Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1496: Roundabout

The eyes were shining brightly, as cold as the moon.

Nine Dragons Tianyu did not follow up immediately, but glanced at her drunk and asleep inside the curtain.


"The ghost slave caravan who was responsible for escorting his wife, but was on the side of Longdu for a short stay."

"Where is the destination, can you find out?"

"Subordinate incompetent."

He looked cold, but waved his hand to let the man back down.

"I said earlier that your mother's matter, I'm afraid it's not so easy to resolve."

Xu Qinghu said to himself, quietly came in.

Xun Long Tianyu does not seem to have the slightest feeling of depression because of this news. In fact, he rarely shows his emotions except in front of her.

"I know, you don't want her to get into this incident, so you go from light to dark and check it yourself. I can continue to hide it for you. But she never forgot to find a mother for you, you Not afraid, if she goes on like this, one day, sooner or later, will she be able to find out everything now? "

Wu Qinghu frowned.

Chen Long Tianyu glanced at him and shook his head.

"Not afraid."

The latter is a little speechless. Why is this couple both of the same temperament?

"I didn't want to hide her. What should be known to her, she will know sooner or later."

Across the curtain, his eyes were tender.

He knew that she was never vulnerable, and she was able to face it with courage.

But as long as he is late, he can put those dangers to nothing.

By that time, the rest were things she could solve.

Just give him some more time.

"Forget it, since I have helped you, then I am a good person to do it to the end. But I still warn you, how many people are behind the ghost slave, you should be clear. And the guy hidden in the ghost market, you really When she doesn't have it in her heart? "

Lin Lin Mengya, they know very well.

On the face of it, she seems to be busy getting Zhenlongtang to take control of the ghost town of Longdu, but in reality, she is saving the country on a curve.

I stabbed that person and hid deeply.

However, they could not inquire about the matter publicly, otherwise, it would surely arouse the suspicion of that person.

So, Lin Mengya, they just tried to take over the ghost market.

From the bright side, these are just disputes between the rivers and lakes and have nothing to do with the court.

He was considered cautious, and could not see any flaws.

But once they fully grasp the ghost market, some news, naturally, will appear in their eyes.

That's why, she keeps firing.

"Of course I know, she will always be so smart."

Qinghu wanted to deny it, but thought about it, but nodded.

"Of course."

I ca n’t help it. Whoever told the other person was his girl.

"This time, I have trouble for you."

He slaps her quilt for her, probably because of drinking a lot of wine. This man is very naughty and always refuses to cover the quilt.

Tong Qingyan's face was stained with crimson. She turned over and opened the button on her neck, revealing a white and delicate neck.

Xiao Long Tianyu's eyes darkened, but he pressed the curtains tighter.

"Aren't you leaving with us?"

Qinghu was a bit surprised.

"I may be a few days late, and the palace family should be almost ready. As long as you arrive at the palace family, her safety is guaranteed."

My mother's affairs, he always has to deal with them.

What's more, the things involved, they know, are more complicated.

"Well, be careful yourself."

Qinghu mood is a bit complicated.

He can't wait for this guy to never show up again.

同时 But at the same time, anyone knows how important this person is to the girl.

The candlelight shook, and he took a deep look at the shadow printed on the curtain.

"You wait for me obediently."

I don't know if it's hot or for other reasons. The woman inside turned over suddenly and made a noise.


A well-behaved word made his eyes melt like snow and warm summer.

Stepped out quickly and disappeared into the darkness.

"I'm so thirsty, get me some water!"

The talent just disappeared, and the people inside shouted for water.

Xu Qinghu shook his head and poured a cup of half-hot tea, gently supporting the man.

"If you wake up sooner, it won't be too much"

He didn't say anything afterwards.

After drinking two glasses of water, Lin Mengya was completely sober.

"Why does my head hurt so much, I will never drink again."

抱着 Holding her head, she regretted it.

Wu Qinghu flicked her forehead, and finally couldn't bear to see her suffer, and she did not care about her hand, so she kneaded her.

"The rash men are used to it, how many times have you drunk?"

She stuck out her tongue and looked at Qinghu with a smile.

"Everyone said that rewarding beautiful women under the moon is a pleasure. Instead, take off your mask and give me a good reward. Maybe I'm not so uncomfortable."

There was a gleam of light in the narrow and long eyes, and the clear fox raised the corner of his mouth, revealing an evil smile.

"Looks like you figured it out?"

Lin Lin Mengya immediately acknowledged.

家伙 She's clear, she has almost nothing on the lower limit.

Just now, she was just talking for a while.

"Clear Fox, I seemed to dream of him just now."

The move of the pinch hand was a slight pause, but he was quickly obscured by it.

Now, he feels that the fake leather on his face is very good, at least he can hide something.

"He seems to be by my side. Through a layer of mist, I can't see his face and hear him clearly. But I know it's him."

Lin Mengya never knew that after leaving him, her heart would be so lonely.

I'm probably used to two people relying on each other.

Damn, there is always no way to suffer after eating sweets.

In the past, she was alone and didn't think about it.

Why did you suddenly feel uncomfortable?

哦 "Oh? That's a weird dream. I see, you're drinking too much, so you think about it. Well, we have to hurry tomorrow, let's go to sleep."

He didn't dare to entangle this issue any more, because like Long Tianyu, in front of her, lies were always their worst thing.

Although she wanted to say something, the alcohol closed her eyes tiredly.

A long, long breathing sound came, and Qinghu gently squeezed her into the quilt, with a little helplessness in her eyes.

"Sleep, there will always be a day of soberness."

He meant something, but she couldn't hear it.

Exiting crumblingly from her house, she turned around and reached the roof.

Tonight, he is still by her side like moonlight.

I have a splitting headache.

She paled, holding the door frame to swear, and never drink again!

"Miss, do you really care?"

Xie Er and Xie Xie came to see him off.

Alas, under her strong demand, the leaders do not come.

Lin Lin Mengya was top-heavy and was forced to get into the car by her son.

"I'm fine, sir, I didn't do any shame last night?"

Min Er thought about it and shook her head with a smile.

She was relieved now, fortunately, her wine was so bad.

As for what happened last night, she just remembered drinking with everyone, and the others completely broke the film.

In my opinion, in this life, she is not a son or daughter who can not drink and eat meat.

"Be careful."

Xie 晗 there are not so many mothers-in-law, but after telling a few words, they ordered people to carry a few large boxes to the car.

"this is?"

"It's just some souvenirs, so why didn't you go back? It's hard to be empty-handed, right?"

She knocked carefully. Fortunately, Xie's face didn't look abnormal.

She was a bit careless.

"If you have trouble, you bother to think about it. You'll be better off. After a while, things have come to an end. I want to take good care of your marriage."

Tong Er's face flushed, and a small head hung down.

Xie 是 was slightly raised in the corner of his mouth, solemnly, bowed at her.

一切 "Everything, listen to my sister's safety."

Well, she's very satisfied with this attitude.

Parting is always sad. She is sitting in the carriage and looking at the farther back 纭 儿 and Xie 晗, she is really reluctant.

I'm just fine, there will always be a day to meet in the future.

The carriage and dry food were prepared by Xie Yi.

Everything is proper.

Because she is now a "missing person", this time when returning to the palace, she will have to go back in another capacity, so as not to attract the attention of the people.

I soon joined them with Teacher Bai Su.

Wu Baisu's injury is no big deal, plus this trip, there are Qinghu and Long Tianyu left to master.

As long as they are careful, they should be able to arrive safely.

"Sister Bai Su's injury, does it really matter?"

Wu Axiu whispered and asked in her ear.

She looked back at Bai Su who closed her eyes, but she said in her heart that some fate was really wonderful.

"Bai Su, how do you feel?"

After hearing that, Bai Su slowly opened her eyes and shook her head slightly at her.

"It's okay, thanks for your concern."

Although they don't know the real relationship between them, in the end it is their hometown.

And Bai Su is actually a person who is cold outside and hot inside. From the past, the two were closer.

Lin Lin Mengya thinks this is also very good, there are some things, God can arrange it early.

On the way south, they pretended to be rich children who came out to play.

I am still a brother of Qinghu, she is a sister.

Xi Axiu and Bai Su are two maids, the others are family members.

This combination is actually very common in the Patriotic Kingdom.

After all, there are many families in Weiguo, and these children support their children to go out and practice after they become adults.

In order to avoid trouble, they still get easy.

I changed from a silver moon girl in a ghost market to a beautiful lady.

The horse and the horse stopped walking, and it was more than half a month later.

This time, instead of going directly to the palace's fiefdom, they chose to detour.


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