Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1544: Explore the great ancestors

"Zengzu his elderly, did you fall asleep?"

I was busy for a day. As soon as she arrived home, she immediately went to the great ancestor's yard.

The light was still on in the room, but she deliberately asked the concierge.

"This ghost girl, inquiring about what it is like, come in if you want to come in."

Inside the door, a great curse came from the great ancestor.

Zhe Lin Mengya's thief smiled, and then plugged a piece of broken silver to the doorkeeper's slave.

These people are accustomed to the great ancestors. They can't do other things, but the work of the gatekeepers is still successful.

Compared with those young people who have lost their slavery, they only want to be able to feed themselves and live the rest of their lives.

Lin Lin Mengya lifted the curtain and went in with a sweet smile.

At this time, Zeng Zu was sitting at his desk, wondering what books he was reading.

I watched her come in, and then let go.

曾 "Zengzu, I heard that there is a dim sum master in the city, that pair of clever hands is really rare. I bought a few cold cakes, and you eat them with hot tea, don't be greedy."

Zeng is accustomed to her filial piety.

I said, the first five men in the family, but none of them, could catch up with this girl's intimateness.

Whether it is a medicinal diet or a snack, it is well prepared, taking into account both his taste and his body.

即便 Even if he is busy again, he will often send some wonderful things to please him.

Therefore, Gong Qianfeng always indulged this baby girl.

Even, in a way, more than her five brothers.

好 "Okay, you're also attentive. Didn't you bother you about things in the college?"

She frowned quickly, but shook her head quickly.

"It's okay, the third brother is very good. With him, I don't have to worry so much. Even if some problems are difficult to solve for a while, I believe that there will always be a way."

Qiang Gongfeng took a bite of the cake, but felt that it was soft and smooth, and the taste was sweet, which really fit his taste.

I was aiming at this cake, and he had to give the great-granddaughter the trouble.

那就 "That's good, but if you have troubles that are difficult to solve, don't forget that the entire palace family is your backing. What's the matter, don't carry it alone."

For a moment, Lin Mengya thought she was seen through.

She looked at Zengzu with a little surprise, but the other person still looked kind.

She could not see any other emotions.

In my opinion, she was really attentive.

I nodded, Lin Mengya was thinking about how to speak.

就是 This person is like this.

When fooling the enemy, he lied down and did not blink.

Ye Ke faced her loved ones, but she couldn't say anything.

Or else? Come again someday?

After a moment of stunning, she decided to speak hard.

曾 "Zengzu, in the past few days, we have celebrated the establishment of our college a lot of people. I discussed with my elder brother, since everyone is here, it should be lively."

My great ancestor nodded and agreed.

"There is also the ceremony of acknowledging the relatives. The elder brother said that the big guys are all coming to the college. If they are connected together, it may be uncomfortable. It ’s better to invite several families who have made good relations with our family. It would seem too abrupt, what do you think? "

Zeng Zengzu hesitated a little, but Su Mei's identity will someday disappear.

Even they retreat, they have already thought about it.

At that time, as long as Su Mei marries far, everything can be resolved.

So Zengzu's request now is acceptable.

"Okay, anyway, it's just for your convenience. You can do whatever you want."

"Thank you for your great ancestors. I think this time is also a good opportunity to connect with old feelings. Needless to say, they are not kind and don't blame us for being unjust. However, if none of the previous relationships of the palace family moved, then I am afraid Outsiders will feel that our palace family is snobbish and ungrateful. "

Talking about her, it was the heart of the great ancestor.

Tatars are old and old.

老 It's time to sort out those old relationships.

After all, not everyone is like home, seeing their downfall, but also want to take the opportunity to step on it.

"Well, it's still thoughtful of your girl, that's it."

Seeing Zeng Zu easily agree, Lin Mengya was overjoyed.

But the next thing is the highlight.

"Since the great-grandfather agreed, I will do it with my elder brother. Although the elder brother has been in charge for many years, he is a junior after all. If our family has any special relationship with other people, the elder brother may not always know clearly. "

She secretly observed the look of Zengzu's old man, a little temptation.

"It would be better for the great ancestor to think for us, lest anyone be missed, and no one knows if they offend."

刚 As soon as she finished speaking, her heart hung up.

If you talk about old relationships, the old things of the Bai family and the palace family may not be able to get around.

So she came to see Zengzu's reaction today.

The great-grandfather between the grandmothers squeezed another piece of cake, and if he looked thoughtfully, he did not immediately agree.

"Is there anything inconvenient for great ancestors? So, let's forget it."

"Okay, there is nothing inconvenient about this. It's just that I'm old now and I don't remember well. If you get it wrong for a moment, don't blame me."

"Where would you blame the great ancestors? In fact, we are a bit helpless. After all, those older generations of the palace family also have the experience and ability. Look at the elders in those branches. I ca n’t say a complete sentence, even if I ’m throwing things east and west, and talking upside down. Or are our great ancestors not only knowledgeable, but also clear-headed and completely unfamiliar with young people? ”

When such a bowl of psychedelic soup went down, Zengzu was coaxed into the air, and he did not know whether it was north or south.

"You girl, it's the most coaxing person."

My great-grandfather tapped her forehead lightly, and the smile on her face still carried her indulgence.

Lin Lin Mengya smiled embarrassed, but she still felt a little guilty to her great ancestor.

But she swears that even if Mr. Bai Lao had to ask his great ancestor to personally apologize, as long as Mr. Bai old dare to embarrass her great ancestor, he would immediately turn over and let him know that she was powerful!

"Let me think about it, right, Uncle Li, go to the storeroom and bring all the gift books from decades ago."


After seeing Zeng Zu agree and began to organize, she finally relieved.

Next, it depends on Zengzu, will Baijia be mentioned.

曾 If Zengzu mentioned the Bai family on his own initiative, it means that things have changed.

At least in Zengzu's impression, the two have not reached the level of death.

But if Zeng Zu mentions nothing, then she cannot persuade if she wants to persuade.

I ca n’t tell Zengzu straight away, saying that the old man in Bai ’s family let go. As long as you lower your head, he will give them the teacher, right?

Xun Zengzu also has his own pride, which has not been damaged after years of adversity.

Now, how can she bear it so that her great ancestors can bend over because of this?

A lot of things, she has prepared for the worst.

She didn't believe it. The old Mr. Bai's family really can't cover the sky with one hand?

She didn't urge her great ancestor. Instead, she hoped to give her great time.

After all, if the palace family wants to leap back to the top of the top ten families, the support of the old allies is essential.

What's more, there are new waves in the college.

It happened because of Mr. Liang's three family members.

The two in-laws of the Liang family are reasonable people. Knowing that Mr. Liang is ill this time, he specifically instructed his wife-in-law to take care of it carefully and wait until Mr. Liang's health improves.

I added a lot of people to the college.

But troubles followed.

The first problem they face is that their house is not enough.

Originally, Mr. Liang's yard was very spacious, because Mr. Liang didn't like to be served, so in addition to taking care of a little book boy besides his diet, he also did two or three rough jobs.

Although Liang Liangyue is a girl, it can be hindered by Mr. Liang's discipline. The maidservant who is next to him is only one or two more than Mr. Liang.

But this time it is different. The three mothers and daughters of the Liang family, plus the people who serve them, have more than a dozen mouths.

Suddenly, the courtyard seemed stretched.

But the third brother can't drive people out to live, after all, Mr. Liang still needs to take care of the sick, and these women also need to take care of them nearby.

I don't know how the third brother handled it. When the matter came to her, it was the third brother who sent her to invite her to discuss matters.

"Three brothers want to arrange everything, tell me to do what?"

She was busy with other things. After seeing her brother's close personal inquisition, she asked with some confusion.

"I don't know if he is young, Mr. Su Mei will go with him."

Except for a small number of people who know her identity, the others are also regarded as a noble guest of Miss Gongjia, so they are extremely respected.


When she stood up, she took the activity and bent away.

After arriving at his brother's study room, she saw Mrs. Liang and the three ladies from the Liang family.

Although the third brother looks as usual, she always feels that the third brother is not very happy.

"Su Mei met the dean."

"Well, sit down."

There was a gentle smile on Sannomiya's face.

Although he is easy-going and rarely speaks loudly, he can see that he is different from Su Mei only.

On this point, several women present understood.

Some people are more jealous, while others are more suspicious.

"Mr. Sumei, I asked you to come here today. I have something to ask you."

She nodded, and her doubts deepened.

But the elder brother's tone was understatement, apparently he didn't take it too seriously.

"I only heard Mrs. Liang said that you want to let Luo Yuezhai and let them live, can this be the case?"

Lin Lin Mengya raised her eyebrows. This is really not the case.

She did not wait for her to deny it, and heard Mrs. Liang politely.

"Mr. Su Mei is reasonable and knows that we have a lot of people, so he temporarily gave the yard to us. I thank Mr. Su Mei here first."

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