Xiuer was out of breath, so Kankan could catch up with Lin Mengya.

"Miss, who are you talking about?"

Lin Mengya was stunned. She just saw the figure clearly, especially like Long Tianyu.

Why is this happening that even half of the figure is gone?

"Nothing, presumably I read wrong, let's go back."

She underplayed, and 纭 er did not continue to question.

"It's probably too tired lately, oh son, you go back first, I'll buy her something to eat."

Wu Qinghu thoughtfully looked at a certain place, and immediately retracted his eyes, and Lin Mengya was not aware of anything wrong.

I waited until the two were gone, and then he looked at the courtyard wall carefully.

"Relax, I will help you get through. But you have to be more careful."

As soon as the chanting voice fell, the other side of the wall came with three beeps.

That guy is so careless.

Wu Qinghu shook his head and left in the direction of the two.

Everything went smoothly. Although Zhao Diaotou's head was destroyed, the medicine they sent out, but they all resisted the destination safely.

This business, in order to compensate for the waiting days, Xie 晗 they only charged three points of net profit.

The matter of recruiting apprentices was basically ready.

In addition to the most critical medicines, special methods are needed to prepare them. Others, she has already given them to the apprentices.

After she's gone, she will let Xie 晗 come to find a suitable and safe person to replace her.

No one except her and Xie 她 will know the complete prescription.

I have money to make, and Zhenlong Tang is frank, and I have cooperative relations with various forces.

Every glory is all glory, no harm is at stake.

Since there are interests linked, there is no obvious contradiction.

As for those who have bad intentions, they have also been expelled from the ghost market by Xie 晗.

Looking at Longdu's ghost market, Xie Yan was holding it in her hands, so she should be relieved for the time being.

"Miss, do you really want to leave these days?"

Yier reluctantly helped her pack things.

She originally wanted to go with Lin Mengya, but she wanted to go, but she didn't feel relieved to thank Xie alone.

But in the end, she also had a relationship with Lin Mengya, and she couldn't let go of this relationship.

Parting 惆怅, 让, let Lotte know his fate, also began to look sad.

嗯 "Well, the palace family is still waiting for me. You know, my brother, they urged me to press hard. Now this private school should be set up, but if I do n’t go back, my brother, I'm afraid it will be difficult to decide.

Running a school has never been easier.

But now that things have been done, there is no reason to stop halfway.

What's more, she now needs the school more to help her.

"But I can't bear you."

Looking at this girl, she couldn't help but soften her heart.

"Look at you, why are you so sad? If you are married to him, do you still have to marry from the palace? If you miss me later, or if he treats you badly, you will come back to me."

Tonger Shui Lingling's big eyes looked at her, and it took a long time before she nodded gently.

"I know, but miss, wouldn't you blame me?"

"Why should I blame you?"

因为 "Because I seem to abandon your lady, am I a little heavy and light?"

With these words, she made her eyes narrow with a smile.

I don't know what I'm thinking about this girl every day.

Haw pulled Haw's hand, two sisters, and sat next to the bed.

"Oh, you know, how wonderful is this fate between people?"

Xun Er nodded, and speaking, she and Xie Xun were in a twist, and the final reunion was hard-won.

That's why she treasures it.

But she was greedy.

She wants to not only get the beauty of love, but also to keep the sister she cares most about.

For these two people, there is no difference between her.

所以 "So, we have to cherish this hard-won fate. But fate is not forced, it does not get along overnight, but in our hearts."

She touched her chest and said softly.

"As long as I am in your heart, that is our fate. What is different from me in front of you?"

Xuan Er crooked his head, it took a long time for the rain to clear.

"Miss, I always feel like you are a qualified monk. No matter what I have in my heart, it seems like I can make you talk."

She nodded the forehead of this little girl, what kind of monk is she, no matter what, she is nun?

Although he is still reluctant, at least not so sad.

I was sitting in the chamber and watching everything that was becoming familiar, her mood was actually a little complicated.

After all, when she first entered the ghost market, she did not even think that one day she could become a member of the ghost market.

"Sister Yinyue, I heard that you're leaving, some of our brothers, specially sent you off!"

She seems to be leaving, except Wang Xie.

She glanced at Wang Cheng, who also nodded at her, and smiled thickly.

"You've helped us so much, and you have to wait for your brothers to practice it for you."

She thought about it, but felt that Wang Cheng was quite reasonable.

Alas, she did not tell them that they would meet again soon.

In the backyard of Longzhen, Qizhen, the leaders of various forces gathered together.

A few days ago, they were still tense, but now they can sit at a table and call them brothers and sisters.

I have to say that these are the changes she brought to them.

"I wish our eldest sister Yinyue succeed this time, and she won!"

Lihua Leopard is a straightforward person.

Once He became a brother, he could put aside everything and cheer with wine.


Wang Wangcheng also toasted. She couldn't drink so much. She had to substitute tea for wine.

Finally, it was Xie Xie, the master, who blocked the reckless men for her.

Minjiang people have the pride and pride of Jianghu people.

They can be vicious, venomous, and happy, and they can also sing and drink with wine.

She was sitting at the table, watching the group of strong men fight for wine and drink wine crazy, and she felt relieved a lot.

In fact, sometimes, people's hearts may not be as complicated as she imagined, but just now, how dare she take it lightly?

Hit her, she's not the same as before.

After experiencing these right and wrong, she suddenly felt that her heart seemed a lot older.

The impulsive enthusiasm for the blood cooled down.

But she knew that some things were only temporarily held down.

As soon as I stayed, she would still rush out like magma.

Tea, I do not know when it became wine.

入口 This thing is spicy in the mouth, but the wine is sad, but don't have a taste.

The group of guys have already been drunk, and the ones left on the table are either a thousand cups not drunk, or they are lying on the table and sleeping.

She narrowed her eyes and took a small sip of the jug.

Suddenly, sitting next to him, Xie Xun, who had been drunk and dim, was dialed away.

"Sister Yinyue, come, I respect you!"

Qiuhua Leopard flushed with a face, fell down a bowl, and drank it.

Zhe Lin Mengya was also a little drunk. She took the jug and poured it into her mouth. She wiped her mouth in disorientation, and asked with some dissatisfaction.

"I said, you are so much older than me, why do you want to call me sister?"

她 She wanted to ask this question for a long time, but because of the crowd, she was embarrassed to speak.

But the man stopped, and his eyes became a slit.

"You, you know, what am I most afraid of?"

Alcohol controlled her brain. Now, where can she guess?

Qiuhua Leopard said in a low voice.

"Oh, I am most afraid of the dead! When I was five or six years old, I crawled out of the dead myself."

Xiuhua Leopard said, while snoring.

"Everyone says, what is terrible about this dead man? But they don't know. If people die much more, it will become hell. You said, **** is not terrible?"

She nodded subconsciously, hell, it was terrifying.

"So, since then, I'm scared when I see the dead, and the more dead I get, the more I fear. Hehe, don't hide from you, I haven't really killed anyone yet. When I came in that day In fact, I was already scared to death. But I didn't expect that you, a girl's family, were not scared at all. Since then, I have decided that you are my elder sister! "

The brain works slowly, but she still grins.

"It's okay, I'll cover you in the future. What is terrible, dead?"

Hehua Leopard laughed a few times, but also no sound.

看着 She watched the guys drunk on the ground, chuckled a few times, got up and wanted to go back to sleep.

But who knows that when he just got up, he was spinning around.

But instead of falling to the ground, she fell into the arms of a man.

"How did you come?"

Wu Qinghu looked at the other side with a little surprise, and stretched out his hand, but slowly retracted.

"I'll take her to rest, and I'll leave it to you. In the future, don't let her drink."

The moonlight was cold, but he could not reach the man for half a minute.

He bent down and hugged people firmly in his arms, striding towards the backyard.

She wobbled in her arms, but she slept soundly.

He habitually struck the man's chest with a small face, as if he had dreamed of something good, with a fragrant lips corner, slightly evoking a sweet smile.

I held the person into the room and gently placed her on the bed.

Gently brushing her hand, she took off the mask on her face.

In the moonlight, the gorgeous face was reddish, and it was even more intoxicating than wine.

He took the cloth towel next to him and wrung it and wiped the thin sweat on her face gently.

In the dark eyes, with a bit of helplessness.

Glancing at a glance, this woman will do something extraordinary.

In this world, it is only her, and only she can make herself so concerned.

Every night it fluttered, but in a blink of an eye, he dropped the curtain and covered her tightly.

"His Royal Highness, man has been found."

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