Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1520: Cooking rival



Two soft and soft voices shouted her heart.

He busy holding one in one hand and kissed and kissed on their cute little faces. The two little ones immediately nestled in her arms.


Jun Ning'er twisted her body and spoiled her, but met her arm.

Lin Lin Mengya could not help but take a breath, scared Ning Er dare not move.

"Mother, what's wrong with you?"

Xiao Xiao's voice was a little timid. She was afraid to frighten the child, so she rushed Ninger over and touched her head.

"Mother is fine, it doesn't matter."

But these two little guys are more savvy, especially Mo Yan, who is a little bigger and more mature.

"Aunt, show me!"

He said, the fleshy hand grabbed her wrist.

She doesn't want to show the child, but she doesn't dare to break free, so as not to make the child sad.

I didn't expect that after seeing the redness and swelling on her arm, the two babies suddenly felt red with pain in their eyes.

"Aunt, has someone bullied you!"

Mo Moyan clutched her wrist gently, but the words were a little angry.

Su Ning'er's little brows were slightly frowned, holding her mother's arms, and gently "whooting" her mother.

没有 "No, I was careless, good, okay."

She touched the heads of the two babies and took them to bed with them.

The next day, she missed Long Tianyu's wound and woke up early in the morning.

Get up lightly, rush to the college with the healing medicine.

I didn't want her to go out with her front feet, and the two babies on the bed with her back feet.

"Ninger, get up!"

Yan Moyan is a little bigger, and he will already be wearing clothes.

Su Ning'er also suffered a lot outside, but his little hands were a bit uncomfortable.

However, every time, Mo Yan will patiently help his brother.

The two little guys quickly got dressed, took a few bites of snacks on her table, and sneaked out of the yard.

"Brother, where shall we look for mother?"

Su Ninger hid behind Mo Yan and asked quietly.

"I heard from an adult last night that my aunt was going to the college outside the city."

两个 The two of them are small and unremarkable.

Coupled with the recent martial arts practice, the action has become more flexible.

From the yard to the back door, no one found it.

I narrowed my eyes to the door, and the two of them were happy, but they rushed to the door and found out that the back door was locked.

Mo Yanyan stomped his feet and tugged the door bolt.

What a pity, he was too weak, and Ning Er couldn't open it, so he could not help but feel discouraged.

"What are you doing here?"

The familiar voice sounded, the two of them were stiff, and looked at each other, then slowly turned around.

Xiao Xiaoyi looked at the little guy who was supposed to be practicing now, and muttered curiously at the back door.

"Mr. Xiao, we"

Sui Ning'er shouted, but the reason had not yet been set, and his big eyes were sloshed around.

Xiao Xiaoyi saw that these two dolls were probably going out privately.

I could not help but frown slightly, but still could not bear to blame them too harshly.

"How do I teach you in my daily life? A gentleman should act frankly. Is this gentleman a ghost?"

声音 His voice is clear, but with a little seriousness in peace.

Although there is no expressiveness, he has the majesty of a teacher.

The two babies usually respect and fear him under his education.

This time, however, the two did not admit their mistakes as before.

"Sir, Ninger and I are going out to find someone. But the family will not let us out, we can only sneak out."

Mo Moyan thought for a while, but told the truth to him.

"Who are you looking for?"

找 "Find an aunt!"

When I heard it, I went to look for Lin Mengya and Xiao Yi's expression, and this slowed down.

Lin Lin Mengya returned, this is the most secret thing of the entire palace family, but did not hide him.

He also knows how much these two children miss and depend on Lin Mengya.

是 After all, he is a child, and he is not good or unfriendly.

"Well, if you go back to practice now obediently. Then I can take you to find out later. Otherwise, you two might not even be able to go out."

The two little guys were overjoyed and ran over and pulled one of his sleeves, asking eagerly.

"Really? Mr. Xiao, did you lie to us?"

Xiao Yi smiled and touched the tops of the two little guys with his big hands.

"Of course, my husband is a man.

The two little guys immediately laughed, blindfolded, cheering and wanting to go to the front yard to practice, but was caught by Xiao Yi.

"Hush, have you forgotten that there are some things you can't say?"

Two little guys remembered this, oops, bad!

They were so happy that they forgot.

I ca n’t help but be around. There is no one except Mr. Xiao.

After two people stared at each other, they ran to the front yard.

Xiao Xiaoyi looked at the back of the two little guys and shook his head slightly.

就是 She has such a charm, whether it is an adult or a child, she will unconsciously surround her.

Mind my heart, a faint rush came.

At the beginning

I was shocked. This was a thing of the past. Now what is he thinking about?

As soon as she arrived at the college, Lin Mengya saw someone and pointed at her.

Moreover, more than half of her arguments were in her ears.

It was nothing new to say, most of which meant that she didn't check things. She listened all the way, and she could almost remember it.

But she has never cared about gossip. Thinking about these years, has she carried a lot of infamy?

It's not enough to look at an unchecked spot in the city.

I did not affect her mood in the slightest.

Following the memory of yesterday, he found the small courtyard where Long Tianyu lived, but saw Xue Shi, standing with red eyes at the door.

It seems that the other party did not give up.

She didn't bother to care about that person, she just crossed her and went to the yard.


Who wants her to stand, does she have to stand?

Zhe Lin Mengya kept walking, still doing her own thing.

But Xue Shi couldn't help coming forward and grabbed her arm.

It was a coincidence that she was burned.

Lin Lin Mengya shook her hand and turned to look at each other.


Master Xue Xue was thrown away, and was even more angry.

Squinting eyes, red tears.

He bit his lips tightly and looked aggrieved.

It's a pity that in her eyes, the only word is "deserve it".

"Who the **** are you? Why approach him!"

Xu Yi changed his weakness and coldness in front of Long Tianyu, and now questioning her, Xue Shi seemed to be aggressive.

I do n’t know, I thought Xue Shi was the original match!

Zhe Lin Mengya's lips evoked a smile, looking at each other with a lot of time.

"Who am I, has anything to do with you?"

你 "You! I advise you not to be delusional, even if you can be mesmerized for a while, but not forever!"

After Lin Mengya looked at Xue Shi up and down, she said dismissively.

"It's better for a while, for a lifetime, it's better than you get nothing. Also, I advise you not to waste your time. You can think of anyone who cares about it, but don't put it on him ! "

Her eyes turned slightly cold, and in her tone, for some reason, she was mixed with a little bit of radon.

Master Xue Xue froze. Although the woman in front of her was ordinary in appearance, the occasional outburst was very shocking.

"Why do you say that? How much do you know about him? Only I, only I help him wholeheartedly! But why and why would he not accept me!"

Master Xue Xue broke down a bit. He used to ignore himself for that Gongya.

Now, that Gongya disappeared, and he was by his side day and night, but why was he interested in other women?

She's not convinced or reconciled!

Lin Lin Mengya looked at her, but her smile was a little ironic.

"Doctor Shen, I don't want to say something. There is nothing wrong with pursuing what you love in your heart. You can use some despicable means, and you should be rejected.

Lin Lin Mengya's voice was low, but she was sure that Xue Shi could hear it.

The latter was shocked, and some guilty guts turned away.

"you you"

Lin Lin Mengya smiled, and recovered her talent, and she looked indifferent.

It seemed to be just now, that was just what she said by accident.

"I urge you to do it yourself."

After speaking, people turned and left.

I was left alone with Xue Shi, standing outside the courtyard, staring blankly at her back.

impossible! How could she know!

I must be talking nonsense, it must be!

阳光 The sun was warm outside, but the snow division was like a falling ice cave.

After cooking the love rival, Lin Mengya walked briskly and came to the door.

Nine Dragons Tianyu is very quiet, so in general, there will not be too many people waiting.

I saw her coming, and the servant just came lightly to open the door, and did not report.

However, Long Tianyu had heard the movement long ago, and was standing under the eaves, watching her approaching step by step.

"Waiting for me?"

She blinked, her voice ambiguous.

Chen Long Tianyu nodded, stepped forward and caught her wrist, took over what was in her hand.

"Have you had breakfast?"

"not yet, what about you?"

As soon as she entered the room, she smelled a scent of porridge.

He followed his hands, and sat at the table.

Looking at the rich breakfast, Lin Mengya felt that she was hungry.

"Wait for you."

Xiaolong Tianyu petted a smile and handed her chopsticks.

When two people lived together, no matter how busy he was, he would try to come back to accompany her to eat.

I do not want to be able to easily do things in the past, but now, it has become a luxury enjoyment.

After the two had finished their breakfast together, and after everyone else had packed up and hurried, Lin Mengya took Long Tianyu to sit on the couch and proceeded to heal the wound.

要 "Otherwise, give them the medicine and let them handle it for me."

Chen Long Tianyu held his neckline and asked softly.

He didn't believe her, but he was afraid that she would feel bad after seeing the wound.

Lin Lin Mengya picked the corner of her mouth, pretending to say easily.

"I haven't seen any injuries. It's a minor injury. It's okay. Hurry up. I'll be lighter and won't hurt you."

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