Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1553: Confrontation on the spot

"What's going on here? Why are you fighting here?"

的 Gong Bin, who had just checked his account early in the morning, came to see the situation because of Mrs. Liang's loud voice.

I didn't want to glance at it, and saw her and Gongsan hiding behind the crowd.

After grabbing a few casual questions, I still didn't get the answer I wanted.

As a last resort, Gong Bin calmly walked to the crowd and hand in hand.

"Why are you two here? This is"

Lin Mengya saw her elder brother, her eyes suddenly lighted up.

She was thinking that it was not appropriate to alarm the great ancestors, but they lacked a vital person to "preside justice."

He didn't want to, and this man came to the door.

Immediately stomped and shouted at the crowd.

"Master Gongjia is here!"

Suddenly, the tide came over them.

And she and Gongsan also had trouble with their eyes and quickly opened Gong Bin's hand. They were well-behaved and swift.

The action was clean and neat, just like the flow of peers.

Xi Gongbin was stunned, and by the time he reacted, people were surrounded by layers.

I was uncle Gongjia in the end and immediately reacted.

I still couldn't help but glanced at them both secretly,

Well, now these little ones are getting more and more unruly. The one selling him is called a slippery!

Ke Lin Mengya, who got so much control, turned her eyes away, just as she didn't see it.

I still remember a bit of brotherhood, but it was just a sympathetic look at his big brother, and he honestly became an audience with his little sister.

What makes Gong Bin most angry is that he has taken a few steps back. It seems that if he pulls him in, this guy will be ready to escape at any time.

Xu took a deep breath, and Gong Bin comforted himself in his heart.

I'm not angry, I won't be angry, I'll deal with these two cubs after cooking these things.

But at the moment, I'm afraid it's not easy.

"Who is making noise here?"

Mrs. Qi Liang finally saw a man who could make the decision at the palace house, and immediately drew to his side, complaining with tears.

"Gong Bin, you have to decide for me!"

Wu Gongbin looked at Mrs. Liang.

I was a little surprised, but that's all.

Things of that year, he has already taken a look at it, and naturally he will not mind.

"As a teacher, that must be a very important matter. There are many people here and it is not convenient to speak. Teacher may wish to come in and talk with me, okay?"

Xi Gongbin was unprepared. Until now, he just knew that Mrs. Liang seemed to have suffered a great grievance.

But what he didn't expect was that his kindness was regarded as donkey liver and lungs by Mrs. Liang.

"I won't go in! Good Gong Bin, I thought you were different from them, but didn't want you to want to gag my mouth! I tell you, you must give me a satisfactory account of today's things. Otherwise, I will Immediately crashed in front of your house! "

Wu Gongbin's brow frowned. It seemed that things were more serious than he thought.

"Master, what do you mean?"

"Why don't you ask your good brother! It was he who drunken my daughter while intoxicating, and he didn't say, now you still want to get confused. I just ask you, this is a good way for your palace family Or, do you think your family can cover the sky with just one hand? "

This, like the water in the oil, instantly fry the pan.

Xi Gongbin apparently didn't expect it. When he looked at Lin Mengya and Gongsan again, he already had some questions in his eyes.

Fortunately, Lin Mengya looked as usual, and shook her head quietly at him.

Wu Gongbin's heart was a little bit bottomed out this time.

In my opinion, the younger sister and the third brother knew something.

Tatar, also calmed down.

"Where did the master say, our palace family will never do that kind of bullying. What kind of grievances do you have, despite saying that I will be fair for you."

Speaking out, Mrs. Liang's eyes made a smug smug look.

But soon, she turned around and hugged Liang Yue, who was crying badly, said angrily.

"It's not your good brother, the ugly thing that the four young masters of the palace family did! Today I waited for my kindness, and asked him to come to the door with the third young master. But I didn't want to lose the virtue of the four young friends, and actually insulted my young daughter. These things, I ask you whether you care or not! "

I was upset.

The entire palace family was in shock.

how can that be possible? The four gentlemen who are gentle and gentle, would actually do something worse than these animals?

Everyone gazed at the situation in front of them. It was so unexpected that they were unexpected.

Wu Gongbin's brow tightened.

But this time, he looked into Mrs. Liang's eyes, but there was still a cold voice.

"Mrs. Liang said, but the truth?"

"Of course it is the truth. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, how would you know that your children are so bad?"

I was repeatedly insulted, and Gong Bin was as good-tempered as he could be.

"Before the facts are found out, I also ask you to pay attention to your words and deeds. My children of the palace family, will definitely not do such things that corrupt the family style!"

"Gong Bin! I thought you were different from them, but I didn't expect that you would be just as bad! The witnesses and physical evidence are scared, and your palace family can't be denied!"

Madam Yan Liang was a little disturbed.

She wasn't clear about others, but Gong Bin's temperament was known to her.

虽然 Although this child has followed the rules since he was a child, she knows better than anyone. In his bones, there is the persistence and concubine of the palace.

Otherwise, she would not turn silently after learning of the news that her eldest daughter had become a relative. In these years, there is no longer any news.

I want to come, she has some regrets.

But Ke is also complaining about Gong Bin. If he rushed back to ask a few questions, she might agree to his marriage with his eldest daughter.

Today, she doesn't need to show her old face to do this kind of thing.

In the end, Gong Bin is still indifferent!

After thinking about it, Mrs. Liang's attitude towards Gong Bin became more and more mean.

"What witnesses and physical evidence? Master, you have to speak responsibly!"

Xi Gongbin said more and more, and his tone was not so polite.

Mrs. Yan Liang saw that he was intentionally partial and even more furious.

"I saw it with my own eyes, your brother came out of my daughter's house! Isn't that enough?"

"Master, you"

"I don't care! In any case, you must give me an account today! My daughter is innocent, and I have never been associated with any man among the characters. If your palace family did not give me an account today, I would rather die Here, let your palace family be restless! "

Squinting at the words becoming more and more intense, when Gong Bin was angry, he could hear the door, suddenly a gentle and gentle voice came.

"Who said that I lost my morality and bullied other girls?"

Although the voice was no different from usual, there was a little chill in it.

The crowd suddenly flashed a passage, and saw the palace step by step, and walked in towards Mrs. Liang.

Everyone saw the four young masters cleverly dressed, without any clutter on his face.

He did not exude any wine.

He is still the gentle and gentle gentleman, and it has nothing to do with words like human face and beast heart.

Seeing the sudden appearance of Gong Shi, Mrs. Liang's eyes suddenly flickered a bit of confusion.

Alas, how can he be here? Obviously

"Old fourth, since you are back, you will tell me clearly about this matter. In the end, did you do it?"

Seeing this, Gong Bin already understood 70% to 80%.

如何 He knows the behavior of his brother.

What's more, the fourth wine has always been good, but the amount of wine is very light, not to mention a glass, but it is not too much.

He and Yaer have bad alcohol, which is a thing that everyone in the palace knows.

I now see that the fourth child can still stand here, and there is no fluster in the breath, and I know that the fourth child must not drink.

The last hint of confusion in my heart let go.

It seems to me that someone made a decision today to embarrass their palace family.

Suddenly his eyes became cold, then he would have to see who gave them such courage!

"Brother Hui, I didn't do such things. And today, I didn't go to the Liang family at all."

He took a mouthful, and what he said was nothing like Mrs. Liang.

不可能 "Impossible! You come to our house to drink wine, and you see a lot of people, don't you think you can resist it?"

Mrs. Yan Liang already broke the jar, and now that she can hold the charge on Gong Shi, she can't care about anything else.

But Gongsi ignored her like a crazy woman, but turned around and called out.

"Gong Miao, you speak."

I saw a clever young man crowded in and saluted towards Gong Bin, and immediately said.

"Master Qiluo, because you said yesterday that there was something wrong with the silk satin village in the city. You are busy with other things, and you can't get away, so let the four masters handle this. Early in the morning, the young Here came the fourth master, this morning and noon, the fourth master went in and out of the silk satin villages all over the place to handle things, and never left. "

When he stopped Gong Miao, Gong Bin remembered it.

It's true that he couldn't pull away because he was busy with the inn.

The things in the satin village are not big, it just takes some time and energy.

I didn't find a suitable candidate for a while, and kept supporting.

I was still last night, and Miyaji took the initiative to ask me.

Xi Gongbin nodded, his face slightly relieved.

"It's true. Is the fourth child really at Satin Village all morning?"

Wu Gongmiao nodded immediately.

"Little dare not deceive Master, if you don't believe it, all the guests who came to Satin Shop this morning are witnesses, you can find someone to check."

At this moment, Mrs. Liang apparently was a little flustered.

Yes, it is not true that Gong Si bullied Liang Yue. But he did enter the Liang's yard and was really drunk.

But now, what is going on?

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