Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 43: Goodbye streak

Wu Zhonghua shuddered, shaking slightly. ,. Pinshu

She took a step back in panic and hurriedly said.

"I'm the lord of the county, you can't do this to me! Are you not a posthumous person? Save me, save me!"

The steward's male face was ‘color’ and ‘yin’, and the men he brought were gradually enclosing.

Sting each other, but not afraid of him at all.

"Toasting without eating, eating punishment. Hum, if she is really the Chonghua County Lord, why should you bother to lie to me so much! My men just said, there is nothing wrong with her face! I see, you guys don't want to live! "

The man rolled his eyes and said with a sneer.

Wu Zhonghua listened to him and finally knew that she was in a hurry.

"No, I'm not Gongya, I'm really Zhonghua County Lord, you guys"

She ‘touched’ her face in anxiety, and at this moment, she suddenly remembered that her face had already looked like another person!

Suddenly, Chonghua knew how terrible his current situation was.

But the housekeeper man is not easy to deal with, he sneered and looked at the opposite person, then spoke calmly.

"I thought, how smart is Your Excellency. If she is really Gong Ya, how could her be valued by Her Royal Highness, how could it be unprepared? Today, it is just a trap for you and me. Hua is the person my master wants. If you can give me this face, then Gongya, I can not grab you for the time being. "

The steward man was black-faced and put on a high attitude.

The other person ’s head was actually suspicious. He looked around, but inadvertently, he saw a cold light flashing around the corner.

Suddenly, I knew in my heart.

It turned out that His Majesty Xi's people had laid an ambush for a long time, for the benefit of the fisherman!

He rolled his eyes, and he turned his eyes on his confidant.

既然 "That being the case, let's go now. Huh, this little county master, today, I will let her go!"

The man waved his hand and led the man out of the yard.

The steward man snorted coldly, and his men immediately stepped forward and caught Chonghua.

"Miss Gong, don't come here!"

Xi Zhonghua was present on the spot. What is going on here?

Within the Dragon City, they were stirred up by the drama that they directed.

Lin Lin Mengya, as a party, was outside the whirlpool.

Every day, when Long Tianyu returns, he will bring back the latest news.

For example, after the host of Chonghua County was robbed by a group of housekeeper men, he was scrambled by all parties and his whereabouts are unknown.

When she heard the news, 纭 Er first rejoiced and then worried.

"Miss, she is not you, after all, what about willing to be your stand-in?"

Lin Lin Mengya smiled and did not speak.

If Chonghua does not want to die, then she should know that only by pretending to be her can she save her life.

For now, she has been a lot safer.

接下来 Then, it is necessary to proceed to clear the hidden dangers in Longdu.

She must leave, and Long Tianyu must follow her.

In this case, she must guarantee that when they return one day, Longdu will still be under Yu's control.

"Miss, the carriage is ready, I do n’t know when you are going out."

The steward stood respectfully and stood in front of her and said, Lin Mengya saw the other side, and her eyes were exposed with a little concern.

"What happened to your injury?"

The butler "touched" "touched" his "chest", showing a pale face, and "showed" a careless smile.

"Miss, don't worry, there is no problem with the" medicine "you gave, plus the small natural vision."

The steward's heart was slightly to the right, and before he went in, Lin Mengya had already given him the 'medicine', so it didn't kill him.

This is also a loss of performance of the housekeeper, otherwise, it will not have such a good effect.

"Still, pay more attention to your body. Okay, I don't need to worry if I go out."

The steward retreated, and Lin Mengya returned to the house and changed her clothes.

Although she is temporarily safe now, the premise is that no one has found her true identity.

The horse-drawn carriage swayed, and they detoured a long way outside the city before they reached a forest.

Although it is already ‘spring’, is still slightly cold.

After entering with Bai Su and 纭 er, she seemed to walk in the woods for a while.

Until deep in the forest, she did not see a familiar figure appearing in front of her.

"Lian Brother, I haven't seen you for a long time, I don't know how you are doing recently."

The streak of a streak turned around, and the expression of ‘color’ was a bit complicated.

Lin Lin Mengya reached out, took off Yirong's mask, and looked at each other with a smile.

"Lian, do you have anything to tell me?"

"Gong Ya, do you know that now both black and white are inevitable for you. What have you done?"

Lian Sheng opened his mouth, she knew that Lianjia, after all, was that Lianjia without any change.

Otherwise, even after winning the news, she won't rush to meet her in the name of the mission.

"Since Brother Lian knows this time, wouldn't he know what Gong Ya committed?"

She said with a smile, and the face of the winning streak ‘color’ was a little darker.

Then, shook his head.

不可能 "Impossible! You can never do anything to disobey the Emperor. Also, the Emperor did not return the book to you, or even embarrass the palace family. His Majesty, just wanted to take you back secretly."

Seeing hesitation on Lian Sheng's face, she sighed quietly.

After all, the winning streak is still that winning streak.

In his heart, loyalty and patriotism will always come first.

"If I said, I didn't do anything? Even your elder brother, would you believe it? If Her Majesty the Emperor is for his 'private' gain, and would like to use me to fight for power, would you believe it?"

"No! This is impossible! Your Majesty is not this kind of person!"

Lian Sheng repeatedly denied, but she had heard his hesitation.

"I know you didn't bring anyone this time. I hope you can listen to my explanation. But I'm sorry, all I can say is that. But I won't make it difficult for you. I bring a message to Her Majesty the Emperor. I am willing to cooperate with him, but the way must follow me. If he is willing to go alone, I will let him know to what extent a 'woman' can be vicious. . Jiangshan, throne, I will let him get nothing. "

She doesn't have a strong tone, and even brings the gentleness that is unique to the 'girl' son.

Bian Ke's winning streak did not dare to doubt the true 'sexuality' of her words. Before coming, his father told him that the palace's Gongya is likely to be the most crucial chess piece to stir Jiangshan.

Now it seems that his father is extremely far-sighted.


"Brother, I think Gongya makes a lot of sense!"

Both looked back in suspicion, but saw a man in a cape hurriedly approaching.

"Miya, are you okay recently?"

Taking off the cap of the cape, the man ‘showed’ a sunny and handsome face.

I haven't seen it for a few months, even Lian Xing's eyebrows are a bit more mature.

But he smiled, like the sun in midsummer in June, brilliant and full of vitality.

Seeing him coming, Bian Sheng's brow tightened.

"How do you know, we are here?"

Facing the harshness of his elder brother, Lian Xing's eyes still used to be 'sexual' with a little fear.

But she saw the score clearly, that fear was at most the brother's fear of the elder brother, and nothing else.

In my opinion, even when she was not in Longdu, even Xingxing grew a lot.

At least now, he can face his brother.

"Brother, you are really confused! Do you think, Your Royal Highness, do you really trust our family so much?"

He nodded at Lin Mengya and said to his brother.

The latter's face ‘color’ changed slightly, he snapped.

"How can we be arrogant at a young age! Our family is the emperor's" waiter "family. Regardless of whether your Majesty trusts or not, we must fight for allegiance!"

"So, you came alone and wanted to take Gongya back, right? Brother, I won't allow you to do this! Gongya is my friend, and I won't do anything sorry to my friend in my life! "

The more mature the shell, the still unable to trap the impulsive teenager's blood.

He spread his arms and protected his friend behind him.

"Lian Xing, don't make a fool of yourself!"

Xun Liansheng did not expect that his brother, who had always been bold, was so confused.

He sank a face, like countless times before, scolding his arrogant brother.

But this time, the boy who was always afraid of him was firmly in front of him.

"Dad and his mother taught us from childhood that we must distinguish right from wrong. Brother, you know that this matter has nothing to do with Gong Ya, it is difficult for His Majesty the Emperor. Dear brother! "

The winning streak ‘color’ is iron blue. If it was placed in front of him, he would have played this little child in the ‘urine’.

But now he can't raise his hand.

Lin Lin Mengya has been watching the two brothers silently for a long time, sighed, and held the pulsing Lianxing.

连 "Lian Xing, well, don't blame your brother anymore. In fact, even the eldest brother has a last resort."

Pian Lianxing was full of puffs, staring deadly at his elder brother.

"Gong Ya, don't plead with that guy! He is a senior official Hou Lu, who was granted to him by the emperor, and has lost his eyes! You know, during this time you left, he didn't know how beautiful it was! "

"Lian Xing, shut up for me!"

The cold drink of the winning streak, however, even more ‘excited’ sent Lian Xing's rebellious psychology.

"You dare to do it, don't be afraid of people saying it! You are obviously the commander of the embargo, but you have no intention of saving the life of the princess in the inner court of the palace. Now, all the people in the court say that you did it intentionally for the favor. , So many 'guards' of Yuqian, why did you happen to save the princess? "

There was also a bit of irony in Pian Lianxing's tone.

Lin Mengya finally understood that their brother's disagreement.

In the final analysis, Lian Xing was angry with his elder brother.

Fiction stand!

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