Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1458: Absurd therapy

The two teenagers put down the wooden barrel in their hands, and carefully took out a long spoon to scoop out some dark brown sauce-like fertilizer from the wooden barrel, a little, and poured it on the roots of these poisons.

Hoe is not human blood, but it is some venom formulated with poisonous insects and weeds.

No wonder the two teenagers would be so careful. Ordinary people are just afraid to stick a little and they will die.

It seems to me that the owner of this yard has really worked hard for these things.

"Little grudge, what do you think Master is asking us to water the flowers every day?"

Among the young boys, the younger one couldn't help asking.

The young man named Xiaoyu shook his head and said.

"I don't know, but A hate, do you remember the two brothers who watered the flowers before?"

Two teenagers are just fourteen or five years old. They are very lively and active. Such boring watering flowers naturally cannot help but want to chat.

They talked softly over there, but they called Lin Mengya, all heard in their ears.

"Remember, but Master didn't say that they have learned something, have they become poison masters in the workshop?"

Slightly larger grievances, he looked cautiously before he lowered his voice.

"Where is it so simple? A few days ago, I saw the two elder brothers in a master's pharmacy, and they have become the master's medicine man!"

A hate widened his eyes in astonishment, and seemed to disbelieve his words.

这 "How is that possible? Isn't Master the best for them? How can he allow them to treat them as medicine?" ’

He uttered "", Xiao Xiao laughed very ridiculously.

"You are really a wooden head. Now the teacher is paralyzed in bed. If he doesn't need an apprentice in exchange for the support of others, I'm afraid he will be kicked out!"

那 "So, what do we do?"

The young man named A hate seemed a little scared.

But the little grudge was not afraid at all, but also said 哉 哉.

"If the master took me for a change, I would kill him first. Then, make him a medicine man!"

Lin Mengya hiding behind the tree, frowning.

少年 This boy is only fourteen or five years old, but his mind is so vicious.

But just thinking about the living environment here is clear.

How can angels be born easily in hell?

Here, it's just the marsh of the devil.

"Okay, I can do it with you then! Little grudge, you are so smart!"

The teenager who was just frustrated just now smiled.

When she saw the pure smile on the teenager's face, she had a little emotion in her heart.

I want to fully control the heart here, but a little bit swelled.

Real chaos should never exist.

Even the universe must be carried out according to certain guidelines.

The people who created the ghost market don't know what they think.

Such confusion, in the end, brought them only the way of destruction.

"Okay, let's go as soon as we're done. Master said, you and me haven't gotten home with poisonous techniques, you can't stay here too long."

The two teenagers quickly watered the flowers. After packing, they left with wooden barrels.

At this time, two talents dared to come out from behind the tree.

Gao Lin Mengya looked at the two people and looked back at Long Tianyu.

怎么 样 "How's it going to stand?"

The toxicity here is beyond the tolerance of ordinary people.

But before she came, although she made some precautionary measures for Long Tianyu, after all, he was a normal person.

The anti-toxicity is naturally incomparable with mutants like her and Ning'er.

"It's all right."

He is really okay, and I do n’t know if it was because he had been dreaming and Ninger stayed together for a long time, or he had eaten a lot of Jiedu Dan before.

So far, he has nothing at all.

However, I feel a little uncomfortable.

Probably a psychological effect, after all, they are now in the poisonous weeds and poisonous flowers.

I soon went out.

"Now, basically, the master here is the master Jia, right?"

Her carefully adhered to Long Tianyu's whole body and made sure that he did not take away any toxic leaves before answering his question.

"If that little 厮 didn't lie, it should be here. However, I always think something is wrong."

"What do you notice?"

"If Master Jia is really paralyzed in bed, what does he want those women to do?"

In fact, when old and weak, there are indeed many poison divisions, and there will be all kinds of symptoms.

After all, the accumulation of toxins over time, the damage to the body is irreversible.

However, she searched through all the classics, and did not have any prescriptions related to pregnant women and women.

I thought for a while, and it seemed that they had to go and see for themselves to be sure.

"Let's take a look first, be careful."

Nine Dragons Tianyu understood what she was thinking, and the two stomped out of the yard with great care.

Here, it is more quiet than expected.

Alas, there was no one in the backyard.

The houses are very elegantly designed. Master Jia is a person who will enjoy life very much.

If such a person is paralyzed in bed, he will not be reconciled, right?

She hesitated for a moment, then went to the nearest room with Long Tianyu

Here, it should be a kitchen or something.

The charcoal fire on the stove is still a bit warm, and the food is very expensive and fresh.

Obviously, this master Jia, who was paralyzed in bed, had a good life.

The two looked at each other, and after they had no clue, they went forward again.

But this time, they met the two boys again.

She's a little strange. Is there no other servant here except these two boys?

"Damn old thing! Hum, sooner or later, I will let you die in my hands!"

The young boy cursed in a low voice, Lin Mengya saw that the score was clear, and this man was the boy named Xiao Yu.

I saw the young Bai Nen's face, with the five-fingerprints on it.

Obviously those who beat him left no trace of effort.

Soon, the young boy named A Hen hurried after him.

The relationship between the two is good, but

Gao Linmengya's eyes were staring closely at the two teenagers who were walking away.

I wonder, how could the breath of their body be mixed with the breath unique to that mysterious substance?

But, it's not very similar.

In short, it's a little strange.

Thallium is more like a derivative of that mysterious substance, or it is an imitation substance.

I didn't expect it to be encountered here.

But in a blink of an eye, she returned to her mind.

There is no one else in the backyard, which greatly facilitates them.

Just now, the two of them ran out of a big house.

This shows that the paralyzed person is there.

After two glances at each other, they ran quickly.

Knocking on the door, concealed.

The smell of burnt medicine in the soup was so unbearable.

Lin Lin Mengya covered her nose and mouth, but she still smelled the smell of smoky fire.

Can the people inside me use these good poisons as firewood?

"Ah-ah-I'll kill you! Kill you!"

Suddenly, a roar came from inside.

Lin Lin Mengya was startled, but fortunately Long Tianyu covered her mouth in time, held her shoulders, and held the person in her arms.

The voice was hoarse and unpleasant, and seemed to endure great pain.

Then he heard a series of coughs.

If I do n’t know, she thinks the other party is a dead candle.

The smoky taste gradually dispersed.

It is strange that all the windows of the room are tightly closed except the concealed door.

I am not afraid, smoke the people inside into bacon!

She secretly groaned, and saw Long Tianyu looking through the door slit, frowning.

What happened, what did he see?

Zhe Lin Mengya also moved forward and looked through the crack in the door.

I saw a dark shadow in the dim inner room, which was hung in the air!

No, not hanging, but lying on something like a hammock.

In the copper basin below, the medicinal materials just extinguished are emitting black smoke.

I didn't expect that the people inside were treating themselves as bacon to smoke!

Although grotesque and weird, she immediately thought of another possibility.

There is such a case on the Qing Qingzheng spectrum.

For a person who studies drug poisoning, most of his body began to fester because he accidentally hit the stroke.

However, in order to understand the poison, he actually smoked and roasted himself with the medicinal materials that can be detoxified.

In the first place, fumigation can speed up the texture more quickly. In the second place, the heat and temperature of fumigation can also delay the ulcer.

Later, this person's life was saved, but a lot of flesh and bones were also lost as a result.

For this method of fumigation, it is difficult for most people to accept.

After all, fumigation when festering suffers more pain than usual.

She thought that it was just a legend on the Qing Zheng spectrum.

Now it seems that it is really used!

"Wow," the sound of a chain came.

才 She only saw that the man was holding an iron chain with the thickness of his forearm.

And the hammock is not made of ordinary hemp rope, but a thin metal hooks linked together.

This person is really cautious!

The organ that lifted up and down was in his own hands.

As he slowly slipped down, the smoked copper basin also slowly moved, and finally the hammock landed safely on the ground.

The man dragged himself and crawled to the inner room step by step.

怪 This weird scene made Lin Mengya shudder a little.

Although the other person seems to have no resistance, but she is inexplicable because she thinks this person is extremely dangerous.

Chen Long Tianyu turned his head as if asking her if she wanted to go in.

She thought for a while, then shook her head.

This person is absolutely weird.

Although the Shennong system has been running and there are constant alarms, there is no one that can endanger her life.

But when she saw the man's back, she jumped in her heart.

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