Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1427: Abduction by others

Instinctively told him that when her eyes were running out, never explore what she was going to do.

Otherwise, something terrible will happen.

"That's good, I will deal with the matter here as soon as possible. As for the Emperor and the Emperor, their words, you don't have to take it seriously."

He raised an eyebrow and Lin Mengya looked at him quite deeply.

Listening to the meaning of this remark, it seems that he already has the strength that can disregard the Emperor and the Emperor.

She was a little itchy, and she was really curious.

Alas, they have long established a tacit understanding.

不到 In this last minute, no one knows the mode of dealing with each other's cards, sometimes it is really fresh and exciting.

"Well, I'm afraid they won't wait for me to leave soon. In fact, in the final analysis, they just want to use me."

The two men were talking, and the outside guard knocked on the door and ran in.

"Miss, the queen mother is here."

Houzun actually came at this time?

Sublimely, Lin Mengya didn't want the posterity to discover that Long Tianyu was also here.

"Hide first."

She pushed people into the inner room. Although Long Tianyu didn't care, he still obediently.

He just hid the people, and the posthumous people arrived.

She pretended to be everything as usual and went out indifferently.

"Respected mother after seeing."


Ji Houzun didn't say anything extra, and his gaze fell on her, looked at him, and then turned elsewhere.

She thought it was strange, but she didn't say anything.

"My palace knows that you don't want to marry a prince. Your Majesty has the heart to fulfill you, and my palace also thinks that the strong twist is not sweet. Only Gongya, you know, the Prince is the well-known Chu Jun. As for Murong Xi. Yaner Although His Majesty and His Majesty passed it on to him in the future, but this is a future thing, and who can guarantee that the honor will fall on his hands? "

The meaning in the posthumous words of the emperor, she could be heard clearly.

He lowered her eyes, she said without hesitation.

"Thank you for your reminder, but Gong Ya has a stubborn nature. She is used to making troubles at home, and she is not worthy of His Royal Highness. The mother can find another good match. When that happens, Gong Ya will congratulate her sincerely."

She knows that there is resentment in the post, so her posture is low enough.

After looking at her for a moment, Jihouzun seemed to accept her kindness.

"Well, if this matter has forced you, it will not be a good thing for you and the prince. It will stop here. This house is here to send you out of the house. Pack up your things and follow this house come on."

Let her go?

She was a little hesitant, and even if the posthumous wants to let her go, she only needs to send someone to spread a message, why bother to come in person?

既然 "That being the case, Zunni waits for me after annoying."

She owed her body and turned back to the inner room.

"Follow her first, don't be afraid."

Qi Long Tianyu lowered his voice and comforted her.

Qi Lin Mengya nodded, and immediately packed up some things she needed to use, and handed it over to her and Bai Su.

"OK, let's go."

Hou Zunzun didn't look, and took people out of the yard.

三个 The three of them have just gone out, followed by a few guards.

Ning Qinghu was not seen, and these guards were also very powerful.

He is not so much protection as it is to be afraid of them running away.

三个 The three of them exchanged their eyes and watched each other carefully.

The Empress Dowager did not take them to the gate of the palace where they usually enter and enter, but to the northwest corner of the palace.

I don't know what happened. On the way, there wasn't even a figure here.

With all my heart, I was a little worried.

"Okay, you can go out of the palace. Gong Ya, you can do it yourself in the future."

Ji Houzun stood in the night, and the candlelight was shaking, making it difficult to see the look on her face.

She Bai Su shook her hand tightly, and She also protected her behind her.

"Thank you Niangniang for raising your expensive hands, but it's too late. If Gongya is out of the house at this time, I'm afraid it's a bit inconvenient."

Houzun's cold voice became impatient.

"Rest assured, the palace has been arranged outside, and someone will pick you up. At that time, I will directly take you back to Murong Xi's mansion. Go, go out of the palace, so that the palace does not change its mind."

There is definitely something wrong with this initiative.

But now she is in a dilemma, and besides Bai Su, she has no room to fight back.

What's more, she also needs to protect her.

"Yes, Gongya obeys, please take care of Houzun's mother and mother, Gongya is gone."

She saluted, turned and led someone out of the palace door.

The black hole was outside, but she heard the sound of horseshoes pedaling to the ground.

Strangely, although the posthumous released her, the guards who had been behind her did not stay in the palace.

She turned her head and said as calmly as possible.

"Several elder brothers, I'm bothering you to run this trip, and a few, take it here. There must be more important things in the palace."

I didn't expect a steel knife to rest on her neck.

"Don't talk nonsense, get in the car!"

"What are you doing?"

Bai Su was anxious, and drank loudly.

"Bai Su!"

喝 She stopped Bai Su's actions and turned to look at those people.

"Can you tell me, who wants to do something to me?"


Obviously, the other party did not want to talk to her more.

I was detained and she had to obey obediently.

After all three were crammed into the carriage, the carriage ran silently through the night.


Tonger pulled her sleeve, a little fear in her voice.

"Don't be afraid, it's okay."

She whispered comfort, and quietly opened the Shennong system.

"Small medicine, analyze the carriage route, draw a topographic map."

In his head, he gave instructions to the small medicine.

The system starts working instantly and is completely free from the restriction of sight.

Fortunately, just before she arrived in Longdu, she copied the detailed map into the system.

Was originally afraid of getting lost, but now it is of great use.

The horse-drawn carriages walked for more than three hours, but from the map, they always circled not far from the palace.

Most of the people who can live here are either rich or expensive.

The carriage finally stopped, and the coordinates of the system were determined at the same time.

But the host here hasn't seen her much.

I only know that he is a person who does not usually love communication and everything is average, but only a person with a good background.

It is the posthumous mother's home!

Suddenly suspicious of her stomach, junior, what exactly do you want to do?

"Did anyone bring it?"

"Here, three of them, all in the carriage."

Whispered outside without hiding her ears.

After a short while, the carriage door was opened.

"Miss Gong, please get off."

The outside is no longer a dark piece, and I have become accustomed to dark eyes. After seeing the light, I am still a bit uncomfortable.

She narrowed her eyes slightly and looked at the person.

It's a very ordinary man's face, looks like a steward of a big family.

"Who are you? Where is this? You are not afraid to burn yourself if you tie me here?"

The other laughed, and in his eyes, he passed a little scorn.

"Miss Gong said and laughed. In fact, my host just wanted to invite you to stay for a few days. You don't have to worry about it. No one will hurt you here, please."

Initial tentative test, she was not satisfied with the results.

I also want to continue to ask. Suddenly a pair of big hands came in, grabbed her's skirt, and pulled it out of the car.

"What are you doing? Let go!"

Lin Lin Mengya guarded her and asked coldly.

"Here you are all here. What else do you put on the shelf? If you are acquaintances, just roll down quickly so as not to suffer from flesh!"

The man who looked like a housekeeper looked back at his companion.

"Don't be powerless to Miss Gong, Miss Gong, please, please. These men under me are all big bosses. It would be bad if you hurt."

Xi Baisu's eyes were angry, while Lin Mengya's heart was stunned.

It seems that the other party is not good.

"Okay, I can listen to you. But you better show me hands and feet. Otherwise, none of us will end well."

After she lost her camouflage, she felt cold and let the housekeeper's brows frown slightly.

"It's natural, Wang Wei, can't you please accompany Miss Gong?"

Although the man was rude, he listened to the steward.

After a short while, his apology came from outside.

"I'm sorry."

"Miss Gong."

He smiled and returned to the housekeeper's face. He looked at himself and said again.

"Can you come down now?"

She looked at the housekeeper and finally took Bai Su and her son out of the carriage.

Outside, there was a one-eyed big man.

At this moment, he was looking at 纭 儿 with bad eyes.

The latter was terrified and could only hide behind her and Bai Su.

"You still let your men converge, otherwise, I will make his other eye blind."

"You bitch, what are you talking about?"

The big man raised his fist in anger, but before he could do anything to her, Bai Su rushed up and jammed his neck.

Suddenly, the guards around him pulled out their knives at the same time, and the atmosphere was triggered.


The steward man yelled, his face no longer so calm.

"Miss Gong, please don't get me wrong. We ask you to come here, just to help you. Wang Wei, get the penalty yourself!"

In the heart of the housekeeper man, it is her chip that is more important in the end.

"Bai Su, come back."

刚才 She just wanted to deter those people.

If I really start, I'm afraid they will suffer.

Wu Baisu gave the strong man a distasteful look and turned back to her.

There was a faint cold light in the eyes of the steward man, but he could not bear it anymore.

"Miss Gong, please inside."

She nodded and looked around calmly.

Here, it should be the back door of that house.

Sure enough, the posthumous respect for her.

I walked in from the backyard and soon she was taken to a room.

Along the way, he didn't see anyone other than those who guarded her.

I have some doubts in my heart. Is this person a partner of the Supreme?

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