Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1432: Midnight dark

Seeing him still disagree, Biaoer looked at no one left and right, and whispered.

"And I heard that this kind of thing is the most impediment to official transportation. In our village, there was a man who was admitted to the No. 1 spot. Later, somehow, he suddenly went to jail and his family was killed. It ’s miserable. Later, someone in the village said that it was because he touched his wife ’s thing. This was a bad idea, and what ’s more, his wife has been sick since then. I heard older people say, It ’s because the man is full of yang, and he collides with the woman. What will happen to my lady in the future? "

When she said these words, she also looked worried.

The steward man narrowed his eyes and seemed to be engaged in a fierce ideological struggle.

She was not in a hurry, and even shook his head after seeing that he seemed to disagree.

算 "Forget it, since you don't believe me, I'll treat it like a donkey."

I turned around and wanted to leave, but was stopped by the housekeeper's words.


"What's wrong with you?"

"These words were you telling me on purpose? You want to use this to go out and say, Who do you want to report?"

The steward man changed his face, and his big hand clenched her neck.

Sui Er was immediately scared and opened her eyes wide, two small hands grabbed his wrists, trying hard to break free.

"You, are you crazy?"

She clutched his arm randomly, but because she was too weak, she couldn't catch him at all.

And the housekeeper hummed a little, and exerted a little more force on his hands.

"Not yet honestly!"

"You, you lunatic! OK, let me tell you, my lady has so much pain, she wants to eat sweet cakes outside!"

She has some difficulty breathing, but she can barely understand her words.

The steward man was suspicious for a while, but a sneer appeared on his face.

"How does her physical matter have anything to do with sweet cakes, are you covering me?"

"Have you ever?"

"I am a man, how can there be such trouble?"

"But I am also a woman, how do you know that my lady does not need it!"

She stared fiercely at the housekeeper man, and she didn't look half-hearted.

But the big hand around her neck was hesitant.

"You said, but is it true?"

He was also dubious, but 纭 er snorted.

"Why are you a big man, always paying attention to this kind of thing, and don't be embarrassed."

She scolded resentfully, and the steward's face became more and more blue.

Finally, he chose to let go.

"What she likes to eat, I'll just buy it. As for these things you can go with me. But you have to remember, your lady can be here. In case, if you're wrong-"

The steward's male eyes warned her grimly, while Xuaner flinched and said bravely.

"I naturally know this. Do you want me to go anyway? I can tell you, if you don't go, you can do that"

The housekeeper's man jumped with blue muscles on his forehead, and gave her a cold glance, and had to let her take things out of the yard.

Little girl holding things, leaning her hands on the back, and gently gave the people in the room a gesture of "ok".

This is what Lin Mengya agreed with her, but everyone knows that the people in the house are frightened.

"When you go out, you must revenge today!"

Bai Baisu's voice was cold, and his eyes were burning with anger.

A gleam of cold light passed her eyes.

"Yes! Damn, you want to kill me!"

刚才 The two of them just rushed out.

Bian Keer explained earlier that if she really felt that she couldn't handle it, she would signal them both.

I didn't want to, the girl was so stubborn, she really survived.

Apart from her distress, she felt guilty.

When will she be able to let the people around her be so risky?

"Master, you don't have to worry, and you don't have to blame yourself."

Bai Su understood her best and said with relief.

"Yi Er, like me, you saved your life. So, even if you die, you are willing."

She immediately wanted to speak, refuting Bai Su's thoughts.

But I didn't expect that the girl spoke first.

"I know, you will definitely say that as long as we are good, we will repay you the most. But you also said that people have their own aspirations, and they choose the way they want to go. Choose what she wants, why don't you complete her? "

Hey this girl, but also learned to plug his mouth.

In the end, she still sighed quietly.

Is n’t it true that the mother is a big girl, is n’t she a big girl? Not right.

In short, she really felt that, in a quiet way, the growth rate of the two girls far exceeded her expectations.

But 纭 儿 cannot sacrifice in vain, they no longer speak, just waiting for 安静 儿 's return quietly.

Finally, after dark, 纭 儿 carrying big bags and small bags, cheerfully returned to their side.

When Lin Mengya saw her, she immediately dragged him over, closed the door quickly, and asked with concern.

"Why did it take so long? They, can it be difficult for you?"

Lao Er shook her head with a smile, then untied things one by one and put them in front of them.

"I'm okay, you can rest assured. Miss, I have bought a lot of things according to your instructions, you see, there is nothing less!"

There were all kinds of things on the table, and she had no time to take care of it. After looking up and down for a few times, she was sure that the girl was okay. Then she let down a hanging heart, then turned her head and looked at the table. On something.

"It's hard for you, it's really the same."

"The hard work is not me, but the 'housekeeper'. Don't you know, he will be tormented to this day. By the way, I also saw the 'Doctor Zhang'. I heard 'Doctor Zhang' said, You have been in a bad mood these days, and let the housekeeper follow you, and you should never make you angry again. Now, how can I be proud of that housekeeper. "

Is Yu Yu also?

Lin Lin Mengya thought about it, but thought it was impossible.

This remark is like another person speaking.

Alas, he cannot appear in Longdu!

"Well, everyone is working hard today. It's time to eat, drink, and tomorrow, we will continue to toss him."

The three of them looked at each other and smiled. Although this kind of beauty is a little dangerous, it can't be simpler.

The next day, she still did the same.

He Erhe's follow-up behavior was no longer blocked by the housekeeper man. He even intentionally waited for him for a while.

For a few days, they did so.

Squinting at the date should also be past, the steward was considered a sigh of relief.

I'm okay, my grandma is waiting.

But more trouble came.

It was night, and just after she fell asleep, she could hear outside, and there was a muffled hum.

She had a hunch, so she didn't feel sleepy immediately.

But she was still lying on the bed, adjusting her breathing, making the illusion that she was still asleep.

Soon, someone sneaked into the yard.

The guards outside were unaware that they were all ended, or they were fainted, but there was no movement.

In the past few days, Bai Baisu and Yuner lived in an outhouse in the name of taking care of her.

The door of the inner chamber opened silently.

She Baisu sneaked in like a ghost, and behind her, she was also crappy.

She turned over, but her eyes opened.

In the darkness, 纭 er and Bai Su quietly came to her side.

Suddenly she got up slowly, then shrank into the corner without any movement.

She also went to bed, and finally Bai Su.

长 The sword in her hand quietly came out of the sheath, guarding the outside of the tent at any time.

The footsteps were getting closer, and then she heard the sound of her door being pried open.

Unable to lock her heart slightly.


Darkness closed her sight, but made her hearing and smell more sharp.

There was a faint aroma in the air.

立刻 She immediately dragged the sleeves of the two of them, and the two of them were already prepared, exposing the medicine pouch hidden in the sleeves, and quickly covering the nose and mouth.

The taste of medicine is getting stronger and stronger, and the other side is sincere and releases enough to stun five strong men.

After a while, the drug addict, after feeling that the drug had taken effect, opened the door.

Bai Su raised his sword, his whole body was tense, and he was about to give a cold heart to those who did not have good intentions. An accident happened.

Only heard "嗖", and then the sound of a person falling.

Xi Baisu was about to rush out but was stopped by her.

What's wrong! Listen to the sound, someone should have hit the arrow!

Outside, a fight sounded immediately.

Strangely, there was no human voice except the sound of swords connecting.

She can only discern it. It seems that there are two parties fighting.

However, she can't figure out which two parties.

There are more than a few people who have been attracted to her tonight?

"Master, I'll go and see."

Bai Su couldn't hold back any longer. When Lin Mengya saw that she couldn't hold her back, she could only whisper to tell her to return as soon as possible.

Soon, the fighting outside stopped.

Zhe Lin Mengya's heart shook, she didn't know which side was the winner.

更加 She didn't even know who was the other force that suddenly appeared.

The stomping footsteps sounded again, and she strained her nerves, but clasped the dark crossbow in her hands.

Finally, Hei Ying stood on her bed.

Holding her hands, she separated her account.

I was inside, but a figure flew straight out.

The man was a bit surprised and hugged his hands firmly.

"I knew, you would come!"

Zhe Lin Mengya hugged the man's neck tightly, all the tension, anxiety, or other bad emotions in her heart, all went to the ghost.


Her voice was deep and mellow. She looked at him with a smile, and then found his lips accurately.

"I don't have it! Because, you will protect me forever!"

She kissed him fiercely, and then twisted, ready to struggle to the ground.

He didn't want to, he was held up!

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