Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1533: Send troops

"Second Brother, I want you to set up a private weapon belonging to the palace family in the shortest time!"

At this point, she had experienced it before.

The fighting between the Shi family is sometimes as much as fighting with the local hooligan.

No matter which side has more people and tricks, which side can win.

When it comes to fighting, she loses less and wins more.

Therefore, she must maintain this fine tradition.

"I don't want any sergeants. What I need is absolute loyalty and absolute strength. Their ability to fight alone can be a little weaker, but once they fight the group, I want them to be invincible. "

Hei Gong Er listened to this called a blood boiling.

I think he was also a famous militant.

I've been sick for the past few years, so I want to play quickly.

He grinned, his teeth were brilliant.

"Little sister, you can rest assured. This matter is left to me. I just don't know, what size do you want?"

歪 She tilted her head and thought carefully before finally drawing a conclusion.

"I don't want to make too much noise at the moment, that is, the strength to rebel against success."

Everyone felt a cold sweat in his head.

It's not too big? It ’s almost going to happen.

I was present, only Gong Er smiled like a chrysanthemum, and even rubbed his hands.

"Little girl, rest assured, this matter is covered by me. After I protect you, if you want to be a princess, be a princess, if you want to be a queen, be a queen!"

Everyone covered his forehead.

I do n’t even have a courage, but there is still one who does not refuse to come.

In my opinion, there is a risk of a rebel in their family.

Qiang Palace Qianfeng touched his forehead, and he was old and not too scared. Now that he was out of illness, was it too late?

Of course, everyone just thinks Gongya is joking.

After all, rebelling against this technology is time-consuming, labor-intensive, and expensive.

Who is okay to do such laborious and risky things?

"We will talk about this later, but second elder brother, I hope that our palace family's private armed, disciplined military and good style. I want to praise everyone, not everyone is afraid."

Sometimes, fear doesn't make people truly surrender.

Rather, it is admiration and moving, and will exert more power.

Hagariya nodded at two, and swept the matter down.

"Little sister, don't worry, your second brother can't do anything else. It's the long item that dances with a sword. Let me do this."

Gao Lin Mengya nodded, looking away, and came to Gongsan's body.

Gongsan's expression on this matter is still indifferent, but in his eyes, there is always some uneasy mood.

回来 When I come back this time, several other brothers will trouble her from time to time.

Xun Wei's three brothers are often bored in his small yard.

几次 Sometimes my elder brother talked a lot. After I asked him to come over, my elder brother always sat there in a daze.

To be honest, she is still very worried about the current situation of the third brother.

So, she found a little brother for his brother. The environment is relatively relaxed and suitable for his work.

"Three brothers."

Hei Miemiya heard her voice, but seemed a bit sluggish like the first dream.

I looked at him like an unscrupulous soul, and several others were a little sad. .

In this way, people must be abolished.

"Sister, you say, I just listen."

He smiled apologetically at Lin Mengya, and then looked at her in a serious position.

"I need you to help me sit in Sitai College!"

这 "I'm afraid it's wrong, right?"

Hagiya Misaki didn't even think about it, he just rejected it.

But who is she, if you say it, where is the reason for recycling?

"I know what your brother is worrying about, now I have assured you the identity of the house owner. The problems you worry about will never happen. The palace corner is the palace corner, and it is unique!"

She was decisive, saying that Miyazo was most worried about one thing.

The twin brother who beat him was always a knot in his heart.

To be honest about Mingzhu, to be honest, it is just an introduction.

He is not narrow enough to let go of his hatred for a woman.

But his brother is always a scar on his mind.

For the palace family, he always owes money.

"Those things are not what you do, you don't have to think so. And like the great ancestor, the more you feel indebted, the more you have to work hard to make up for it. Brother three, you have learned. You are like a gentleman, No one can pick up the slightest mistake. The college seems simple, but it is very complicated. Without a suitable person, I am afraid that something will go wrong. "

Just like Xiu can not control the soldiers, if a rough man like the second brother is to be the dean, I am afraid that in a few days, the college will jump around and never be peaceful.

Brother San's book is full of anger, and the commendable thing is that he works smoothly without losing his wrist. Be cautious without flinching. He is fair, has a delicate mind, and has a calm temperament.

Let him come to town college, is the most appropriate thing.

"Let me think about it, okay?"

School of Management, Miyazawa is actually a little emotional.

I once mentioned it to my little sister, but the college was not completed at that time, so it was just a thought.

Now the opportunity is before him.

Alas, but he avoided it.

"Three brother!"

Fang Gongwu was a little excited, but was next to Gong Shi, grabbed his arm, and shook his head slightly at him.

If something is not figured out by myself, anyone who persuades it is ridiculous.

"Okay, I don't force you. But starting tomorrow, I hope you can come with me to visit the college."

She had a good idea. The third brother likes to be quiet. If I go for a lap every day, I might be tempted.

San Gong San frowned, and when he refused, when he reached the lips, Lin Mengya heard a little frustration.

"I was injured a few days ago, and Mr. Liang temporarily found a woman to replace me. When I went to pick up my child today, the woman actually mocked me, saying that I didn't distinguish between grains and limbs. I couldn't compare to school I ’m degraded to no avail. I have n’t read a few books, and I ca n’t even refute them. It seems that in a few days, I will be completely out of position in the college. If this matter No brother can help me without my third brother. "

Her eyes were reddish, and she spoke pitifully and wronged.

Sannomiya's heart shook, and her heart was aching.

The reason why he was guilty was not because it hurt the family.

此时 But at this time, everyone is bullying the little girl, how can he just ignore it?

"Who dares to be so courageous! Little girl, please rest assured, I will go with you tomorrow! If I want to overpower you, you must first ask me if I agree or disagree."

She immediately burst into tears and said happily.

"Thank you, brother, I'm more at ease with you."

Beside him, Gong Wu looked at the two people in surprise.

Simply so simple, two words that are full of holes at the first hearing, actually, really smoothed the third brother?

His little sister, really powerful!

Lin Lin Mengya is proud of her heart, it is natural to protect the calves, and no one can run.

"That little girl, they all have errands, what about me?"

Wu Gongwu couldn't wait to ask, his eyes were full of excitement.

Zhe Lin Mengya turned her head and looked at him carefully.

I could see Gong Wuxin's hair secretly, and finally she smiled a little.

"As for four brothers and five brothers, the tasks of the two of you are the most important. From now on, the two of you are my avatars, commonly known as bodyguards and dog-headed military officers."


The unruly behavior has always been elegant and elegant Palace IV, a sip of tea sprayed out.

I can't help but have a deeper understanding of my sister's oral addiction.

Sometimes he wondered, what did he mean by such a good thing, when he arrived at the little girl, he was inexplicably tacky with worldliness?

I ca n’t pass Gongwu, but I feel a little disappointed. My mouth is very high, and my face is sunny and handsome, with a few dark clouds at the moment.

"Sister, do you believe me but Brother and Si? Yes, I admit that I do not have a big brother who is stable, does not have the second brother's martial arts, and the third brother is not very knowledgeable. But I have suffered with you so many times. A little conscience, why don't you know my brother and I have a heart! "

A pair of grumpy eyes blinked at her desperately, Lin Mengya now understands why so many people like little wolf dogs.

"Of course I know your elder brother Wu's heart, you said, are you willing to be stuck in one place forever, or are you willing to have new excitement and challenges every day?"

She followed the temptation and laid the bait.

Brother Wuwu was immediately curious, with ears straight and her eyes glaring roundly.

当然 "Of course there are new things to play every day? Little girl, is there any good idea for you?"

Lin Mengya nodded, step by step, leading her brother to his trap.

"Capturing the thief first captures the king. For our family, I am the king. You have also seen how many people want to deal with me. You have to stay by my side and you can fight against new people every day. You do n’t have to I ’m worried about winning or losing. Even if you lose, I ’m being taken away, killed by a single sword, and so on. ”

"Who, who said that I would lose! I tell you, even if you are such a master, I have the confidence to **** you away! Just say that, and I will be your bodyguard. No matter who comes, I will You are guarded! "

My youth, my mind is still simple.

Where is the old fox that Lin Mengya is so bad.

In my heart, "I" laughed.

Lin Lin Mengya nodded and said.

"Okay, okay, after that, my little life will depend on my elder brother a lot."

Looking at Gong Wuyi's face with a bit of brutality, Lin Mengya smiled long ago.

Actually, she is very useful for her four brothers and five brothers.

I was only temporary, staying with her to practice.

"Old fourth, how about you?"

The old ancestor glanced at Gongsi, and asked with a smile.

"I am willing to send by the owner."

He will never refuse her wish.

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