Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1516: Water poppy

既然 "Since the saints acknowledged that he had made a mistake, why are you here, desperately covering up the saints. Isn't it that you are against the original intentions of the saints?"

Those guys who were just right now are obviously out.

Lin Lin Mengya looked around, but her mouth provoked a smile.

"The sage has never asked us to do what he said. Because even if you follow the rules in your life, you will not be a sage after all. I question the sage, it is not disrespect to him. It is precisely his respect that makes him I think deeply about the words of the saint. If I don't find out, willn't others find out after that? "

I admit it, women have a natural advantage in the fight.

The few gentlemen in front of me, the refutation is not, without refutation, my heart was still agitated.

"Well, even if you haven't insulted the saint. But now we want to go, the palace family and Miss Su, aren't we forced to stay?"

Looking at these people as if they were going away, she didn't want to spend much effort to keep them.

"Yes, several people have to leave, and Su Mei can't stop it. But I'm just a pity. The original gentlemen are so narrow-minded. It seems that Su Mei looked at you all high."

She raised her brow and said lightly.

几个 The few people changed their faces instantly, apparently it was she who provoked things first, but now she said she was stingy!

It is really difficult for women and villains to raise!

"Ms. Su, where did you start? We are not concerned about you anymore, why are you suffering and hurting others with evil words?"

The Cong Zong rolled his eyes and tied those people to him.

But Lin Mengya didn't even look at him, but she looked at the people next to him seriously.

"You are leaving, not because of dissatisfaction with the academy, nor because Su Mei insulted the saint, but because Su Mei is a woman. You just disdain working with women."

This word, which she said, fell into the ears of everyone, but it was ironic.

Everyone knows things, but always put on a sounding hat.

Isn't it because they don't want to lose a small reputation?

"Ms. Su, speaking of this, then we will forgive some rudeness. Indeed, we have always opposed women to enter the classroom. Men and women are different. Wouldn't it disturb people if women came?"

"This gentleman makes sense, Su Mei disagrees."

She frowned slightly, with a little coldness.

"The woman is innocent. It is obviously the man who has confused his mind. You don't blame her for being unsteady, but you blame the woman. What is the truth? For example, walking at night, because of falling in the night, those are Shouldn't you also blame the sun for not coming out at night? "

"This is what you are trying to do!"

Mr. Zhan was so angry that he stared at his eyes. Unfortunately, Lin Mengya was afraid of him.

"Even if I am arrogant, then the ridiculousness of the gentleman just now is the real insight? Sir, you are not a woman, and you do not know women. What a sage ca n’t know, how can you be so sure?"

To be honest, she hates such people.

But inevitably, this kind of thinking is the mainstream.

That's why she has to break through 桎梏 and use everything in her hands to start this school.

These people probably also found out that there is no reason to talk to her.

After Leng Leng hummed, he said to Gong Shi.

"Forget it, four sons, let's just stop there. In the future, please please be smart!"

In the eyes of the fourth palace, there was also some anger.

These people are simply indifferent.

After all, at the beginning of the appointment, he had already stated the conditions.

The other person also knows that there will be a girls' school in the college.

I didn't want to, but I picked him up here.

Someone withdrew before the Academy opened, which was not a good sign.

Mr. Liang's face was not very good-looking, after all, it was his negligence.

"You guys, where do you want to go?"

Suddenly, a low voice came from outside the door.

Suddenly she was shocked, her eyes widened unbelievably, and she looked at the door.

A figure walked slowly.

The man was slender, a white robe loosely laid on his body, and Wu Fa was scattered behind his head, lazy.

Her mouth opened into an "o".

Oh my **** my god!

In a moment, countless fireworks burst in her heart and brain.

She didn't respond at all.

The man marched elegantly and entered the room.

"Mr. Su, how are you?"

There was a word without a head, but with a slight smile.

Lin Lin Mengya stared at the person without moving, and the person was not in a hurry or annoyed, but just twirled a few smiley lines on his mouth, and looked at her tenderly.

After a while, she woke up like a dream.

It was only at this moment, but it was frowning, and he was completely stern without seeing it.

"Okay, dare to ask this gentleman-"

Mr. Yan Liang introduced immediately.

"I'll introduce some to you, this Mr. Su Yan, I am a waste of energy, and invited a famous teacher."

Lin Mengya narrowed her eyes, Su Yan?

What happened to this man?

However, looking at Mr. Liang's respect, he could only swallow his doubts back into his stomach.

But nothing happened to that person, she would not be surprised.

Who makes him his man?

"It was originally Mr. Su Yan, and Mr. Liang often mentioned you before, and today I see it, it is well-known."

The words of Kuimiya Shi were kind, but they didn't take much respect in their looks.

Even a little alert.

He doesn't like Su Yan's eyes a bit, especially when he looks at his little girl.

He is also a man, knowing what a man looks like when he is interested in a woman.

I found out that in the man's eyes, he saw that he would win.

I have a person who attempts to misbehave against his sister.

No matter what ability that man has, he won't let Su Yan succeed!


Qi Suyan only gave a slight response, turned his head, looked at the people, his eyes turned cold.

"I just heard, how many of you are leaving?"

Wu Suyan also just arrived a few days ago, but this person usually likes to leave the waves and has been despised by them.

Now his appearance can't be reversed.

But they, but for no reason, fear the eyes of this man.

冽 Chilling through the bone, Ling 冽 is very.

"Mr. Su, you are willing to stay here, that's your business. We don't want to be with women, that's our business."

Wu Congzong frowned and said bravely.

苏 Anyway, Su Yan is just a gentleman, can he help them again?

Su Suyan didn't look at him, he said, taking care of himself.

"The academy is run according to the will of the Lord and the Emperor. The enrollment of a woman has won the approval of both of them. I have a document here. Any dissenting woman who enrolls in a scholarship is considered rebellious. A few words from you Enough to be convicted. "

Sunda has a mellow tone, but his tone is cold.

Suddenly those few people were a little panicked, but they could not easily ignore Su Yan's warning.

Xi Congzong was calm and sneered.

"Mr. Su may be too trivial to make a big deal, we several of them, just because of disagreement, not intentional rebellion"

这 "This, we must see what Su Duxue said."

He turned his gaze, instantly melting like snow and ice, melting warmly.

But Lin Mengya was a stunner.

I saw the latter take a few steps forward, just right in front of her.

She lowered her head, only her look in her eyes.

"Because Su Xuexue is the superintendent who is appointed by the saint and the emperor to personally supervise this matter."

He bent down slightly, and the faint scent of medicine on his body was mixed into her breath.

"Master, do you mean?"

Lin Mengya's smart brain now shows signs of shutdown and restart.

怎么 This person, why always brought her a great surprise when she first came in.

I just, he said, she believed.

He nodded, she would never doubt the truth of his words.

"That's right, that's right. If you say anything, I will tell you the truth."

She turned her head slightly, and looked at the men in front of her playfully.

"Sometimes, you might as well go explain to those two."

Suddenly, those people panicked.

Especially Cong Zong, his face paled instantly.

不 "No, this is impossible! It must be you are talking nonsense! Your Majesty and the Lord, how could it be possible to choose a woman to be a superintendent?"

Gao Lin Mengya rolled her eyes and responded politely.

"Don't forget Mr. Cong, the deans of this college are all women."

What it means is, don't look down on a woman, maybe one day he will have to fold it into a woman's hand.

Suddenly, Cong Zong and the people behind him had some regrets.

He rolled his eyes, and Cong Zong resumed his calmness.

"Even if you are a superintendent, you have to make sense, and we are not ordinary people."

Oh? It's almost the second shift.

Otherwise, it can't be so thorough.

She looked at them expressionlessly, expecting a bit of surprise from these people.

"Miss Su, before we come here, we have become the puppet masters of the Baili family!"

I felt it for a moment and flashed her eyes.

It turned out to be this way. No wonder he was so crazy that he dared to open it at this time.

Lin Lin Mengya really despise such people.

"Hey, a good girl does not marry a second husband. I can only describe your behavior in four words-water, sex, Yang, flowers!"

There is Long Tianyu here, is she afraid of a hair?

Speaking word by word, the scolding person's face turned red.


Wu Congzong had to scold, but was stopped by those behind him.

"Okay, your lives are saved. In that case, get out of here!"

She was also kind to these people.

Now things are obvious.

They have already been bought by Baili's house, so they pretend to be here for the sake of demolishing her.

Now, she can't tear her face with the Baili family.

Whether as Gong Ya or Su Mei, she has to let them go.

However, this does not mean that she will eat this dumb loss.

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