Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1561: Sweetest in the world

Xiao Long Tianyu smiled sullenly, but Lin Mengya was so angry.

Alas, this guy has always been dealing with the upper hand recently, faintly trying to kill her.

No! How could she let this man crawl on her head?

He raised an eyebrow and a smirk between his lips.

Xiao Long Tianyu looked at her like this and couldn't help expecting it.

He really wanted to see what kind of reaction this woman would have when he was repeatedly provoked.

"Recently, you seem very proud."

She prone to lie in his arms, with a little dissatisfaction in her tone.

Nine Dragons Tianyu raised an eyebrow, and looked at the little woman who hugged her arms freely.


"Nothing, I just want you to remember, bitterness is for you, and sugar is for you."

She said sweetly, the next moment, the delicate red lips closed his lips.

Gentle again with an aggressive kiss, eager and enthusiastic.

He enjoyed her initiative, but he was afraid she would taste the remaining bitterness in her mouth.

He didn't want to, and soon he realized how much he underestimated her stubbornness.

The soft clove rushed into his air quickly, and soon, the half-sweetened sugar was hooked back by her smartly.

He subconsciously wants to recapture, but he has lost the opportunity.

He squinted at her proudly biting the half of the candy, and moved away a little as the winner.

"Now, sugar is mine."

She "creaked" and smashed the sugar. It was clear that deep in his throat, there was still a bit of bitterness, but now, slowly flowing into his heart, it was clear and sweet.

As his eyes darkened, she was his sugar.

But this time, she understood the longing in his eyes.

Muddy, he slipped out of his arms as soon as he twisted, and stood a few steps away, looking at him proudly.

"Drink the medicine, and take a good rest. I'll go check the situation first, and come back to see you later."

Looking at her back, Long Tianyu smiled with a pet.

He didn't look at the sugar jar next to him, and he fell to her bed gracefully.

I'm afraid that the woman doesn't know yet, in this world, she is the sweetest sugar.

Xu stared at the weird lines on his wrist and quietly backed away, but Long Tianyu's heart tightened a little.

He knew she was extremely sharp and knew that he had always been flawed.

But he just wanted to let her know a little later, preferably, after he had solved all the problems.

By then, he would never hide from her again.

I walked a few steps, Lin Mengya returned to the front yard again.

The reason why Bian took Long Tianyu to her room was to hope that the family would not find his abnormality so early.

But she knows that the family member may not respond for a moment, but he will know it afterwards.

She didn't regret it at all, just worried that her family would embarrass him.

I have to test it out, but also after he is injured.

"Zengzu, third brother, are you all right?"

Fortunately, the front yard didn't mess up.

It should be that after elder brother and elder brother realized that something was wrong, they brought someone back.

Fortunately, after she found out the source of the silk, she destroyed those things.

What I didn't expect from her was that there were only a few bits and pieces left in the silk, and there was no piece left intact.

She stood in the yard and looked towards the source.

Strange, what exactly is that?

Brother No. 3 has always stood by his great ancestor, and when she saw her return, the stone in her heart fell into the ground.

我们 "We are all right, but fortunately we can be safe without the protection of this little brother around you."

After all, it was a fright. Even though it was not damaged, it was real and suffered an innocent disaster.

She checked the wound on San Brother's face. Fortunately, compared with Long Tianyu, because she stopped drinking in time, the silk just cut a layer of skin on her face.

I don't need to apply a lotion, it is estimated that it will be good in three or five days, and there will be no scar left.

Suddenly, the "little brother" Qinghu herself went straight to her at this moment.

"Can you find anything?"

When she saw Qinghu's face, some were not very good.

"傀儡 术."

人 This person spit out three words coldly, Lin Mengya stunned, in fact, she guessed before that.

Because the fight against Long Tianyu in the yard is not a living person at all.

She also guessed that the man was sent by the Mu family, but the only thing that was unclear was why Qinghu had such a big reaction to the art of puppetry.

背 He turned his back to her, his body tightly.

"Girl, do you know what 傀儡 is?"

Alas, as the name suggests, it is a puppet that can be manipulated by anyone.

But this time I went, it was not what I usually see and see.

"The Mu family's 傀儡, humanoid, vocal, painless, joyless, and sorrowless, sitting like an ordinary person, but everywhere like a wooden cymbal, controlled by others."

The tone of the clear fox became stranger.

Lin Lin Mengya was a little uneasy and grabbed his arm.

"No matter how powerful the Mu family is, when you enter my door, you are my family. If they dare to be against you, I will kill them!"

Wu Qinghu turned his head, and in the pale eyes, the coldness gradually faded after meeting her figure.

"In fact, I don't know why I would hate the Mu family's puppet surgery so much. Maybe it's some kind of imprint on the body."

梦 His past, Lin Mengya already didn't care.

The former Qinghu was dead. Now he is his closest and most trusted brother.

"Debt, always want to get it back. If you forget it, others may not forget it."

She thought for a while, let Qinghu thoroughly, struggling from the previous vortex.

But even if the Dragon Club is smashed, the gloom buried in his heart cannot be dispelled.

I didn't know until now. It turned out that she had always found the wrong object.

"Okay, I'll be with you."

I put away the anger that was almost going to eat. As long as she was there, the violent emotion in her heart could be suppressed by him.

Gao Lin Mengya nodded, took his hand, and gave him a steady stream of warmth and strength.

Qi Qinghu backhanded, squeezed her hand heavily, and then quickly let go.

Some things are different from what he expected, but after all, he also has a trace.

For him, this is the lifeline that hangs him.

Slender and dangerous, but extremely precious.

But he is as happy as 饴.

The reel has two ends. Since it has a head, it must have a tail.

Otherwise, it can not achieve the kind of effect that can hurt people.

The bits and pieces of shreds have been put away by her and put in the parcel.

She carefully looked at it, these things are not any metal, but a kind of silk.

It is only after this silk has undergone special treatment with certain drugs that it becomes a weapon that hurts people.

She kept thinking of the scene she had detected before, and she brought Qinghu to the tail.

As soon as she entered the back room of this small courtyard, she could hear the scream of spirits coming from the front.

"Ah! Ghost!"

not good!

The two of them looked at each other, and walked quickly in the direction of the sound.

Soon, they reached the last empty room where the sundries were placed, and the scream of heartbreaking came from this.

"Get out of here!"

Qing Fox sang coldly, and in a moment, a road flashed ahead.

两个 The two of them walked over and saw only one person, slumped to the ground, pale, as if seeing a scene of infiltration, pointing at the room, trembling staring at the door.

"What did you see?"

She crouched down, speaking softly, with a little soothing effect.

The man was shocked and pale.

After looking at her indifferently, Yan opened her mouth dry, but couldn't say a word.

"It's okay, don't be afraid."

Hold her with a soothing fragrance.

After the man touched her slightly for a while, his mood was stable for a while, but he was still shaking.

"Inside, there are ghosts, there are ghosts!"

I finally shouted out the words in my heart. For those who are afraid, shouting is better than I in my heart.

"I'll go and see, you'll carry people back."

知道 She knew, and if she asked again, she couldn't ask anything.

He immediately ordered to go down, and after the people had been settled, let everyone go away.

The room was tightly closed, and nothing could be seen from the outside.

But Lin Mengya smelled the thick **** smell from inside.

"Be careful."

Qing Qinghu guarded her behind her and reached out to push the door.

But Lin Mengya stopped him.

"Still don't open the door first, let's look in through the window."

At first, she was afraid of an institution.

On the 22nd, there were still many people nearby, and today was enough to be thrilling and exciting. She also had to take care of the feelings of the onlookers.

I'm not everyone. I like watching horror movies.

Wu Qinghu nodded, for him, the door and the window were not bad.

Beside him, the window was already crumbling.

As soon as Qing Qinghu kicked over, the window collapsed and deformed, causing a flurry of dust dancing.

She fanned the air, endured the itch in her nose and, with Qinghu, poked her head in.

Their bodies are like frozen, it took a long time for the two of them to shrink back.

"I am a bit sick"

Bing Rao is the receptiveness of Qinghu. After seeing the scene inside, his face was still scary, apparently causing physical discomfort.

Lin Mengya's face was indifferent, but after taking a few steps, she supported the root of the wall and vomited.

"Girl, I can't help it."

Wu Qinghu followed, and the two of them hid in the corners and vomited sour water before they stopped.

For a while, the crowd was honest.

I was scared just a moment ago, and I vomited two, apparently the situation inside was not acceptable to them, ordinary people.

"Seal the doors and windows. If you want to scare them, just go and see."

Lin Lin Mengya supported her stomach and immediately ordered to go down.

She's seen more of choking people, but she's seen her for the first time.

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