Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1422: Promised her

Apart from jealousy, a desire was born in his heart.

If there is a woman like Gong Ya in the world, he will have no regrets in this life.

Where does Gao Linmengya know what the prince thought, the only thing she knows now is that since they returned to Longdu, they have fallen into their calculations.

Nian Long Tianyu will come back to have an explanation to His Majesty the Emperor anyway.

Moreover, even if they return directly to the palace house, those calculations will not fail.

If you want to hurt people, there are many ways.

Fortunately, Ning Er is not here.

"Can your Highness inform you that in recent days, which side of the posthumous mother-in-law has had close contact with?"

Wu Murongyan thought for a while before answering.

"Since these days, a lot of people have come to greet the mother every day. But if you are kind, you should count the two nephews of the mother. I haven't had much contact with them until I heard they were right The mother is respectful. As for the others, I didn't notice it. "

This is a bit wrong. The posthumous maiden's family is not a powerful family.

If it was the mother ’s forces, then the poster must be crazy, would he want to do these things?

"Who has the Chonghua County Lord been in contact with these days?"

Wu Murongyan frowned slightly. He hadn't noticed it.

"But I think she always wants to contact her relatives. I heard that the eldest son of King Qin is here, and he should contact his own sister?"

He is half-brother, but it is indeed possible.

She thought about it and said solemnly.

"I suspect that this matter may have something to do with King Qin. If King Qin was motivating the Emperor behind his back, everything would be much more reasonable."

The power of King Qin was among the three kings, and he was not in a disadvantage.

What's more, he still has so many supporters in the family.

If he wants to cooperate with Hou Zun, everything is easy to explain.

But she still has some doubts. The three kings have been fighting with the royal family for years.

Why does the Emperor want to make skin with the tiger?

Emperor's position, everyone wants to get.

She didn't believe it, Qin Wang was willing to make a wedding dress for someone!

"Okay, I know how to do it. You have a good rest here, don't worry. I and Xi will think of something outside."

After Mu Murong Yan comforted her, she hurried away.

Lin Lin Mengya leaned against the window, but frowned.

Things seem to be getting more and more complicated.

How was Persuasion convincing?

Does this matter have anything to do with King Qin?

Tonight, I'm afraid it's hard to fall asleep.

For a few days, she waited in the yard.

Wu Murongyan often came to see her without being blocked in any way.

Obviously, the seniors feel that in this way they can "cultivate feelings" well.

But the posthumous apparently didn't know that every time Murong Yan came over, Long Tianyu asked him to send her the news.

虽然 Although she can't go out, she can understand everything.

On the fifth day, her brows finally relieved.


Holding a small note, she held it in her palm and placed it on her chest.

This is the first time in these days that Murong Yan has seen her smile so sweetly.

It is like the brightest star in the night, blooming bright and bright.

"What makes you so happy?"

He also seemed to be infected and asked in a low voice.

"Nothing. It was someone whom my Highness Xi asked me to find before. I knew he was okay and I was relieved."

Zhe Lin Mengya carefully packed the note, and for a while, Murong Yan was going to take it back.

"People, but the palace family?"

并不是 "No, he is a buddy-like friend of mine. He has been out of touch before. Now, he just found him. His Royal Highness, can I ask you something?"

She looked at him expectantly, and Murong Yan nodded before thinking too much.

"I hope you can find a way to send this person over to me. I know this is difficult, but there are no eunuchs or maids in my yard, so I think it is OK"

Her eyes flickered, and Murong Yan immediately understood.

"Do you want him to act as a palace person? This is not difficult, but it is difficult. The mother ’s respect must be strictly screened. A mother will definitely not agree."

"Then, let the posthumous consent, or not?"

"Oh? What's your plan?"

Wu Murongyan raised her eyebrows and looked forward to her expectantly.

"Please, come here with your ears."

On the sixth day of imprisonment, Gongya broke her leg.

According to the description of the guard on duty at the time, she was probably too boring, so she caught butterflies in the yard.

But in early spring, there are few butterflies.

Yan Ke Gongya had good eyesight and suddenly saw the colorful butterfly on the wall.

For a moment, Cola broke Miss Gong.

No one persuaded, I moved a ladder and went up to catch butterflies by myself.

What a pity, butterflies are not stupid, they flew away with their wings.

She also thought that she could fly, and then she made a slap, fell off, and broke her leg.

At that time, she and her maids hugged into a ball and started crying. The guards, who were crying all over the place, about fifty meters around, covered their ears and looked blue.

Tai Taiyi came to the hospital hurriedly to find out that she was really not badly injured, so she ordered that she take good care of her.

Ji Houzun thought about it, but also felt that there was nothing unreasonable.

Because of the suggestion of Taiyi, she also felt that she only had two maids in total, which was not enough, so she sent a pair of powerful maids over.

I did not expect, for the first time, Gong Yafei said that she was mocking her stupid, crying and shouting to drive away.

Ji Houzun came back for a good reprimand, feeling that this little thing could not be done, and sent two other court ladies.

These two palace ladies acted prudently, but Gong Ya's injury was too boring, and they asked the two maids to sing and sing for her.

Then, she noticed that they were incomplete and drove them away.

For a moment, Hou Zhuang was too lazy to care about her.

As a result, she stood in the courtyard with the maid, and said that the queen abused her.

The conscience of the heavens and earth, except that the queen will not let her go out, the others will choose the best to send her over.

Hou Zun's teeth were itchy, and when he was about to pack her up, the Prince suddenly appeared.

"Welcome to your mother."

Ji Houzun looked at his son, and the resentment caused by Lin Mengya slightly eased.

If it wasn't for her son, why should she?

"Well, you came here just right. Honmiya is going to visit Gongya. Come with Honm."

Wu Mu Rongyan also heard about Gong Ya, and also knew the posthumous, probably to find Gong Ya's obscurity, and said immediately.

"Mother respects her anger, in fact, Gong Ya is just upset and upset. She was innocently involved, and she was so pampered in the palace, and her wayward temper is actually normal."

He said this, the post said was a bit unexpected.

Her son, but never approached a woman easily.

Could it be that

If this is the case, then things will not be easy.

"You are really different to this palace."

He heard the meaning in his mother's voice, and Murong Yan immediately explained.

"The son-in-law thinks that since the mother respects Gongya as the wife of the son-in-law, the son-in-law can only obey."

I'm okay, my son has always been calm.

后 But the posthumous was still hungry and uneasy. After hesitating for a moment, he asked again.

"What about Na Gongya to you?"

"She already has a heart and she only respects her children."

"Why do you often go to her these days?"

Mu Rongyan's head dropped even lower.

"That's because the son-in-law wants to persuade her. This is the end of the matter, and there is no room for it anymore. The son-in-law sees her and is also a wise man. If he wants to come, he must understand what the son-in-law means.

Houhouzun finally showed a satisfied smile. She allowed her son to see Gongya, but she did not allow her son to fall in love with the woman.

"Well, you're doing it right. The reason why our palace acquiesced you to see her is to let her die soon. With you, she should also know that our palace's sincerity."

Wu Murongyan nodded, like an obedient puppet.

"You came here today to stop this house, to find her?"

"Yes, no. The son-in-law just thought that the reason why the mother should send someone is to show your grace. The first few people, presumably, also wanted to vent their dissatisfaction, so they rushed back."

Speaking of this, the posthumous man of course understands.

Her Gongya, where dare to lose her temper.

Therefore, I can only spread Qi on the palace people.

"Momiya knows, so this time, Mumiya wants to let her say what she wants."

There is still anger, but she knows how important Gong Ya is.

With her, Yaner can take the throne.

Why is she so reluctant to play such an important chess piece?

"My son-in-law feels that instead of doing this in person, let the aunt around you do the work. In the end, it's just a trivial matter, why do you need to let your mother do the work yourself?"

Houhou Zun gave him a comforting glance, and it seemed that his son finally understood his hard work.

I also think that Murong Yan is very reasonable.

"Well, you're right. Well, Song Yan, you do this."


还有 "Also, since Gong Ya doesn't like the people around her mother, then let her choose it."

Wu Murongyan spoke again, but the posthumous was hesitant.

She originally wanted to insert her own eyeliner and stare at Gongya.

If she let her choose, how could it be inserted?

"The mother does not have to be so embarrassed. The people she chooses are not all the mother. Are you right? If the mother is really uneasy, she can choose a substitute maid, but outside the yard, do rough She did it, and she wouldn't care. "

Murong Yan bowed her head and chanted.

After hearing this, Houzun felt very reasonable.

With a little smile in his eyes, he was still his own son and understood thoroughly.

"You're right, Song Yan, do it according to His Royal Highness."

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