Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1546: Put down the knot

Immediately after the words came out, Lin Mengya saw Madam Liang's complexion.

I'm afraid no one has thought of such a delicate courtyard, which turned into ruins in an instant.

And seeing them sing and harmonize, Mrs. Liang was afraid that she had already guessed that it was for her.

Well, what a Su Yan!

She hated her teeth, but now she is helpless.

Lin Lin Mengya looked at her with a look of regret.

"I'm so sorry Mrs. Liang, this yard, I'm afraid you can't live in it. To say that it's spacious, I can barely live in the yard now. But I have a lot of work to do, and it's really inconvenient for a while."

In a word, the man's retreat was blocked.

She has a sincere tone and a sincere attitude.

No one can pick out her fault.

Madam Yan Liang stared at her coldly, but she had to say politely.

"Where would you dare to trouble Mr. Su Mei anymore, you don't need to worry about Mr. Su Mei in this matter."

那就 "That's good, so you don't have to spend money later."

Her voice was so low that no one could hear clearly except her and Mrs. Liang.

The eyes were cold and dazzling. If it wasn't for Mrs. Liang to have to make such a move, Long Tianyu would not be given the opportunity to bomb his house.

Even though she knew, Yu is now very attached to her.

Since Luo Yuezhai was the mind of several elder brothers, he always wanted to find a chance to overthrow reconstruction. He wished that everything he saw and used was given by him.

But in the end, it was Mrs. Liang's bullying too much that he caught the opportunity.

Qiangong's money and Long Tianyu's money are hers. How can she not feel bad?

"Hum, beautification, something will happen sooner or later."

Madam Ji Liang became more and more unsettled, and her jealousy and aversion to her became deeper and deeper.

She raised her lip corner and laughed and showed off.

"There is an accident, and it's not your turn."

"I hope that one day, not forever, someone will protect you."

Mrs. Yan Liang gave her a warning glance, the meaning of which was self-evident.

She smiled and didn't fight back.

In fact, Mrs. Liang or Liang Yue, they were wrong from the beginning.

She is "Gong Ya" and "Lin Mengya", but not "Su Mei".

It was a mistake in her own way to deal with her like this.

What a pity, she didn't intend to make it that fast, so that Mrs. Liang realized.

I still need some fun to live.

Squinting as Long Tianyu was still negotiating with his third brother, she glanced back to her yard.

After a while, Long Tianyu took two people to her.

怎么 "How come you are free?"

She was reading a book, and when she looked up, she saw the proud face.

Fool, what a joy to waste so much money?

"I'll show you something."

After speaking, one of the people following him presented a drawing.

The desk was emptied, and he went behind her, looking at the pictures with her with interest.

The scroll was gently unfolded, and the first thing she saw was the pavilion and pavilion, but as the scroll was shown in front of her, her brows frowned.

Doubt, surprise, worry

I do not know how many emotions, mixed in an instant, hit her heart.

Until the end, she didn't even know when she was holding his sleeve tightly.

Breathing slightly, she pointed at the drawing with excitement.

Thousands of words stuck in his throat, but he always lacked such a clue that he couldn't say a word.

"do you like it?"

He bowed his head, his thin lips curled up, revealing a gentle smile.

Zhe Lin Mengya felt that her eyes were hot and tears burst into her eyes.

别 "Don't cry, you just need to tell me whether you like it or not."

His voice was so gentle, how could she not understand it?

"Hi, like!"

She nodded desperately, already incoherent.

Chen Long Tianyu lowered her head and kissed her hair gently.

"Just like what you like, as long as you like it, everything I do is worth it."

Zhe Lin Mengya turned and put into his arms.

He hugged his neck tightly, and his heart was so full of his love that he couldn't hold the position of others.

The drawing is impressively the courtyard where she lived in Prince Yu's residence!

Even though she has lived in the imperial palace in these years, the mansion is countless.

But what she always loved most was the yard he had carefully built for her.

That is where their affection is, and it is also her first identified "home".

Now he returned her "home" to her.

This fool, doesn't he know that as long as he is with the children, is her home?

"Don't you all forget it?"

He lay on his chest and asked softly.

Xun Xian rarely saw such a soft, waxy and lovely girl, and Long Tianyu was in a good mood, stroking her green silk with her hands.

"It was Bai Su and your teacher who told me. Although I forgot it, I still made some impressions. After all, that is my common memory with you. What should not be forgotten, I always put it in my heart."

心 Her heart is sweet and sweet, raising her head, her eyes are bright like stars.

"You, don't care anymore?"

Chen Long Tianyu sighed and squeezed her face.

"Do you know everything?"

只是 She just smiled and didn't say anything.

She always said that she could not accept him now.

I just because he forgot their past, if he was too close to him, there is always a hurdle in his heart.

事实上 But in fact, it was Long Tianyu who was always caring.

他 For him, the woman in front of him was obviously the first woman in his heart to fall in love, but she belonged to herself.

This delicate feeling is not me, I'm afraid it's hard to appreciate.

That ’s why he always wanted to compare himself with his past, always hoping to make a difference.

In fact, it seems that he thinks too much.

就 She is here. She is the only lover who will accompany herself from "once" to "now" and will definitely move towards "future".

The past self has her past, so shouldn't the current self own her now?

Sometimes, it takes a moment for people to figure out.

That's why he secretly found someone to draw this picture, just to tell her at the right time that he has accepted the past frankly. From now on, he is him, not Long Tianyu, or His Royal Highness Xi. Only the man who is accompanied by her red dust.

其实 "Actually, I have long wanted to say that I love you no matter whether you were in the past or you now. Because you are you, in my heart, you have never changed."

When she said this, she did not dare to say it because she was afraid that the man would dig into the horns.

But now she is not afraid, because he has figured it out.

"Little bastard, who on earth allowed you to see my heart so thoroughly?"

He nodded her neck slightly, but there was a sigh in his words.

"Of course you are."

The coquettish girl who smiled at her was he, who spoiled herself by giving her thousands of pets.

Of course, the "bitter fruit" must be undertaken by himself.

好 "Okay, then you can continue to be bad. Anyway, I don't mind, I like it tightly."

He likes to spoil her and become him completely.

What a pity, his baby is so charming, he always attracts some people involuntarily.

Sometimes he was so angry, sometimes he was very proud.

Because no matter how good those people are, they are not as good as him anyway.

And in her heart, there will always be only him!

少 "Less here! But don't revert to this."

Actually, she didn't care how well the yard was built.

She believes Long Tianyu is the same. As long as her heart is close, everything else is not important.

怎么 "Why don't you like it?"

"Of course I like it. That's our home. I naturally like it better than anyone. But just let the past go. I have you now, Mo Yan, and Ning Er. We are together. That is my home. Also, my yard was so famous at the time and I saw too many people. We have a lot of familiarity. Once this yard is built, people must see it. My identity, also Exposed. "

That's what she said, but she carefully put away the drawings.

She could hide a picture, but not in the yard.

What's more, the identity of Su Mei, at least for a short time, cannot be exposed.

Chen Long Tianyu didn't care at all, but he respected her choice.

"Okay, since you don't like it, let's change another one, come and send it here."

Immediately, another person presented a picture.

This picture is more complicated than the previous one. The pavilions and pavilions inside are all delicate and chic.

Is just a picture, there is a sense of luxury oncoming.

The more she looked, the more she felt shocked. There was a mystery everywhere in this yard!

"Are you ready to build a golden house for me?"

She feels that she has learned a lot in her life.

But when she saw this picture, she knew that the word extravagant could turn out so many tricks.

Chen Long Tianyu raised an eyebrow and said indifferently.

既 "As it is for you, naturally you have to be attentive everywhere. I have hired skilled artisans to design it. Be sure to make it a college scene immediately after it is completed."

A view of the college? I'm afraid that the whole non-Yecheng city can't find a second yard comparable to it?

She knows that Long Tianyu pampers herself, but he should also know that she doesn't like this extravagant style.

What's the idea for this man?

"You will not carry me again, what have you planned?"

Squinting her eyes, she was a little dangerous in her tone.

Nine Dragons Tianyu hurriedly tightened her even more, said again and again.

"What can I plan for? It's just that you have suffered a lot of grievances these days. I really have no other way to compensate you, so I'm a little more luxurious. But you can rest assured that after the yard is built, you alone It works, everyone else can't see it. "

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