The ancestors of the palace palace looked at these uncontested great-grandchild with scorn, and sprayed a disdainful sigh from his nose.

"If they can find it, they still have to wait till this time? I think when I was as old as them, the children had ordered a kiss."

By the way, this is better than soy sauce.

Lin Lin Mengya snickered, covering her mouth, and automatically ignored the five pairs of gloomy eyes.

No way, she has to respect the old and love the young.

"Ya'er, something has always been on my heart. Since you want me to recognize my great-granddaughter this time, it's better to recognize Mo Yan and Ninger together. I really like the two children, Our family has not been so happy for many years. "

She was a little surprised that she could say so.

To be honest, Mo Yan's life experience is relatively acceptable.

But what she didn't expect was the attitude of the family towards Ning'er.

In addition to her brother, she never mentioned that Ning Er was born by herself.

And Ning Er's current status is the righteous son of His Highness Xi.

In the future, maybe he will inherit the position of His Highness Xi.

But she knew that the ancestor did this because the ancestor accepted everything he had.

Keep your heart warm and warm.

"I'll leave it alone for a while. I know that Zengzu liked the two children, but now the palace family is in the limelight, and everyone should be cautious. The child is young, and Zengzu hurts them a little more. . "

I voted for Tao, she has always been a gracious figure.

As the palace family treated her like this, she naturally always took the interests of the palace family as the first consideration for the palace family.

But the ancestors of the palace family still kept talking, but in the eyes, they couldn't help but feel a little regretful.

I still know Gong Bin's meaning, and sighed in a low voice.

曾 "Zengzu probably apologized to you."

She stunned, and immediately came over.

Over the years, the palace family did not know anything about her.

I was just hindered by many reasons, but did not take her back to take care of her, but let her drift outside without help.

After she came to the palace family, she always considered it for the palace family, always taking the interests of the palace family first.

He compares his heart to his heart. How could the great ancestor of Zengzu be uncomfortable?

曾 "Zengzu, let the past happen, let's pass it. Aren't you the most open-minded and cheerful?"

"唉, if I could hold on, I could take over your mother too. In the end, it was my incompetence that let your mother and grandmother die in a foreign land."

The Kuniya family attaches great importance to their affection, or it will not make her go so smoothly and become the owner of the palace family after she returns.

Sometimes, people in the palace family can do things that give up their own interests for the sake of family.

行为 This kind of behavior is very rare for people with their background.

No one is a saint, and no one can guarantee that he will not make mistakes in his life.

What's more, the objective conditions of the palace family were so, even though the great ancestors were intentional and weak.

她 And her return, despite the great ancestors of the great ancestor, but after all remain incomplete.

曾 "Zengzu, everything in the world is so perfect? ​​Although my mother is gone, but am I still? If you really feel guilty, you will hurt me more, OK?"

撒 She sprinkled Jiao, soft and soft words, but let Gong Qianfeng's heart, like a gentle rain, was soothed gently.

"Okay, girl, you are still filial. Much better than those five elm."

The five elm owls said, who did they provoke?

I can't be jealous of anyone, after all, in their hearts, the little girl is also a treasure of heart, and is always good everywhere.

矛盾 Such a conflicting and complicated mood, I'm afraid they will take their whole lives.

"Several brothers are also rare talents in the world. In fact, I am thinking about discussing with you. Our family is very different from before. Although I have the title of owner, the capabilities of several brothers are far above me. ... so I hope they can share some of my work. "

For this matter, Gong Qianfeng has no objection.

No matter how powerful Yan Ya'er is, she can't do everything without her.

If these things are given to others, whether they can do well is one aspect, but the loyalty is certainly not as high as her five brothers.

Nowadays, the branches of the branch, secretly and secretly, are fighting against the power of the Lord's house.

Ji Yaer couldn't make a good appearance. Fortunately, now everything is handled by them.

Now if it comes to fruition, in the shortest time, it can become very strong.

If it is a procrastinating missed opportunity, I am afraid that the branch will slowly infiltrate and miss the opportunity.

Qiangong Qianfeng knew that now was not the time to hesitate.

"OK, they all listen to you."

曾 With the support of Zengzu, things will be much easier.

She got up, stood solemnly at the door, and gave a gift to five brothers.

"Sister, what are you doing?"

Xi Gongbin stepped forward to help, but Lin Mengya ducked gently.

"Several older brothers, younger sisters are the youngest, so they are not as good as all of them. Fortunately, the five older brothers did not give up, so that I became the owner of this palace. In his position, he did not govern the world Yes, but I also know that there is no rule that does not make a square. In the future, if there is anything that offends, I also ask my brothers that there can be a lot of adults and forgive the younger sister. "

She used to be no big or small with them in the past. Now, after seeing such serious looks, five people are a little accustomed to it.

But they also know that this matter is related to the palace family, and they must not take it seriously.

He could not help but straighten his waist, and his expression gradually became serious.

Gao Lin Mengya looked around for a week and spoke calmly.

"Gong family can have today, you have made great contributions. But I don't know how many brothers you know about the current situation of the family."

I heard her ask, a few people were puzzled.

Xun Weigong had only four palaces, his frowns were slightly frowning, with a little worry in his expression.

"In the past, the palace family was able to stand on its feet. Only because it was weak and strong, the palace family was able to grow and develop, but it also buried hidden dangers."

In those days, a few people in the house had long wanted to remember.

The feeling of being bullied and squeezed out of breath will always be engraved in their minds.

因此 They will be spurred because of this, and never want to repeat the same mistakes.

"So from now on, our palace's foreign policy needs to be changed. What you used to do but didn't dare to do, now you can do it all! Not only do you want to be beautiful, but you have to do it! The country knows that my palace family is the first one in the world! "

声音 Her voice is pleasant and pleasant, but at this moment, it has a sense of deceptiveness.

Or, that's the taste of ambition!

第一 The first in the world.

To be honest, these things they dared not think about before.

现在 Now, the little girl not only speaks out, but also has full conviction.

For the first time, they were not indulged with pity in front of Gongya.

He is obedience, the obedience of the stronger to the stronger.

If you say that she is an emperor, then they are her most loyal soldiers.

He will open up territory for her, and Ma Ge's body corpse has no complaints.

I just because she has more ambitions and strength than they do.

It is a kind of obedient obedience.

"From now on, I need each of you to put in a lot of hard work and dedication. Big brother, you used to look after all the accounts, property and all business dealings of the former palace family. But you know why the palace family In the end, can't even a small inn be sheltered? "

On this issue, Gong Bin has actually thought about it for several years.

In the past, he always felt that there was a problem with his ability, but these days, he gradually became clear.

I was because the former palace family was too weak and incompetent.

In the Patriotic Kingdom, as long as you lean on a big tree, you can enjoy the cold.

A person's ability is limited. If he wants to expand his influence, he must connect with others to form a protection net.

Otherwise, using his own strength to fight against the entire family of the Patriotic Kingdom, that is tantamount to hitting a stone with a egg.

"I think everyone should also understand that the palace family is a whole, and each piece is part of the network of interests. No one can exist alone. Only by joining together and supporting each other and restraining each other can we make great progress."

The room was quiet, everyone was watching and listening to her.

"Compared to other people's homes, our advantage is a steady stream of financial support, with the emperor supporting the temple. But our disadvantages are also obvious. Although we have allies in the top ten families, we are not strong. So, The next thing we have to do is wretched development! Don't wave! "

I was just impassioned and inspiring, and the next second was some terms they could n’t understand.

Develop, just be insignificant

Several gentlemen of the palace family said that they could not come, really could not come!

"Ahem, don't pick words. I mean, to develop in a low-key way, when necessary, some means that are not available on the table can also be used. Big brother, all the economic transactions of the palace family will still call you all. However, I want you to cultivate your own confidant and to plant it in various positions, preferably with deputies. "

Deputy, this is a delicate position.

Although it is always a little weaker than the forehand, in fact, the deputy is a terrible position.

After a while, he will.

If there is a problem with the forehand, the deputy can directly top it.

What's wrong with the forehand, the deputy is the easiest to find.

Speaking of this matter is not very bright, but in fact, it works.

Although there is no need for suspects, no doubt about employment, but more means, there is more protection.

After all, no one can guarantee that he can never change.

And it's related to interests, she had to guard.

"I want my accounts to be clear and clear at a glance. From now on, every messy account of the palace family will be responsible to everyone. Even the children of the palace family, even me and the ancestors, cannot go to the cabinet to withdraw money at will. Who Someone asked him to come to Zengzu himself. "

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