Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1494: See also Twin Souls

Wang Wangcheng is quite vicious in the ghost market.

Whether it was a flower leopard or Xie 晗, he was afraid of him.

But such a person, now for her own woman, asked her several times to ask her, which really made her a little incredible.

"Slow down, what's wrong with your sister-in-law?"

She had some thoughts before, but now she is sincerely trying to help Wang.

Wang Wangcheng rubbed his hands and said rather helplessly.

"Speaking of it, it's all my fault."

Don't look at Wang Cheng's fierce and evil look now, I thought that he was once an up-and-coming life.

Wang Cheng's woman was a girl from a large family, and the two met by chance.

不清楚 She wasn't sure how romantic that year was, but one thing is certain, they love each other.

Otherwise, Wang Cheng will not become a lonely ghost in the ghost market in order to save his own woman.

"Okay, so, let's go and see the situation of Xunzi first."

She has the Shennong system and the teacher is also around.

I rarely have such an opportunity, it should be her fate between them and their husband and wife.

Wang Wangcheng looked at her so refreshingly, and suddenly showed a pleasant smile.

"Okay, okay, I'll take you there!"

Gao Linmengya immediately packed up the medicine box, and brought Qinghu and Jiuer together with Wang Cheng to his house.

Compared with the style of Zhenlongtang, Wang Cheng lives in a quieter place.

来 This way, many people say hello to them.

More, it is Wang Cheng's men.

I can see that Wang Cheng takes great care of his wife.

The courtyard is not big, but it is not ordinary and elegant.

Unlike the cruel atmosphere of the ghost town, here seems more like a quiet and ordinary family.

"Let everyone laugh, you sit first, I'll call her out."

Wang Wangcheng let them into the living room and turned into the inner courtyard.

Not long after, Wang Chengcheng came back with a woman.

"Cheng, you put me down."

The woman's voice is very weak, and she is especially petite when she is embraced by the tall Wang Cheng.

Wang Wangcheng listened to her very much and put people down, but her big hand firmly supported her back.

It was a woman with a beautiful face but a pale face.

At this moment, she was probably not quite used to the eyes of these strangers, so she seemed a little shy.

"Here is this bitch, right?"

Lin Lin Mengya smiled softly and said softly, for fear of scaring the woman in front of her.

Sure enough, the woman turned red, but nodded her head and curiously looked at them.

Chengcheng rarely brings his friends back. I've been sick all year round, and I take it easy.

The woman is polite and gentle, and it's really incompatible with the atmosphere here.

But Wang Cheng looked at her with tenderness.

I can see the fate, it is really wonderful.

无 "Anyway, I heard Brother Wang said, Xunzi you are not very well. It is just that I have studied medicine for a few years. Why don't I help you see how?"

But Wang Zizi sighed and looked at her husband helplessly.

Obviously, their previous searches ended in failure.

"Let the Silver Moon Girl help you to see it, she is an expert."

Wang Wangcheng persuaded in a low voice, and Wang Xunzi smiled bitterly, still reaching out his hand.

At first, she thought that Wang Cheng came to her because his wife was poisoned.

But I found out that the other party was not poisoned.

But the body is extremely weak.

She thought about it, took out a silver needle from the medicine box, and pierced a point in Wang Xunzi's hand.

I saw the pale-faced woman frown for a moment, and her body flinched.

"Girl Silver Moon, what's wrong with my mother-in-law?"

Lin Mengya pulled out the silver needle, and her look was a little complicated.

"Brother Wang, dare to ask Xunzi's illness. Is there a powerful doctor who has diagnosed it?"

Wang Wangcheng was slightly surprised and nodded.

"Well, there was indeed a great Langzhong in the past. At that time, Xing Yu was always crazy. After treatment by the doctor's hands, he was really awake a lot. But also from then on, the body has only been year by year. weak."

I didn't expect it to be like this.

"In fact, Xunzi's condition is not serious. The doctor is indeed a good doctor. Unfortunately, the medication is too fierce, and it hurts Xunzi's heart. Over the years, the famous doctors you invited know that Xunzi's heart is damaged, but they don't know how He came, so there was no way to start treatment. Brother Wang rest assured that I can cure this disease. However, I need to check Xunzi alone. "

Wang Wangcheng heard this, ecstatic and nodded in a hurry.

"Okay, as long as you can cure Xing Yu's illness, let me do anything!"

Lin Lin Mengya asked her to help, and the two of them helped Xing Yu to the back room.

Xun Yu just smiled bitterly when she settled in bed.

"Silver Moon Girl doesn't have to hide from me, I know my body. I'm afraid, it won't happen."

"Xunzi don't say such frustrating words, in fact, it is not difficult to heal you. But I am a little confused and want Xunzi to solve it for me."

When Xu Xingyu saw her say this, a little hope lit up in her eyes.

"You, aren't you comforting me?"

She shook her head, probably this is fate.

She Xingyu's illness had to be cured.

"Great, me me"

Xi Xingyu was so happy that she didn't know what to say, but Lin Mengya comforted her so that she should not be too excited.

The latter settled down, and looked at her with a little embarrassment.

"What the girl wants to ask, just ask."

Gao Linmengya groaned a little before she spoke slowly.

嫂 "Sister-in-law, where did you get the two-soul illness?"

Xun Wenyan said, Xing Yu's body trembled slightly.

Her face seemed a little paler, and even Lin Mengya was afraid that she would pass out in the next second.

"How do you know?"

"Xunzi rest assured, I will not tell Brother Wang about this. You just need to tell me, where did you come from this illness?"

Xi Xingyu was silent.

Anger, fear, sorrow, tumbling in her eyes.

Lin Lin Meng Yake restrained himself, with full patience, waiting for Xing Yu's answer.

I do not know how long it took before Xing Yu trembled.

"I thought it was sir and me. I didn't expect it to be true."

In fact, Xing Yu himself, I don't remember this memory so clearly.

According to her, at that time, she was all confused, like falling in a dream.

In the dream, she didn't remember what she did and what she said.

But one thing she can be sure of is that at that time, those things were not done out of her wish.

"Later, Cheng Brother invited a You Fanglang. I don't know what means he used, I gradually became awake."

She found the cause of Xing Yu's illness as soon as she made a connection.

She had also been exposed to the case of One Soul before, but only once, unless it was a person who died, it would be difficult to treat.

But Xing Yu's is very unusual.

The doctor used a wolf and wolf medicine to forcibly wake her up.

And the thing that can control her mind was destroyed by this medicine.

She couldn't help but be a little weird.

But in the end, how did it produce such a magical effect?

"Xunzi said for a long time and haven't told me, where did you get that thing?"

Wu Xingyu seems to be very afraid of the other party.

Even after many years, she knew she was absolutely safe, but she was habitual and shrank her body a bit.

"Yes, the house that worked before me."


"Qingcheng Baili Home."

Lin Lin Mengya frowned, why is this Baili family again?

"Girl Yinyue, you can't tell Cheng Brother about this! Cheng Cheng's disposition, if he knows, something will happen. My illness doesn't matter. I can't let him mess with Baili's family. ! "

Wu Xingyu's worry is not unreasonable.

She knows Wang Cheng's temperament. If he is really known, he will only do his best to avenge Xing Yu.

I patted each other's hands, she comforted.

"Relax, I won't say. I'll be leaving in a few days, but before then, I will have all your medicine ready. As long as you take the medicine with peace of mind, the body will slowly recover."

Xi Xingyu nodded gratefully. For those who have been chronically ill, seeing the hope of recovery is the happiest thing.

I came out of Wang Cheng's house, and she always had a lot of heart.

The King of Costs wanted to send her back in person, but was still worried about Xing Yu, so she kept saying sorry and stayed at home.

I looked at them, but she had a little envy in her heart.

谁 Who in this world can be desperate and only live for the loved one?

The ghost town is still booming, and the destruction of Qiandufang overnight has not affected anything at all.

She looked at people coming and going, but her mind was chaotic.

Xi Xingyu's one soul, the situation seems to be different than the one I encountered before.

She asked Wang Cheng later, and the other party said that although Xing Yu was a bit crazy, but she couldn't see it, they were two different characters.

This shows that either this body of two souls has failed.

Either that, it seems that the situation is more mature than before. Because the two souls are merging, there will be a time of conscious deviation and confusion.

But once awake, consciousness will maintain a unity.

There was one thing, she always thought it was incredible.

Can a person's consciousness be completely changed or covered by the stimulation of drugs or foreign objects?

And, with current technology, this is almost impossible.

She doesn't believe in magical arts. Certainly, there are things she doesn't know exist.

百里 家

It seemed that she should take the time to explore the secrets of this ancient family.

As soon as Wu thought returned to the cage, she saw a familiar figure flashing across the street.

Before I could think, she caught up immediately.

"Sister, wait for me!"

Suddenly, she followed Qinghu and followed.

But they just caught up with Lin Mengya, but they saw each other, facing a dead end, and they were amazed.

"I just saw him!"

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