Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1477: Want recipe

But I didn't expect that bad things changed quickly.

Now everyone knows that the newly opened Zhenlongtang Pharmacy can unlock the poison of Qiandufang.

This is not an amulet for those who are suffering from the poison of Qiandufangfang.

But she did this, but it was tantamount to smashing the place of Qiandufang.

I'm afraid I won't let it go.

看着 "Look, this ghost market should be lively."

I leaned against the window and she saw a few people sneaking away in the Fang market.

I presumably came to inquire about the news. She had all the tricks to answer the question.

The next morning, they didn't sell much poison, but they made a lot of antidote.

Just after lunch, she received an invitation.

On a dark, hard paper, use a gilded font.

三个 "Thousands of poison squares" three characters, particularly eye-catching.

She became more and more curious, why was Qiandufang's tolerance for her so high?

I thought for a while, but she decided to go with Yu for an appointment.

From Zhenlongtang to Qiandufang, everyone was discussing this sudden rise of power along the way.

"Be careful!"

There was an exclamation beside her, and she was caught in her arms the next second.

I heard only a "click" sound, a narrow-necked vase, and the powder falling under her feet shattered.

She is protected by Long Tianyu.

"It's all my fault, girl, are you okay?"

On the second floor, a beautiful face with pink carvings came out.

But at this moment, that face was full of panic.

She shook her head. Although she was startled just now, it seems that the person was not intentional.

"Sorry, sorry, it's all my fault. Girl, didn't I scare you?"

The girl quickly ran to the two of them and bowed and apologized. Instead, she let her, and couldn't say anything to blame.

"I'm fine, just be careful in the future."

还有 She still has something to do, and she doesn't want to have more tangles with this girl.

That girl is sensible, she just kept talking.

"I didn't notice it today. So, if you feel any physical discomfort, come here to find me, I will be responsible for it all!"

She nodded, thinking of continuing to move forward, but Long Tianyu who was walking behind her was pulled by the girl.

"This boy, I saw your hand just as if it was scratched by a shard. I have a wound medicine here, do you want to use it?"

She turned her head and looked at the girl pulling Long Tianyu, looking like she was about to cry.

男人 The man in her house was calm, took a step back and pulled away the woman's hand.


The two words, cold and indifferent, can frighten away ordinary people's enthusiasm.

But the girl seemed to have heard nothing, and said with two big innocent eyes, sincerely.

"But I clearly saw it. It's okay, I have the best healing medicine here. And it's all because of me, I won't shirk responsibility."

看着 She looked at the girl, standing not far away with a smile.

It wasn't until her own man's brows were tightly frowned and his breath turned cold, that she walked to the girl.

"My father-in-law has a bad temper and doesn't like being touched by strangers."

"But, if his injury is not handled properly"

I saw Lin Mengya opened Long Tianyu's sleeves, exposing her slender and perfect hands.

Alas, she also kindly turned both sides so that the girl could see clearly.

"He's all right, can we go now?"

With a hint of surprise, she quickly passed the girl's eyes.

But soon, she was covered up.

"That's the case, that's how I think about it, sorry."

The girl did not engage in entanglement at once, and went back to the side generously, it seemed a little embarrassed.

Lin Lin Mengya looked at her, and raised her lips.

"Girl, if there is nothing else, let's go first."

The girl blushed and shook her head vigorously.

Lin Lin Mengya glanced at her and took Yu away.

She whispered until she could no longer see the girl.

"All right?"

Xun Yu shook her head, but with her right hand, pinched a bright little thing and put it in front of her.

"Isn't this porcelain?"

嗯 "Well, this is one of the most expensive hidden weapon in the ghost world."

A small piece of gold, the size of a rice kernel, appeared on his palm.

Lin Lin Mengya tried to pinch, but was stopped by Yu.

"This thing is very sharp. There is a weapon in the ghost world that can be used in conjunction with it. But in many cases, it is like a sacred flower scattered by the heavenly girl.

But this time it was just one capsule.

She narrowed her eyes and smiled meaningfully.

"It seems that the owner of this thousand poison square, the shot is indeed accurate."

Xiao Long Tianyu snorted coldly and threw away the golden little hidden weapon.

"in vain."


姑娘 The girl just now, I'm afraid that she was carefully designed from the beginning to the end.

I don't know how to draw a salary at the bottom of the kettle, it seems that she went to Qiandufang this time, but she was not so smooth.

Finally, both of them reached their destination.

I was just different from the last time, this time they came here, but someone immediately greeted them.

"Welcome Yinyue to come here, please here."

A man in charge looked at him with a smile, and led them to the inner room earnestly.

The inner courtyard of the real Qiandufang is very large. The house of Jia Xing they saw before was afraid that it was only nine cattle and one hair.

味道 The smell of various poisons is mixed, but it does not make people feel dizzy.

It seems that the owners here have a few brushes.

I know at least what kind of things can be used to keep the toxicity of these poisons at a balance point.

The courtyard is very large, it is almost a huge courtyard, and it will contain several small courtyards.

They were led into a parlor-like room, and the clerk immediately ordered people to have tea, then left, and pleaded guilty to saying that the owner would be here in a while.

They were sitting in a hurry, but she smelled that the quality of the tea in Long Tianyu's cup was nothing like her bowl.

Xie raised her brow secretly, and then pretended not to notice.

The more I waited for a while, the more the door came in.

"Let the guests wait for a long time.

I was surprised to her that the owner of Qiandufang was actually a woman.

That man is of medium build, born with a duck face, and looks like Yan Yuese, where does it look like a fierce character?

But Lin Mengya knows that the more dangerous it is, the more sparse it may seem.

He stood up and smiled politely at the man.

"Please sit down."

The attitude of the shopkeeper is very approachable.

Even in the face of her enemy, she still smiled like a spring breeze.

She was muttering in her heart, and she couldn't figure out the way of this placekeeper, so she had to talk to others first.

"The previous things were just misunderstandings. I heard people say that you two have been to our Qiandufang before?"

I was a little surprised, but when I thought about it, I was relieved.

After all, what they brought with them was the present face, and it was reasonable to be recognized.


"I also heard that the two of you came here as if something unpleasant happened? It was all under my care, and I ask the girl to forgive me."

She couldn't even guess what they meant.

哪里 Where is peace? It is simply taking the initiative to hang them up and give them a beating.

"No need, this is our personal matter. The only good thing about me is that the public and private are clear. Today, we are here on behalf of Zhenlongtang."

Her disapproval made the owner of Qiandufang slightly embarrassed.

But after a short while, the man showed a polite smile again.

大家 "Everyone runs the rivers and lakes, and money is naturally earned together. In fact, the girl said that before, there was only our family here, but we still couldn't help it. Now we can get a lot easier with you."

This, it seems that Zhenlongtang is their branch.

Lin Lin Mengya suppressed her anger and showed a three-point smile.

"The owner said, it is natural that everyone wants to make money together. But the things in our town are better than your Qiandufang. These things are obvious to all, and the main reason is that I am afraid that I have no business to do in the future, then I may You can lift up your expensive hands and let you go. "

Tatar people say that villains get their will, but that's it.

She didn't believe that she was playing shamelessly over and over again, and the other party could really bear this breath.

"Hehe, the girl laughed. This voice, how can there be a day to do it. It is undeniable that the girl's poison is really superb. But business is not the same as the allocation of poison. I think the girl is talented and can be a business person I ’m afraid it ’s not familiar to us? ”

She raised an eyebrow and motioned the other party to continue.

"I sent someone to check that the girl ’s stuff is indeed better than ours. If the girl believes it, you might as well give me this prescription. Finally, we have a profit of 50%. Compared to Zhenlongtang That little power, with us, you will make more. "

Devil, invited her.

Also, she kept deceiving her.

At this moment, she wanted to laugh out loud.

Did Qian Qianfang fool her but become a fool?

"Fang Zhu's appetite is not open and he needs prescription. You have also been trading poisons for so many years. Don't you know that prescription is the life of a poisoner?"

She paused, her eyes full of taunt.

"If I really gave the recipe to you, if you turn your back and don't recognize anyone, I'll be a little safer. Besides, who is scarce of your 50% profit?"

Speaking of her here, there must be nothing left for both sides to talk about.

The master's cultivation is indeed beyond ordinary people, at least until now, and he can still maintain a false smile.

"Why would a girl refuse such kindness?"

别 "Don't, I dare not accept your kindness. If the host invited me just to say this, then I can only say sorry. Xianggong, let's go."

She got up and wanted to leave, but the placeholder suddenly spoke and stopped her.

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