Even with the winning streak, even if it was misunderstood, he would not explain it. . . See the most complete! Novel!

连 But Lian Xing is different. His elder brother is an example in his heart and one of the most important family members.

That's why he was so angry.

Qi Liansheng looked at his younger brother, but his eyes glanced at a complex expression of ‘color’.

But he didn't explain, just said stiffly.

"This is my business, and it's not your turn to take care of it! Lian Xing, let me say it again, let it go!"

"No! Brother, why don't you justify it? You know, everyone is now, streak is a deep-witted and unscrupulous person. You also said that you had had a hard time with the embargo brothers, just doing drama! Brother, you This is obviously not the case! "

Qin Lianxing was anxious, his eyes were slightly red.

Ke ’s winning streak was always tense, and he refused to say one more word.

Lin Lin Mengya looked and could not help but shook her head.

Although these two people have different tempers, they are really the same.

Sure enough, he is a brother.

"Well, Lian Xing, don't blame your elder brother anymore. I believe he has troubles."

She dragged Lianxing vigorously. The latter still gave her face, but her eyes were still staring at his elder brother.

"Lian Sheng, if you really have to take me away today, then you can do it now. Lian Xing, listen well. Your elder brother is definitely not such a mean and shameless man, I volunteered to follow him ,understand?"

She leaned over her side and said solemnly.

But I did not expect, Lian Sheng sighed, with a bit of fatigue between his brows, said with a bitter smile.

"Are you two of me in your eyes, such a person who doesn't talk about truth or love? You, oh"

Lin Lianxing was stupid, but Lin Mengya smiled.

知道 She knows that winning streak is definitely not the kind of shameless person.

"But, didn't you get the order from the emperor, and said that you must seize Gongya at any cost? And I also heard that His Majesty has an order. As long as you can seize Gongya, let you follow immediately After the princess gets married, it will make you an official. "

Qin Lianxing asked with wide eyes, and even after hesitating for a while, Lian Sheng nodded slightly.

His Majesty, "Your Majesty did do it intentionally, but I didn't think of that princess. You silly boy, you are not aware of being used by others."

Qi Liansheng shook her head frequently, while Lin Mengya hid her mouth and laughed.

Suddenly, Lian Xing would not do it.

"How do I feel like you two are like a 'conspiracy' scheme? Brother, what are you hiding from me?"

Bian Liansheng didn't want to talk to this silly brother, so this task fell on her head.

Looking at Lian Xing's longing, she couldn't help laughing in her heart for a few minutes.

"You, you are really a muscle in the end. If you think about it, you will win a streak of a forbidden army commander. Would he walk in the harem without His Majesty's order?"

Xuan Lianxing stunned for a while, apparently did not expect this level of relationship.

Lin Lin Mengya sighed and shook her head.

"If the winning streak is going to him, then the emperor has learned about it, at least he must also be punished for his" private "invasion of the harem? But His Majesty not only did not guilty, but also gave him a marriage to His Royal Highness. This matter was agreed by His Majesty. That is to say, it is necessary to be a royal emperor, and even the eldest brother is a last resort. "

Everything starts with marriage.

‘I've made this clear, and other things have been solved.

"But why did Huang Zun do this?"

Qi Lianxing's "get it" is unclear. In his opinion, he married the princess and became the emperor's 'woman'.

This is a great thing for every courtier.

Mentioned here, Lin Mengya's smile only slightly converged.

"I think His Majesty the Emperor is doing this to suppress the division of the family. Silly boy, you do n’t want to think about it, your elder brother is so good, but for so many years, it is just a pain of the embargo commander. I have met the big red in front of His Majesty the King. What do you think, if ordinary people, would you think? "

Pian Lianxing was just impulsive, but he was not stupid.

I think about it and understand.

King Huang Zun is to make the brothers have suspicion.

Before I promoted Lian Xing, the streak was too bland.

Therefore, this second step will come.

He deliberately let the love-loving Lianxing know that the winning streak was coming to arrest themselves, presumably also to ‘intensify’ the conflict between Lian ’s family.

那 "Why, why does Emperor Huang do this?"

Pian Lianxing was a little confused, but more angry.

After looking at Lian Sheng, the latter hesitated for a moment and nodded slightly at her.

It seemed to him that he was not going to hide it anymore.

"Because, Your Majesty only needs one person, and this person is me."

Lian Sheng's face has no sorrow or joy, because he is too clear, so he is not angry.

Some things are doomed for people like them.

"Her Majesty, you need someone who can loyal to him. Lian Xing, you are too kind and bloody. And all the time, even the eldest brother is His most obedient sword. If I am Emperor, I will also I will choose your brother, not the one who is not in control, and you will be in your mood. "

In fact, she saw some trends in Longdu before.

Therefore, she acquiesced her elder brother and followed Lian Xing.

It ’s easy to be taken advantage of by others when they are proud, or when they are confused.

The fifth brother was actually a black cut. He followed Lian Xing and also cut off the Emperor's plan to use people to penetrate Lian Xing.

Pian Lianxing was silent. After glancing at his elder brother, his eyes were full of guilt.

"Brother, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have misunderstood you."

He carefully apologized, Lin Mengya smiled, and Lian Xing did a good job of this, knowing what to do.

"Okay, don't cry with a face. Let father and mother know, I should say that I think too much of you. But Lian Xing, you know, we are the emperor's" waiter ", some missions are doomed . It is wrong, we have to implement it, even if it is against our conscience and morality. "

After Lin Lianxing heard it, he would argue with him immediately.

此时 But at this time, other movements sounded in the surrounding woods.

She grabbed Lian Xing and lowered her voice.

"somebody is coming!"

I met the two brothers, and she noticed one step later.

The two brothers 意识 subconsciously guarded her, one after the other, looking cautiously around.

Zhe Lin, someone came.

"Isn't this an up-and-coming Lianren, with the little one? Why, your two brothers have such free time, come here to discuss matters?"

Bring people, hit the official uniform.

Gao Linmengya recognized the person's clothes. When she was taken away by the emperor, these people came around her.

They are the guards directly under the Emperor Zun, and even the stars and winning streaks, you must be careful when you see them.

These people are not staying in the palace. What are they doing here?

"Where are our brothers, seems to have nothing to do with Master Yu?"

Pian Lian Xing narrowed his eyes, and returned with some discomfort.

The latter looked like a smiling tiger, but his eyes flashed with ‘fine’ light.

Lin Lin Mengya obviously felt that the man was watching her.

Fortunately, she just responded quickly and quickly re-adjusted the mask.

He lowered her eyes, and she stood there calmly.

As long as you are careful, the other party should not recognize her.

"Of course, hey, get up with two grown-ups. I'm toiled, but I have no chance to relax. I heard that the rebellious person in the palace seems to be familiar with the two grown-ups. I came here to ask Ask the two adults, is there any clue for that palace? "

Laughing at his face, Master Tiger Yu, without any hesitation, fixed her eyes on her body.

Suddenly, Lin Mengya felt that her back was cold for a while.

But fortunately, there are family brothers in front of and behind, anyway, there is still some confidence.

Alas, in my head I was passing all kinds of thoughts quickly.

She is obviously very careful, how can the other party still find it?

Streak? impossible.

The winning streak is cautious, and will never reveal anything.

She looked at the Lianxing who was facing away from her. No wonder, how could this man still have a bee on his cuff?

She knocked carefully, only to find that Lian Xing's cuff seemed to be stuck.

Smelling her carefully, a peculiar smell of honey, let her understand.

Lilian Xing is really careless!

It seems that the other party was prepared.

"No! If yes, I won't tell you this despicable villain! Gong Ya is my friend, I am even a star, and never do anything that is sorry to my friend!"

Lin Lianxing is not stupid, at this time he must not be abnormal.

I also have a lot of dissatisfaction with Master Yu on weekdays. At this moment, it still looks like a hob 'meat'.

Master Yu Yu smiled, her eyes were a bit cold, but she moved to the winning streak.

"Even Master, is that true?"

"I will handle the case impartially, no matter who committed the crime, I will bring it to justice!"

Master Yu Yu probably didn't like winning streak, and his goal was never the two of them.

"This little brother has a terrible eye. I don't know who his little boy can be favored by the two adults. If he wants to come, he must be extraordinary. The official is not talented, but he is most in love "The talents in the world, I wonder if the little boy can appreciate his face, so that this palace can also appreciate your style?"

Wu Mingming was asking her opinion, but the unquestionable tone of her voice made her frown slightly.

This person, can't you see what's coming?

She looked up and said politely.

"I and the two adults are just nodding‘ friends ’, it ’s really not a favor. Adults are busy with business, and villains do n’t bother.”

"Where is the little boy saying, how can it be regarded as an interruption? Could it be that the little boy is not watching? Or is the little boy having a ghost in his heart and dare not follow him?"

Master Yu narrowed his eyes and his voice became cold.

Behind him, dozens of 'guards' also appeared to be enclosing them, besieging them.

Fiction stand!

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