Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1438: Brutal Ghost City

After dinner, Long Tianyu couldn't help but look at her a few times before looking at her who had apparently no appetite.

Frowning slightly, he put down the tableware and touched her forehead with concern.

怎么 "What? Is there anything uncomfortable?"

She looked at him and sighed.

"Today, we went with Xie Er to find Xie Xie. I thought I found Xie Xie's foothold, but I didn't expect, but there was no gain. You said this man, where can he go? Xie Xie The second sister-in-law is really so bad that she has a crush on him. "

相信 She believes that Xie 晗 did not intentionally disappoint 纭 er.

I was personally able to see that she attached great importance to her.

If Xie 晗 really wants to rise again, as long as she relies on her, she will help.

Xie Xie did not, but at the risk of offending her, he said goodbye.

This shows that Xie 纭 is interested in 纭 er.

He really wanted to go out and have a career, and then marry his son in a beautiful scenery.

But where is that stinky boy clear, the purity of a woman is the most precious.

If the stupid boy continues to be stupid, she will do everything possible to give her a new start.

刚 As soon as she finished speaking, she saw Long Tianyu's light smile.

"You are still laughing! Besides, is this so funny?"

Ji Long Tianyu glanced at her, but grabbed her hand backhand.

"I think, you are especially like your mother-in-law."

Lin Lin Mengya rolled her eyes, mother-in-law, your sister!

Looking at her like a fried cat, he quickly calmed down.

"Although Xie Yewei is not so bright and bright, but at least, it is not targeted. I think he should have a way to turn around."

"What can he do? The Qingwei Hall will be what it is now because of the chaotic forces in the temple. He wants to reorganize the Qingwei hall, unless it is to let the group of people in the temple no longer Signifier

Speaking of which, she seemed to understand something.

也就是说 "That is to say, Xie Yun wants to take this opportunity to fully control the Qingwei Hall without being controlled by anyone?"

He smiled and nodded.

"Completely correct."

那 "Well, where is he going to do this? By the way, today we found the place where we settled before him, you see, do you know?"

She took out the sign and put it in front of him.

Wu Yu frowned slightly, and looked over and over again.

这个 "This seems to be a token of the ghost market."

"Ghost market?"

Nine Dragons Tianyu stood up and took one out from the desk, which was similar to this.

Xu is still different from the rusty spot that she picked up. Yu's is made of emerald.

"The ghost market is actually an underground trading market. You also know that defending the country is different from elsewhere. People here have the power and power, and they can be extravagant. But no matter whether it is the royal court or the temple, There are restrictions. So the underground black market has emerged. "

Hey, she's been in contact before.

But this ghost market doesn't sound so simple.

"The ghost market suddenly appeared 50 years ago. But in just a few decades, it almost monopolized more than half of the underground trading in the Patriotic State. Later, although they no longer annexed it, but any underground black market, They must hand in half their profits to the owner of the ghost market. "

I did not expect that the situation of Wei Guo was more chaotic than she expected.

The people at Puxiancheng are confusing and have made things out of control.

世 Each family has their own ideas, and even the royal family and the temple are in a mess.

It seems that the defending country is about to make a big mess.

"But what did he go to the ghost town? If he had to rely on the ghost town to rise again, wouldn't it be like leaning on the temple? Is it no different?"

She was a little confused, but Long Tianyu hesitated after thinking about it.

"I heard that because the power of the ghost market is too large, those in power are divided into four. And the rule of the ghost market is that those who have the power can live there. Whoever can kill one of them can replace it."

She looked at him in disbelief, what **** rules?

But after thinking about it, I think it seems acceptable.

The place where the ghost market was originally was the place of chaos and darkness.

Whoever is harder is better.

"But Xie's own strength is not strong. In addition to the four people in power in the ghost market, it must be good. If he goes this way, isn't it the same as sending death?"

She did not expect, Xie 晗 actually hit the idea here.

But think about it, this should be his last choice.

After all, for him, if he wants to get a chance to reorganize in a short period of time, the only thing left is the sword.

I bit my lip and couldn't help but curse stupidly.

It's certainly not easy for the ghost town to exist for so long.

This guy is just going to give people away!

"It's true, how about it, do you want to get him back?"

I have a clue, there is hope.

But she feels that Xie's determination is so great that she even sacrifice her love.

Obviously, it is not so easy to be persuaded.

"Send someone to see the situation first, then, this ghost market, I am quite interested."

There was a flash of light in her eyes, and looking at him like this, Long Tianyu smiled suddenly.

"I find this place is more suitable for you."

Even the past, he can't remember.

Since Kei met her again, her every move has been in his eyes and heart.

姑娘 This girl never disdains to play fiercely with others.

Her threats were effective every word.

Moreover, she prefers this beast-like, simple and direct collision.

"Hey, I was born wrong, and I got married early. If I was born between grass and man, I must be a big sister in the community."

She said with regret, but he was helpless.

"Big sister? I think it's pretty much a bandit leader. But leave it to someone else to do it. Don't go to the ghost market."

"Why is this?"

"Fool, do you know that you are now in the ghost world, but a hot target. If it is not for those forces who are jealous of the posthumous people, I am afraid there are not many people coming at you."

I didn't expect that she looked at him with a smile.

"I had a good idea of ​​the best of both worlds about the last time you rejected it."

"What's the idea, come and listen?"

He raised an eyebrow, and looked cheerful.

Lin Lin Mengya lay beside his ears, slightly excited, and told him his plan.

"This idea is a good idea, but do you think she will be hooked?"

"Yes, of course, as long as"

了 一 A cold smile passed across her eyes, Long Tianyu looked at her, but sighed heartily.

His mother, it ’s truly amazing!

The night is night and the moon is like a hook.

In the small courtyard, Chonghua was wandering in the courtyard.

She has been held here for several days, neither Long Tianyu nor Lin Mengya have seen her.

Sting her heart, started to sink a little bit.

"Damn **** damn it! You all **** it!"

She sternly pinched the porch, her voice full of resentment.

Either Lin Mengya or the posthumous, they are all using themselves, bitch! All bitches!

After venting, I still hurt myself.

Wu Zhonghua returned to the room and looked at herself in the mirror before dressing the mirror.

I'm all this face!

If she can be more beautiful, more beautiful than Lin Mengya's bitch, then the prince and Long Tianyu will not turn a blind eye to her.

She smiled charmingly at the woman in the mirror, then took out the rouge that had been cracking for a long time, and applied it thinly.

呵 "Oh, a beautiful face. But why don't they like it!"

Some of her hysterical behavior was even more infiltrating in the night.

With a squeak, the door in the yard was pushed.

立刻 She glanced at Rouge immediately and greeted her.

"His Royal Highness! Has your Highness come down?"

的 The servant girl who was allowed to get something to come back to eat was exceptional, and when she saw some crazy Zhonghua County master, she could not help shrinking her neck.

However, still afraid of fear, barely raised a smile.

"The lord of the county is a slave, not your Highness."

"Why are you and why isn't it Your Highness? Let me out, I want to see Your Highness, I want to see the Prince!"

日 Under the fear of day and night, Chonghua's nerves were a little abnormal.

"Country Lord, don't do this! Your Highness is now in the main court!"

Is the main hospital with that bitch?

Wu Zhonghua immediately turned into a spooky look, and the maid she was staring at hit a shock.

The eyes of the Jun County Lord were too terrible.

But soon, she regained courage.

对 "By the county master, I went out today and heard something."

"What is it, say!"

She yelled at the maid, and her jealousy, like an ant, was eating her heart.

The servant girl swallowed, and looked around without anyone, then said.

"When I went to the kitchen today, I listened to the kitchen ladies chatting and said that there was a **** doctor in the city."

"What's surprising about this, huh, the best doctors are raised in the inner court of the palace. A bunch of cheap men, what do you know?"

The maid hushed her voice and said again.

"They said that the miracle doctor had a kind of medicine. If that person used it, he could remake his face!"

Wu Zhonghua glanced suspiciously at her, and the maid knew that the county owner was interested.

"I didn't believe it at first, but there was a person inside of them who said that she had a relative in her family who was burned by the fire in the first few years. Later, she exchanged one or two gold for half or two medicine powder. , The person is fully recovered. "

Sister woman, there is no one who does not love beauty.

In particular, it is now Zhonghua.

"You said, but is it true?"

The maid nodded and continued.

"The slaves felt that if you continued to be trapped here, you would be tortured to death by that Gongya sooner or later. The slaves had deliberately inquired, and the medicine powder would only bring a box each time the divine doctor came. If so, maybe you can change your face! "

The words of the servant girl made Chonghua's eyes shine.


Suddenly, she had a bold idea.

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