Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1514: Building library

Internal worries must be resolved, and external problems cannot be ignored.

With specific goals, the people in the palace family no longer turn around like headless flies.

At least now, they already know the direction.

On the surface, the palace family is as calm as ever.

In her back, no matter whether it was her or her five brothers, or even her great ancestors, they were all alive.

The most quiet and elegant place in Yefei City is the teahouse named "Nianxiang".

There are only two floors on the top of the tea shop, and the third floor is reserved for the owner to entertain guests.

Moreover, the stairs leading to the third floor are directly from the backyard, there is no need to bypass the first two floors.

As soon as I used breakfast, Lin Mengya secretly brought Qinghu and Baisu to this tea house.

"You are finally here."

In front of me, Cai Ling is still a cedar.

On Qing Qing's face, the smile was still haggard.

Lin Lin Mengya looked around, and couldn't help but admire her. It was indeed Cai Ling. It can be seen that this person has taste, and can live a bland life everywhere.

怪 "No wonder, the elder brother is on the road, making you all a fairyland."

The decoration on the third floor is very simple, a book case, a couch, a few chairs, all of which are full of elegant ancient meaning.

Xun is neither arty nor elegant, but brick and tile, all with vicissitudes of character.

"Everyone just doesn't hate it."

Seeing she likes it, Cai Ling is also very happy.

But he is thin-skinned, and no matter how happy he is, he won't act too much.

After greeting everyone to take a seat, Cai Ling personally cooked tea for everyone.

Zhe Lin Mengya took it over and just opened the lid, there was a sweet taste, and it slowly spread out.

"It is indeed the tea that Boss Cai himself cooked. Outside, I am afraid that it is difficult to buy even a thousand dollars."

She smiled sweetly at Cai Ling, although she was wearing a mask, but her bright eyes were bent.

Cai Ling's face turned red again, pouting, looking down at the tea in front of him.

"Okay, let this sweet mouth pass Cai Ling first. This is what you want, let's see."

Fang Gongsi's eyes flickered, concealing a hint of thought.

Cai Ling is shy, but she is very indifferent to people and things.

Otherwise, how can Cai's family business be in charge?

He was in front of the little girl, but he always looked shy.

For Cai Ling, this is a bit unusual.

可 小妹

I forget, I hope he thinks more.

Gao Linmengya took over what Gongsi gave her.

That's a thick list of books, all of which are the most famous Mr. Wen Wu of Wei Guo.

After the name, the background is listed.

And in the last column, a reference opinion will be given.

I can't ask, or can't ask, I will make a judgment first.

The roster is divided by region. This is also the collection of the four elder brothers after they returned from Longdu.

Nowadays, all the prestigious gentlemen of Wei Guo are in this list.

She flipped through it carefully, and she had some numbers in her heart.

"Everyone that can be invited here, should you almost invite it now?"

The palace was nodded at four, and the school building was built about a month ago.

After that, the teachers who have been hired have all left and came here.

"However, many great scholars have declined our invitation. The current college, even at home, is not first-class."

Zonggong frowned slightly, this is the big problem.

If there are no powerful sirs, why would those families want to be so old and far away and send the younger generation over?

"These are enough for the time being, brother elder, I remember the palace family, do you have a library?"

A few moments later, Gonggong thought about it, and nodded.

"It's true, but the stuff in the library is passed down by the old ancestors, so don't think about it. Otherwise, the great ancestors would be furious."

The words of Kuimiya IV are somewhat cautious.

In fact, according to the palace's former heritage and wealth, the things in the library are rare treasures.

Even if the palace house was not completed like that, Zengzu didn't give up the idea of ​​collecting books.

She touched her chin, pretending to be indifferent.

"Look at what you said, I ca n’t break the life of the great ancestor. I just don't think so. This library is in disrepair for a long time. In case there is a snake worm and rat ant, wouldn't it be good to ruin the good thing?"

She said this softly and softly, but Gong Shi just felt that the goods were definitely bad intentions.

I want to know again what ghost idea she has.

Xi Sui could only follow her words and continue to speak down.


所以 "So, we have to spend huge sums of money to build a splendid library for our palace family."

"This thing works, just"

She narrowed her eyes and grinned.

既然 "Since it is a library, a plaque, or something, if it wasn't for the Confucian masters who learned to get rich in five cars, I'd be afraid to taint those rare books."

Cai Ling realized at this moment.

"Gong Ya means that those great Confucians must feel that they have such qualifications. But no one is convinced by them!"

She snapped her fingers, yes, she would add a little more fire at that time, no worries that the fire would not burn!

"But even if they fight, that doesn't mean they will stay in our college."

Zhe Lin Mengya shook her head, and she looked like she was in her heart.

"In the beginning, I didn't need them to stay in the college for the time being. Just let them have a name. After our school was established, you said that it is for the teachers of the family or the teachers of the world ? "

With this in mind, both Gong Si and Cai Ling understood.

"Wonderful! No wonder the ancestors of the palace often boast of your cleverness. This recruiter is hooked and used it really well."

Cai Ling complimented softly, her eyes were even more shining.

Zangong Si has a larynx in his throat, and his heart is even more worried.

If the little girl has not liked her, then Cai Ling is definitely a good choice.

I was just a matter between her and His Highness Xi, she never concealed him.

The two people have fallen in love for a long time, I'm afraid they can't tolerate other people anymore.

Cai Ling, I'm afraid I used the wrong mind.

"Brother, what are you thinking?"

发现 She found out that today, the fourth brother seems to always be foolish and asks softly.

"No, nothing."

The four palaces hide their emotions very well.

Lin Lin Meng Yaduo glanced at him, determined that it was all right, then let go of a heart.

When Xun built the library, she didn't bother much, so she agreed to Zengzu.

And the address is just behind the college.

风景 It is a beautiful place with beautiful scenery and the college.

As the honorary principal and founder of the college, she has never been to the school.

This time, she went to the school for the first time by examining the location of the library building.

The school founded by the Xun Palace family has three parts.

Twenty-one is "Children's Studies", which specializes in recruiting and training students under twelve years of age.

毕业 After graduating from "Tongxue", she was officially admitted to the college.

Here, students have to be educated for at least three years, and after three years, they will be tested.

Qualified people will go on to four years of further education.

And the last two years, some internship work will be arranged by the palace family.

Let these children born in the family truly understand the lives of the people.

At the same time, the children of ordinary people can also study with them.

The original intention of establishing this college was to hope that at least in the face of education, relative equality could be achieved.

So this time, she will also recruit female students.

Therefore, it is even more difficult for management to get into trouble.

The Institute was built on the outskirts of the non-Yecheng city, with a lot of area, and there are many follow-up facilities under construction and improvement.

But the least things have been built.

她 When she saw the carriage outside and the neat and clean school building through the window, she felt a little excited.

After all, in her past life, school occupied most of her time.

She always has some feelings for school.

Although she was lonely and lonely at first, she still missed the simple and beautiful days.

Many people are waiting for their arrival at the gate of the school.

However, her current status is a bit special. Fortunately, there is a girls 'school here, so she deserves to be the first female student in the girls' school, and she also serves as a supervisor.

This is logical.

Because most of the gentlemen have not yet moved in, the college today seems a little empty.

But others who have mixed up with the college have already recruited seven hundred seventy-eight.

At first glance, there are a lot of people.

Now in charge of the school is an old gentleman who once taught at the palace.

Although learning is not a wealthy car, it is fortunate that you have good character and work hard.

In the past, the enlightenment education of the five elder brothers was the credit of this gentleman.

Now that the older brother saw the old gentleman, he was still a disciple.

"Have met Mr. Liang."

梁 This Mr. Liang has been a long-aged man, but he is stunned.

The gray hair was meticulously tied to the top of his head.

He has a loving smile on that face.

"Well, don't be polite, come in quickly."

In his tone, he was very familiar with his elder brother.

Brother Sisi smiled, but took a step back and said respectfully.

"Sir, this is the girl Su whom I mentioned to you. She is the lady invited by the housekeeper and the inspector of the girls' school."

At this moment, Mr. Liang noticed her.

颔 She gave a slight nod and introduced herself generously.

"In Xia Sumei, I have seen Mr. Liang."

Mr. Qi Liang only looked at her for a few moments before a mild smile on his face.

"Since it was chosen by the owner, there must be something special about it. In the future, we must work together and never let the owner down."

I did not make things difficult or questioned.

Although she knew that Mr. Liang did not fully accept himself, at least on the surface, it did not embarrass her.

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