Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1437: Find Xie Ye

"You just said that they are now restraining each other and they have to monopolize their interests, so they can maintain such a balance. But they are always our enemies, and I can't put all my hopes on them."

He nestled in his arms, hesitating in his look.

But Ke Tianyu tightened his lips and opened his mouth for a while.

"No, I don't allow you to take risks."

愣 She froze and murmured with a smirk.

"I haven't said what I'm going to do. Besides, I haven't said that I will take risks. You are really a dictatorship, so you can't let me finish it before I veto it?"

He didn't give her this chance.

I pressed her little head into her arms, her tone stiffened.

"For me, only you are the most important, and the rest, I don't care."

Her helpless mouth raised, either rogue or cunning.

In short, this person is more and more like to plug her mouth.

"But if we don't give them some sweetness, what if they feel that there is no hope of catching me, what if a fishnet is broken?"

He tightened his arms and trapped her in his arms.

"Everything is handled by me, even if you bait, you don't have to go into battle yourself."

She was helpless and a little angry.

I closed my eyes and rolled over, leaving him only one back.

He hooked his lips and smiled. He knew that she was always like this. She liked everything and was used to handling it.

But for this matter, he really couldn't let her be an adventure.

The lover in my arms actually fell asleep again shortly.

He gently kissed her long hair, and in the eyes, he stroked a serious look.

No matter what, he has to protect his wife.

The night is deep, but because there is a lover around, it is particularly reassuring.

Although Xun wanted to protect her, Yu did not restrict her freedom.

Instead, she got a lot of good things for her. As long as she is careful and easy to handle, she can still go out.

Bai Su and 纭 Er are too conspicuous, so they also prepared.

But what surprised her even more was that as soon as she went out the next day, she was in the yard and saw a familiar figure.

"Clear Fox!"

She widened her eyes and smiled brightly.

The man in a crimson-colored shirt was beautiful and extraordinary.

"Why are you here? Are you okay?"

He took three steps and ran to him in two steps, grabbed his wrist subconsciously, and probed his pulse.

Fortunately, fortunately, Qinghu was not injured and there was no sign of poisoning.

"I'm okay, after you were taken away that day. Your Highness made me exchange it out. How about it, I've broken it at home these days?"

He rubbed her little head, his eyes filled with smile.

Lin Lin Mengya's head was like pounding garlic, and her watery eyes were full of expectations.

"Isn't it, today I'm just going to go out. But Yu didn't let me take only Bai Su. When you come, I'm relieved! Come, come, I'll give you easy."

I didn't expect that Qinghu smiled and changed the trick, and took out a golden mask from behind.

"I'm not as famous as a few of you, but there are so many people who want to catch you outside. What do you really need to do to go out today?"

She took the mask, looked around, and stomped his feet to help him clasp his face.

Wu Qinghu didn't show up very much, and every time he was the slave of the master of Cheung Wah County. There weren't many people who knew him.

I have a mask, and coupled with his completely different temperament, no one can recognize it.

She asked Bai Su and Yuner to change clothes, and then whispered.

"I'm going out to find my son's fiance."

"Her fiance, in Longdu?"

Qing Qinghu was a little curious, and Yaer seemed to be a sister to those girls.

When I was at home, I have n’t changed.

She nodded and said indignantly.

"That **** thing, dare to give up on your son. Huh, I won't let him go!"

Wu Qinghu heard the words, but he didn't see the expression on his face across the mask, but his hands were tight.

Outside of Yaer, he doesn't care about anyone.

But, those little girls are sad, Yaer will be sad.

So, those who dare to make his sister sad will have to die!

After Yirong Rong, they still looked like a lady and a maid.

However, the appearance and shape will change slightly, and even the sound will become different from before.

If it ’s not someone who knows them well, I ca n’t tell.

Passing by the courtyard, Qinghu looked in the direction of the courtyard where the Chonghua County Master was imprisoned.

"The Chonghua County Master had colluded with Yue Qi before. Shangguanhui made them both go crazy."

A cold light in her eyes, short of care, their family dare to say the second, nobody dares to say the first.

不仅 "Not only that, my son almost died by being abused by them. It's okay, new hatred, old hate, I count with her."

知道 She knew that she was definitely not spacious.

But there are some hatreds, which can't be wiped out by life and death.

"Oh? Then they are really dead."

Qing Fox's voice is clear and shallow, but unfortunately, it is as cold as the winter moon.

He and his team of four left the yard and went straight to the place where the former Qingwei Hall was located.

I went to four or five places in a row, but they didn't even see a member of Qingwei Hall.

She was a little bit terrified and her eyes were red.

"Miss, thank you, thank him, will he, what happened?"

She patted her back. Some things are really not easy to say.

I squinted at the last destination of their trip, this is a deserted house.

But bypassing the broken front yard, there is a normal yard behind.

Aunt was a little anxious, and after taking a few steps, he stepped forward and knocked on the door.

After three beeps, there was nothing inside.

Ji Er anxious, squeezed his fist and slammed the door.

"Bai Su, pull her back, there is no one inside."

She motioned to Bai Su, but 纭 er seemed to be crazy, and cried while knocking.

"Thank you, come out to see me! You owe me an explanation, come out to see me!"

For so many days, I was pretending to be indifferent.

This time, it finally broke out.

Wu Qinghu whispered in her ear.

"No one inside."

She looked at her and sighed.

In this world, I am always deeply disappointed.

"Go and open the door for me, let's go in and see. After all, let her die."

Qing Qinghu nodded, and jumped over the wall neatly.

The door opened for Xun. After a few of them entered, Xun Er broke off Bai Su's hand and ran in like a mad man, looking for Xie Xuan's traces everywhere.

"Go and watch her, don't let her be surprised."

Wu Baisu nodded and chased in.

She shook her head, that stupid girl, 纭 er, this time I was afraid to be disappointed.

After sighing, she looked at the courtyard carefully.

The courtyard is not big, but it is very practical everywhere.

Moreover, there are camouflages in the front and back courtyards, and the walls of the courtyard are also a bit high. It seems that this should be the place they used to hide.

Before she returned to Longdu, she also sent someone to find Xie's whereabouts.

The person in charge of looking for it said that the Qingwei Guild Hall had been dispersed.

But Xie 晗, once appeared in Longdu.

I just left when they arrived.

She found the stove and opened the door to enter, but found that it was not empty.

Qinghu said after checking for a week.

"There are vegetables and meat, and it is not completely broken. It seems that someone lived here a few days ago."

She touched the stove, there was not much dust falling on it.

It seems that Xie Xun should be here a few days ago.

"Master, we have found it here!"

Bai Su hurried in and said, Lin Mengya and Qinghu looked at each other, and immediately followed.

晗 "Thank you! Where are you!"

As soon as she arrived in the backyard, her crying heartbreaking sound made her heart tremble.

Auntie, don't you do anything stupid?

I rushed to the door, but found I was crying sadly, holding a piece of clothing.

"Miss, miss, please save him!"

Confused at a loss, Luer stumbled and ran to her, her little face full of tears, already full of panic.

"Okay, I promise you, but you have to tell me first, what did you find?"

这 "This is, this is his clothes. I recognize this clothes, once it is his. But the position of his chest is broken, and there is still a lot of blood. Miss, he must be injured, right?"

Shier shivered and handed her the clothes in her hand.

衣服 This dress does have a big hole in the chest, but the dark red on it is not blood, but a herbal medicine.

She sniffed, she had seen this medicine before.

I was the one used by those copper slaves she encountered when she was searching for the Seven Poison Sages.

This kind of medicinal juice used by Xie Xie has not been refined and neutralized with drugs, so although it can enhance the strength and toughness of his skin in a short time.

But over time, the skin will lose its elasticity completely.

He also said that his skin and flesh would burst.

What is this man doing?

She lowered her head and saw the expectation in her eyes.

I lifted her up and sorted it out for her, comforted softly.

"Looks like Xie Ye is having some trouble. But fortunately, it has not caused the most serious consequences. A proud man like Xie Ye will not allow himself to be a loser. Rest assured I will send more staff to find him as soon as possible. "

It's hard to hide her disappointment, but she also knows that the lady is not perfunctory.

Lin Mengya held her clothes silently, tear by tear, seeing Lin Mengya distressed.

"Girl, look at this thing."

I kept silent Qinghu, but I didn't know where to find a small bronze medal.

She took it and saw that there was no text on the mottled bronze medal.

It was the texture, barely visible, like a cloud.

She looked at it and put the sign in her arms.

I walked away with her nearly collapsed uncle, and her heart was actually very uncomfortable.

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