Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1500: Slandering arson

"But isn't the palace family stigmatized by betrayal?"

Axiu tilted her head and whispered.

This is a problem, after all, from the oldest to the youngest in the family, they all recognize the old-fashioned personality of death.

I'd rather go home and ask first, what's going on with the elder brother's engagement.

They had planned to stop here for a while and continue to the inner city tomorrow.

I didn't expect it. Soon after falling asleep, Lin Mengya smelled a burning smell.

She put on her coat and walked to the window. She saw it not far away, but the fire was soaring into the sky.

A thick stream of smoke rushed into the sky, looking scary.

"Master, what's wrong?"

Bai Su walked lightly to her side and looked out the window together.

On the street, people kept coming and going to fight the fire, and the fire was gradually controlled.

"Strange, why is the fire so big?"

She was a little confused.

Although this is not the main city, but because there are so many dwellings, the ancestors of the palace family thought about how to prevent fire when they built the city.

And the older brother also stepped up patrolling at night. It should be said that when the fire started, someone should find it.

The location of the fire was also considered to be the more prosperous business district in the city. It should not have been such a big fire.

She was thinking for a while, and there was a knock at the door.

"Open the door!"

The voice was very urgent and noisy. It is estimated that the guests in the inn were awakened.

After glancing at Bai Su, the two came to the door.

The man on duty at night opened the door and stood outside, the group of patrols he saw during the day.

They rushed in and occupied the lobby of the inn.

"Brothers, what's going on?"

The guys at the Taining Inn were not disturbed, but the guests were awakened, and he was really difficult to handle.

"We are ordered to search the arsonist. Have you come here suspiciously?"


Sure enough, someone arbitrarily set fire.

Although she confirmed the guess in her mind, she was not at ease.

I can make the patrol team check the person in the middle of the night. I'm afraid the arsonist is not so simple.

"You also know that the guests staying at our Taining Inn are friends of the host family. How can there be arsonists in such people?"

He said with a smile, but the headed man pushed him away.

"Yes or no, you have to check before you know. Come, search me, don't let a room go!"


I squinted and watched that group of people were about to rush upstairs, and the guys didn't care about the others. They ran a few steps and blocked them.

"This elder brother, it is also good for you to get prisoners. However, there are many female dependents in our inn. Would you please let me go up and knock on the door one by one to avoid disturbing them?

Hey guys are right.

After all this night, most people are asleep.

And most of the people who can stay here are wealthy businessmen or family members.

If they let them break in like this, wouldn't they scare them to death?

But he didn't expect it, and the man gave him a cold glance.

"Do you have a block like this? Is it related to the arsonist? Search me! Hurry up, so that the prisoner won't run away!"

"Nothing, nothing!"

My dude shouted a few times, but could not bear the brute force of those people.

Soon, he was stopped by someone, watching helplessly as he rushed upstairs.

Suddenly, the exclamation and yelling began to rise and fall.

Fortunately, the three of them woke up earlier, and the matter had already been dressed.

The people of the patrol team did not go too far. After carefully looking around the room, they retreated.

虽然 Although these people are acting rudely, it may be because they want to find the arsonist quickly.

"Boss, this room is weird!"

Suddenly, all the attention was drawn.

But Kemeng Mengya frowned. Isn't that Qinghu's room?

"What did you find?"

"There is obviously someone here, but now they are gone!"

how could be?

Qing Qinghu generally does not easily leave her side, and if she leaves temporarily, she will also tell her.

他们 They were together before going to bed. Why is there no one in the room?

"I ask you, who lives here?"

My dude looked at Lin Mengya and looked a little hesitantly.

After all, this is the order of the shopkeeper, who must not offend the noble guest.

"Here is one of our guests. However, this guest is valuable and will definitely not be associated with arsonists!"

The leader of the Puppet Patrol did not believe what he said, but walked in personally and watched his own person rummaging.

"Boss, I found it!"

What did they find?

Everybody's attention was attracted to the past, and Lin Mengya and they were also closely watching the movement over there.

"I'll ask you again, what about others?"

My dude's face changed, but he still did not change his tongue.

"You are really misunderstood, the guests staying here are definitely not related to arsonists"

But I didn't expect that the boss slapped his man's face with a slap, his face was cold.

"You know, tonight's fire, three families and sixteen were buried alive in a sea of ​​fire! You dare to protect the arsonists, I see, you don't want to live!"

"However, the guest here only arrived today. How could he go to arson?"

Hey guys are probably not upset like this. Although his voice is getting weaker, he still maintains Qinghu.

I sneered at the man.

"It seems that you are not seeing the coffin and tears, bring it!"

The words did not fall, then the man who went into the search showed up something.

From the appearance, it seems like a fire flame.

Is just special, looks a little different from the usual.

"This is the iron proof we found under the eyes of everyone! This thing is not common in Beiling, only the people they come from in front of it will use it! And, we found exactly the same thing in the fire field. We I've also played with the arsonist, and it's not wrong to watch him run away! I'll ask you one last time, man? "

By just saying this, she knew it, and it definitely had nothing to do with Qinghu.

What kind of master is Xi Qinghu? If he really intends to arson, let alone these garlics, just add a few more, it is estimated that he cannot see the shadows.

And, if it was made by Qinghu, where would it be left alive?

In this way, someone has intentionally framed it.

But who did this? What is the purpose?

"I, I really don't know!"

My dude was frightened and shook his head again and again to deny it.

The man looked at him like this, ordered his men to drop the person, went straight to the counter, and took out the registration book.

Her heart beat, and she felt that something was wrong.

But the man quickly turned his eyes on her.

原来 "It turns out that you are with him! Now that he has run away, he can only take you back first! Come, take away!"

With Bai Su's sword in hand, she was about to rush forward, but was stopped by her.

"We are innocent, what can we do for a trip? However, if the investigation clears that we have nothing to do with the arson case, bother this brother and send us back."

She was neither panicked nor excited.

Bai Su instantly understood what she meant, threw the sword on the table, and grabbed his hands.

Wu Axiu is also sleepy, but she probably knows that with her sister, everything should not be too worrying.

The three women calmly walked into a group of strong men, and the atmosphere was strange.

"I hope so."

The man glanced at the three of them and took the lead to go out.

"Tell your treasurer, let's do something, we'll go back as soon as we go."

My dude was a little anxious and wanted to stop without the ability and courage.

After hearing her words, she nodded strongly.

They followed the patrol out of the Taining Inn. The night was dark and the scorching smell was very uncomfortable.

Suddenly, she seemed to see a small alleyway not far away, and stopped with a familiar figure.

But in a blink of an eye, there seemed to be no one there.

She rubbed her eyes and looked hard, sure she was nobody.

Strange, isn't she blind?

"Hurry up! Don't try to escape!"

These people shouted loudly, after Bai Su coldly glanced at the other side, habitually kept her behind.

"Master, what should I do?"

She asked in a low voice, but Lin Mengya didn't panic at all.

"It's all right."

Who can take her in the place of her own home?

I said again, even if Huozhezi was found in Qinghu's room, this could not prove anything.

虽然 Although these people can arrest her, they cannot cure her sin.

She'll have to see what this group wants to do.

The puppet patrol was newly established by the palace family to maintain the security of the city inside the enclosure.

Because this is one of the entrances, it has more power and more staff.

I waited until they were taken to the patrol station to find out that there were almost a few hundred people here, and each looked very powerful.

刚 As soon as they got here, they were locked into a huge wooden cage.

"What are these people doing?"

Lin Lin Mengya's eyes lighted up.

I didn't expect to meet an acquaintance just here.

宫 The palace inquiry they encountered during the day also came with their own group at this moment.

But they saw a bit of dissatisfaction on Gong Xun's face after seeing that only three weak women were in the lock.

"It's just three girls. How can you do this, let people out!"

Hey, but someone stopped him.

"Can't let go! These three people, but the suspects of the arson case. Now let's go, how do we account for the dead?"

Pu Gongwen's face sank, looking at the man who ordered them to be arrested.

"The case of the arson case has not been found out. Besides, I have seen these three girls during the day. How could they arson just after they arrived here? Chen Lu, don't injustice a good person."

"I'm wrong with a good person? Gong Xun, don't rely on you being the righteous son adopted by the palace family, you can slander me without any evidence! I arrest them, there is evidence!"

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