with me?"

Xi Baisu had just entered the door, and what he saw was the back of her child leaving in a hurry.

"It's okay, still young. By the way, what's going on around?"

"If it is solid, there are not only guards outside our yard, but also many secret whistle. Master, if I want to escape, I am afraid it will be difficult.

"Escape, why should we escape?"

She looked at Bai Su with a smile, but she looked a little relaxed, but Bai Su was puzzled.

"The post-priest is holding me here, it's all about calculating Yu. But how easy is it for both of us to be calculated by her?"

Although now, she hasn't thought of many things yet.

But the posthumously wants to deal with the heart of Long Tianyu, but it is clear.

But she didn't know yet, the attitude of Emperor Huang and Prince.

And she had a hunch that the Prince did not necessarily agree with what the Queen did.

After a while, the prince appeared in front of her.

"You step down first, I have something to say to Miss Gong alone."

Wu Murong Yanping retreated, and after only two people in the room left with Lin Mengya, his expression relaxed.

"I know it's the mother who imprisoned you here. Don't worry, I and Xi will find a way to rescue you."

Mu Rongyan's look was serious and sincere, and it didn't look like he was doing a show.

She thought about it before speaking slowly.

"Can His Royal Highness tell me why the Emperor is suddenly so?"

Wu Murongyan opened her mouth, but finally turned into a bitter smile.

"I know, in your eyes, the mother respects her words without faith, and tries to force you to marry me. But this is all a misunderstanding. The mother respects her not so intentionally, both"

都是 "It's all because there are some monsters that confuse the public and say that they can cure the prince's ills, so the queen believes them."

The familiar voice sounded, Lin Mengya was very surprised.

He turned his head and saw Long Tianyu, wearing a guard's clothes, jumping in through the rear window.

With a squeak, she smiled and frowned.

Hey this guy, the skill of climbing the window is better than once.

"Why are you here now?"

She ran over and deliberately made a cold look.

But the joy in his eyes cannot lie to others.

"Some things are delayed outside, didn't she hit you?"

She smiled and shook her head, Long Tianyu was relieved.

"I don't want you to wait outside? It's really Hulai!"

Tong Mu Rongyan was helpless, looking at his cousin, wondering what to say.

"I ca n’t rest assured not to see her in person. You are here to be honest, I will come to pick you up as soon as possible. You remember, be careful these days."

A word of him can be protected by thousands of troops.

She smiled and nodded sweetly, and she replied as if she had just thought of it.

"Before, the master of Chonghua County gave me a picture of the Spring Palace. I saw the last page and it was sealed up. I cut it apart, and the things on it are really obscure. If you go back and have time , You can secretly find someone to translate it. Hou Zun sent Zhonghua to you, it must not be that simple. "

"okay, I get it."

Wu Murongyan looked at the two people with a bitter expression.

当然 Of course he knows how much the Emperor does this for him.

But after seeing what Hou Zun did, he didn't feel much gratitude, just felt deeply helpless.

In the end, when will the mother realize what he really wants?

"His Royal Highness seems to be proficient in several foreign languages. Otherwise, you ask him?"

His Highness, who was named Prince, stunned God. He had just awakened from contemplation, and looked at them both blankly.

"Really? His Royal Highness, can you help me interpret?"

Wu Murongyan nodded to her, and said a little embarrassedly.

"Previously, the mother found some teachers for me. You still have to, how are those words written?"

Hey, she certainly remembers that.

I immediately found a pen and paper, Lin Mengya sketched out a little bit according to the contents of the system.

Tong Mu Rongyan picked up and looked for a long time, his face became increasingly ugly.

"This is the text of Lu State. Lu State is a small country, but it is prevalent in witchcraft. The text above is an evil spell. Probably, it is the life of a child to pray for his own children. The lost child will be tortured. At first, the child was stabbed 108 times with a needle, and then with a knife, the child was bled every three days. Finally, when the blood converged into the appearance of a baby , Witchcraft is successful. "

Xu Wenyan said, Lin Mengya frowned.

怎么 How can there always be such evil people in this world?

"Is it"

"What do you think?"

Qi Long Tianyu whispered when she thought she was thoughtful.

"That day, Chonghua took Xuner to eat with us. I smelled a smell of hemostatic medicine, but it was very light, it was not enough for the wound."

Nine Dragons Tianyu also understood her meaning, and then she said.

但 "But if the other person is a child and the wound is still stuck with a needle. Hemostasis naturally doesn't need much."

可怕 A terrible guess, rising from her heart.

"Yu, now you go back immediately. Keep Xun'er away from the Lord of Zhonghua County without hitting the grass and scaring the snake."

He nodded and turned to leave.

"What else can I do to help you?"

Wu Murongyan looked at them. It seemed that no one could intervene between the two people.

I honestly, this relationship, he is a bit jealous.

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