Hiromi was slightly annoyed, but he held it down in time and never got angry.

既然 "Since there is evidence, you might as well bring it up for everyone to see."

Chen Lu looked at each other coldly and took over the flames brought by his men.

"You can see if this is exactly the same as what we found in the fire. This thing was found from their room!"

Xun Gongxuan took the fire, and Zai carefully looked.

Soon, his face became even more ugly.

"It's the same, but"

"Brother Gongxuan, you two don't have to quarrel anymore."

开口 She opened her mouth and both sides looked at her at the same time.

He smiled and continued.

"Right and wrong are self-assertive, and I believe that with the power of both of you, you will not be wronged against a good person. We did n’t know about arson and never did it. There is no way for others to decide on our own crime."

If you can be regarded as an arsonist with the same fire rules, it is too far-fetched.

Moreover, they did not have the power to convict themselves of a small patrol.

As for what Chen Lu wants to do, he will naturally show up.

At the moment, don't let them both, because it is good to conflict.

"The girl is right."

Xun Gong nodded and looked seriously at Chen Lu.

"I will continue to investigate the arson. If you are sure that these three girls are innocent, you must let go!"

Chen Chen looked at him, but smiled quite deeply.

"No one can refute what I believe. If you don't give up, you can try it."

Chen Lu seems to have identified them as arsonists.

眯 She narrowed her eyes, but her heart became clear instantly.

This Chen Road must be intentional.

Otherwise, how could he be so arrogant?

In my opinion, who is the real arsonist, this guy should know some inside information, otherwise, how can he be so bold and detain the crime?


Hagi Gong was displeased, but remembering her words, she did not continue to harden.

I just turned my head and said to her.

"If you really are not an arsonist, I will save you. But if you are an arsonist, I will not be private."

This person is really fair and strict.

She smiled and nodded, but her heart was appreciated.

"Okay, you go quickly. Lest it be late, you can't find anything."

路 Chen Lu was still talking aside, and Gong Xun glared at him before leaving his patrol station with his own person.

"Three of you, take it well in it. Whenever I want to recruit, I will let you out."

Chen Lu turned to look at them, eyes full of pride.

"What on earth do you want?"

Now she can understand that Chen Lu was originally directed at them.

The case of the arsonist is just a guise.

Otherwise why wasn't found anywhere, but it was found in Qinghu's house?

"What I want, you will understand later."

Lowered his voice, Chen Lu said darkly.

Zhe Lin Mengya still wanted to keep asking, but he left with a big wave.

"Master, shall we?"

Although they were locked in a wooden cage, it would not be difficult if she wanted to go out.

She looked around the station silently, wondering what she was thinking.

"Wait here first and see what the other party is going to do."

If it wasn't for her coming back in disguise, I'm afraid I haven't been able to see these.

She'll have to see what the other party's path is.

折 Troubled all night at night, and three people took turns in a wooden cage for a short while.

But in the blink of an eye, in the daytime, this unobstructed wooden cage trapped them in the sun.

I drank a little, and no one gave them any water or food since last night.

有人 Some people around came around, everyone looked curiously at the three girls.

怎么 样 "How? The taste of being hung here, isn't it?"

Chen Lu appeared again and again, but Lin Mengya three did not look at him.

"I didn't expect that my temper was kind of sullen. This is not the Taining Inn. You have such a small face like a flower, you can't help but bask in the sun."

Alas, shameless!

Lin Lin Mengya despised her heart, but she didn't show the slightest on her face, and she placed herself in a cold attitude.

看来 "It seems that you still don't recognize the current situation. Then you are good, let's consume it here."

Chen Lu said with bad intentions, turned around and kicked a pot of water not far away.

The other is okay, the thirst of the throat makes the three of them a little uncomfortable.

But the three of them sat back to back, leaning on each other.

"Master, rest assured, I will kill him when I go out."

Bai Su was offended.

He was not only because the other party had wronged them, but because he actually came up with such a trick to deal with them.

"Not urgent."

She always feels that it seems too smooth.

And the other side has another purpose, she also knows about it.

I was exposed to the sun for a day. Among the three people, the worst physical strength was Axiu.

Fortunately, it was cool at night, and A Xiu fell in her arms, her eyes closed slightly.

"are you OK?"

She regrets a little, Axiu's body has just recovered, and now is not the time to be with her.

But Ke Xiu shook her head and said with a smile.

"I find it very interesting. With Sister Ya, I really won't be bored."

I'm really bored, but sometimes I'll be guilty.

But only then, in revenge, is there a reason to put the enemy to death?

Soon, Chen Lu came to the three of them again.

"Now, have you figured it out?"

Chen Lu seems to be eating them, especially when he sees that one of them has fallen down.

Lin Lin Mengya stared at Chen Lu and asked coldly.

"What exactly do you want to do?"

我 "I? Actually, what I want is simple. What did you bring when you came to town?"

They bring a lot of things, in addition to the souvenirs bought for their families along the way,

She suddenly remembered, Xie 晗 that guy with a tendon, for fear that they would have some trouble on the road, whether it is cash or silver tickets, stuffed her a bunch.

Isn't Chen Lu's purpose the silver?

"Too many things, I don't know which one you want."

She said angrily, but it was for further testing.

路 Chen Lu was not angry, but greedy flashed in his eyes.

"If you want to buy your life, it's actually very simple."

"How much do you want?"

"One person, one thousand and two!"

Grab money!

She stared at the guy in front of her silently, daring to be in trouble for a long time, all caused by silver.

But soon, she pulled back her thoughts.

人 This man looks familiar, I'm afraid this is not the first time he has done such a thing.

I first planted the booty, and then brought them back to dry for a day.

If I put it on the average person, I'm afraid I nodded and agreed.

"I don't have it now, you let us out first."

想要 She wanted to pretend to be a bit more like a bargain.

However, Chen Lu did not expect it.

"It's impossible to let you out, but don't you have an elder brother? You can ask him to send it in, hand in money, hand in hand."

No wonder, this guy only caught three of them, and didn't continue to catch Qinghu.

"I don't know where my elder brother is, what if he doesn't know what to do? You want to let them both go to see my elder brother, I will stay by myself."

Danger, it is not necessarily dangerous.

I just know that Chen Luneng is so fearless and familiar. It means that at least some people support him behind his back.

She must not allow such extortion and extortion to happen at the palace house.

So, she wants to call up the interests behind it.

"Yes, but only one can be let out. You, come out."

Chen Lu agreed very easily, probably thinking that the three of them could not fight him.

He pointed to Bai Su, who immediately secretly squeezed her hand.

"Go, find my brother."

She smiled at Bai Su, who immediately understood her meaning and got out of the wooden cage.

"My people have gone to find silver for you. Shouldn't you also show something?"

Chen Lu waved his hand, and someone immediately brought in water and dry food.

I basked in the sun for a day and finally got supplemented.

After two people drank up clear water immediately and sipped a few mouthfuls of dry crickets, they finally made up for the day's deficit.

"Sister Ya, shall we continue to wait?"

Axiu is still a former temperament. When encountering this kind of thing, he didn't feel scared, especially after he recovered his physical strength.

"Well, you can go out soon."

She is curious now where the guy from Qinghu died.

Is he deliberately led away that night?

But despite all kinds of speculation, everything will be clear by tomorrow.

As soon as Xi Tian was bright, Bai Su appeared in front of both of them.

Alas, but did not alarm anyone.

"Master, I have found Qinghu. He asks if you really want to give Chen Luqian."

She thought about it. If she didn't give it, she was afraid that it would cause the other party's suspicion, wouldn't her sin be in vain?

"Give it."

Wu Baisu nodded and left. Soon, someone started to move outside, and Chen Lu also came to them early.

Also, this time they gave them some decent breakfast.

"Hurry up and eat, you should leave."

She lowered her head and looked at the bowl of vegetable porridge with a smile.

Tong Axiu looked at her quietly and swallowed a little.

I really can't swallow.

Soon, someone came over and said a few words in Chen Lu's ear.

The latter looked at them both, and the smile on the corners of the lips widened.

"It seems that your brother values ​​you very much."

"When can you let us go?"

别 "Don't worry, when the money is in hand, I can let you go."

She gave the guy a cold glance, but the latter suddenly didn't care and took her own person out of the station.

"Sister Ya, are you okay?"

Wu Axiu asked with some worry, but Lin Mengya gave her a reassuring smile.

If something happens, it won't be them.

Soon after, Chen Lu brought someone back in front of her again.

But this time, the smile on his face was much happier than before.

"You two, you can come out."

Before they asked a few words, they were sent to the station by Chen Lu's people.

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