你们 "You, you are joining forces and want to shirk responsibility! I want to see the ancestor of the palace family, and I will ask him personally, the palace family, do you want to lose face!"

Squinting to see things beyond her control, Mrs. Liang had to use her last move.

She can't cure the cubs of the palace family, but the ancestor of the palace family is old-fashioned.

As long as he comes forward, the palace four must recognize it!

"My ancestor is resting and it is inconvenient to see customers now."

Xi Gongbin just refused, and after hearing the crowd, a very majestic and low voice came.

"Gong Bin, what's going on?"

The crowd quieted down instantly.

After Gongbin glanced dissatisfied at Mrs. Liang, she walked quickly to the ancestor of the palace family.

回 "Back to my ancestors, it's just something that is not important. You have been very unhappy recently, so go to rest first. Here, I can handle it."

The quiet and quiet sight of Qiangong Qianfeng passed by the crowd one by one.

After a brief transfer with Lin Mengya, Xun turned to a group of female dependents in front of her.

"If you can handle it well, why will you be what you are now?"

I listened to the words of the ancestor, it seems to be blaming Gong Bin.

Madam Ji Liang was so happy that she came, who knew the palace family was really good.

I immediately wiped a tear and made a look of infinite grievance.

"Father, you have to decide for us!"

Qiangong Qianfeng glanced at the woman who was crying, and after thinking for a while, she remembered the identity of the person in front of her.

"Oh, it's Madam Liang, I wonder what happened?"

Seeing the opportunity, Mrs. Yan Liang cried immediately, and reiterated the previous thing.

Ji Gongbin tried several times to interrupt, but was always blocked by Mrs. Liang.

I watched Zeng Zu's expression grow deeper and deeper, Gong Bin's heart twisted.

Hey, no, Zengzu will listen to Mrs. Liang's words.

If this is the case, he will be wronged like a senior.

"If things are really like what Mrs. Liang said, then I will punish them severely. Fourth son, come here."

The dirty water I just found was not splashed on him.

He walked to Zengzu in a few steps, his attitude remained indifferent, his face remained unchanged.

Qiang Palace Qian Fengzai carefully looked at the child, and she had counted it.

"I ask you, have you ever committed atrocities against the woman of the Liang family?"

Shimiya Shi looked up and said firmly.


"Have you been to the Liang family for alcohol today?"


"Okay, since you don't admit it, Mrs. Liang insists again and again, for the palace family, you leave first."

No one ever thought that when the ancestor spoke, it was such a result.

Obviously the four palace palace did not think of it, but only after stunning God, kneeling in front of the ancestor.

"The filial filial piety of the offspring is trapped in the mire, and has a reputation for insulting the palace family, willing to be punished."

Qiangong Qianfeng looked at his great-grandson, and could not help sighing.

别 "Don't blame the great ancestor for being ruthless. It is really our palace family and can't bear such humiliation."

He just sighed and turned his head again, and said to Mrs. Liang, who was stubborn.

"Right now, he is no longer a descendant of our palace family. If you still insist that the palace insults Ling You, please tell the reporter and punish him."

Mrs. Yan Liang was stupid.

She originally thought that if she had a mess, she could make the house's affairs small and small. In the end, she was taking advantage of the situation and made the palace four responsible, so that her three daughters could marry the house.

说 Although this is not so decent, it is the most direct means at present.

I did not want to, after shocking the ancestors of the palace family, actually got this result.

Excommunicated? If Gong Zheng is not the fourth master of the palace family, what is she doing with such energy?

"Okay, let's all disperse. Since then, there is nothing to do with the palace family."

The ancestor of the palace family had absolute control over the palace family. When he said something, those who watched were afraid to discuss anything.

Gong Bin had a look at Gong Bin and Gongsan, with a little shock in his eyes.

The two men also knelt in front of the ancestors along with Gong Si, saying in unison.

曾 "Zeng Zu, please think twice!"

Qiangong Qianfeng looked at them with a complicated look.

"Okay, this is something that Gong Zheng provoked, let him bear it. We in the palace family must not allow such a stain."

Xi Gongbin and Gongsan are a little eager, but they are clear that although the palace family can be said to be very loose in some aspects, it can even be said to be very strict in some aspects.

The children of the Xun Palace cannot have such a stain in virtue.

If Miyaji cannot prove that he was framed, he will be a shame to the entire family.

"Yes, yeah, ancestor, I just hope that the four masters can give me an explanation. After all, their male unmarried woman is unmarried. It would not be difficult to cover it up."

This unexpected situation has made Mrs. Liang incoherent.

She, including Liang Yue, who was crying behind her, was so shocked that she forgot to cry and just stared at everything in front of her.

The old ancestor shook his head, looking extremely serious.

"Even though they are lonely men and widows, they shouldn't have happened like this. In the end, I am not strict in managing the family, and Mrs. Liang need not say more. You take the palace sign together and go to the officials together."

Seeing the ancestor's so tough attitude, Mrs. Liang was so speechless for a long time.

This shouldn't be the case. Obviously the man said that the palace family can't leave Palace 4 now, and he will try his best to cover up for him. When he comes up again, it will happen, and it will make the palace family grateful. , Will not treat them in the future.

But she did not expect that things were completely beyond her expectations.

"Father, think again. In fact, young people, when they are impulsive, let alone drunk sex. I think it's better to let these two young people become a pair. In this way, neither It will damage the face of the palace family. "

I heard Mrs. Liang's words, but the ancestor's complexion looked a little cold.

"My palace family still cannot tolerate such a grandchild, how can such a thing be tolerated? Today is Miss Liang, tomorrow may be someone else. So, what is the use of law?"

At this point, Mrs. Liang is already speechless.

Unless she is telling the truth, otherwise, depending on the attitude of the ancestors of the palace family, it was a matter of nailing that the palace was expelled from the palace family.

No! She asked her daughter to marry the four young masters who might be in charge of the palace, not the bereaved dogs who were expelled from the palace.

At the moment, she settled down and said sadly.

"This is a housework of the palace family. No matter how my ancestors deal with it, I shouldn't have intervened. But my daughter was hurt because of the palace family. Since the palace consignment is not the family of the palace family, I can't rush at He said. "Father, what do you think of this matter?"

Lin Mengya, who has been doing wall-to-wall viewing, saw this, and could not help making Mrs. Liang's shameless.

At this point, Mrs. Liang is still whimsical. It seems that it is time for her to play.

His great ancestor looked for a moment, and as soon as he wanted to speak, he could hear behind him a frivolous voice.

"Mrs. Liang is really a good plan. Seeing that her daughter is hopeless as a four-young lady, she wants to harm other people. Could it be that the five unmarried men in the palace family must be expelled from the palace family because you have to be expelled? Wouldn't it hurt people's minds? "

I'm so polite.

Suddenly, Mrs. Liang was red with eyes, staring at the figure who came forward slowly.

After seeing her appearing, her grandmother's expression also eased slightly.

But after hearing her words, she immediately understood some truth.

"Sumei, I have met the ancestors of the palace."

The smile on the corner of her lips is bright like sunshine.

Walking in such a scene of a dog's blood spray head, it was like a breeze blowing away the layers of fog.

嗯 "Well, you're here too. What do you think about this?"

The ancestor of the palace palace seems to be very different from Su Mei. This remark is as if she is also a palace palace person.

Mrs. Qi Liang was a little disturbed, but then thought that Su Mei was also at the scene.

Even if she had the heart to cover the matter, after all, what Su Mei saw was just the scene after careful planning.

I could not help but relax.

After all, this dead girl still couldn't fight herself.

"Of course I looked with my eyes."

She smiled at her ancestor, then tilted her head slightly and looked at Mrs. Liang with interest.

"I heard Mrs. Liang just now that you‘ personally ’invited Master Four to your house to dinner, right?”

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Yan Liang straightened her waist and said rightly.

"Exactly! Mr. Su Mei, but came with the three young masters and the four young masters, you will not tell me, did you forget it?"

Lin Lin Mengya shook her head, of course she would not.

This witness, or she took the initiative to take it, naturally will not deny.

"I can testify this, I did go with the third master to have a drink. But with us, it seems not the fourth master."

As soon as she said this, Mrs. Liang was like a cat that had exploded.

"You bullshit! I and Liang Yue both saw you three at the table!"

"Yes, that's right! You asked me to apologize to you at the time, hum, mean man!"

Xi Liangyue now dare to jump out and point her nose at the curse. It was really difficult for her to be Miss Liang San, who was so beautiful and touching.

Lin Lin Mengya spread her hands, her innocent look.

"I think this is probably a misunderstanding. I remember that it was Miss Liang Jiaer who came to invite me personally. As for the invitation, I still didn't invite Master Four. I think it was Miss Liang Jiaer. Can you remember?

The mother and daughter of the Liang family did not quite understand why she would deal with the matter.

I saw that Gong Bin looked at his younger sister and looked at the two annoying spirits in Liang's house.

"Come here, invite Miss Liang Jiaer!"

She raised an eyebrow and gave the elder brother an admiring look.

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