Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1478: Weird medicine slave

"Girl, let's all come out to confuse the rivers and lakes. You have repeatedly targeted me at Qiandufang. I have tolerated it again and again, enough for girls to see my sincerity?

Huh, is it finally time to get into the subject?

Lin Lin Mengya smiled, still looks like a haunting.

I was just the owner of the opposite place, and his expression was not as relaxed as before.

"You bear it, it's your business. I don't want to accept your love, how can you take me? Use the poison of your thousand poison squares to harm me? Don't make fun of me. It's far away. "

The arrogance she has shown since passing by to her is enough to irritate anyone.

What's more, Qiandufang is not a good man, how can it be tolerated again and again?

"It seems that the girl is not ready to cooperate with us?"

The squarer's face sank, and she noticed the tension in the surrounding area.

Sure enough, they had arrangements.

"It's not impossible to want to cooperate."

She suddenly slackened, but the smile on the corner of her lips felt mocking.

除非 "Unless you can share all my business in Qiandufang with 70% of my profits. Also, I want you to give me this shop!"

"Hum! Girl, you are too bullying!"

The Naafang owner gave a cold drink, and his eyes flashed with a three-pointer.

Lin Lin Mengya was not afraid of her either. After a cold hum, she looked around for a week.

"If you have the ability, come up and pick me up. If you don't have the ability, hurry up and get me out!"


The man was staring round, and the killers who were already ambush around them surrounded them in an instant.

"I know that your relatives and martial arts are extremely high, but no matter how powerful the master is, he has entered the door of my Qiandufang and obediently obedient to me. Yinyue, you might as well look at your poisonous skills, right?"

She frowned slightly, what does this man mean?

I saw that the owner took out a small silver bell and shook it gently.

The ringtones are crisp and pleasing to the ear.

"Catch her now!"

The bell was in hand, and the host's face was gloomy.

But after a few seconds, no one was in the yard.

Lin Lin Mengya looked around suspiciously, and finally looked at the owner.

"Are you calling him?"

She pointed at her man, then nodded suddenly.

"Oh, I see. You're controlling it, right?"

Wu Su raised his hand, she seemed to be a juggler, pinching a small dark red ball.

Seeing that thing, the owner immediately changed his face.

"You, I don't understand what you mean, don't talk nonsense, grab them for me!"

After the words, the host called to the killers.

The killers rushed up immediately, but the person who had been guarding her stood up before he could get close, but in a flash, they were knocked to the ground.

Turned around and looked at the achievements of his own man, fortunately, the speed is OK.

"Come here! Give me slaves, I will let them, no return!"

The lord of the squares made a ruthless fight, and it looked like they had to die.

"Booming" came a continuous stream of loud noises, Long Tianyu grabbed her and stabilized her body shaking left and right.

what happened? earthquake?

She just felt that the ground was trembling, and there was a foul smell rising around her!

"Oh howl"

The tadpole seemed like a beast, but it sounded like a roar of people coming from all directions.

All the killers and the people in Qiandufang, after hearing this voice, fled.

I was the only owner, backing down the corridor a few steps, with a sneer on his face, but took out a jade in his hand.


The low, slow snoring echoed in the quiet courtyard, more and more strange.

With a frown and a frown, she stretched out Pullon Tianyu's hand.

"Something is coming, so be careful."

The latter nodded solemnly, but he did not know, at this moment the Shennong system in her brain had become a mess.

"Alert! Alert! Discover the mysterious substance!"

"Alert! Alert! Highly toxic substances found!"

"Highly toxic substances cannot be analyzed temporarily"

At this moment, Xiaoyao is still dressed as a researcher.

He just frowned, his mechanized face.

This shows that for her, these highly toxic substances cannot be underestimated, let alone the mysterious substances.

There were two people walking in and out of the front and back doors of the courtyard.

He said it was a person, but it was not completely human.

She saw the faces of those people, already gray.

Eyes eyes are cloudy and action is very rigid.

的 The clothes they wear are even more mourning clothes for dead people!

I could not help but swallow my mouthful of water, what is this? resident Evil?

The snoring sounded again, and those people began to attack in this direction.

Xiao Long Tianyu immediately protected her in her arms and took her away from the attacks of those people.

I was just her mouth and nose, but felt hot for a while.

Not good, these people are too poisonous, and even she reacted.

He immediately found a medicine from his purse and shoved it into his mouth.

"Luck, find a way out!"

Yun Yu had no time to give her an "um" word.

Because it seems that under the guidance of snoring, those people's actions have become more agile.

And these people rushed in continuously, and their goal is only one, that is to kill them!

小 "Little medicine, analyze, are these people still alive?"

At this moment, artificial intelligence has temporarily stabilized.

Small medicine can answer her order promptly.

"In terms of the types of toxins in their bodies, they should not be considered living. However, the existence of mysterious substances, my analysis results, can not be used as a reference basis."

Xiao Xiaoyao's answer was almost nothing.

At this time, Yu had taken her and escaped several waves of encirclement.

The actions of those people became faster and faster. She hid in Long Tianyu's arms, but noticed the snoring.

The snoring sounds fast and slow, it sounds like there is no regularity to follow, but in combination with the offense of these drug slaves in front of you, it is a bit of a way.

With a quick snoring, they attacked them.

If snoring is slow, they just surround them and drive them back.

It seems that it is controlled by sound.

And because there are actually other sounds in the yard, but the snoring only works on these medicine slaves, which shows that they are controlled by special sounds.

"Yu, oh!"

She whispered to remind, and at this time, Long Tianyu also noticed.

He nodded without leaving a trace, and he suddenly quickened his pace.

These medicine slaves are almost like moving poison jars, and even the exhaled gas is poisonous. Although not poisonous, it is enough to see.

No wonder, those people are hiding aside.

Chen Long Tianyu held her and turned to a corner. At this moment the snoring turned full, it seemed to be a signal to the medicine slaves to drive them out.

This time, however, Long Tianyu did not escape their siege.

Instead, holding her, he turned a corner along the corridor.

"Be careful!"

They were left and right before, this is actually a relatively empty corner.

But they have to take some risks if they want to be with the shopkeeper who controls the drug slaves.

The snoring turned sharp, almost all the medicine slaves rushed to this small corridor.

For a while, they couldn't do anything, and the road was cut off by the slaves.

Every step, they are struggling.

At this moment, the snoring became more and more urgent, and the medicine slaves also rushed madly.

Squinting at the group of people about to catch Long Tianyu, she took him by one hand and blocked his hands with his back.

With a moaning moan, those people sharply cut open the clothes on her back and even cut her flesh.

"All right?"

The first moment of panic appeared in his voice.

But Lin Mengya shook her head.

"It's okay, I'm not poisoned!"

Fortunately, apart from feeling some hot pain, nothing happened.

But her injury completely angered Long Tianyu.

I saw that he was more skillful before he changed, and after protecting her in his arms, he bumped into the encirclement of those drug slaves.

The roar of Shaoyao Nu, eager to the scream of scream, failed to stop his footsteps.

However, he was kept in her arms by her, only to see a white light flash, and then the medicine slaves fell a large area.

"That is"

She heard the voice of the owner and suddenly raised it to a broken sound.

I just disappeared before the host said.

"All right."

His voice seemed to tremble.

She immediately looked at Yu with concern. His face was a little pale.

"All right?"

Xun Long Tian Yu shook her head at her. She was not assured and immediately grabbed Long Tian Yu's hand to look at it.

Fortunately, in addition to the pulse is somewhat unstable, the other is not inconvenient.

At this moment, she turned to see the end of the drug slaves.

药 The medicine slaves who were still crazy just now have lay on the ground as much as possible.

But for some reason, she always felt that the number seemed a little wrong, and it seemed to be a little less.

立刻 She immediately went to find the culprit, but only saw the jade.

Strange, what about people?

"People run away, and I order them to chase after a while."

He whispered, and she probably understood why there were fewer people.

It turned out that they escaped while they were unprepared.

好 "Okay, tell everyone to be careful. I have Jiedu Dan here, you can eat some more. Adjust your breath and we will leave as soon as possible."

知道 She knew that it was the Hongmen Banquet, but she did not expect that Qiandufang gave her such a great gift.

While Yu adjusted her breath, she turned around, but checked the medicine slaves.

The situation was more complicated than she had previously expected.

These people are indeed not dead, but they are still alive, in fact, they are the same as living dead.

Strangely enough, the mysterious material on these dead bodies disappeared out of thin air.

There is no restriction of mysterious matter. Soon, those remaining toxins will kill them, and they will become dead.

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