Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1442: Originally so

Breathing became quicker, as if a little nervous.

"I don't know, His Highness the County thought about it?"

She Zhonghua's deal with Hou Zun, the details of which she did not know.

Therefore, you cannot draw conclusions.

"You can do it, but--"

She made a long turn at the end and said calmly.

"You must all listen to me, otherwise I would rather burn the jade and burn it than let you take it for nothing!"

As soon as the ruthless words had been spoken, she felt her heart beating.

Now, she can fake a lot of problems by fake conditions.

I succeeded or failed.

After a moment of silence there, he said a little softly.

"It's okay to listen to you, but we have to answer back. Finally, we don't have to get it today. You can save it well. Later, when the prince becomes king, you will be a big contributor. "

As soon as the **** said this, she probably guessed what Chonghua was holding in her hand.

Fortunately, it must be a medicine that can treat the hidden diseases of the Prince's Palace.

I did not expect that such an important thing was actually in the hands of Chonghua.

It seems to me that she really despised each other before.

当然 "Of course I am clear about this, but it is still too early. As long as you bring Lin Mengya's body over, then I will hand it over immediately, and I will definitely not delay my mother-in-law and His Royal Highness. What do you think?"

Who is the grandmother, she knows better than anyone.

In order to keep her son's throne, this woman even hesitated to turn her head against her long-loving husband.

Is just a matter of a few days ago, there is no reason why the posthumous do not agree.

The **** hesitated for a moment, then said.

"The county host spoke, it is not unreasonable. Then, Xiao Xiao will go back to life. Once the mother can accept your terms, I will come to you again, how?"

At this moment, the **** really believed that she was the master of Chonghua County.

But she was eager to leave the eunuch.

"There will be father-in-law, but it must be fast. Later, I'm afraid I won't be here anymore."

She did not offer to escape because she wanted the **** to believe that although she had been exposed, it was useful for Murong Xi to keep her.

They will never move her, because when she moves, Murong Xi will be beaten and scared.

As everyone knows, these are their routines.

After Xun sent away the eunuch, she continued to be in a daze in the room.

Those forces are very cautious, and even if they get the exact news, they will send people a glance to ensure that they are foolproof.

But none of them came in like eunuchs and talked directly to her.

They are all standing in the yard, they all seem to be watching.

The night passed, and the disturbing spies retreated.

Finally, before the evening came, Long Tianyu suddenly arrived.

He also brought a lot of people.

Isolated the eyes of those who wanted to find out.

"Bound for a day, are you tired?"

After arriving in Zhuangzi, after arranging these people's patrol routes, Long Tianyu was rushing all the way and went to the room where Lin Mengya was bound.

As soon as she entered the door, she saw that Bai Su had just untied the rope on her body, and then took a stride and limped up.

"What's the matter, didn't I say that? You must use the thinnest and softest hemp rope. Look at her wrist, why is it so big!"

She's a little helpless. Similar to this, she has heard it several times today.

Wu Qinghu came in with the ointment for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, and knocked Long Tianyu apart.

"Come if you can, don't stand and talk without backache. That's my sister, can I feel bad?"

Xi Qinghu gave him a white look, and then he wanted to give her wrist medicine.

I didn't want Long Tianyu to be jealous, and grabbed my lover's wrist.

"This matter, I will handle it myself, I need not worry about you!"

"Okay, then you take out a cream that is a hundred times stronger than us, and it will immediately make her painless. Cut, it's not all the same."

"what did you say?"

She felt a headache. Why are these two guys so naive?

"Well, don't make any more noises. Yu, how's the situation in the city?"

They do n’t belong to be a fledgling, so whether the posthumous or other people, no one dare to come looking for it boldly.

This has caused people in and out of the city to be very inconvenient.

I'm sorry, but after today, I'm afraid there will be no such troubles.

Nine Dragons Tianyu was forced to abandon the dispute with Qinghu and snorted before telling her.

"The housekeeper is no problem. Fortunately, at the beginning, you gave him medicine that can hold his breath, let people fall into death, and the best hemostatic medicine. When our man arrived, the housekeeper was lying on the ground, but he didn't Worry of life. Next, let's see when the housekeeper wakes up. "

She originally wanted to do it in other ways, but the steward actually went to the battle to be more credible.

The people who came here did not know what kind of kung fu, but fortunately, the housekeeper also did some boxing.

So, although the piercing was deep, it was not fatal.

Now, it should have been taken care of.

"Well, after the housekeeper wakes up, thank him for me. But was Chonghua really taken away?"

Hanging heart, after seeing him nodded, immediately relaxed.

Fortunately, fortunately, their efforts have not been in vain.

"Do you know, who took her?"

But for this one, he shook his head and said that he was not clear.

"Yes, these people dare to grab food under the tiger's mouth, obviously they are well prepared. Now, we value China and how long we can support it."

She can be considered as the best use of it, and because of her special status, Chonghua took it away, but she will not be abused.

I don't know where to find such a cheap thing.

Wu Zhonghua will definitely resist. After the reaction, she will definitely cry out and say that she is Zhonghua, not herself.

But unfortunately, the more she said that, the more she would not believe it.

What's more, she also has other evidence to prove that Chonghua is herself.

He can re-enter China, but he cannot prove his identity.

This game, she won from the beginning!

"Before I left, I added a little bit of material. So, she should be able to last a long time."

Pu Yu narrowed her eyes slightly, with some calculations in her eyes.

She was very curious and asked.

"What is it?"

I did not expect, but the man sold a key.

"Treasure, don't leak it."

This person is really annoying!

Gao Linmengya glared at the other side, but as a result, he caused the other side to laugh.

"My wife, really the best woman in the world!"

Pouting his mouth, Lin Mengya felt that although this statement made sense, it was not a reason for him to escape!

The two men gave each other a sweet and sweet fight, and then hugged and slept again.

However, the Chonghua County Lord, who is far from Longdu, had no such good luck.

"Miya, you are here!"

管 The housekeeper man who had kept Lin Mengya before, looked at the woman in front of him, but he grated his teeth.

If it weren't for her, she would not lose so many people and would be scolded by her mother.

我 "I, I'm not Gongya, you recognize the wrong person!"

Seeing how the housekeeper died, she was naturally very frightened.

"Come here, take her away!"

Where the steward man took care of others, he immediately took his men and was ready to take people away.

此时 But at this moment, another group suddenly broke into the yard.

"Give it away! Gongya, it's ours!"

Suddenly the voice burst, but it was full of murderousness.

Xi Zhonghua could not help shrinking his neck and his teeth trembling.

She only felt dizzy for a while, and now she hasn't understood what kind of situation she is.

Wrong, why are they here?

Alas, shouldn't they go to catch Gongya?

"You are all mistaken! I am the owner of Chonghua County, not Gongya!"

She justified aloud, then suddenly seemed to think of something, pointed at her face, and said in horror.

"This face is fake, I am Chonghua, not Gongya! You, you are all fooled!"

Talk to her, and let those people pause for a moment.

Then, the housekeeper man winked at one of his men, and the other party immediately stepped forward.

At the same time, the other group also separated.

"You, what are you doing?"

She took a few steps back and looked at the two men in horror, for fear that they would not be good for her.

"Since you said that your face is false, then we will check it out. Don't be afraid, if you are really not Miya, we will not hurt you."

The steward male said coldly, and after Chonghua heard it, he had to stop.

Although she doesn't know what happened, now she knows that she, the **** of Lin Mengya, is secretly planning it!

I can't help it, as long as she proves that she is Chonghua, she can get away.

Stubbornly trying to scold the desire of those two people, Chonghua barely stood there.

Hold both hands, the same coldness, and touched her face at the same time, she only felt uncomfortable, but still patiently.

The two people touched her face, and after careful examination, Zai walked back to their masters and whispered to them.

Wu Zhonghua was a little nervous, but she couldn't hear what they said.

I saw the steward man nodded in disappointment and said to the other group.

"This person really has some problems on her face, but since she insists that she is the chief of Chonghua County, I am afraid that someone in the palace will know her. I will take this person first."

Wu Zhonghua was finally relieved. Fortunately, the trick of that **** has not yet succeeded.

But I didn't expect that the head of the other group evoked a sneer.

既然 "Since you are a county owner, it must be worth a lot of money. You also know that the more honorable you are, the higher the price. I think there is a share for those who see you!"

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