Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1423: Meet in palace

My aunt, Song Yan, is the confidant that Houzun brought from her family.

I am most loyal to the posthumous, and I am cautious and neat.

After a while, Lin Mengya's small yard stood no less than twenty women.

She and Bai Su and 纭 er stood under the eaves and watched, and the two girls standing behind her whispered from time to time.

Squinting his eyes, Lin Mengya looked at the crowd.

I waited until everyone had expired. Aunt Song Yan, who was in charge of the matter, asked respectfully.

"Miss Gong, the mother-in-law said that the person sent a few days ago is really not in your mind. These are all slaves who are not good at doing things. The mother-in-law has severely punished the person in charge of this matter, and sent slaves to select you. Get a few good people. The slaves are afraid that what you choose is not suitable for your temperament. So, I called the palace lady who is a neat and tidy to send it over to you. The two girls are responsible for your personal affairs Let the rest of them do the tricks. "

She nodded and limped to the yard.

"There is an aunt Rao, and I am not difficult to serve. But you also know that our palace family is far away from the dragon, and Gong Ya is also homesick, so it is more severe."

She looked up and looked very innocent.

Wu Songyan nodded, and after echoing a few words, asked her to choose someone who could stay here to serve.

The left and right are just two rough-handed Gong'e, and the Hou Zun did not want to arrange more powerful people.

After randomly picking two in the crowd, she went back to the house on the grounds of leg pain.

Wu Songyan told the two court ladies to be diligent while she was sitting on the soft collapse in the room, squinting her eyes, and looking out the door.

"Master, man is gone."

After a short while, Bai Su went back and forth.

She nodded, but said nothing else.

"Hey, newcomer, it's your turn. I'm so anxious now that I want to go for a walk."


The two Gong'e dare not violate her words, and aunt also explained, as long as she remained in their sight.

Lin Lin Mengya wore her coat and slowly moved outside the yard.

I could see her back from the inside, but she couldn't hear her voice.

After a while, Murong Yan arrived.

"Miya, I have seen His Royal Highness."

She didn't come yet, but she was excited.

Behind Mu Rongyan, as usual, followed a few guards.

I was just one of them, but differently thin.

侍 The guard's light armor was worn on him, somewhat empty.

Xu bowed her head, and the man followed Murong Yan and walked up to her.

"You go down first."

Several other guards retreated, but the lean guard followed behind him without a word.

From the beginning, Lin Mengya's eyes stuck to the man.

咳 "Cough, I brought you to me. Whatever you say, you just say it."

Wu Murongyan lowered her voice and said, Lin Mengya looked at the person motionlessly, and there seemed to be tears in her eyes.

"You, what's wrong? How do you make yourself so stingy?"

The man raised his head, and the face, which was originally inexpressible, now had deep eye sockets, as if the wind was blowing, it was about to fall.

But he smiled at her.

"Girl, look at me, this is always the case when you are old, and you have a bad memory."

She widened her eyes and looked at each other in disbelief.

"You, do you all remember?"

With that frivolous tone, the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, always looking at her with a smile.

Even though 憔悴, but still like memories, that one is always behind, pampering his elder brother.

"Some of the past things I ca n’t remember, but at least, the most important thing is not to forget. Girl, your ass, does it still hurt? I ca n’t catch it right away, otherwise, you come to fight mine?"

A good atmosphere, just ruined him.

Lin Lin Mengya's mood is very complicated, but Qinghu can always restore her memory, which is always a good thing.

"Who is your rare fox who doesn't have a couple of flesh 腚! Qinghu, you are welcome to come back."

Her nose was pantothenic, and a mist of water sprang up in her eyes.

Before Yue Yueqi died, she sent someone to find the whereabouts of Qinghu.

He only knew that Yue Qi regarded him as a chip and sent him out of the holy city.

I waited until her people chased, but found nothing.

After all, Long Tianyu's talents found him.

But I heard that after he was rescued, he had already been tortured into an inhuman form.

She can't go out of the house. She can only use this method to determine his safety.

I'm fine, he's alive.

瞧 "Look at you, I'm just out of the door. Don't cry, do you want me to hold you?"

The man's temper was not enough, but he still carried his unique gentleness.

Lin Mengya finally couldn't help, red eyes, and gave him a soft slap.

"Where the **** did you go? Do you know? I'm worried about you."

There were some grievances, a bit of worry, and a little bit of complaint in the talk.

Seeing her tears, Qing Fox

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