Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1534: Joint eviction

I watched the family all come down, she narrowed her eyes, only to think that she really had a foresight.

It was Gong Shiyi who saw through the nature of laziness at a glance, knocked at the table, and asked curiously.

"You're spending us all now, what about you?"

我 "I? Of course I am in the camp!"

Hehe, laziness is so straightforward, and only she can do it.

Hiromi Gumi looked at her with a smile and shook her head.

"You, you, but I don't think you can go anywhere. Once your great ancestor recognizes you, it's troublesome, and he will come to you automatically."

翻 She rolled her eyes, her fourth brother really is a good hand in the world of scenery.

I really do n’t mention which pot.

"Oh, I was born to work hard, no one hurts, no one loves"

Tong Ming knew she was acting, but several people in the palace family could not stand it.

"Okay, big deal, I'll block Ya'er, you guys, no one is allowed to bully her!"

The old ancestors spoke, and the group was instantly honest.

She secretly praised herself in the heart, coquettishly this one, women always have a natural advantage.

Next, the eldest brother and she discussed the details of recognizing a relative together.

The Xiong Palace family is a big family, and their ancestors wanted to make the ceremony of confessing their relatives lively in order to show their importance to her.

However, because the opening ceremony of the college is about to arrive, the ancestors felt that two can be put together.

At that time, there will be no fewer people to congratulate.

I was afraid that she would never accept her granddaughter in front of the whole family.

Before that, we still have to keep secret.

I heard that Lin Mengwu, under the name of Miss Gongjia, has begun to communicate with the family who came to Feicheng in the past few days.

Everyone doesn't know if the line will recognize her, but because the palace's attention to the girl, if Lin Mengwu is recognized, they can eat again.

Therefore, Lin Mengwu probably grasped the psychology of the crowd, and the butterflies danced like flowers.

At first she was also a maid of high gates. Some polite words and scenes were not unfamiliar.

Only when Axiu learned that he was just frowning, persuading did not persuade himself.

"It's not business that catches up, but people who seek for talent will be honored and honored."

When Lin Mengya heard A Xiu casually say something, she just smiled and continued to look at the account book in her hand.

Imagine that when she was the Princess of Yu Yu, there were countless worship posts every day.

She is proud of her attendance at any banquet in Beijing that is slightly more important.

Her courtyard was also a scene in central Beijing.

人 The people she associates with, except those with similar personalities, the rest are not the right ones.

I don't mean how proud she is.

He is just a person-to-person contact. If it's just for friendship, that's it.

Xun Ke's friendship with the family is often for the benefit.

Holding two words is often more valuable than taking the initiative.

Lin Lin Mengwu did not understand this truth, she was demonstrating.

What that means is to say that her Lin Mengwu has superb wrists and a wide range of communication. The palace family does not recognize her, which is a huge loss.

Alas, I don't know where I come from, so my face is thicker than the bottom of the pot.

A few days later, the older brother and the second brother started to leave early and return home every day.

Brother Sansan has been organizing his study in the past few days, probably to prepare for going to the academy as the dean.

Brother Yunsi saw him every day, and the two babies were picked up by him.

As for the elder brother, that guy was really annoying her. After she had tearful complaint to her second brother, she was taken to the school yard to practice.

Amami says, prepare to protect her.

"Little girl, why are you sitting here?"

The sun is just right, she nestled in the chair to bask in the sun.

When she heard the third brother's voice suddenly, she was surprised.

"Nothing, Bai Su and A Xiu are cleaning the house for me. I went out to hide for a while, how did the third brother think of me?"

She narrowed her eyes like a lazy cat.

I don't know why, Gong Sanfang still has some uneasy heart, and now after seeing her lazy look, she actually settled down.

Tong Mingming is a well-behaved girl, but she always does something unexpected.

I can't believe it. No matter what extraordinary things she does, if she just puts it on her, it won't seem excessive.

Probably, she was born with a kind of freewheeling that they didn't have.

Yeah, that's it.

"Don't you say, ask me to help you go to the academy to support you? You are nesting in the yard every day, how can I support you?"

Sanguo San sat casually under the corridor, Lin Mengya always felt that his brother was not ordinary.

Although he and the fourth brother are both gentle and jewel-like, the third brother's body has a calm elegance.

For example, he was sitting under the porch clearly, and he had not finished his clothes.

He made her feel that the folds of his clothes were dignified and solemn.

The appearance can be imitated, but the temperament is never the same.

想 She thought that if the third brother's twin brother were here, she would definitely be able to tell right away.

I knew that there was something in the third brother's words, so she didn't go in circles.

"I'm waiting for news."

Seeing her restless look, Miyazo could not help but smile slightly.

He always couldn't see through this little girl, but he trusted her inexplicably.

Two people just so quietly basking in the yard in the courtyard, no one spoke.

After a short while, I heard someone outside the door.

"Can Miss be in there?"

Hearing her ears, she knew immediately that she was an acquaintance.

The result was not the same. The young man who appeared in front of her was actually Gong Ping who had not seen him for a long time.

In the end, when the young man was greedy, let alone one year a year, it was one by one.

I didn't know who to learn from, but the teenager's face was completely panicked. Instead, it was as calm as a little old man.

"Miyahei, I've met Miss."

When I saw the lady again, Gong Ping was actually very excited.

But after all, he is no longer the timid boy.

He Banban saluted completely, and shouted three masters again.

I want to come to San Brother, but he is very familiar with him, but just smiled and nodded.

"Why are you here? Gong Ping, have we not seen each other for some days?"

Xia Gongping was a little embarrassed, but he could see that he was more happy.

"Miss is busy outside, if Gong Ping can help Miss a little bit, it is a great honor."

"Young, who did you learn so old-fashioned?"

She poked her lips and heard Gong Ping say.

如今 "Today, the young is working under the hands of the young master."

She knew that in addition to the big brother, who can train a little old-fashioned.

Xi Gongping apparently had something to come, and said a few words immediately after greeting her.

"The younger master asked the younger to sue the young lady and said that it was today that someone saw Mr. Shen who had been in and out of Mr. Su Yan's study."

I should have come, and she knew that the fox's tail could not be hidden for long.

What's more, it was still a wild fox.

"Well, what does Mr. Su Yan think of this?"

"Mr. Su Yan is still doing his own thing, but some unconfirmed rumors. Besides, Mr. Shen is a man. He has just been in the college for a few days. I heard that he won unanimous praise from the teachers.

With Long Tianyu's proud personality and cold attitude, the fool asked.

And he did not bother to explain such things, after all, to him, all women except her would be regarded as nothing.

As for being human.

Those old-fashioned ones don't like the fake seriousness like Xue Shi, but they don't look down on her true disposition.

"Is there anything else?"

Xi Gongping was a little hesitant, but after seeing that the lady seemed interested in these things, she could only speak softly.

"And there is, Mr. Liang found the young master once. It is said that the college, Mr. Liang is dissatisfied with the lady. They, secretly joint names, hope that Mr. Liang can remove you."

Xie Gongping quietly observed the look of her own lady, but when she saw that she was still indifferent, after seeing a little sadness and joy, she couldn't help crying for the lady.

多 What a nice lady he is, why are those old-fashioned people waiting to see you?

"Oh? What's their reason?"

理由 "The reason is that you don't learn anything, you are frivolous."

The farther back I was, the quieter Gong Ping's voice was.

In the end, it was like a mosquito.

"This reason is really sufficient? What did the older brother say?"

"The young master rejected it at that time. He also said firmly that there could be no gentlemen in the college, but there could be no young lady. They also said that the young lady can completely represent the palace family, and they are disrespectful to the young lady.

The maintenance of Big Brother Yun also warmed her heart as she expected.

"Okay, I know all of this. Did your elder brother tell you before you came? You can't reveal anything about me in half a word. Okay, you go first. There are a few days later It's empty, let's get together again. "

After Gong Gongping retreated, Gong San looked at the little girl in front of her, and felt a little distressed.

But more, it is helpless.

"Brother, have you seen it?"

She stood up, narrowed her eyes, and looked at the sun that was gradually burning in the sky.

She is Gong Ya, the sun of the palace family.

Even though the light is shining, there are still places out of the light.

苏 And Sumei is the moon.

Only withdrawing from the role of Gong Ya, she can see more.

"You really don't need to take this to heart. They are just frogs at the bottom of the well. We will find better in the future. We just replaced them."

She thought it was sad. After all, the college was founded by her, but now she is treated this way. How can it not be chilling.

"Three brother thought, did I care about these insignificant people?"

歪 She tilted her head, and her eyes were full, making him look inexplicable.

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