Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1513: Attracting talent

She got it.

No wonder, those people insisted that they wanted to treat her as a family member of the palace, knowing that Lin Mengwu's identity was doubtful.

Because of this, they have the opportunity to rob the power of great ancestor and five brothers!

What descendants, what family reputation, these are just the coat they use to power.

The core of power is in the hands of these people today.

Others, unless they make a huge contribution.

Otherwise, they will always be excluded from the center of power.

If you put it in the past, the palace family will be abandoned and the struggle for power will not be obvious.

But now, the palace family is rising too fast.

Regardless of whether it is money or prestige, it is like a rocket, straight into the sky.

So the people inside the palace family will naturally feel unbalanced.

Driven by desire and temptation, it is no surprise that they can do this kind of thing.

Lin Lin Mengwu is just the opportunity for these people to fulfill their ambitions!

Zeng Zengzu refused to be so neat and neat, but also a family who was afraid that they would gather together and fell apart!

"Abominable! When we were struggling, why weren't they all so active one by one? Now, seeing that the days are just getting better, they started to make trouble again!"

Wu Gongwu scolded a bit of anger.

After all, such shameless people are disgusted.

"I don't think it's that easy."

She thought about it and said.

"When I just returned to Beiling a few days ago, something happened in the outer city. I think it might have something to do with this group of people."

She sorted out her thoughts and told the family about Chen Lu.

听 After everyone listened, frowns frowned.

Because, they also smelled of conspiracy.

刚 "In the beginning, I thought it was someone who wanted the money, so that's what I did. But now I think about it, it doesn't seem that simple."

刚 At first she thought that whoever blessed Chen Lu must be someone who could speak.

But the root cause, Chen Lu's cooking is tantamount to killing chickens to get eggs.

For the palace family, once the incident occurs, it is a devastating blow.

After arriving at the house, she found that even though the palace slaughtered them so badly, the actual power was in the hands of several brothers and great ancestors.

The Xiong Palace family has just started now, and the brothers will not be so careless.

Unless, someone is deliberately disrupting their sight and stunting their steps.

"What do you mean, the reason why Gong Tu came to make trouble is just a blind eye?"

Kumiya Fourth responded quickly, and immediately understood what she meant.

"I'm afraid so."

这 "This, this is to completely destroy our palace home!"

Xu Gongbin was startled, already cold sweat all over his head.

若 If they are still here and entangled with Gong Tu, I'm afraid that they have been out of the sky for a long time.

At that time, whether they or Gong Tu, they will be finished with the palace family.

"It's not too late, Chen Lu, I've been looking for someone to watch. The priority now is to quietly check Beiling, how many such things exist?"

She was fortunate and chose to return at this time.

If she is earlier or later, I am afraid that this effect will not be achieved.

"Okay, I'll arrange it."

After Wu Gongbin realized the seriousness of the incident, he hurried away.

The remaining few people were also serious.

"Sister, then how do you deal with this palace and Lin Mengwu?"

Now that the palace family has her, even if it has the backbone.

Wu Gong's five horses are gearing up, looking forward to her counterattack.

不 "Do not deal with them, they are a crucial step. Great ancestor, next time if Gong Tu finds them again, you will find a way to temporarily leave Lin Mengwu for you."

"Why is this? Then Lin Mengwu was originally directed at you. And, I'm afraid she would be bad for those two children."

She raised her lips and said with a smile.

"Now I'm back, she's just afraid that she can't treat the two children. But this woman can't stay."

The slightest coldness came out of her eyes.

She has never been a good person. Lin Mengwu has killing her, and Ning'er's affairs, I'm afraid that she can't get rid of the relationship with Lin Mengwu.

In this case, she will use the fastest and safest method to get rid of Lin Mengwu and never suffer from it!

"Okay, things at home, you just look at the arrangements."

Zeng Zengzu didn't raise any objections again. After all, this girl's brain is much easier to use than them.

"Thank you great ancestors, but great ancestors, how are you preparing for private school?"

This is the top priority of the palace family today.

Qiang Palace Qianfeng heard the words, but smiled bitterly.

"The school building and the venue are ready. But there are no teachers and students. How is it good?"

That's why she heard it too.

So she came back to prepare for this.

曾 "Zengzu please rest assured, this matter is covered by me."

After everything at home was arranged properly, Lin Mengya was really relaxed for a few days.

She deliberately set aside these days to play crazy with two little guys for a while.

I was probably because of her company, and the two of them were lively.

I just don't have to be late, I still have to go to sleep with her, or else I'll make a world upset.

She enjoyed it, accompany two little handsome guys every day to rest.

"Little sister, as you expected, there are big and small problems all over Beiling. But you can rest assured that I have been staring at them secretly, and it will definitely not cause any major trouble."

Wu Gongbin's look is not very good these past few days. It seems that there are quite a few problems.

"I'm assured of elder brother's affairs."

刚刚 She has just been practicing calligraphy with two babies, and now they are practicing, and she is free.

I turned around, but when I saw the elder brother, it seemed to be a little bit verbal.

"Brother, is there anything else?"

Xi Gongbin smiled, but looked around alertly, before lowering his voice.

听说 "I heard that someone saw your third brother and went in and out of the palace house"

She just remembered that recently, the third brother seemed to be always nesting in his own yard.

Mo Fei

Immediately, she shook her head.

怎么 How is this possible?

She can doubt anyone, even the five brothers.

"Did you read it wrong?"

She subconsciously excused Miyazo, but Gong Bin waved.

"I'm not doubting your third brother, but another person."

She suddenly remembered, right, the third brother has a twin brother.

"Are you sure?"

"It's because I'm not sure that I haven't told anyone. Since the incident at the house, your third brother has been in a bad mood. I'm afraid he will learn about it and he will think wildly."

This is a little troublesome.

After all, the elder brother's twin brother has always been a scar on his mind.

If it is not handled well, I'm afraid it will hurt the third brother.

"I'm attentive to this matter. The elder brother should first determine whether that person is the brother of the third brother."

She has a little bad hunch.

That man has disappeared for so many years, how can he now appear again and be noticed by the elder brother?

She nodded her forehead, always felt that the rise of the palace family seems to stir a lot of mud.

After such a trouble, they have temporarily stopped a lot.

After all, this is not a serious event. After a few days of rest, she decides to deal with the biggest problem first.

After having breakfast, she asked people to bring her great ancestors and several brothers to Yasong Hall.

After seeing that all the family members had arrived, she cleared her throat and said.

"I think about home study these days. I think, first hire some respected gentlemen to recruit students."

Everyone nodded, this is indeed the best and easiest way.

After all, everyone knows that Yan Shi is a master.

For the good Mr., the family is eager.

But at the same time, he also faces another question.

"Little sister, the famous gentlemen in the world are almost all guests of the big families. And they have various interests with those families. We want to invite them over, it seems a little difficult.

Sugimiya Shiji tried to be gentle, but the meaning was clear.

Their attraction is not enough.

About this, she also thought about it.

"It's true, those famous teachers will definitely not come to our college easily. But if it is for reputation?"

Nian Gongsi looked at her with some confusion, what is this girl playing?

"People often say that Wen Wu is the first and Wu is the second. What attracts them is nothing more than prestige and interest. Therefore, I decided to hold a competition of fighting and martial arts. I would not believe that they would not move thought!"

It was a little damaging to say that she was doing this.

But there is no way, she is forced to helplessly.

The people in the palace family looked at her and seemed to think that she was whimsical.

Gong Palace smiled dryly, his eyes moved a little.

He was thinking, how to say, so as not to hurt the little girl's heart so much.

"What an idea, a good idea. But"

"Does the fourth brother want to know, why do they come?"

Hei Gongsi hesitated, and nodded.

The battle of 文 斗 武斗 is indeed very good and very attractive.

But people are doing well. Why should I come to participate in this sounding ridiculous competition?

因为 "Because they all want to be the number one in the world!"

眨 She blinked and blinked, deliberately teasing her brother.

Sugimiya smiled helplessly, but in her heart, she still felt that she would not succeed.

"You don't have to worry, I will let them, obediently come to participate in the competition. Brother three, brother four, leave this to you."

Her eyes flickered with self-confidence.

After Gong Gong San and Gong Shi looked at each other, he shook his head involuntarily.

At that time, they didn't know yet that the strongest ability of this baby sister in their family was not the Shennong system in their brains, but-doing things!

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