Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1424: Royal vs. Royal

So, seeing that Qinghu is new, this group of people took the initiative to change him into it.

After seeing Qinghu alone outside her yard, and all those people retreated to the shore, Lin Mengya smiled.

I carried the small bench and sat beside Qinghu.

"Girl, how did you do that?"

Wu Qinghu couldn't help but be a little curious, why these people seem to dislike contacting her.

眯 She narrowed her eyes, hiding her strength and name.

大概 "Probably, it's charisma."

Well, it's mainly the power of the mouth gun.

Wu Qinghu looked at her suspiciously, and then looked at the guards.

This little girl in his family is always confusing.

With Qinghu, her news is more smooth.

Many of the actions of Xihouzun finally aroused his dissatisfaction.

After all, Yu is his close nephew.

After working hard, the empress did not fall on the head of her mother-in-law.

Therefore, the first thing Huang Zun did was to repatriate those nephews of Hou Zun's family with a tough attitude.

I thought that the post would at least converge, but the post wouldn't care at all and would still do what he did.

A few days later, the eunuchs around Huang Zun appeared in front of her.

"Miss Gong, Her Majesty, please go there."

At the same time, her leg injury had long since healed.

But still limped, pretending not to look good.

"Yes, Gongya should obey. Dare to ask my father-in-law, Your Majesty declares my past, why?"

She doesn't really feel much about Emperor.

But what kind of previous impressions can't determine the future.

After all, Hou Zun was once a united front with her.

Now, aren't they going their separate ways?

The **** was slightly behind and smiled politely, but his tone was very smooth.

"Your Majesty's thoughts, how could the minions be free to think about it? However, the Minion thought that His Majesty appreciated Ms. Gong, maybe it was not a bad thing."

When I heard him say that, she felt even worse.

I was a little bit moody, and she was ready immediately, and she followed her **** behind her **** and walked to Her Royal Highness's palace.

I was not close to the palace from her, and Huang Zun even arranged a small sedan for her.

After she arrived at Her Majesty's palace, the **** led her to the warm house, but the man retreated.

She was standing in the warm court obediently, and there was no unnecessary conversation with 交谈 儿.

I waited for a while before hearing the movement outside.

"Chen Gongya, I have seen His Royal Highness."

拜 She paid her respects, and there was no flaw in etiquette.

I felt Huang Zun's sight and faintly covered her, Lin Mengya was not afraid to snub.

"Well, get up. I heard that you were injured?"

Huang Huangzun's voice was very cold, like a good jade, cold, but with a round texture.

Although people feel the majesty of the Emperor, they do not make people feel too scared.

In short, it is the tone of the superior.

"It's all minor injuries, it doesn't matter."

Her attitude is not low, but she should be respectful.

Pu Huangzun sat behind the desk in front of her, sharp eyes, looking at her.

"I heard that Hou Zun intentionally asked you to marry a prince?"

"Thanks to the queen mother-in-law's wrong love, I am ashamed to be."

Wu Huangzun's sight suddenly became sharp.

"Do you think that the Prince does not deserve you?"

Zhe Lin Mengya rolled her eyes in her heart. The two of them don't look at each other, but there are some things that are the same.

Tong Ming knew that she had a heart, and still asked here knowingly.

"No, the minister does not mean this. His Royal Highness is the dragon and the phoenix among the people, and it is the court that cannot afford to climb."

"Well, your nephew, are you right?"

The emperor's tone was obviously bad, and she had to deal with it carefully.

"Chin, that's not what it means."

"Gong Ya, you are a smart person. You should know that in Yan ’s eyes, Xi is like Yan ’s left and right arm. You do n’t want to marry Yan, but you want to marry Xi, this is not, let their brother two Are they different? "

The question of Zong Huangzun became more and more acute,

Lin Lin Mengya knows that today's barrier is not good.

Oblivious dumbness is obviously not her style.

Since everyone's words are so straightforward, she is not good enough to continue pretending to be stupid.

"His Majesty's Ming Jian, how the court and His Royal Highness are, that is the matter between the court and His Royal Highness. But marrying the prince is not what the court said, but the posthumous mother-in-law."

"What do you mean, all this is wrong with the post?"

She gritted her teeth, and she was unreasonable.

One forced her to marry, and one resented her.

It's clear that they are a bar off. What's the matter with her?

"Don't dare"

"Don't you dare say that in front of You?"

"Your Majesty!"

She couldn't help it.

Your Majesty, before you married you, the two of you had a final decision. At that time, the two did not dare to violate the will of the two.

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