Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1426: I want to marry you

Her smile was a little ironic.

To be honest, she hadn't been so determined before.

But the invasion of the posthumous lady just now gave her a guess and a positive answer.

Not that she feels good about herself, but the performance of her posterity, which shows that she is important.

For Huang Zun and Hou Zun, if she is just a normal chess piece, then they don't have to worry so much.

Although Wu Huangzun finally lost her patience with her, it was not a threat, waiting for her to yield and change her mind.

So, she clenched her teeth until the end, she refused to agree.

He finally angered the Emperor.

But the other way around, if she is not so irreplaceable, why should the Emperor endure it again and again.

Even, he also revealed the surprise when he was young.

不是 All of this does not explain exactly, does Huang Zun really want to fight for her?

She thought she was not smart one by one.

But at least, not too stupid.

They are so eager for quick success, but instead made her cheap.

纭 She walked out of the royal palace with her children.

Although no one will guide her, the system has long remembered the route and cannot lose it.

I walked and walked, she just felt a little strange.

I turned my head to the side, but saw my son, staring at myself with a blushing face.

"Why are you looking at me like this?"

This little girl is a bit wrong.

怎么 Why did she always feel that the girl was in the green light?

"Miss, you just now, I admire you just now!"

Wu Xiaoya's mumbling whispered in sleepwalking, Lin Mengya reluctantly struck her forehead.

"Well, you give me back my soul."

I covered her forehead, and I also wanted to watch her secretly.

She smiled helplessly, but it was not easy in her heart.

"Miss, why are you upset?"

"Stupid girl, I have completely offended the Emperor and the Emperor. What's so good about that."

Over Yu Yu, she didn't worry about it.

The relationship between them is not something others can break apart.

It is only now that she feels isolated and helpless.

虽然 Although they can't move her, they don't mean they can't move other people?

Just now, she just wanted to earn some capital for herself.

Alas, she didn't become so passive after something similar happened later.

也是 "Also, but the lady doesn't have to worry too much. After all, they still want to win over you, and you haven't said that you won't cooperate with them at all. I think they should compromise temporarily."

I'm clever.

That's why she brought her to her side.

"Well, I hope so."

She can't do much in the palace for the time being, but Yu Yu won't sit still.

As soon as I walked to the Royal Garden, I saw the worried fox walking hurriedly.

However, after seeing her and her son, the man's expression eased and he quickly walked to her side.

"Which two people can embarrass you?"

He looked up Lin Mengya up and down, and determined that she was intact, then the hanging heart was regarded as letting go.

"how do you know?"

I was a little surprised. She hadn't come to the yard yet. Why did Qinghu know about it?

"Oh, oh, sure enough, this troublesome constitution hasn't changed at all. You know, your people haven't come out of the royal palace, many things have already spread."

Helplessly looked at Qinghu, what can she do?

多 There are many people in the palace, and the speed of news spreads naturally.

Now she is really famous.

"Speaking of it, both Huang Zun and Hou Zun are too much. If it were not for such a smart and powerful lady, I might be bullied by them!"

Tong Er widened her eyes and said indignantly.

Wu Qinghu glanced at the little girl. Bai Su recognized him, but the little girl had very good eyes.

However, he was extremely satisfied with the girl's knowledge of her sister.

Yeah, very smart and promising.

"What are you going to do after that?"

Withdrew his gaze, Qinghu asked softly.

怕 He is afraid that he is used to her unfearing appearance, so his tone is like a bear parent who loves his children.

"What can I do? They will let me go and I will go, if not, then I will stay here 呗. But these days, you have to work harder to help me keep the door."

This matter, will certainly be full of excitement.

The so-called person is afraid of the famous pig and the strong. If she can't attract the attention of the interested person before, she will become a celebrity of Longdu even after that.

This matter is a double-edged sword, and she hasn't figured out how to use it yet.

"Miss, please rest assured, there is a child who is with Sister Bai Su, don't even want a fly to fly in!"

Ma'er patted her breast and promised it.

有 There are them during the day and clear foxes at night, she is quite relieved.

As soon as Wu Tian wiped off the black, she happened to be walking in the yard for fasting, and she saw several figures in the distance and came over.

She narrowed her eyes and looked farther.

Then the corners of his mouth curled up, with a bit of playfulness.

"Ms. Gong is really a bold artist!"

Nine Dragons Tianyu carried her hands on her back with a three-point smile on her face and walked across the bridge.

哪里 "Where and where, I probably fainted for a while, His Royal Highness Do not care about me with a little woman."

Pu Yu glanced at her and stood beside her.

"But I heard that you are using Jiangshan as an offer and you want to marry me."

Lin Lin Mengya was so dangerous that she was not drunk by her own saliva. How could it be so exaggerated?

"Well, His Royal Highness is in good shape, handsome and worthy."

"Thanks, Miss Gong, for your love?"

"No need, everyone is so familiar, kind."

I held my hand and squeezed her face fiercely.

"Do you think I'm bragging about you?"

The impatience in Sunda's tone was so bad that she had to give up the struggle.

In fact, it doesn't hurt much, just a little shame.

"Oh, I admit that I was wrong. But you don't know. The Emperor was too good at the time. I didn't yell at him and panic."

"You just beat him, why didn't you force him to set the wedding date?"

吐 She spit out her tongue, her mouth narrowed so that an oil can can be hung.

"I mentioned the marriage proposal, and I still have to set the marriage date. If people know it, I don't think I hate getting married!"

Chen Long Tianyu let go of his hand, and instead pinched her chin, raised it slightly, and looked at herself.

"You don't want to marry me?"

Her eyes turned around, so what did she say?

"But I want to marry you and I'm going crazy."

His eyes were dark and his voice was low.

Zhe Lin Mengya only felt that the waist was soft, but fortunately, he could rely on his iron arm, so as not to slip on the ground.

"Not urgent"

"You are not in a hurry, I am in a hurry. Yaer, I just want to live with you forever and never be separated."

He took her in his arms and said his true love.

Zhe Lin Mengya leaned in his arms, and the smile on the corner of her mouth couldn't be hidden.

"This, you don't have to wait that long. Anyway, now, the Emperor and the Emperor, don't agree with me. When the Palace Academy is run, we will pick a good day and marry again."

This sounds a little awkward.

She couldn't help remembering the day when he first met him, she was dressed in wedding clothes and married to his palace.

怎么 Why did she think that there would be such a day?

好 "Okay, I can bear it anymore. But why do you insist on running a school?"

He tightened his arm fiercely, and realized her tenderness, and then let go, for fear of hurting her.

"Well, in fact, at first, I just hope that the palace family can quickly protect themselves. But now I think that learning must be done. But this time, I hope that the teachers can give it to the children of the family, Something new. "

Although now, there are some problems on the Yanxia Mountain.

But something inspired her.

The people in Xixian City don't know how long they can wait.

Once they want to come to the ground, relying on powerful military forces, they will definitely cause a catastrophe on earth.

The people on the ground are the majority in number, but fatally, they are not united.

Yan Shijia are fighting openly and secretly, and this will consume more power.

Judging from the news that Qinghu brings every day, the friction of the family is increasing.

So she started to worry.

If this situation continues, I am afraid that the army of Xiancheng has not yet arrived, and the country is already in full swing.

At that time, I'm afraid I will let the people of Xiancheng enjoy the benefits of fishermen.

"What do you want to give them?"

There is always something different in her little head.

He is also very curious and wants to find out.

"I want them to learn to be self-reliant, and most importantly, I want to let them know the power of solidarity."

The stubborn thinking of the older generation is afraid that it will be difficult to change.

小 But the juniors are different. Although they are deeply loved and grew up in that kind of environment, their hearts are uncertain.

And, curious about many things.

When she was walking on the holy mountain, the events of the Ma family and the Cheng family made her fresh.

I also have those friends of my brothers who have cultivated friendship since childhood and have continued to this day.

Also, it has a profound impact on his life.

No matter what the homeowners are, they are already old.

If the new generation can understand the importance of unity, then when the army of the fairy city appears, they will come together.

At least, better than now.

"You think good, but it's hard to do."

Nine Dragons Tianyu didn't want to hit her, but some things he saw much better than her.

"The environment of your palace is different, so you can jump out and think about the problems. But those children, born in Sri Lanka and Sri Lanka, do you think they will give up the interests of the family?"

He raised an eyebrow, she tilted her head and looked at him.

"Ordinary training, of course not. So, I assigned them a series of simple and efficient training methods."

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