Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1492: Who is played by who

The people around me stopped.

Everyone looked at Xie 晗, don't look like they looked lively, but he knew that these people were waiting for their own response.

At the moment, Xie Tiao bent his corner of the mouth and smiled slightly.

"Then according to Zhao Diaotou, what should I do with this sale?"

He was angry.

In the Chamber, anyone with a little brain can hear the chill in his words.

Zhao Dart's head is not afraid, after a sneer, he said loudly.

"You and I all know that this kind of thing is a huge profit. If you want to eat meat, you can't let the brothers drink soup? If you can take out the prescription, I won't embarrass you. Do n’t you be afraid, the host, have you been dismantled? ”

The words are not clear.

But the person who knows it understands that there is nothing to do with Xie ,. The surname is Zhao.

Xie Xie's fist was slightly clenched, others were aggressive, and he couldn't look too incompetent.

"Zhao Diaotou, the prescription is in Longtang of my town. If you want, please ask my brothers not to agree. Also, do you think my Longtang is so weak?"

He patted the table heavily.

Suddenly, surrounded by a lot of men holding weapons.

At first glance, everyone went so far as to persuade them.

What a pity, neither of those two would give in.

"Okay, Master Tang, you have a seed!"

Smell a bit of yin and stroked Zhao Diao's eyes.

"I'm afraid you are unclear about something, right?"

He raised his eyes and looked at Xie 晗 with a mockery.

The latter also stared at him indifferently.

"The woman named Yinyue is no longer here, maybe she is dead now!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was uproar.

Even Xie's complexion changed.

"Don't talk nonsense!"

He warned, the other side did not look at him, but continued to say.

"You see it, too? Originally I thought that this recipe was in the hands of the woman named Yinyue. She died, and this sale could not be done. But I didn't expect that you could ship it. That means That woman must have left the recipe here. It's no secret. I accidentally got a part of the recipe before, and I've found someone to study it. This secret medicine is nothing special, but the recipe is strange. Since So, why do we have Zhenlongtang ride on our heads? "

I have to say, this guy's words are quite inflammatory.

Lin Mengya, who had been watching indifferently, now smiled secretly.

She knew that this man would definitely not wait.

刚 As soon as the words of that person fell, the eyes of those people quietly changed a little.

"Xie head of the house, not that I doubt you. It's always been the case of the girl Yinyue. She hasn't returned, and we are worried for a while."

Xie Xie looked at those people, and it took him a long time to throw out a word.

"My eldest sister will be back soon. Now that the medicines are ready, you don't need to worry about others. Zhao Diaotou, from now on, you will no longer be a welcome person in our town Longtang. Come, see you off!"

The attitude of Xie Xie represents the guilty conscience in the eyes of some people.

At the moment, several people stood behind the surname Zhao.

"Thank you, Lord, why don't you give us an explanation?"

Zhao Diaotou's head suddenly showed a smug look of pride, and he knew that these tiger and wolf generations would tolerate Xie Ye's small hairy head.

Xie Xie looked around for a week, with a cold attitude.

"In this case, can't we be good about today?"

These people didn't want to make things completely stale. After considering for a moment, they just said.

"We don't mean that, but we just want an answer. Thank you, Tangtang, what do you say?"

Xie 晗 laughed.

Now that the situation is so clear, there is no need for him to pretend.

"Answer? Do you deserve it?"

Icy words were sharp, before dozens of people could do anything in the future, dozens of other men with steel knives surrounded them.

However, the group was not afraid, because they also brought many people over today.

If they hit hard, they may not be able to retreat.

And this is their confidence.

"Xie Tangzhu, it seems that you are toasting, not eating and drinking?"

镖 Zhao Dart asked with a cold head, and he severely dropped the cup in his hand.

I slammed a slam and smashed a powder.

Xie Xie glanced at the shard with a strange look.

But I didn't expect that after waiting for a while, there was no movement outside.

镖 Zhao Dart wrinkled his brow and couldn't help but glance back.

"Would you like to throw mine down?"

Xie 晗 leisurely took up his cup, took a sip elegantly, and asked with a smile.


Zhao Dart's head was a little flustered.

It was only when he told him that he had agreed to drop the cup. Why didn't he see anyone coming in?

"Zhao Diaotou, but looking for your deputy?"

Suddenly, a cold female voice came.

I saw the maid who was always by my side and slowly walked in front of them.

In the crowd, Hua Leopard and Wang Cheng shined brightly.

Mediation immediately felt dangerous and dangerous, and could not help but feel grateful.

Fortunately, they did not embarrass them from beginning to end.

It turned out that Yinyue never left.

"You, you are"

Zhao Zhao's head widened his eyes and looked at the woman in shock.

女人 The woman brushed her face with her hand, revealing a familiar face.

"Now, should I have died in someone's hand? Zhao Diaotou, you really can't hold your breath!"

I didn't expect it, it was her!

In the hall, some people's looks changed greatly, some people were close to the enemy, and some people wanted to watch a lively event.

"I said earlier that if you are well-behaved, I can make you muffled and make a fortune. Unfortunately, some people are ambitious and always think they can grab food from the tiger's mouth."

He is not just Zhao Diaotou, even the few people behind him are nervous.

I do not know why, this mysterious silver moon always brings a very strong sense of oppression.

From the moment she came out, these people also knew that I was afraid that it would not be easy to forget.

Suddenly, those few people signaled for help.

I just do n’t know that here, it ’s already solid.

"My town's Longtang, it's not that you come in and go out if you want to come in. If you come out, come and hold them all down!"

Since taking over the original business of Qiandufang, Xie hasn't done anything else, but in terms of manpower, he has sent a lot more.

加上 Plus this time, only a few companies are in conflict.

They are well prepared, but the other party does not know that they have lost the opportunity.

"Girl Silver Moon, have something to say, we are just confused by him!"

Some people started to cry, but unfortunately she didn't feel the other side was wrong.

"I'm stupid, don't push the fault to others. Rest assured, I won't kill you."

After she finished talking softly, but a few people burst into a chill.

突然 They suddenly remembered how the woman looked calm when facing the dead corpses in the backyard of Qiandufang that day.

只是 "Just, I won't make you any better."

Her next words made a few people startled.

I just wanted to fight back, but I found that my limbs were so weak that I couldn't help it.

A few of his men rushed up and immediately sent a few people out.

Dudu, only Zhao Diaotou left.

"You guys, let me show you the joke today. But from now on, we have some private matters to deal with. The shipping issue may be better tomorrow."

Xie Xun said, the remaining people naturally got up and left immediately.

He is Wang Cheng, an expression that never stops.

Lin Lin Mengya knew what he wanted to ask and nodded gently at him.

The latter had a bit of joy in his eyes, and nodded and left.

At this moment, Zhao Biaotou was afraid to understand it. Today, they are afraid that it was a deliberate arrangement for him.

"Zhao Diaotou, everyone is gone, shall we talk?"

At this moment, only a few of them are left in the Chamber.

Zhao Dart looked at them with an overcast look, and there was not much panic in his look.

Instead, she sat down aside, her eyes locked on her.

"Who the **** are you?"

She smiled with ease.

"It doesn't matter who I am, what's important is that I want to know what is behind you."

"Oh, don't think you can hold me, you can hold the person behind me. I advise you, obediently, give me the prescription. Otherwise, you little Zhenlongtang Where can I bear the fury of Thunder! "


Xie 斥 coldly scolded, look disdainful.

"I already knew that your so-called Shura Hall was just made up casually. But if you know who is behind me, I'm afraid you won't do that!"

I was dismantled and she was not afraid.

"But it's just a place to hide dirt and dirt. What can I do to catch me? Besides, depending on your current situation, even if you die, they won't know."

Zhao Dart head sneered with disdain.

"I know you sent me to follow me last night, but you know, there are several masters in the people I sent out. How can you stop these little sister-in-laws in your town Longtang? I knew that Ziyi was dead, so these people are actually going to deliver the message. You can't escape! "

No wonder!

Lin Lin Mengya frowned, and the matter was indeed not easy.

It turned out that the surname Zhao had long been aware of it.

I was in trouble for a long time, but it was they who were played!

"Escape? Why would I ever escape? But before that, you can't save your life."

"Hahahaha, Yinyue, are you because all the people in this world are for money?"

I intuitively told her that Zhao Diaotou might be able to say something that she didn't know.

He frowned and deliberately stimulated him.

"You don't do it for money, what else can you do for it? The so-called man-made fortune, the bird for food, you are considered to have died!"

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