Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1531: New Woman Teacher

"I'm afraid I've broken Sister Ya these days."

Ai Xiu saw her fresh smile and knew what she thought.

Lin Lin Mengya turned her head back, her green fingers drew on A Xiu's face.

"It ’s still my little Axiu who knows my mind. You are really a budding flower. If anyone picks your tender flower, you must take care of it."

Axu's face is thin, and these words are a bit unbearable. She stomped her feet and said with gritted teeth.

"Sister Ya is the worst! I see, you shouldn't have hurt your foot, it should have made you hurt your mouth!"

Even though Xi said so, Axiu refused to leave her half a step, for fear of her discomfort.

Lin Lin Mengya smiled and closed her hand. Every day she reached for her clothes and opened her mouth to make fun of it.

What a pity, she was born to work hard, and she couldn't rest if she wanted to rest.

"Yes, what time is it today?"

"It's Shin Shi, what's wrong?"

At the time of application? Then Ninger and Mo Yan should also go to school.

The two babies have been eager to see her recently, so their schoolwork has been dropped in advance.

I ca n’t hear Long Tianyu say that although the two little guys have shortened the time, they have nothing at all.

"Should the two of them come back? Let's go and pick them up and surprise them."

"Say it to the younger master."

She thought about it and nodded.

Xi Axiu immediately went to inform the young master of their people, and soon, a sedan chair appeared at the gate of the palace.

"What do you mean?"

Unlike her usual sedan chair, this one is wide and large, and both of her are more than enough to sit down.

"If you return to Miss Su, the young master said that the accident happened in a carriage the other day. In the future, no matter where it is, the villain will carry you."

She, the bearer, had some vague impressions. She was one of the palace slaves and was more loyal and clever.

I looked at the big sedan chair and she sighed.

Hey, just let her go out. For the rest, don't worry about the big brother.

The sedan chair is very stable, but it is much slower than the carriage.

After a long time, I just came to the college.

Fortunately, the two babies have not yet gone out.

刚 As soon as she arrived, she saw a lot of guards on both sides of the college.

Huh? Why are all the palace nursing homes?

"Bai Su, what's going on?"

She deliberately parked the sedan around the corner and looked at the two rows curiously.

"Go back to the master, it was sent by the palace family to guard the safety of the two little boys. It is said that the palace family spoke, and if anyone dares to be bad for the little family, the palace family will do their utmost to eliminate the evil."

I ca n’t wonder if it was so publicity, it turned out to be ruthless at home.

No wonder, no matter what she used to do, whether it was her or her two children, it was low-key.

But because of this, some talents are unbridled.

I now pick it out, but it's a mouse bogey.

"Okay, then we'll wait here."

When she was young, she never felt taken over by her parents.

Now that she is grown up, with her own child, what she thought she had forgotten is actually clearly visible.

It's just that she will never be upset anymore with disappointment.

Soon, the two babies were sent away.

But when she saw the person who sent the two children out, her smile gradually disappeared.

Frowning frowned slightly, how could it be her?

"Aunt! Aunt Sumei!"

The child's sharp eyes saw her all at once.

Fortunately, the two babies remembered her instructions and called her aunt in front of outsiders.

Lin Lin Mengya eased her look and walked over.

She opened her arms and greeted the two babies who were like her in her arms.

"Aunt Sumei, why are you here to pick us up!"

Mo Moyan was so happy, he raised his small face and asked with excitement.

"I miss you, so I will pick you up."

The two little guys lay in her arms, and the little faces were babbling against her.

Lin Lin Mengya subconsciously protected them in her arms, but her eyes looked at the woman standing in front of her.

"Dr. Shen, why so clever?"

Master Xue Xue looked at her, but her cold face was stiff.

Quietly clenched her fists, but her heart was angry.

不管 No matter how she approached the two children, they always ignored them.

He even ignored them when he offered to send them out.

Now, I have a passion for that woman.

What kind of method did the woman use to get her Highness? Even the children looked at her differently.

"It's no coincidence. I'm the gentleman here. Naturally, I want to take good care of the students here."


There was a bit of fun in the eyes, was Xue Xue, the one Mr. Liang said, replacing her lady?

It's interesting. It seems that this person really wants to replace it!

哦 "Oh, that's the case, that's really hard Dr. Shen. Have you two written Dr. Shen?"

The two little guys didn't like Xue Shi, but thanked her politely after seeing him say so.

I just saw that the two children listened to her so much, the more Xue Xue's heart became more jealous.

"If there is nothing next to us, we will leave first."


Master Xue Xue still could not hold back, and drank her.

She raised her eyebrows and asked in a light tone.


"Now, I'm the lady here."

"Well, I know."

I saw that she looked so indifferent, but Xue Shi shook with anger.

作为 When she did this, she looked down on herself.

I think everything is in her grasp.

Call yourself, but just a clown jumping clown.

Since childhood, Xue Shi has never been so despised.

"I will never lose to you, whether it be college or him!"

Lin Lin Mengya heard this and sneered.

"What are you laughing at? Don't you think I can beat you?"

Master Xue Xue blushed with anger, but Lin Mengya shook her head.

"What do you compare with me?"

The words are extremely proud.

It was an insult to Xue Shi's ears.


别 "Don't be so excited, just in case it ruins your gentle and virtuous disguise."

"Why did I pretend that you deceive people too much!"

Zhe Lin Mengya shrugged her shoulders and couldn't do anything about it. It's not easy to get mixed up these years, and she said that she was being bullied.

"You are willing to think so, then think so. But Dr. Shen, do you really think that there are some things that I am missing, can you own them?"

The dark eyes glowed a faint cold light, and Xue Shi was stunned, so I didn't see how dangerous she was now.

"Don't think that I don't want you! In the world, not everyone will be deceived by you. Sooner or later, I want to let him see your true face!"

"Go where you want, but I warn you one thing. Don't touch these two children, otherwise I will let you know what is **** on earth!"

The timing of Wu Xueshi's appearance was too coincidental.

才 She was just injured, and Xue Xue replaced her as the new lady.

This forced her to think a bit more. After all, jealousy is a poison that can make a woman fall from an angel to a demon.

Master Xue Xue took a step back, scared by the fierce color in her eyes, and then stared angrily at her.

"Do you think I am as mean as you? You two are still young / children, and the innocent child is innocent, how can I do anything to them! Su Mei, you are so insulting!"

Master Xue Xue was flushed with red eyes, and ran back to the academy without looking back.

Lin Lin Mengya looked at her back, and her heart was a little skeptical.

Is she really misunderstanding?

"Aunt Su, can we go home?"

Su Ning'er pulled her sleeves and asked Jiao Jiao.

"Oh, okay, let's go."

She was full of doubts and was caught by her. Although it happened to happen, Xue Shi was Long Tianyu's person.

If Long Tianyu didn't want her to be a schoolgirl, Xueshi would have left early.

Is she really misunderstanding?

Although it was too dazzling to wander around the street with a large group of people, the two children were really circled and looked outside with a longing look, how could she be patient and deprive the child of this little hope?

With her two babies, a large crowd rushed to the stall on the street.

I watched the two little guys jump and laugh, and she felt worth it.

The three mothers and the children played the sun until the sun went down, before returning to the palace.

At this time, the family had already prepared dinner, and the family was waiting for the three of them.

When she saw her entering the door, her elder brother sent away all her servants.

I was alone, and she saved herself from pretending.

瞧 "Look at you, you are obviously a mother, so still unstable."

Sakura Miyako looked at the sweat on her forehead, habitually pulled out a handkerchief, and wiped her.

"Hey, I brought something for everyone today. Great ancestor, this is an appetizing plum bought for you. Recently, it's hot, this plum is thirsty and appetizing. It is best for your elderly!"

I want to say intimate, the first five in the family, in the hearts of the ancestors, are no more than half of the great-granddaughter.

I took it with a smile, and immediately tasted one.

It is sour and sweet, without any bitterness or smoked roasting taste, but quite refreshing.

"It ’s a good girl to see it. You guys, if anyone can give birth to a daughter like Yaer in the future, who will be our hero!"

As soon as my grandpa was happy, everyone suffered.

The high-ranking single dog of the Wugong family's five sons must suffer from the great ancestor's marriage every day. Whoever dares to answer the question will be dead.

So they learned to be silent.

Anyway, the younger sister is their treasure. How can the great ancestors boast, then how to boast it!

"Well, great great ancestors, don't embarrass them. Want to have a sweet little cotton jacket, they also have to find someone who is willing to tailor for them?"

What a miyaya!

Wu Gong's five sons dare not speak, and can only use eyes to condemn her for betraying her teammates!

It is a pity that Gongya Gongya is the biggest. She just smiled and spread her hands to show her innocence.

五个 The five people mourn in their hearts at once, it's late!

If you come back earlier, it will be more intimate than now!

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