Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1528: New features

"In front, there is a barren meadow in front, but miss, the carriage is so fast, jumping down is going to be dead!"

The horseman's face was already scared and pale, if not because the horse had no other madness besides running wild, I'm afraid he was already scared.

"It doesn't matter, go over there, remember, it must be the thickest and softest piece."

In fact, at the current speed, even if the three of them fall on the sponge mat, they may break their bones.

But for now, this is already the best choice.

The horse-drawn carriage ran wildly, and the people behind chased it again.

"Girl, don't move, I will try to take you down!"

Tong Qinghu frowned, and scolded himself secretly, if he did not follow behind to protect, but sat in the carriage with her

But now that things are over, regret obviously has no effect.

唯一 The only thing he can do is get the girl out of the car safely.

"I'm fine, don't be impulsive! I have asked the driver, but I'm looking for the thickest meadow! I still need your help. Can you catch us?"

The wobbly carriage was like her uneasy heart.

She knows that this requirement is also dangerous for Qinghu.

But when the horse runs like this, it is always exhausting.

At that time, I was afraid that the car would be destroyed.

So she can only struggle.

"Miss, this horse is not right, it's already foaming!"

Outside the carriage, the driver's high pitched tone was shaking with palpitations.

Lin Mengya's heart was awkward, and it was awful, this horse was afraid that it was about to end.

"Are you here?"

"It's almost here!"

Finally, the half-tall meadow is near.

She gritted her teeth and said loudly.

"If you don't want to die, just jump right there!"

The driver was trembling with fright, unable to move, and sat there stiffly.

"You still have parents, wives and children! Think about them, no matter if you are disabled or dead, the palace family can support them for a lifetime. Jump down, you still have a chance to live, if you don't jump, you really have no help!"

This trick is more effective than any other trick.

The driver gnashed his teeth, loosened the reins, and fell sternly.

But I did not expect that after the horse lost control, it was a runaway horse.

Not bad for a moment, she fell back into the compartment and rolled around, only to feel that she was hitting all over.

"Sister Ya, what shall we do?"

Fortunately, Xiu Xiu was dragging the doorway beside her, so she was not injured.

Lin Lin Mengya endured the pain and quickly got up.

As the horse rushed into the room, he climbed to the door with Axiu.

"After I counted one, two, three, we two jumped together! Axiu, you remember, you must protect your neck, you know?"

Wu Axiu nodded desperately, time was getting tighter, Lin Mengya tried to arch out.

"One! Two! Three! Jump!"

Holding his head indifferently, he leapt forward.

For a moment she only felt that the sky was spinning, and then she fell heavily on a person.

It hurts!

The pain in Gao Zixing's heart was overwhelming, and she felt as if she were a little hamster in a roller. She didn't know how many times to roll, and finally stopped.

"Girl! How are you feeling?"

The clear fox was already embarrassed, but he still remembered Lin Mengya most.

Fortunately, this place they chose was very rich and fluffy.

Alas, he received it in time and was extremely skilled, so he was not seriously injured.

"Head, a little dizzy"

There was a burst of blackness in front of her eyes, and she just felt that the whole world was upside down.

I finally could not carry it, and fainted in the arms of Qinghu.


Tong Qinghu frowned and immediately took her to her horse.

10 million, nothing can happen.

滴 "Dripping-a shock was detected in the head of the system sink!"

"Start testing the condition of the host!"

"Biological characteristics are stable! Injured wounds can be cured! The hippocampus is damaged, memory or problems, now memory import!"

"Fixed, system restarted!"

Lin Mengya only felt that she was stingy, like falling in a dream.

The sound of gurgling seemed to come from a very distant place, and the pain was as fine as a needle and made her frown.


"Little sister!"

There are countless voices lingering outside the ear, a little clear, and the thinking is gradually recovering.

"Doctor, what's wrong with my sister?"

After Qing Fox hugged the unconscious Lin Mengya and stepped into the palace's old house, the men in the palace had long been in a mess.

Owing to Lin Mengya's situation, they dare not easily find someone to see.

The doctor who can invite him, although he won't go out and talk, but he has limited medical skills and can't say a reason.

In the end, Qinghu went to battle in person, and after checking up and down, she found that there was no fracture in her body, but only a big bag came out of her head, which temporarily pressed her own worry.

I ca n’t wake up, and they ca n’t help it anymore.

Wu Baisu and Axiu also stood in front of her bed, unwilling to pack themselves, and flushed two pairs of eyes.

She even Ninger and Mo Yan were pitiful lying on her bed.

"Brother, do you think your mother will"

Sui Ning'er whispered Mo Yan's hand and drew his nose, tears were about to be seen.

"No! Aunt promised us something, and she will definitely do it, Ninger, don't be afraid."

Mo Moyan comforted his younger brother, but at a glance, he knew that he was forbearing.

I looked at the two babies, the adults in a room, and felt extremely sad.

Alas, the children did not cry, they should be stronger.

"Good boy, Yaer will be fine."

The ancestors of the palace palace rushed to hear the news. The crowd made way, and Ning Er and Mo Yan immediately ran to the ancestor.

He touched the tops of the two children lovingly, but his eyes were the same, and he was worried.

He firmly believes that this child, Gong Ya, will definitely wake up.

Memory, physical strength, thinking, returned to the body a little bit.

She gradually sensed the outside world. Strangely, she didn't even have to open her eyes to "see" everything outside.

I'm right, just see it.

Because in her mind, that is, in the system desktop of Shennong system, there is actually a holographic image.

The image is based on her vision, and the simulated image is based on the data that she usually detects and stores in the system.

In other words, in the future, anyone who has recorded data will be able to be simulated on the system even if she is blindfolded in the future.

This knowledge is a bit scary.

She was in the system immediately, calling Xiaoyao that pit father artificial intelligence.

"Small medicine!"

"Yes, master, little medicine is waiting for your call."

The sudden sound scared her.

The image of Xiaoyao today is the image of a blond foreigner dressed in a medieval butler.

I didn't see it, this product also likes to play dress up play.

Forget it, just play, don't spend anyway.

"I ask you, what's going on?"

Xiao Xiaoya politely spoke to her after giving her a polite gesture.

"This is a new feature of the system, I hope you like it."

She's a little speechless.

What Shennong system is simply a suicide system?

Every upgrade and new content is after her death or life.

Alas, this time the function is quite convenient.

那 "So, what is the effective simulation range?"

"Unobstructed and unobstructed, generally with a radius of about 10 meters and a limit of 50 meters. In view of your current situation, Xiaoyao recommends that you temporarily turn off this feature."


"The detection and imaging function is extremely energy-intensive. You currently have insufficient energy in the organism. It is recommended that you recuperate and turn it on again. It is recommended that you do not exceed one hour for each turn on."

It seems that it can't be used arbitrarily.

"Okay, then close it and call up my current physical data."

Under normal circumstances, she probably does not use this function.

After looking at the data, I found that I was okay, and before exiting the system to the point where it might be cold.

After taking control of the body from the system, the pain all over him immediately struck.

**** it!

If you let her know who is moving her hand, she will definitely send the other person a box lunch!

"Oh, it hurts me!"

I was just crying in my heart, but I didn't expect that I could make a sound.

Suddenly, the room became quiet immediately.

"What happened just now?"

Wu Gongbin's eyes widened, some babbling asked.

Tong Qinghu stared at her, watching her slowly open her eyes, ignorant and confused, and looked at the people around her.


I just spit out a word, but the people around her seemed to be choked on her throat.

"Wake up! Mother wake up!"

The immature childish voice burst into infinite joy.

接着 Then, as if infected, everyone was talking excitedly.

"She woke up! She really woke up!"

I was silent and swept away by the carnival.

This time, she looked at the crazy big guy for her foolishness.

"Woohoo, my dear, you finally woke up!"

Sui Ning'er cried and climbed onto the bed, her little cheek tightly pressed against her face.

Although she still has no strength, she still grasped the warm little milk bag.

"Mo Yan, come here."

She just saw Mo Yan crying, but the child turned her head awkwardly.

I heard her say a gentle greeting, and the little boy turned his head immediately, but buried her little head in her neck.

乖 "Good, don't cry, aunt is fine."

"Aunt Aunt"

Mo Moyan called her name in a small voice over and over again, her soft little hand, clutching her hair tightly.

"Sorry, it was your aunt who scared you. Mo Yan, if you want, you can call me a mother like your brother."

Her affection with Mo Yan is no less than her own mother and son.

I was originally raised by her and called her mother-in-law.

Moreover, she just wanted this child, and she was at ease.

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