Wu Gongwu was thoroughly enraged by this sentence.

"Fifth child!"

Gong Bin looked at Gong Wu and was about to get up, Gong Bin immediately spoke and stopped him.

The atmosphere was tense.

Xi Gongbin and Gong Qianfeng, as the highest talkers in the palace today, for some things, although they have to endure, they must also beat those who are interested.

"Gong Ya, is the head of our palace family. She has already been recognized by the temple. In the future, I don't want to hear anyone and I don't respect the family owner."

Qiang Palace Qianfeng looked serious, and her sight was shaved for a week, which was both a conclusion and a warning.

The palace family can be without them or even the five sons with the palace family, but it must have Gongya!

It's a pity that these guys who have been stunned by desire have not realized it yet.


I don't care what I think, at least for now, the group of people are still afraid to rebel against Gongfeng.

Lin Lin Mengwu sat in the corner, but cursed the old thing fiercely in her heart.

Lin Mengya, Lin Mengya!

Why does everyone here speak to Lin Mengya?

She just wanted to take away everything that **** valued.

I was like that bitch, who deprived her of everything!

The deeper I hate in my heart, the more indifferent and elegant she seems to be.

She lowered her head and gave a fake cough, reminding the man to remember their purpose.

Xun Gongtu glanced at her, and pressed her dissatisfaction to the bottom of her heart.

"Actually, we are here for the good of our palace family. Father, you also know that our palace family can no longer afford to toss. Even if the palace owner is as good as possible, but her whereabouts are unknown, we have to be early Make plans. "

Under the eyes of the palace's five sons who felt extremely oppressive, Gong Tu had to temporarily acknowledge Lin Mengya's status as the owner.

However, if he said this before yesterday, perhaps Xu Gong Qianfeng could consider it.

But now, it is completely unnecessary.

"I believe that the owner Ji has his own sky. Don't mention it for the time being."

I have the same tone, almost every time I come to Gong Tu, the answers are all figured out.

But this time, he had a new plan.

"I also believe that the owner will definitely return home safely, but I received the message. The owner is out and has a son. I wonder if it is true or not?"

Behind the wall, Lin Mengya stunned.

No wonder that night, someone will come to Ning'er.

This group of people can't do it secretly, but it's coming again?

"You nonsense! Little sister Bingqing Yujie, if you dare to slander her again, I will tear your mouth!"

This sentence, every word, came at her.

Wu Gongwu is naturally unwilling to easily, let people insult her.

But Gong Tu, this time it was not so easy to turn off.

"Fiveth, anyway, I am also your uncle, do you just talk to me like this? When did our palace ruler call you such a disobedient elder?"

"It was you who offended the homeowner first. The palace family organized training. Anyone who offends the homeowner can scold and blame!"


I squinted and looked up in front of me, and Lin Mengya couldn't help.

Fortunately, there is an elder brother who should not be able to control the scene.

"Shut up!"

With a bang, Zengzu became angry.

She immediately stopped before, and she felt a little guilty.

She was so old, but she was angry because of her affairs all day, and she really couldn't bear it.

It's a pity that she doesn't ask for anything, it doesn't mean that she doesn't come to seek her.

"Father, I'm not a targetless person. Dream dance is her sister, and she knows the best about it. You must not be blinded by others and lose the face of our family!"

She gave birth to a baby, it is said that even if it is turned out now, the impact is not great.

After all, she didn't know her identity at the beginning, and she and Long Tianyu were also married by Ming media.

不管 No matter where it is, she can tell it.

But Gong Tu, why is it that this matter has become a big issue?

"Dream dance, come and tell the old man, what embarrassing thing your sister did!"

After a short while, Lin Mengwu's charming voice came out timidly.

"My grandfather, in fact, I can't blame my sister for this. At first, she was indeed married to Prince Jin's Prince Yu, but she was abandoned within one year. Later, I do n’t know who she agreed Lifetime, gave birth to a child "

Lin Lin Mengya heard this, and was so angry that she wanted to rush out immediately to death Lin Mengwu!

This is obvious, is the origin of Heininger.

At the beginning Yu was also helpless, but between them, apart from each other, there was never a third person.

Lin Mengwu said this now, all she wanted was to discredit her reputation.

Alas, what makes her most unbearable is the indirect insult to Ning'er!

"What are you talking about?"

Xi Gongbin couldn't help but rebuked Lin Mengwu.

I didn't expect Miyaji, who hadn't spoken so much, at the moment spoke quietly.

"Mrs. Lin, even if the younger sister had married Prince Yu as his wife and the male and female married, it was normal. As a child, as a husband and wife, naturally there will be children, what is the problem? I do n’t think This incident can affect the reputation of our palace family. "

The four palace palaces deliberately distorted the facts of Lin Mengwu, and once again came back.

我 "I, I didn't mean that. I just hope that you can think more about the palace family."

Ning Lin Mengwu and Gong Tu did not expect that Gong Ya did not know what ecstasy he had given to a few people in his family.

Even such things, they can care nothing.

"But she already has children"

Lin Lin Mengwu bit her lip and wanted to continue the conversation with the child.

She just wants everyone to think that Lin Mengya is a **** who is as good as a man, a woman who is not in check.

He did not want to, Gong Si spoke again.

"What about the child? Gong Ya is the head of the family, and talent is the first. She is not Miss Qianjin who is not in the door, and should not measure her with worldly eyes. Ask Wei Guo so A multi-generational family, isn't she the only one? So, what makes her different? What's wrong with her? "

Gao Lin Mengwu's words were interrupted again by Gong Shisuo.

当然 Of course he knew what this woman wanted to do.

What a pity they didn't understand.

Xi Gongya is not simply a woman, she is also the head of the palace.

Since she is a homeowner, if she is only judged by a woman's standard, it is an insult to her.

"The fourth child, this is not the way to say! Since she is the owner, the representative is the palace family. If someone later knows that she has married and had a child, which will make our palace family look like that? Moreover, every family now has the meaning of marriage. Isn't she making a joke like this now? "

Hagiya Shichi said lightly.

"Do you want to repeat it again?"

In the past, the palace family only had a place in the family by relying on friendship and showing weakness.

How about the result?

He was humiliated, pushed out, and even nearly ruined his home.

But these people had such an idea.

Sugi Miyazaki suddenly felt a little bored, no wonder the palace family would go down in the past.

The presence of such people is only a drag to the palace family.

"You! Stubbornness! You don't want to think about it, the palace family has just recovered. If they don't lay the foundation now, how can they allow us to grow bigger? Now whether it is the Cheng family or the Ma family, we all treat our palace The family has some meaning. If you don't seize this good opportunity, in the future, if they want to deal with us, the palace family will have to decline again. Well, you can tolerate a woman like Gongya as the homeowner. But Dream Dance is her My sister, let ’s recognize her and let her marry those strong families. Is n’t it good for our family?

Speaking of it, this is the topic they came to today.

Lin Lin Mengya's mouth evoked a sneer.

This circle is really big enough.

"I still say that, we can't settle this matter until Miyaya does not return."

Wu Gongbin also issued an ultimatum.

Today, it seems that nothing is left to do.


At this moment, her heart was full of doubts.

Lin Lin Mengwu and her are only half-sisters. Why did the great ancestors not directly refuse the matter, but left them to blame?

After Xun waited for the group to leave unwillingly, she stepped out of the atrium and walked into Yasong Hall.

"Great ancestor."

She slightly owed herself and saluted.

The atmosphere inside the puppet was a little downturned. After she came in, everyone could barely give her a smile.

I can see that everyone is not relaxed.

"Come, sit down."

Grandpa Zeng looked at her lovingly and motioned for her to sit beside her.

Zhe Lin Mengya just sat down and heard Zengzu sigh.

"Do you think that we are indecisive in handling this matter?"

刚 She just wanted to shake her head, but felt that she shouldn't hide it, and nodded.

"There is nothing we can do. Even though Lin Mengwu is not your relative, she bears the mark of our palace family. But these are not important. The important thing is that those in my hometown have identified her as the palace family Person. And we ca n’t prove that she ’s not your sister, do you understand? ”

It turned out that she had lost the news because it was blocked.

No wonder.

Xi Jinguo was thousands of miles away, and there were few insiders, mainly without evidence.

Ke Lin Mengwu is different.

When she grew up with herself, she said that there was indeed some blood relationship between the two of them.

The great ancestors did not believe it, but for a moment, there was nothing they could do.

Coupled with the things that matter to her, naturally cannot be disclosed easily.

I didn't expect it, but Lin Mengwu got into the hole.

"However, even if Lin Mengwu wants to be a family member of the palace, as long as I am there, the position of the owner will not fall on her. And I know her details. If she does this, she will not hit the blade. Are you there? "

Zeng Zeng sighed, his face was a little disappointed.

"The human heart is not enough to swallow elephants. Where did they just send people in? It is clear that they want to seize power!"

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