Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1530: Cure and Injury

"Then I'll discuss it with my great ancestor. Okay, it's so late, you should go back."

She pushed his chest, and persuaded him to go back sweetly.

Nine Dragons Tianyu didn't move, just a pair of eyes, watching her heavily.

Her eyes were as bright as a star, and her veins were tender and wrapped her heart softly.

Such a person, such affection, has long drunk her.

I stepped forward and gave the man a kiss.

Chen Longtian Yu was attracted by her sweetness with a hint of medicinal fragrance and regained her initiative.

I was just a kiss, but she felt like she was drunk with old wine.

"As soon as you wake up today, I will let you go."

喘 She gasped lightly and blushed indisputably.

"Have a good rest, I'll go first. Tomorrow, see you again."

She hesitated for a moment, and eventually nodded.

Even if she doesn't want him to come, maybe he won't rest assured.

As when he came, when this man disappeared, there was no half voice.

It seemed that the temperature around him was still around him, and he slowly licked the quilt.

I'm alive, so good.

"Master, would you like to get up and eat something?"

Bian Su held the porridge and went to her bed lightly.

Before Long Yu Tianyu left, he must have taken care of Bai Su.

姑娘 This girl is very decent, so she won't break into it easily.

She smelled the aroma of food, and at this time, her stomach murmured.

No wonder, in the past five days, she had been taking medicine in addition to her medicine, and now she was already hungry on her chest.

"What's so fragrant?"

Bai Su put everything on the table, came over and held her up gently.

"It was the four young masters who ordered the kitchen to use chicken soup to make porridge. It is not oily or greasy, it is suitable for the master to drink now."

She almost got up by Bai Su, she hadn't moved for several days, and felt that her body parts seemed to be rusted.

Every time I move, I feel sore.

But she still didn't like being a futile, she was lying on the bed waiting for someone to wait.

Death is her, and her body is hers. She will not easily give in to anyone, anything.

The stewed chicken soup porridge was rotten, and a spoonful went down, warming her stomach.

After I drank half a bowl slowly, she felt that she seemed to be able to eat the hunger of half a cow, and she was finally dispersed a lot.

"What happened to that horse?"

"Dead on the spot, it was n’t Qinghu who said that this horse is not very harmful. When you wake up, you must kill and eat meat. So, let people divide and put them in the ice cellar."

She raised her brow lightly. The guy, though always acting differently, knew her mind very well.

"Well, what's the news outside these days?"

It's impossible for her to have such a big news without any news.

At least, there should be an inquiry from the college.

Bai Su thought for a while and continued to 禀 禀.

"Someone at the college sent someone to inquire about it a few times. The young master only said that it was the horse that was frightened, so he ran out of character. You just got a few minor injuries, and you should be educated for a few days."

I nodded, my elder brother handled it well, and the response from the college was quite satisfactory.

Quickly, the bowl is facing the sky.

She kept the spoon down and took out her handkerchief and wiped her mouth.

She could not eat a bowl of hot porridge, but she had a thin sweat on her forehead.

I only have half of the heat, and the other half, because I have to endure the pain of the whole body.

"Are there any major events in the college these days?"

"It's nothing big, but Mr. Liang came to discuss with Master Four personally yesterday, saying that he had invited another female gentleman to the college."


This matter, although she felt a little surprised, she didn't think there was anything wrong.

Speaking of which, the only lady in the college was her.

Now that she is hurt, many things are inconvenient.

I just did not seem to hear Mr. Liang's mention of this candidate.

"What did Brother Si say?"

"At the time you were comatose, the whole family was worried and had no time to take care of this matter. But since the four young masters trusted Mr. Liang, then the people whom Mr. Liang values ​​should naturally be suitable."

She also feels reasonable. Mr. Liang's person is reliable.

"Well, that's fine. If Mr. Liang sent someone to ask us something, we would know everything."

I met the person I wanted to see the most, and drank another bowl of hot porridge.

Even though she was still aching all over her body, she felt like she was sleeping peacefully until dawn.

As soon as she opened her eyes in the morning, she saw two white and delicate faces lying in front of her bed, two big watery eyes, looking at her earnestly.


"Morning, mother!"

Su Ning'er smiled brightly at her. When the child didn't smile, it was his father's mini version.

But when he smiled, it was a bit similar to himself.

早 "Morning, aunt."

Mo Moyan also narrowed his eyes, and the little demon evil smiled as a little demon evil.

Lin Lin Mengya was drinking a bowl of honey in her heart, but pinched the little guy's face.

"What should you call me? I taught it yesterday. Did you forget it today?"

Wu Moyan heard the words, lowered his head seriously and really looked at his pair of small hands.

After lingering for a long time, he just said vaguely.


"Good boy, these days, you have to take good care of your brother for your mother. Ning Er, you must listen to your brother in everything. In this world, except your father and mother, only your brother is your closest relative. Do you know? ? "

Su Ning'er nodded desperately, with tenderness on his face.

I want to say that these two children are also destined. Before she came, Mo Yan defended Ning Er in every possible way, and Ning Er also obeyed Mo Yanyan.

I am two people in the end, and I am not afraid that the child will be lonely.

"Two little boys, it's time to go to school. The four boys are urging you two."

Su Ninger immediately got up with Mo Yan, but reluctantly took a sip on her face before leaving in a hurry.

Wu Axiu stood at the door, tilted his head and looked at the two children enviously.

"The two little boys are really cute. I have lived alone since I was a kid. At the time, I was thinking, if only I could have a sibling or something."

In the words, with a bit of loneliness.

Gao Lin Mengya groaned for a while. Actually, Bai Su and A Xiu had already wanted to speak up.

I just never found the right time.

Alas, she also wanted to explore the tone of those two people.

"Axiu, do you want to have a sibling?"

Axiu only said when she was joking with herself.

"Of course I thought about it, but unfortunately, after my mother gave birth to me, my body gradually weakened, and then I went away with a disease. To be honest, I can't remember what she looks like. But now I'm fine. You, Sister Bai Su, and your elder sister are not bad. "

知道 She knows that Axiu is extremely lonely.

I remember when I first saw her, she was a clever, simple and kind girl.

Suddenly, he didn't want to change the world, and Axiu grew a lot.

When it matures, it looks like the fruit has faded from the green coat, the bitter lining, and the tender kernel.

No one can resist, only to accept it hard.

"I mean, if you really have a sister living, would you accept her?"

Axiu thought about it with a smile.

"If she wants to recognize me, of course I am willing. I have been alone for so many years. Continue this way, I have no problem. But I do not want to bother for my own selfishness. Her quietness. After all, a destiny like me has brought her, perhaps only misfortune. "

Although Axiu's idea is a bit pessimistic, she can understand it.

After all, what they are involved in is not easy.

It's just that this girl always thinks about others. Such kind understanding is really distressing to her.

"Okay, all blame me. I have nothing to mention about these things. I heard that the college is going to recruit female students in a few days. Would you like to follow along?"

Axiu is very lively, and she also found that these days, Axiu is very capable.

姑娘 The girl used to be an adult Jian Jian, who was accurate and cruel.

I enrolled students. She didn't value family history, and she didn't value appearance.

The most important thing is nature and knowledge.

In addition to girls, this time will also recruit some adult female students.

Especially her female medical hall has higher requirements for student qualifications.

These people, she has to choose by herself.

But before that, it was still a reliable person to screen her for a round.

"I still do n’t want to go. You are not in good health now. I do n’t worry if I go. But I heard that there are some families who have sent their young ladies who have not left the house. If not, I ’ll take a look at these. Man, how? "

She frowned slightly, it was strange that this other family was not very interested in the admissions of Sitai College.

Why are these parents of female students so active?

When she saw those female students, she found out that she was curious about the college and was obviously interested in her five single male gods.

Who would have expected that, under the call of Mi Mei, she founded the Women's Medical Museum, and after a few years, she turned out to be a noble girl college.

All the noble ladies of the Wei Kingdom are fascinated.

Now, she was lying on the bed, she just wanted to quickly heal her wounds.

I want to talk about Lin Mengya's resilience, that is definitely a perverted level.

Everyone said that her muscles and bones had to be raised for a hundred days, but she would be better. Within half a month, her body would be healthy.

I was just blue and purple on my body, but it wasn't a big deal.

"After lying down for so many days, I don't think I can walk anymore."

Finally, Bai Su and A Xiu no longer restrict her from walking, and the family members will not yell and glared at her after she walks out of the house.

She couldn't help but sigh, no wonder the ape-man had to walk upright.

This feeling of being able to lean on your legs and go wherever you want is really special and awesome!

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