Min Er tilted her head and asked with some worry.

"That's right, but miss, what are we going to do next? Could it be possible, really here, stuck for a long time?"

Lin Lin Mengya ate the last piece of cake, patted the residue on her hand, and smiled at her own little girl.

当然 "Of course not, they used all their intimidation and lure, nothing more than hoping that I would be afraid, and obediently obedient in the future. I want to do as they wish, but unfortunately, some people refused.

Xi Baisu looked at her and asked tentatively.

"Yes, Your Highness?"

"Do not!"

She shook her slender forefinger and said sternly.

"Yu just wants to save me, and some people are deliberate and want to catch me. I think their purpose should be the same as these people."

Her fingers subconsciously rubbed the edge of the tea cup. Although she was imprisoned here, she could see something clearly.

The group was very careful, but she found that every time the housekeeper man came, the door was opened and closed quickly.

Moreover, all the things the housekeeper made for her were taken from the same place.

She's sure, it's definitely not a restaurant.

Because there is no flavor in other dishes.

This is not common at home.

She has a keen sense of taste and can never go wrong.

This shows that the steward man is particularly concerned about her diet.

In this case, it may be that someone wants to make a fuss about her diet.

But there are tens of millions of ways to kill her. Poisoning in the diet is the most obvious one.

If it was not poison, what would it be?

She frowned slightly, everything here was in a weird atmosphere.

But the only thing she knew was that these people certainly did not treat her well.

I think it's time for her to do something.

"You come with ears, I have something and need your help"

Three girls are plotting in the house. Fortunately, they also support each other in adversity.

After the storm of peach blossom cake, Lin Mengya seemed to be more docile.

The steward man was very satisfied with it, and he didn't say anything, but sometimes he could release her out of the room for a moment.

Of course, it is also the doctor's order.

She said that the right amount of exercise can promote her health.

I leaned against the corridor and she yawned gracefully.

This is the third time she has yawned. The time is okay, nor is it the time for her nap.

So okay, people are not very sleepy, just look a little sluggish.

"Miss, would you like some tea?"

Chen Er brought the tea to her, Lin Mengya looked at it and reached out to get it.

With a cracking sound, the tea cup was broken by her hand, and the hot tea splashed around.

"Miss, miss, are you all right?"

Shouting, holding her hand in excitement, shouted and heard that the caretaker rushed over immediately.

I saw her hand and it turned red, but with a little confusion in her eyes.

怎么 "How did you do that? Why so careless!"

After the guard yelled at her, he was anxious.

She frowned, and turned away from the guard.

"She's just careless. Why are you so fierce? Besides, the person who burns is me, what are you so anxious about?"

I saw her so calm, several guards glanced at each other.

"Yes, it's us who overrun. Excuse me, how is your injury?"

"What injury?"

She waved her hand and said indifferently.

"It's just a few minor injuries. Where can there be any injuries? I ask you, are there any scalds or anything here?"

The guards saw her and believed.

Immediately someone took out the ointment, and after taking it, she applied it carefully to her hands.

The dark, creamy ointment has an unpleasant smell.

She was frowned, but fortunately, everyone thought she was in pain.

"Isn't that all right? You continue to be your mess, don't bother."

After hearing the words, those few people didn't dare to say anything, and immediately retreated.

第二 The next day, when the housekeeper man appeared, he saw Bai Su and 纭 er who were ants on the hot pot.

He looked at the two girls, turning around in front of Gong Ya's door, looking at the room with concern, and could not help but feel a little anxious.

"You two, why don't you go in and wait for the lady?"

Who knows, when the two people saw him, they looked like they were looking forward to, and they seemed to be embarrassed, and hesitated for a long time.

"But what's wrong with the lady? Give me up, I'm going to see!"

The steward man was anxious and pushed them away to enter.

But Bai Su blocked him in front of him and said nothing.

"Do you want to die? Don't forget, she is the master of your family!"

I watched the housekeeper man lose his patience and was stunned by the uncle, said softly.

"No, we didn't conceal it on purpose. This is really a matter and it is difficult to talk about it. Please also, don't embarrass our sisters."

I saw her tearful eyes, and she could die for her own lady, obviously, not the kind of irresponsible servant.

But why, they just won't let him in?

The steward man was puzzled and thought about it, but still insisted on going in.

There was a bang, and the sound of cracked porcelain came from the room.

He was anxious and kicked the door open.

"Miss Gong, are you okay?"

He stumbled in, but saw Gong Ya, standing at the table, and his face was pale.

After seeing him, he walked back to the bedroom a few steps in horror.

The steward man wanted to chase, but the woman inside shouted.

"If you dare come in, I'll show you!"

He froze, suppressing his footsteps.

But he still looked suspicious. The next few days, this palace Ya could still quibble and calculate.

How come today, it's as if you were a different person?

"Miss Gong, you already know that I am not malicious to you, why bother—"

"You get out of me! Get out!"

In the room, there was a shout from Gongya in anger.

But unlike before, her voice was obviously weak.

The steward man was more confused. After thinking about it, he turned around and went out.

"Miss Gong, even if you don't want to see me, you must let me know. What's wrong with you?"

There was silence for a long time inside, and finally, a weak voice floated out.

"You go, this thing, you can't control it!"

The steward man frowned, thinking that this matter was so difficult and even more anxious.

"You said, even if I can't control it, my master can certainly manage it?"

He seemed to be anxious inside, before yelling.

"Manage the tube! How do you manage the moon affairs of the woman's house? Lock me up here and used me such a cool medicine, and I haven't prepared it for me!"

Her grumpy and roaring on her side, while the steward male blushed.

Although he hasn't been to the women's moon, but he has n’t eaten pork, have he ever seen a pig go?

Suddenly, I felt a little embarrassed.

After a fake cough, he said arrogantly.

"This matter is not well thought out below. So, what does the lady need, although it is said. Next, I will definitely help you to prepare for it. Please also ask the lady to forgive me. Previously, I was wrong, and I ran into the lady."

He said that the woman of the aunt was unreasonable.

This point still applies in ancient times.

After Lin Lin Mengya scolded a few more words, she finally became quiet.

After a short while of work, I wrote the list of things and put it in the hands of the housekeeper man.

He didn't see it, and put it in his sleeve.

Turned his head again, as if thinking of something, asked.

"Miss said just now that it was the medicine we gave you. Dare to ask, what medicine is that?"

"You still have a face to ask! It was the scald cream from yesterday. It was cool and cool at the time, very comfortable. Who knows that the medicinal properties are so cold, it directly made me dead!"

The steward man frowned and turned to find his subordinates.

After asking a little bit clearly, his face was a little ugly, and then he left in a hurry.

After Bai Baisu and Yun'er performed for a full ten minutes, they finally entered the room because they were "relaxed".

As soon as I entered the door, I saw her master, who was leaning on the bed in a leisurely way, where was there a little bit that made my aunt torture her to death?

Min Er looked outside and asked carefully, lowering her voice.

"Miss, will they believe it?"

She glanced at 纭 er and said with a sneer.

他们 "Of course they will believe, rest assured."

Sure enough, just after dinner, the housekeeper gave everything over.

And all meals have been changed to hot ingredients.

In my opinion, the housekeeper man did find someone to confirm it.

"Take it, you are careless enough, these things can't be remembered."

扔 She threw it to 纭 儿, and the little girl froze, and her pretty face quickly rose a few crimson.

He said nothing and ran to the inner room quietly.

"Master, why are you doing this?"

Bai Su leaned to her ear and asked in a low voice.

She narrowed her eyes and looked out the door.

当然 "Of course, to let people know. Here, a woman lives."


Wu Baisu looked at her in surprise, while Lin Mengya raised her eyebrows and smiled indignantly.

Play, right?

Then, play bigger!

Originally, neither she nor two girls could leave the yard.

现在 But now they have to release a girl out of the yard.

The main reason is that they can't handle certain things.

On the first day, when the housekeeper man hadn't seen it, he looked pale.

I tried for a long time, but finally did not dare to do it.

Xun still Xun'er "compassionate" and said on his own initiative.

"You still do n’t need to touch these things. People in our hometown say that if a man encounters something like this woman, it will take three years. It ’s about three years. I ca n’t run. These things are left to our women. it is good."

The steward man frowned, and hesitated.

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