Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1493: Don't hurt her

"You will never know, that's it"

In the eyes of Zhao Dart's head, the madness erupted, but he disappeared in the next moment.


Almost at the same time, Qinghu firmly protected her.

Suddenly, Zhao Dart's head in front of her fell to the ground.

He put an arrow in his chest.


She's incredible, she hasn't asked anything yet, and she is dead!

"Follow me!"

Xie Xie, who knew what happened later, immediately ordered someone to hunt.

Suddenly, Zhenlongtang was in a mess.


My son rushed over and looked at her in horror.

At that time, only she was closest to Zhao Dengtou.

"I'm fine."

The arrow was fast, almost within her range, and instantly killed Zhao Diaotou's head.

In my opinion, the other party was just to cut the grass and root it out.

"Will it be a medicine?"

She whispered and asked Qinghu.

The other person looked dignified, looked at the outside, and shook his head.

"It's too fast, I didn't see clearly."

Feeling more and more heavy.

She thought that at least in the ghost market, she could temporarily control the situation.

I did not expect that the person actually died in front of her.

"Well, you go to rest first. For other things, leave it to Xie Ye to handle."

She nodded and left with 纭 儿.

Xu Qinghu did not follow up, but outside the courtyard, after setting up the Tian Luo Di, changed his clothes and left the town dragon hall.

Walking across two streets, he went straight to a small courtyard.

After Xun carefully noticed that no one was around, Qinghu knocked on the door, then took something out of her arms and stuffed it in the crack.

After a short while, the people inside opened the door silently.

Wu Qinghu went in, but with a cold face, he kicked the door aggressively.

"Long Tianyu! Do you want to die?"

In the room, the man in black was standing tall.

Wu Qinghu lowered his voice and roared, clenched his neck with both hands and glared at the other side.

Xiaolong Tianyu frowned, with a little chill in the cold black eyes.

"Let go."

"Did you know that she was also there? What if the arrow hits her? I have no time to save her?"

He was angry and stunned Qinghu's reason.

He knew where the arrow that ended Zhao Dart's head came from.

But what he didn't expect was that they were so brave.


Nine Dragons Tian Yuqing answered coldly, with a big wave of hands, he broke free of Qinghu's hand.

But he knew that Qinghu was worried about Mengya, so he didn't care about him.

"How did you know it wouldn't? Long Tianyu, I promised to help you in the beginning, to give the girl a peace of mind. If you dare to harm her a little, I will kill you!"

The charming face was cold and stern, and if it were not for her, he would not be gentle to anyone in this world.

"She is everything to me."

Nine Dragons Tianyu said lightly, blocking Qinghu's words at once.

Breathed gently, although said so, but Qinghu still has no good face.

"I hope you do n’t even forget your purpose."

Qinghu warned him, the latter ignored him.

"What are you doing here?"

The atmosphere was tense, but Qinghu knew that they were on a boat anyway.

"I'm here to ask you, Yaomen, can you stop them?"

Chen Long Tianyu nodded.

Although she is clever, she doesn't understand the hostility.

From the development of Shaoyaomen, each link will have its own unique contact method.

In fact, the second day of the death of Ziyi, Zhao Biaotou guessed it.

He put a lot of effort in order to level the followers of the medicine door.

那就 "That's good, but when will you let her know about this?"

"not the right time yet."

He doesn't want to explain to Qinghu, even the latter is one of his most powerful helpers.

No one knows what they will face when they do this.

But one thing is certain, he will do his best to protect Yaer from winning in this scuffle.

"Don't forget that, the girl hates most people to lie to her. You are crazy and happy now, I will see how you end it!"

Wu Qinghu said unceremoniously, he frowned, and spoke coldly.

"none of your business."

He turned and wanted to leave, but Qinghu shouted at him.

"When are you going back to her?"

His steps were a little hesitant, and those gloomy eyes could only have a hint of temperature when they thought of her.

"I'm too lazy to care about the two of you. But she can't see you, she always has loneliness in her eyes."

When I mentioned that woman, Qinghu's tone always carried seven points.

"She, how is it?"

Wu Qinghu rolled his eyes, this man is really false.

"If you want to know, just go and see for yourself. I'm not the microphone for both of you. Also, don't think that I know, you let the person who secretly follow her to pass the news seven times a day. Huh, hypocrisy!

The words of Qinghu made his face twitch slightly.

After a short while, he relented his tenderness.

"Everything is still going according to the original plan. No matter what Yaer does, I will cooperate with her fully. Also, she had a good idea before. If she can strengthen her own strength, it will also be beneficial in the future.

Qinghu nodded.

Speaking of irony, it was clear that they disliked each other, but in front of Lin Mengya, the two were their most trusted partners.

They knew about Shaoyaomen long ago and thought that they would not run into it until at least Lin Mengya had some strength.

I didn't want to, but it was out of season.

But in the long run, it is a good thing.

I was embarrassed that they still had no chance to eat the huge and complicated underground forces in the country.

"I see, go back first, leave too long, I'm afraid she's worried."

Behind me, the man's secretly smug words came.

Xiao Long Tianyu's eyes changed slightly, and he spit out a word just before the man was impatiently waiting to leave.

"She loves me all."


After an unwilling sigh, the man's footsteps disappeared into his ear.

Xun Long Tianyu felt at this time that their actions were really childish.

"His Royal Highness."

Outside the yamen, capable subordinates knelt down on the ground tremblingly.

眸 Star eyes soaked by the cold night lingered slightly and shrouded the subordinates.

"I said, don't hurt her."

Suddenly the tone was like a blade, and the other party didn't dare to move.

"Subordinates, subordinates are also compelled. Zhao Diaotou, when he sees it, will tell the secret of the medical practice, his subordinates are afraid."

Long before he finished speaking, Long Tianyu kicked the crossbow behind him.

Aim and shoot in one go.

The man watched the arrow rushing towards himself, but didn't even have the courage to escape.

A sharp "嗖" sound, the sharp arrow sank into the ground.

The man sat on his knees on the ground, his body slumped, his mouth gasping.

Just now, he almost felt like he was going to die.


A crossbow was thrown at the foot by Long Tianyu.

The man wiped his sweat and nodded in a hurry.

"Go on."

Tong's tone was light and faint. If it wasn't for the three-inch crossbow that was still on the ground, I was afraid that the person would think that it was just a nightmare.

"Thank Your Highness!"

The man picked up the crossbow and went away.

Hit him, don't allow anyone to hurt her.

No major event in the world, in his mind, none of her was important!

After all, the people who killed Zhao Deng's head did not find them.

Lin Lin Mengya's heart was in a state of perplexity. Although the people of Zhenlongtang said that everything was normal, she still felt uneasy.

Furthermore, those who were sent out by Zhao Diaotou to ventilate the news also lost track.

Those who beat them said that those people had disappeared out of thin air.

Did they really let them escape?

They waited for a few days before the enemy, and the medicines that had been prepared before were also issued safely.

Lin Mengya was a little confused.

If the people of Zhao Dartou really escaped to the medicine gate, would they stop like this?

Wu Huai was skeptical, but for the time being, she settled down first.

The sales of mysterious drugs are very good. The purity of this batch of drugs is not so good, so the price is relatively not that expensive.

Not that she wants to be a traitor, but if it is too expensive, she can't open the market.

Once she has a word of mouth, she will naturally launch some better secrets.

And she is also preparing to recruit a group of hard-working and reliable apprentices. Since then, many things need not be done by her own hands.

"Sister, Wang Cheng is here for you."

Now Xie 晗 has no spare time, she came to Axiu and was so sad that she had no time to pass.

I'm afraid I'm starting to deal with the chores inside and outside the hall. This girl has some abilities, and things let her handle them well.

"What did he ask me for?"

I wiped her hands and took off her work clothes.

In addition to the secret drugs for people in the rivers and lakes, she also set out to make a series of skin care products for women.

I just do n’t sell it here.

古 Since ancient times, beauty has been the tireless pursuit of every woman.

她 And her things are also genuine good things, not afraid that no one will buy them.

Min Er heard the words and shook her head.

"I'm not very clear, but it looks anxious to see him."

Before things happened, Wang Cheng and Hua Leopard became their closer allies.

Now that she has something to do with her friends, she can't just sit idly by.

I followed Bianer to the Chamber, but saw the man frown, a look of sadness and bleakness.

"Brother Wang, is there anything urgent?"

Suddenly the man raised his head, the scar face was gloomy, but there was a bit of deep helplessness in his eyes.

"Sister Yinyue, now only you can help me!"

She smiled and ordered someone to watch tea.

"Let's talk about what's going on first. Otherwise, I don't know how I can help you."

Wang Wangcheng sighed and said with a bitter smile.

"It's my mother-in-law. Seven years, my mother-in-law has been sick for seven years. I want to do everything I can to cure her, but"

To be honest, she was a little surprised.

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