Why don't you say, **** is still hot?

Liang Yue had a mess with her at first, but now her mother has reversed the situation so gently and cleverly.

Mrs. Liang in front of her eyes smiled tenderly, but her eyes were full of savvy.

Lin Lin Mengya knew that she could easily deny it now.

She did not live in Yuezhai, and now the Liang family is really crowded in a small yard, which is a relief.

Originally, she didn't care about these things either, but they wanted to take them.

She is such a bitch. She can borrow things she doesn't want, and she can also give them.

But if you want to grab it, then you can't grab it.

But now, if she denies that, maybe Mrs. Liang will immediately buckle her out of her hat.

If she promised to grit her teeth, the yard would be occupied by Mrs. Liang.

Even if she retracts it later, she will always have a little in her heart.

After all, the current situation is four to one. Regarding the number of people, she has no advantage.

So, this dumb loss, Mrs. Liang was certain that she would eat.

What a pity, Mrs. Liang encountered Lin Mengya, the most unloved lord in the world, and the queen of the palace.

I saw her raising her eyebrows, and looked at Mrs. Liang in front of her with a smile.

也是 "Also, I am such a kind person, naturally I will never die." Dean, this is indeed what I said, and I strongly urge Mrs. Liang to live in Luo Yuezhai.

Looking at her patience, Madam Liang sneered proudly in her heart.

Haoyueer was able to be crushed by this **** everywhere because he was so immature.

I now change her, this Su Mei has not yet obediently conceded.

Now, it depends on the attitude of the dean of the palace.

Thinking of this, Mrs. Liang changed into a worried expression.

After all, she is Miyazo's teacher.

I just rely on the relationship between them, the third master will agree to this matter.

What's more, that Samui has said is voluntary.

"Sumei, do you really want it?"

Three hundred and one hundred palaces do not believe.

The others didn't know, but he knew.

My little sister can be said to be vague in other aspects, but in some things, she has a very stubborn habit.

What's more, the fact that Liang Yue had “accidentally” burned his younger sister had already been recounted to the family by the oldest four.

Now, the palace family is very dissatisfied with the Liang family.

How could I let the Liang family easily live in the yard they built for the little girl?

Lin Lin Mengya looked at her third brother with a giggling heart in her heart.

"Yes, the dean, I think so. Anyway, the yard is so big, empty and empty, it's better to use it for useful people first."

She is so reasonable, but Miyazawa was somewhat surprised.

I asked her with a narrow look, but unfortunately the other side was not flawed.

Is it really the little girl who understands righteousness?

"As for the last time Mrs. Liang proposed to pay me the rent, let's do it first. I also said repeatedly that I didn't want it, but Mrs. Liang had to give it, and said that she wouldn't live in peace. I ’m not good either, just one hundred and two dollars a month is too expensive. I think it ’s better to take an integer, one hundred and two! ”

Who can't make up nonsense?

What's more, it was Madam Liang who jumped up first, so she didn't have any pressure.

一 As soon as this remark came out, Mrs. Liang was stupid.

"This me, when did I say that?"

His subconscious wanted to deny it, but Lin Mengya said with a smile and covering her mouth.

"Mrs. Liang's memory is really bad, that is, that day, when I 'actively' wanted to let the house, you said it. At that time, Miss Three was also next to me. Madam won't be, forget?"

She blinked and looked like she was the most innocent.

Madam Yan Liang was so embarrassed in her heart that she couldn't deny it.

It's true, I shot myself in the foot.

This time, once again, Miyazo understands.

In his heart, the impression on Liang's family is getting worse and worse. They should never be wrong, just should not hit their sister on his sister.

"You lied! My mother didn't say that!"

Xi Liangyue was young and couldn't hold her breath, and stood up and screamed at her.

Lin Lin Mengya shrugged, widened her eyes, and looked more and more innocent.

"Miss Three, you were there at the time. Can you remember what I said, or will I not remember what you said?"

The atmosphere was embarrassed for a time.

For one hundred and twenty silver, for the Liang family, it would not hurt the muscles and bones.

作为 But as rent, they can't afford it.

Madam Yan Liang increasingly felt that Su Mei was such a hateful woman, but a hundred or two, they didn't care.

As long as you grab the yard, the follow-up things can develop according to her plan.

What a pity, Lin Mengya's moth is not finished yet.

"By the way, you said last time that you were afraid of damaging the decorations inside, as well as my personal belongings. I was thinking about it, and see, when you move in, I will let people pack up and put those things Take it out. Dean, I can't fit where I live now. Look, can you make a storeroom for me? "

Do you want to beat her? She may not take advantage of her in the next life!

不 Aren't they wanting that yard? She just gave it. When the time comes, put away everything and give them an empty house, and earn a hundred or two in a month.

She decided, after getting the rent, buy sugar for the children at home!

"you you!"

Qi Liangyue was so angry that she didn't know what to say.

The reason why she lives and lives is the yard, not only because the yard is well built, but also because of the exquisite and luxurious furnishings, even a princess of a country can afford it.

I didn't expect Su Mei to move everything away, no, she wouldn't allow it!


"why not?"

Lin Lin Mengya tilted her head and blinked.

"Those things are my personal belongings, and the dean can testify to this."

"Yes, Luo Yuezhai's plants and trees are all Mr. Su Mei's own pockets."

Isn't the money in the palace house the money of the younger sister?

At this point, Miyazo admits he did not lie at all.

Seeing the three brothers cooperate so much, Lin Mengya became even more mad.

"I'm not trusting you, but those things are so precious. In case of a loss, whether I am Ms. Liang or not, it's not easy to handle it, is it?"

All the words said that this was on, and Mrs. Liang's complexion was very helpless.

She has used this method before, in the end, others can only suffer from dumb loss.

Uncle did not expect to come to Su Mei, but she was used by her.

Madam Ji Liang was so annoyed that she thought she had despised the little bitch's mind.

"Mr. Su Mei is right, you have the intention to make the yard, for us, it is already very considerate. Since these things are yours, then you must of course take them away."

"It's still Mrs. Liang who understands the matter, so I'm relieved."

She said to Mrs. Liang with a smile, never showing any anger.

Madam Yan Liang was so sick in her heart, but half-fire was released.

But although the contents are gone, the yard contends.

In this round, they were still slightly better.

I thought of it this way, and the one hundred and two did not feel the pain.

I did not expect, but at this time there was a subordinate, hurried in.

"Dean, Mr. Su Mei. Only then did Mr. Su Yan send someone to inform you. He felt that Luo Yuezhai was too shabby, and you lived in grievances. So you ordered people to demolish and rebuild. Also said that the new yard Only you can live, and anyone who wants to live, be careful about his life. "

声音 The voice is getting quieter and weaker, revealing a bit of panic.

Obviously, the person who lets him preach should have a very bad attitude, otherwise, he cannot be scared like this.

"Remove, disassemble?"

Lin Rao was Lin Mengya, and she couldn't help being surprised.

Before the man could wait for a reply, he could hear outside, and suddenly a loud noise came.

"Boom!" The ground under her feet shook three times.

Other people are already stupid.

"My yard!"

Xi Liangyue ran out first, and when she saw Luo Yuezhai's current appearance, she almost fainted and passed out.

All the exquisite elegance, now turned into ruins.

The people around me were also dull, as if they were incredible to everything in front of them.

Gao Linmengya and Gongsan, as well as Mrs. Liang and his party, also arrived later.

After seeing the courtyard in front of which has become a "ruin", Lin Mengya's brow frowned fiercely.

Defeat the family! Pure innocent!

When Gang Gang wanted to go to San Brother for comfort, by the way condemning Long Tianyu's behavior, he saw San Brother and actually exchanged a look with Long Tianyu who had just come from the crowd.

"Good job."


"噗 ——"

I read Lin Mengya's meaning in their eyes and wished to vomit blood three liters.

What happened? What do they mean by the eyes that can't wait to celebrate?

But soon, Miyazo cleared his throat and took out a tone of official business.

"Mr. Su Yan, you have to give me an account of this."

Xiaolong Tianyu reached out and flicked the fine dust on his placket.

"What account?"

"You blew my yard, you have to take charge of covering it for me."

"Yes, but I don't want anyone to live except Mr. Su Mei."

"Wait, I'll ask."

Then the third brother turned and looked at the crowd.

"Who built this house and who will it be in the future? I ask the big guy now, do you want to rebuild?

Rebuild? What a joke!

Not everyone is as wealthy as Mr. Su Yan.

Wrong, even if you have a lot of money, you don't want to play with it!

The third brother's eyes gently passed the anxious Mrs. Liang and Liang Yue, and said solemnly.

"I announced that starting today, the reconstruction of Luo Yuezhai will be handed over to Mr. Su Yan. Also, in the future, all disposal rights in this courtyard will be in the hands of Mr. Su Yan."

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