Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1515: Saints make mistakes

Since ancient times, many literati have looked down on women.

I think women are miserable, and they are inherently inferior to men.

But in the palace, women are just like men, they can get the chance to stand out.

She also wondered whether there was another reason for the family style of the palace.

Now it seems that with such a gentle and gentle Enlightenment, education seems to be a more important factor.

She has a lot of affection for this gentle gentleman.


Seeing her elegant and gentle, she talked and behaved generously.

Mr. Liang's first impression of this lady is really good.

"Well, what are you standing here for? Go inside and see."

A few people just turned around and went to the college, but they heard a cold hum in the crowd.

The sound was clearly malicious.

Lin Lin Mengya looked around, but saw a frosty face.

Mr. Qi Liang also heard it, but after just glancing at it, Quan took it as if he didn't notice it.

I took a few people to visit the college.

Xun Tong Xue does not distinguish between male and female schools, so they are put together.

I walked inside, south school to the east and girls school to the west.

Regardless of the various facilities, it now looks perfect.

As for the building under construction, it is a spare school building in case of need.

Xi and his party visited almost, but returned to Mr. Liang's study room.

"It's really hard work these days."

Xiong Gongsi looked at Mr. Liang gratefully. In fact, according to Mr. Liang's age, he should have returned home to spend his old age and let his children and grandchildren fall into his knees.

Only, when he persuaded his husband to come out of the mountain, he just stated his little girl's idea of ​​the school, and he couldn't wait to agree.

知道 He knows that it is not money that is valued by the husband, but the significance of this academy to the people of the world.

Mr. Tong Liang smiled and waved.

"It's not hard work. When it comes to speaking, I still want to thank the owner of the palace family. If it wasn't for her vision, I'm afraid that this college can't build anything."

Sugimiya smiled, and glanced at the praised Lord secretly.

I saw her sitting critically, but her eyebrows were smiling.

I'm afraid this girl is proud.

"Mr. Liang is too humble. What vision can she have for a woman?" I think I'm afraid it's all four sons' ideas. "

At this time, a voice that was not in harmony sounded.

Kuimiya's smile slightly converged, and he turned to look at the talking man.

I looked at it a little, and Gong Si remembered that this person was the one who just snorted outside.

For anyone who is disrespectful to his younger sister, even if he has great ability, he will not look down on him.

Now, the voice was cold.

"The palace family always respects the owner, and the palace four is just the horse's pawn. The establishment of the college is just that the owner has a broad mind and thinks about the students of the world."

He was kind of not very polite.

The atmosphere cooled a lot.

Who knew the man heard the words, but looked at Gong Siyi disdainfully.

"Unfortunately, my Cong Zong is unwilling to teach under a woman's hand. Everyone, goodbye!"

After speaking, the man turned to leave.

Suddenly, he lost a lot of his face.


The four palaces chilled, and the appearance of the modest son was a little more cold at this time.

"Four sons, what advice is there?"

"Everyone has his own will, it doesn't matter if we stay here without Mr. Cong, but what does this mean?"

Wu Congzong picked a corner of his mouth and sneered.

"I made it very clear. Although my Cong Zong is not a famous Confucian master, I still have a man's temperament! The woman ’s palm, the dove occupies the nest, and the pheasant Si Chen, but the yin and yang are reversed, confusing black and white! It has been a place to read sage books since ancient times, but now it allows women to enter, and it is inevitable that it will hide dirt! Here, it is no longer a clean place, and the clans are waiting!

This is really terrible.

In the room, except everyone, her face changed.

The fourth palace was so angry that he wanted to throw this person out.

And Lin Mengya finally understood that this man turned out to be his own.

I raised an eyebrow, and she knew how this matter could go so smoothly.

I thought about it, and hurried before the elder brother spoke.

"Four sons, Mr. Cong is leaving, so let him go."

The four palaces turned their heads and stopped talking.

After all, the little girl is the party, and these words are even smashed at her.

"Four sons, I haven't heard it. The lady you invited by your palace family can now speak."

The man continued to ridicule, but Gong Shi's cultivation did not accumulate in one day.

What's more, he knows that Cong Zong's shot is not good because of his own sister's shot.

"Mr. Cong makes sense. The four sons respect teachers and respect teachers. It is natural to respect Mr. Liang. I heard that Mr. Liang was once the enlightenment teacher of the fourth son. The moral qualities are first-rate, which is why the four sons are such a high-quality person. The so-called differences are not the same. It is really inappropriate for Mr. Cong to stay here. "

Wu Congzong saw her speak, the coldness in the words continued unabated.

"what do you mean?"

"I mean it very simply. A person of high moral character sees turbid red dust like a clear breeze. It is a blessing for me to work with such a person."

讲话 Her speech was not slow or slow, and her voice lowered slightly, naturally with a touch of elegance.

Mr. Qi Liang couldn't help but look at her a few times, with a few touches of appreciation in his eyes.

"What do you mean is that I have misbehaved? As a woman, I am not a good wife and mother. I ran here to confuse people, and I do n’t know how your parents taught you."

In contrast, Cong Zong seemed to be a little bit anxious.

After all, he never had a fight with a woman.

In his eyes, a woman should become a vassal of a man, and she should be at home. It is "good and virtuous" if the door is not two steps away.

"My parents taught me that gentlemen are open-minded, and villains are long-standing. My parents also said that if a gentleman is a gentleman, everyone in the world is smooth, and everyone is a gentleman. If he is a villain, he will naturally use the heart of a villain to spend the gentleman. In the abdomen, there is injustice everywhere, everyone is a villain. "

She said that she was heading straight for Cong Zong.

Wu Piansheng had a soft voice without any sarcasm, but in this remark, she was scolding Cong Zong as a villain.

Suddenly, the man lost his temper.

"You! I don't quibble with you! The saints say that males are yang, and females are yin. You can reconcile yin and yang by performing your own duties. What you are doing now is only happening in Vietnam, and something will happen sooner or later!"


Lin Lin Mengya looked at the immortal guy indifferently, and said.

"Sage words? Sages are men or women? As men, women are naturally biased. In that case, why do women listen? If the saints don't understand women, they make rash statements, and behind them are the gentlemen? "

"Fantastic, ridiculous!"

I was just a scholar, in the end, sophistry was her opponent.

I just did this, she offended, but it was not just a cluster.

At the moment, several people stood up at the same time, with an angry expression on their faces.

既然 "Since the girl is so disrespectful to the saint, then we will leave."

After a look at Mr. Liang, Mr. Liang looked anxious.

Even Mr. Liang couldn't help complaining about Su Mei.

How can this girl be so unstable?

"Several, girl Su does not mean that."

But those people were a little firm.

There was a look of unexpected success in Nian Congzong's face.

Obviously, these people were greatly angered when they were provoked.

姑娘 "Girl, we are not malicious to you. But you have just insulted the saint. I ca n’t bear it anymore. Please ask four sons, please be smart!"

"Some, please stay."

She spoke again to stay, but the clusters jumped out at this moment.

"Four sons, but if you don't let us go, then she must leave! Otherwise, we have no way to work with this person!"

Hei Gongsi just glanced at him coldly and did not speak.

He was Lin Mengya, but he said.

几 "Several people, dare to ask the saint to teach you how to face the challenge? If anyone questioned my husband, I would surely let that person know that my husband is the right way, and it is not easy for others to insult."

Lin Lin Mengya did not panic, just said to those few people.

"Girl, what you just said has touched our bottom line. We are scholars, respecting saints as masters, and if anyone is disrespectful to respecting the masters, we will never be patient!"

Zhe Lin Mengya naturally knew that those people worshiped saints.

However, she doesn't need such things in her college.

"I know your thoughts and your worship of saints. But I ask, can saints make no mistakes?"

These people apparently thought she was still quibbling and immediately said a little bit angrily.

"A sage is an example of the world, why is it wrong?"

Qi Lin Mengya shook her head and said.

"Sages also make mistakes. Sages are humans, just like you and me. They are living, flesh and blood. There is only one person in this world who doesn't make mistakes, and that is a newborn baby. Excuse me, is a baby a saint?

If this is the case, the other party naturally strongly opposes it.

"Girl, you are trying to make sense!"

"You also know that I am not trying to make sense. In fact, the saint has made many mistakes and has seen many people make mistakes. If not, how can he distinguish between what is right and what is wrong?"

Speaking of this, the other side's confidence seems not enough.

Lin Lin Mengya looked at them and continued to follow the temptation.

"I remember that in the past, I read a book about the saint in your mouth. The saint made a mistake, didn't shirk, and didn't want to cover it, but chose to make it public and warn everyone, so he is a saint. , And we are mediocre. "

The book she said was not read by the present readers.

So she was able to continue.

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