She touched her chest unconsciously. Maybe it was because of the strange things they had encountered since entering the ghost market, right?

After the man had rested in bed for a while, he stretched out his hand again and shook the rope near the bed.

Suddenly, the crisp bell rang through the courtyard, and she and Long Tianyu flashed to the side and found a suitable place to hide.

The cricket was almost hidden, and they saw a lame servant coming from outside the yard.

After entering the room, it didn't take long for them to see the servant, pushing a wooden wheelchair, and came out.

The skinny old man in a wheelchair seemed extremely scary under the sun.

His skin has turned brownish black due to prolonged fumigation.

Is tightly attached to the bone rack, the whole person is like a dry skeleton.

The tritium system shows that various toxins are mixed with each other on the person's body, which is very unstable.

Maybe the next second, it will break out, let this person die because of intestinal puncture.

And those smoked medicines are also poisonous.

Although it is a method of using poison to attack poison, it is also a cure for the symptoms and not the root cause.

What do you think? Is the cause of his paralysis the toxins in his body?

"Such a good day, you should invite your wife out too. You go and push your wife out."


Your servant set him up at the door and turned back into the house.

After a while, I was still a wheelchair.

But the person on it made Lin Mengya's eyes widen.

Why, how is she?

Chen Long Tianyu frowned and held her hand tightly.

也 She also knows that this is not the time for excitement, but the surprise in her heart is nothing to add.

The girl had a beautiful face, but her eyes were a bit stunned, and she was paralyzed in a wheelchair.

"Go down first, I'll talk to my wife alone."

The dry old man waved his hand, and the servant left immediately.

伸出 He stretched out his eagle claw-like hand, and gently landed on the girl's cheek, and those hazy eyes were full of greed.

"Jia Xing, I want to kill you."

The girl said, and said weakly.

The tone of anger was full of anger.

Jia Xing? Is this person really Master Jia?

But in Lin Mengya's heart, it wasn't just Master Jia's identity that was shocked.


"Xiuxiu, why are you so stubborn? Oh, I know, you are disgusting with my wind candle for years, and don't deserve you, right?"

Auntie girl, it is her old acquaintance Oriental show.

Compared to A Xiu she saw before leaving, the girl now seems to be very weak.

Strange, she didn't seem to feel the palpitations on A Xiu.

After she left, did anything unexpected happen to Lie Yun Country?

"Jia Xing, I will never like you, why are you so obsessed? I'm Dongfangxiu, not your Xiuxiu!"

Wu Axiu said angrily, but in terms of her current situation, she was a little less forceful and more helpless.

I was constrained by people, and for her, it was almost as bad as death.

"You are Xiu Xiu! It must be God, in order to compensate me, you were born with the same looks as her. You are her daughter, naturally you are like her. Xiu Xiu, you know, I am for you, How much has been done! "

Jia Xing was crazy, and Lin Mengya finally understood that it turned out to be a part of the past.

"You are all for your own sake! My mother didn't choose you at the beginning, you should know, what is wrong with you. Jia Xing, you can let me go now, it's too time. Don't go on wrong. In this way, you will It's gone! "

In addition to hating Jia Xing, Xiu Xiu had some pity.

姑娘 This girl is inherently kind, and she is afraid of not being able to do 100% resentment to anyone.

"Ha ha ha ha, from the day your mother abandoned me, I've lost everything! It's God, let me be born again from hell, and there's another opportunity to start with you again! Xiu Xiu, my Xiu Xiu Do n’t worry, soon, I will regain my youth. By that time, I will fly with you again and again. Hey, hey, Xiu Xiu, tell me, my two disciples, which one do you like more? some?"

Axiu said nothing, her head tilted to one side, and she looked helpless.

This man seems indeed hopeless.

"Xiu Xiu, my Xiu Xiu. It doesn't matter which one you like. If you don't like both, you tell me who you like, I will find a way to get it for you."

Jia Xing's words were a little eager and a little excited.

But Lin Mengya heard some clouds and fog.

This person obviously wants to occupy her family's Axiu, but the following words are obviously not quite right.

I took the initiative to find a man for Axiu, what is this operation?

Wu Axiu's words are no longer spoken, but he does not destroy the interest of men.

The lame servant came over again, he silently pushed away Axiu, but pushed Jia Xing to the backyard.

"Go and see what Jia Xing is doing. I'll go to Axiu."

She was very anxious to know what that man wanted to do to Axiu.

"Can you do it yourself?"

Nine Dragons Tianyu was not quite assured. After all, weirdness was everywhere.

She patted his hand and said softly.

"Rest assured, although I have no martial arts, there is no problem in avoiding these people. You should write carefully, it is best to eat another Jiedu Dan. That old guy is just an old poison."

Xiao Long Tianyu obediently found Jiedu Dan and swallowed one.

He squeezed her hand slightly, but there was a little worry in his eyes.

"Go, I'm fine."

She gently pushed him, begging him not to worry about himself anymore.

一切 "Be careful, call me for something."

She nodded gently, watching the man rise and fall, and disappeared into sight.

She turned and looked at the house full of poison.

No wonder there is no guard here, the old poison house is almost full of deadly traps.

Ordinary people will be choked to death before they enter.

She stomped her feet and walked into the door.

Smoked repeatedly, so that the room has a pungent fireworks smell.

She blocked her nose subconsciously and went inside.

The house is very spacious, and both the furniture and furnishings are exquisite and luxurious.

I can see that Master Jia is a very enjoyable person.

She walked to the inner room, and as soon as the curtain was opened, she heard a rustle in her ears.

That's the role of the "hundred insects" on her body. Even if she is not afraid of these things, she will inevitably feel scalp.

Will this old guy treat the house as a worm nest?

"What are you going to do?"

In the room, A Xiu's scolding came.

Apparently, these days, she has not been harassed by the old guy.

"Don't be afraid, Axiu, it's me!"

She lowered her voice, and looked back cautiously, making sure no one came in, so she walked quickly to Axiu.

"Lin, sister Lin?"

Axiu's eyes widened, and his hands furiously moved forward with some excitement.

"Axiu, it's me."

The poisonous insects in the house ran away instantly.

She walked to Axiu's side a few steps.

The little girl is still in a wheelchair, and the room is elegant.

I just have some furnishings, but they look too old.

She turned around and looked around, and found that it looked like a boudoir of an old woman.

Now she hasn't seen anything popular.

"Sister Lin, have you been caught by that shameless man? Did he treat you?"

Wu Axiu grabbed her hand, held it tightly, and asked with concern.

Lin Lin Mengya shook her head and comforted her softly.

"I sneaked in, Axiu, what the **** is going on here, aren't you staying in the country of Lie Yun well? How could you be here, and who is that Jia Xing, who is he? He arrested you, What the **** is going on? "

A series of questions were thrown, and after Xiu exhaled deeply, she said quietly.

"He arrested me in retaliation for my mother's abandonment of him. Sister Lin, you should go now. People here are crazy. You must be careful of Jia Xing. He doesn't know where the magic is You can return to old age! "

Axiu was anxious, but she did not forget to remind her to pay attention to her own safety.

"It's okay, you can make it clear. Don't worry about me, since I know you are here, I will definitely save you out!"

"No! I can't go! My uncle, they are still in his hands, sister Lin, if you can help me, then it is best, if you can't, don't force yourself. They are all demons, not human ! "

I don't know what I thought of, Axiu's whole body was shaking.

Lin Lin Mengya hugged her and knew now that it was not a good time to stay long.

"I will definitely save you out! Axiu, I will give you a few things, you can keep them well, you can defend yourself at the critical moment!"

She stuffed a few medicines in A Xiu's hands, explained the effects in detail, and comforted her a few words.

But no matter how she persuaded, Axiu refused to follow her.

"Sister Lin, you should go now. He will be back in a while. By the way, you must be careful about something."


"Either heart sorrow, or Wang Xi, it's a trap. From the beginning, they have only one purpose-to resurrect their god!"

Wu Xiu obviously knows a lot, but Lin Mengya knows that she can't ask anything today.

This girl is a very smart person. She doesn't say that she naturally has her consideration.

"Their god? What's that?"

Facing her questioning, Axiu just shook her head.

"I'm not very clear. I only know that this has something to do with Jia Xing's mystery of returning to old age. They seem to have some connection with a place called Xiancheng. I once heard that the angel of Xiancheng came to Jia Xing. Others, I'm not very clear. Sister Lin, you must be careful of the people in Xiancheng. They even want to collect a thousand newborn dolls for mystery! "

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